Showing posts with label One City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One City. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 April 2016

REO Suite by MCT Bhd. @ One City Subang Jaya—‘A Future Space for Inspiration’

The story of my encounter with REO Suite began in a rather random, casual way. So I was browsing through the internet during a normal weekday, which I then came to notice that some of my friends have been posting about a cool looking place in One City Subang Jaya with the tagline ‘your future space for inspiration’, the pics are nice and the tagline sounds pretty much like something worth checking out, hence the story of my REO Suite experience begins ;)

REO Suite by MCT Bhd. @ One City Subang Jaya—‘A Future Space for Inspiration’~ not your ordinary office yeah.. wonderful open-plan office concept with homely touches ;)
Check out the view b^^d

The idea of co-working space with integrated lifestyle is very much impressive itself, the experience to take initiative on visiting this showroom is truly enjoyable :)

Love the idea of owning a co-working space which goes hand-in-hand with an integrated lifestyle, feels great to have every pieces of life from work to entertainment right around the neighborhood ;)

If you are a freelancer or the kinda person which doesn’t really feels like working in a conventional, dull boring office, now here’s something you wouldn’t wanna missa new designer suites which serves as a perfect integrated working space, a comfy canvas for inspiration that fits pretty much all the criteria of a dream-like working space ^^

a contemporary style home office for versatile lifestyle ^^
#ReoSuite #OneCitySubangJaya
nice hidden storage design b^^d

love the nicely designed and decorated bright room, It would be awesome to own one right now ;)
own a future space for inspiration starting from RM 296 000 onwards ;) #ReoSuite #OneCitySubangJaya

Contemporary versatile suites up high with a styling urban view, integrated with shopping, dining & entertainment, now that’s something you have to try hard not to be impressed.. and probably end up fail trying anyway :P 

a workplace that makes you hate to leave b^^d

For those interested in knowing more about REO Suite by MCT Bhd. simply log-on to MCT official website @ or REO Suite @

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Tuesday 29 March 2016

海陆双拼法国面包蟹煲Vs霸气炸猪手 l 食唯天Sky Palace @ One City, Subang

一直以来对于One City Subang的印像除了其位于10楼拥有透明地板的空中花园及其周遭的各式餐厅之外,似乎便没有其它记忆点了,当然那是在发现食唯天之前 ;) 位于位于One City, Subang底层的Sky Palace食唯天,是一家即低调亦不低调的中餐厅,会这么说是因为这家餐厅虽然低调的坐落于One City相对僻静的一角,但一踏入餐厅其打通四家铺位的空间感加上二层楼挑高的华丽装潢绝对会让人眼前一亮,而且除了一楼的普通用餐区之外这里还有位于二楼的超豪华用餐包厢,用心讲究的动线设计还蛮有意思的 ^^

Sky Palace食唯天 @ USJ One City, Subang Jaya
装潢隔间都非常讲究 ;)
二楼超棒的宽敞用餐包厢 b^^d

包厢除了用餐还有超棒的音响设备哦,聚餐唱K一站搞定 b^^d

歌单都有在更新哦 ^^

除了餐厅装潢与设计之外,主打健康饮食的食唯天菜色亦相当有意思,由拥有数十载中餐烹调经验师承廣州的主厨张师傅所设计的菜单坚持采用新鲜食材入菜而且绝无味精提味,在保证健康且色香味俱全的当下亦同时兼顾菜肴之间的搭配与互补,只为了让食客们吃得安心又满足啦 ;)

冰镇鲜果盘为开胃菜是这里的健康惯例 ;)
以龙虾肉搭配明虾为内馅的茶壶龙虾灌汤饺,虾子的鲜味超浓郁的 ;)

曾学厨于廣州的张师傅专长粤菜、福洲、客家和广西料理,除了古方功夫菜如葫芦鸭、燒腩仔等相当拿手,亦擅长将各国料理与中餐做结合,其中经个人亲身验证由张主厨泡制的片皮酥脆咸猪手及搭配一整只面包蟹的砂锅法国面包蟹焗饭尤其让人印象深刻。外酥内嫩的炸猪手外皮以北京烤鸭的方式片下裹以蛋皮生菜再搭配特调芝麻酱与甜酱,香酥顺口的层次与味道搭配得是恰到好处,猪手肉则以泰式酸辣沙拉方式呈现让一体两面的一道猪手吃起来整体口味清爽而不腻感觉相当不错,而size超大卖相超级加分的砂锅法国面包蟹焗饭饭粒颗粒分明鲜中带香,搭配肉质细致紧实的法国面包蟹,整体感觉总结起来就两个字——完美~ b^^d

卖相超诱人的片皮酥脆咸猪手 b^^d
光用看的已经可以感受到猪手金黄外皮的酥脆 ;)
看着师傅现场片猪手,边看口水边流啊 :P
片皮酥脆咸猪手,没想到北京烤鸭的吃法沿用于猪手感觉超搭的,师傅特调的酱汁亦加分不少 b^^d
片皮酥脆咸猪手 b^^d
片皮酥脆咸猪手之芝麻沙律片肉咸猪手,不太能吃辣的朋友们请斟酌浅尝啦 b^^d
造型有点呆萌的面包蟹,虽然天然呆的外形看起来傻傻的但是胜在肉质紧实细腻还不错吃,搭配颗粒分明的饭粒感觉棒棒哒  b^^d
砂锅法国面包蟹焗饭 b^^d
个人最爱的还是蟹螯啊 ;)

除了师傅烹调的各式美味中餐,Sky Palace食唯天亦会不定时推出特别用餐配套哦,譬如日前便推出了结合晚餐及live band演唱表演的亞拉斯加螃蟹音乐会,更多关于食唯天的讯息请游览餐厅官网或脸书@ :)

Sky Palace食唯天
D-GF-01, D-GF-02, D-GF-03 & D-GF-3A, 
Ground Floor, Sky Park @ One City,
Jalan USJ 25/1, 47650 Subang Jaya, 
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

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