Showing posts with label Grand Millennium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grand Millennium. Show all posts

Saturday 30 January 2016

荔晶园中餐厅新春年菜2016 l Lai Ching Yuen CNY Menu 2016 @ Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur

随着一月份步入尾声农历新年也正式进入倒数一周咯,美味年菜飘香不停2016农历新年年菜系列特辑也理所当然的持续热烈放送-ing啦~这一次为为吃货朋友们介绍的是位于吉隆玻金三角地区吉隆坡千禧大酒店专属中餐厅荔晶园的2016猴年新春年菜大餐啦 ;)

名厨主理的荔晶园餐厅在个人印象里除了拥有悠久的历史以及深厚烹调粤式菜肴的底蕴,这里各种可口精致的广式点心亦是雪隆区老饕们所津津乐道的。顺应农历新年的到来荔晶园亦推出了道道美味的粤式年菜佳肴,在经典时尚感和谐并存着的中国风餐厅里享受温馨舒适的春节气氛感觉不错啊 ^^

荔晶园 Lai Ching Yuen @ Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur
荔晶园餐厅的私人用餐包间,结合经典与时尚的设计很漂亮啊有木有 b^^d
Lai Ching Yuen @ Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur
开放式用餐空间中国风的设计都融合在灯饰桌巾餐具等细节里啦 :)

由拥有三十年烹调粤菜经验的主厨Executive Chef Terrence Foong及其团队所设计的粤式农历新年套餐除了有加入脆鱼皮、挪威三文鱼、海蜇等食材的丰收年年齐捞生,其它道地年菜如外皮香脆肉滑多汁的港式挂炉烤鸭,Q弹白胖的奶油虾以及酥脆爽口的炸金针菇扒港芥兰亦是个人相当推荐的新春佳肴 ^^

丰收年年齐捞生(海蜇脆鱼皮齐捞生) l  Yee Sang With Jelly Fish and Crispy Fish Skin

除了个人所品尝的‘马到功成宴’农历新年套餐,荔晶园亦提供包括了‘大展宏图宴’‘风生水起宴’‘四季平安宴’以及‘金玉满堂宴’一共五款的农历新年套餐,十人份九道菜的年菜套餐售价由RM 1268元整至RM 2688元整。

喜气洋洋(海鲜豆腐羹)l Assorted Seafood Soup with Tofu 
嘻哈大笑(奶油虾)l Buttered Prawn
如意吉祥(姜茸蒸桂花鱼)l Steamed Mandarin Fish with Minced Ginger 

个人特别推荐这里的港式挂炉烤鸭,有别于一般市面上常见的闷炉烤鸭/烧鸭这里的烤鸭因遵循港式传统明火烤制而且火候操控得宜,烤成的鸭子皮脆肉嫩而且卖相金黄泛枣勘称是色香味俱全啊 b^^d

心想事成(港式挂炉烤鸭)l Cantonese Style Roasted Crispy Duck,吃的时候记得沾上加入蜂蜜特调的酱汁啊 b^^d
富贵荣华(炸金针菇扒港芥兰)l Deep Fried Enoki Mushroom with Hong Kong Kilan b^^d
一帆风顺(腊味芋粒荷叶饭)l Fried Rice with Assorted Chinese Waxed Meat Wrapped in Lotus Leaf ^^
步步高升(煎、炸年糕)l New Year ‘Nian Gao’ Dual Variation b^^d
话说这里裹上蛋黄的煎年糕超好吃的,赞一个 b^^d
团团圆圆(龙眼菊花汤圆)l Double Boiled Chrysanthemum with Longan & Black Sesame Rice Dumpling

吉隆坡千禧大酒店荔晶园中餐厅新春年菜大餐将由即日起至2月29日推出,九道年菜佳肴的十人份新春套餐售价由RM 1268元起。更多关于吉隆坡千禧大酒店荔晶园中餐厅新春年菜套餐请参阅以下酒店官网及脸书链接 ;) 

荔晶园 Lai Ching Yuen
Grand Millenium Kuala Lumpur,
160, Jalan Bukit Bintang,
Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Website: >Lai Ching Yuen Grand Millenium KL<

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Wednesday 22 April 2015

HANAYA Japanese Dining @ Grand Millennium Hotel KL

Situated right in the heart of Kuala Lumpur’s golden triangle, HANAYA Japanese Dining (華家) is one uprising gem not to be missed for those who seek for an authentic Japanese cuisine indulgence. Nested in the Grand Millennium Hotel KL, this newly emerged restaurant which launched operation just few days ago offers a top of the pile culinary indulgence where all dishes are created with quality seasonal ingredients by experienced chefs b^^d

It was a pleasure to be invited to a pre-opening dining at the restaurant where we were presented with a wonderful 8 courses menu, the palatable dishes definitely makes a great impression and the engaging staffs add more credit to the restaurant ^^   

HANAYA Japanese Dining @ Grand Millennium Hotel KL, grand opening on 16 April 2015
Elegant simplicity interiors with spacious and comfortable appearance

The Sushi Bar @ Hanaya Japanese Dining
A quick glimpse of the menu

Among the dishes served, what impressed me most were the premium seafood made with air-flown ingredients originated from the Land of the Rising Sun, crafted delicately by skilled and experienced Japanese-trained chefs into some pretty impressive sashimi and sushi of great flavor upon demand.   

Appetiser: Parboiled Red Snapper Soft Roe with Ponzu Sauce
Soup: Common Oriental Clam Fritters with Grated Green Beans Sauce
Entrée: Fried Prawn in 3 Colors, Toufu Skin, Red Snapper with Mozuku Seaweed, Botargo 
chef's creativity delivered through the nicely presented dishes :)
dishes delicately prepared via experience chefs 
Sashimi in progress.. ^^
Assorted Seasonal Sashimi: vinaigrette mackerel, seared salmon with bonito cream cheesse,
botan ebi with avocado & cucumber sauce, Chinese mactra, chutoro with sweet & spicy gochujang sauce
botan ebi, fresh and good on its own, even better with the smooth avocado & cucumber sauce b^^d 
Fresh red snapper, maguro and the amazing otoro stored in an authentic Japanese ice box (behind the chef),
the very first time I've seen one in used ^^
though the clams looks impressive, the most eye catching item here to me is still the marble-like otoro, 
impeccable beauty with an amazing taste indeed ;)
a closer look at the undeniably delicious otoro, gosh that beautiful marbling~  b^^d
while most Japanese restaurants are using powdered form of wasabi as real wasabi can be a little tricky to find,
here @ HANAYA the wasabi is prepared by 
fresh-ground wasabi root 
just to ensure 
a fine quality sushi experience b^^d
Steamed Dish: Steamed Alfonsino  

Drenched in the perfect pink hue with mouthwatering marbling of otoro or a mesmerising indulgence in the tender juicy charcoal grilled premier Akita Wagyu, dine at HANAYA is one luxury experience a Japanese food lovers should not miss. Though the menu might varies as certain dishes are subject to availability, a fine selection of the best imported seasonal ingredients with visually appealing presentation and equally outstanding taste is to be expected, for that a huge thumbs up for the newly emerged sister restaurant of Ten Japanese Fine Dining b^^d 

Chef's Recommended Seasonal Sushi: Iwashi (sardine), Hotate (scallop), Kampachi (almaco jack), Otoro (tuna belly)
and Uni (sea urchin), freshly air flown from multiple location in Japan b^^d
Sushi: Otoro and Uni (sea urchin)
Charcoal Grilled Akita Wagyu Steak
Dessert: Coconut Bavarios with Pineapple Jelly in Piña colada Style
Siphon Coffee

Hanaya Japanese Dining
Grand Millennium Hotel, 
Jalan Bukit Bintang, 
Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-2143 3059

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