Showing posts with label 1 utama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1 utama. Show all posts

Thursday 8 December 2022

低调隐藏在1 Utama的道地意大利餐厅 Luretta D.O.P. Italian Deli @ 1 Utama New Wing #KlangValley #ItalianCuisine #雪隆区 #特色意式料理

后疫情时代逛商场及在外用餐的机会确实大幅减少了,近期到1 U逛了逛,发现其中一个疫情对于1 Utama的冲击便是购物商场里的Isetan没了,当然也包括原先的Isetan (Eat Paradise) Food Court,虽然有些许惋惜但好消息是位于原址边上的一些餐厅还在,其中就包括了Luretta D.O.P. Italian Deli @ 1Utama New Wing。 

Luretta D.O.P. Italian Deli @ 1Utama New Wing

主打对于意大利料理食材新鲜度以及地道风味的Luretta D.O.P. Italian Deli 在雪隆区有数家分店,本次造访的是位于1 Utama New Wing的店家。

Luretta D.O.P. Italian Deli @ LotG308A (at the valet parking entrance),1Utama New Wing

由意大利主厨经营的餐厅主打的是传统意大利北部地区艾米利亞-罗马涅(Emilia-Romagna)家乡风味,除了大部分料理食材原料之外一些酒类品项都是意大利入口,诱人的烤猪肉卷以及手工意大利面食是这里的招牌,Google review 400多则的评论以及4.3颗星的评价简单的标示这是一家值得一试的意式餐厅 ;)

位处1 U New Wing代客泊车入口处的意式餐厅分为室内及室外区,颇具小餐酒馆风情


虽然菜单看似简单但一览餐点注解不难看出餐厅对于道地意大利料理细节的着重,意大利面标识的Al Dente以及Home made让人不禁联想到意大利妈妈的慈祥笑容以及暖心厨艺,而随后餐点面条确实没让人失望外软内里带弹牙的嚼劲口感挺好,炖饭的颗粒感与米心熟度也恰到好处,给过给过 ^^

Prosciutto & Melone 意大利帕玛火腿佐哈密瓜

Pizza Al Taglio Margherita罗马方形玛格丽特披萨

另一值得一提的是Luretta D.O.P. Italian Deli的披萨提供的是方形的罗马披萨(Pizza Al Taglio),相较于常见的圆形pizza更适合聚餐前和大家就着开胃菜分享,看似偏厚的饼皮有着酥脆的外层用料也挺扎实的,尤其松露奶油披萨绝对能让你感觉到松露特有的浓郁风味 ;)

Pizza Al Taglio Truffle Taste罗马方形松露奶油披萨

Prochetta D.O.P. 招牌脆皮猪五花肉卷

餐厅的招牌脆皮肉卷(Prochetta D.O.P.)虽然有着厚厚的皮但咬起来卡兹卡兹的还蛮顺口,肥廋相间的肉卷抹上意式香料酱一口肉卷一口罗马涅烤饼(piadina)感觉超满足的,话说虽然菜单上看不出来但考虑到如图所见猪肉卷的扎实份量建议还是两人分食一份即可要不吃到最后猪肉卷温度降下来以后可能会稍稍有些腻感 ;)

Tagliatelle Alle Vongole蛤蜊缎带意大利面

相较于Homemade Pesto的细面Tagliatelle Alle Vongole(蛤蜊缎带意大利面)宽大有嚼劲的口感更凸显了道地意大利面食的精髓,蛤蜊的海鲜风味也搭配得宜平衡得刚刚好啊 ^^

Homemade Pesto 青酱意大利面

Risotto Al Parmigiano恰到好处的米心处理搭配浓郁中带滑顺的帕马森奶酪,温润的上桌感觉这道料理自带光芒啊 ^^

Risotto Al Parmigiano 帕马森奶酪意大利炖饭
没有提拉米蘇的咖啡会太苦,没有咖啡的提拉米蘇则会太甜,but above all唯有Whiskey infused能赋予它灵魂~ ^^^ 虽然据说最传统的意式提拉米苏是不加酒的在这里的原味亦或威士忌奶油提拉米苏之间若只能二选一的话个人还是推荐后者啊 ^^

Tiramisu with Whiskey Cream提拉米苏

总的来说作为一枚资深吃货个人对于Luretta D.O.P. Italian Deli @ 1Utama食物的评价和谷歌略同,大部分料理都在水准之上食材的新鲜和意式风味确实不错我给比谷歌平均分略低的四颗星,作为一家购物商场里的餐厅整体还是挺不错的,唯一要注意的是这里的服务速度与细心度实在偏慢在假日前往必须做好适应欧洲晚餐用餐节奏一晃二、三小时的调性啦。

一行六人的账单,除了服务税觉得因为餐厅service速度及贴心度都略逊而差强人意之外其他的都还不错 ;)

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Friday 26 May 2017

Mother's Day Special——Häagen-Dazs™ Ice Cream Cake ll 母亲节馨爱献礼:「哈根达斯」给完美女人的冰淇淋蛋糕

2017-05-14,五月的第二个星期日是个伟大的日子~~~ 是的各位子女们随着五月母亲节的到来又是孝敬伟大母亲的温馨时光啦,觉得孝敬母亲大人千篇一律的吃大餐配蛋糕庆祝方式略显无聊么?2017年5月见证世上无数浪漫与幸福的全球知名雪糕品牌「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™温馨来袭为全天下劳苦功高的妈妈们推出了以浓郁可口雪糕为基底的特制美味冰淇淋蛋糕「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart),特别的爱给最特别你想要为母亲大人献上最真挚的祝福与感谢本次母亲节必备单品绝对非它莫属啦~ ^^

Mother's Day Ice Cream Cake Collection: Häagen-Dazs™ Blushing Heart ;)
「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart) ^^

以温馨粉嫩为主色调的「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart)冰淇淋蛋糕以清新的哈根达斯纯味草莓冰淇淋为基底,滑顺的雪糕还带有增添口感的草莓颗粒,包裹着心形草莓冰淇淋蛋糕的是同样滑顺香浓的粉嫩渐层鲜奶油以及一颗颗的鲜红草莓,层层堆砌出的爱心爱意满满绝对是献给妈咪们最幸福的味道 ;)

以温馨粉嫩为主色调的「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart)冰淇淋蛋糕,美味可口的母亲节献礼非它莫属 ;)

粉色渐层很温馨 ;)

滑顺的草莓雪糕蛋糕还带有增添口感的鲜红草莓颗粒美观又美味 ^^

除了为母亲节推出特制冰淇淋蛋糕本次母亲节「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™亦携手大马花卉公司Bloom This推出了母亲节特别活动,在特定Häagen-Dazs™门市除了会有特约photobooth照相亭让大家和妈妈合照之外还有康乃馨派送活动哦 ;)

「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™ One Utama ft. Bloom This photobooth ;)
「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™ One Utama

Häagen-Dazs™ ft. Bloom This 温馨母亲节合照 :)

想要在母亲节为心中的完美女人送上美味与祝福满满馨爱献礼的子女们注意啦「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™母亲节特备冰淇淋蛋糕如今在Häagen-Dazs™ One Utama, KLCC, Mid Valley, Sunway Pyramid等全马门市均有出售,5月母亲节期间珍爱之心(Blushing Heart)冰淇淋蛋糕在各个门市购买还都有额外20 %优惠哦,想要内用的朋友们Häagen-Dazs™门市舒适的环境还挺适合庆祝母亲节的,想要外带的话店员也会贴心的准备干冰包裹让雪糕蛋糕可以送到母亲大人的手中 ;)

稍微提醒一下,想要切冰淇淋蛋糕记得先把刀子在热水中泡后擦干,这样才能切出漂亮的雪糕蛋糕切面哦 ;)
漂亮的「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart) b^^d 
Mother's Day Special—— Häagen-Dazs™ Blushing Heart ^^

这一母亲节就让大家一同向平时对我们呵护备至劳苦功高的母亲大人送上满满的祝福以及美味的「哈根达斯」母亲节特备冰淇淋蛋糕吧,更多关于Häagen-Dazs™母亲节活动及优惠请点击马来西亚Häagen-Dazs™官网@ 与脸书@ :)

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Friday 29 January 2016

CNY 2016: Celebrating Flavourful Abundance With Sakae Sushi

Chinese New Year, for many it's a time of reunions, bonding and festivities, as for foodies its slightly more than that, as this is also the best time to savor those tasty essential Chinese New Year dishes and many other festive delicacies ;)

For the exciting 2016 Lunar New Year, Sakae Sushi Malaysia brings you a hearty new year menu comprises a number of exciting new year dishes, including the Sakae Sushi’s Fortune Salmon Yee Sang, a tantalising Japanese-inspired take on the traditional yee sang dish, it is masterfully prepared by Sakae’s chefs using luscious and fresh air-flown salmon, accompanied with a variety of authentic Japanese ingredients such as seasoned jellyfish, Mekabu seaweed, radish and more.

Fortune Salmon Yee Sang新春三文鱼鱼生

The Sakae ’s delectable Fortune Salmon Yee Sang is topped with a unique and appetising citrusinfused sauce, complementing perfectly with the fresh ingredients used to fully bring out the flavours of the dish. The Fortune Salmon Yee Sang is available in two sizes: Success Yee Sang which serves 2-3 pax priced at RM 29.98 and Money Yee Sang which serves 6-8 pax priced at RM 56.98 and both are available for dine-in and take away. Diners can also customise the dish according to their personal preference with add-on items such as Salmon SashSeasoned Scallop, Jellyfish and Mekabu Seaweed – more appetising variety to satisfy different taste buds ^^

Happiness Treasures Combo (6 pax & more) l 双喜聚宝配套

As a brand that prides in providing a fun-filled, quality and value for money dining experience, sushi lovers will be delighted with the brand new Happiness Treasures Combo priced at RM 98 comprising both the Money Yee Sang and a sumptuous variety of mouth-watering sushi selections. This sushi set features a delectable variety of Sakae’s signature sushi favourites such as Hana Maki, California Hoso Maki, Salmon Sushi, Tamago Sushi, Soft Shell Crab Maki, Kani Salad Inari, Mini Ebi Tempura Sushi, Kappa Maki and Kani Maki. Indeed, it is an ideal choice for toasting with relatives and friends over a delightful festive gathering :)

Salmon Kabuto NabeSalmon Mentaiyaki, Chirashi Donburi, Hotate Mentaiyaki
(Clockwise from top)
Dragon Roll & Salmon Cheese Roll

Another must-try for this year is the masterfully crafted Golden Abundance priced at RM 49.90. Reminiscent of lavish fortune and harmony, this sumptuous platter consists of five signature golden offerings (Soft Shell Crab, Mini Ebi Tempura, Itoyoridai Katsu, Fried Hotate and Tempura Kani) served with a tangy accompaniment of spicy mayonnaise ^^

Golden Abundance l 香脆黄金拼盘

Sakae Sushi’s upcoming CNY celebration rewards more than just eager taste buds. This year, Sakae introduces an all new Prosperity Giveaway, whereby diners will receive a special reward with just a minimum purchase of RM80. This includes our exclusive and attractively designed Sakae Limited Edition Angpows, RM 8 prosperity voucher and a Prosperity Gift Card. With the Prosperity Gift Card, diners will stand a chance to win attractive prizes. Some of the prizes include a set of limited edition Fortune Rong Rong & Lucky Mon Mon plush toys or free food vouchers, or Sakae cash vouchers :)

Sakae's Prosperity Giveaway b^^d

Sakae will also be having a Pose for Prosperity contest from 18 January - 29 February 2016. All you have to do is snap a creative pose with our “Toss to Prosperity” Yee Sang standee located in front of Sakae Sushi outlets, upload it to our comment section of Sakae Sushi Malaysia’s Facebook contest post and the most creative photo stands a chance to win attractive cash prizes and more ;)

Pose for Prosperity contest, 18 January - 29 February 2016

Amazing food discoveries, attractive rewards and auspicious toasts. It all adds up to a celebration of abundance like no other at Sakae Sushi! Together, let's usher in the year of the Monkey together with much cheer and exuberance ^^

For more info on Sakae Sushi Malaysia's Chinese New Year 2016 celebration & activities log-on to Sakae Sushi Malaysia's FB @

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