Showing posts with label Bangsar South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bangsar South. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Edo Ichi Japanese Restaurant @ Nexus Bangsar South, KL

相较于其它雪隆区的大型购物商场来说距离马大及谷中城不远的Nexue Bangsar South是相对较新的一个休闲生活广场,虽然规模不大但是却有着不少的食肆,而其中个人最近造访位于Nexus Bangsar South广场底楼的江户一 Edo Ichi Japanese Restaurant更是让人有眼前一亮的感觉,这里除了有亮眼的装潢还藏着不少日式美食哦,喜爱日本料理的吃货们要注意啦前方新鲜美味厚切刺身以及各式日式美食来袭 :P

江户一 Edo Ichi Japanese RestaurantG-4 Ground FloorNexus Bangsar South, KL
江户一 Edo Ichi Japanese Restaurant @ Nexus Bangsar South

位于Nexue Bangsar South底楼G-4的江户一Edo Ichi日式餐厅装潢着重的是空间感与隐秘性,温暖的灯光搭配简洁却不失设计感的木质装饰与桌椅营造出一个舒适的用餐环境,除了一般长形桌椅餐厅也有寿司吧台以及四间以四季命名的包厢 :)

江户一日式餐厅,装潢空间与设计感兼具 ;)
包厢里也一样很有空间感,六个人舒适的用餐完全没问题 ;)

到访时因为快过年了所以应景的来个新年捞生,结果意外地发现了Edo Ichi的日式鸿运鱼生居然超赞的,除了用料实在色彩缤纷漂亮的摆盘很吸睛之外,份量诚意十足的厚切三文鱼绝对是加分的大亮点啊,感觉cp值很高哦,大推大推 b^^d

Edo Ichi春节限定日式鸿运鱼生
漂亮美味日式鸿运鱼生内用外带自家送礼皆宜哦 b^^d
搭配日式鸿运鱼生份量诚意十足的厚切三文鱼.. 流口水-ing b^^d
特调的捞生酱甜度适中搭配得也刚刚好哦 ;)

日式料理当然少不了新鲜美味的厚切sashimi啦,Edo Ichi 除了鲑鱼、鲔鱼、干贝、黄狮鱼等常见的新鲜刺身这里也有老饕最爱的海胆、鲔鱼肚等高级空运刺身哦 ;)

新鲜的今夜刺身 Konnya Sashimi b^^d (RM 65 fr 2-3px/ RM 95 fr 3-4px)
刺身就是要厚切啊有木有 ^^

除了一般日式料理菜单上常见的寿司、刺身、天妇罗、铁板烧、蒸物、定食丼物等,Edo Ichi也有颇具特色的单点料理哦,譬如以香煎鹅肝搭配日本山药的Foie Gras To Nagaimo Steak、加入清酒起司明太酱一同料理的焗烤生蚝Kaki Mentai Cheese Yaki以及以炸米饭替代一般披萨饼皮以鲑鱼及鳗鱼为佐料的Edo Ichi Pizza都是在這里可以点到创意且不失美味的特色日式料理 ;)

以香煎鹅肝搭配日本山药的Foie Gras To Nagaimo Steak b^^d (RM 52)
Hotate To kinoko Butter Yaki (RM 28)
加入清酒,起司,明太酱一同料理的焗烤生蚝Kaki Mentai Cheese Yaki
Kaki Mentai Cheese Yaki
份量超大的日式炒荞麦面Mentai Yaki Soba ^^ (RM 30)
Shoujin Tempura Moriawase ^^ (RM 55) 
以炸米饭替代披萨饼皮再以鲑鱼及鳗鱼为佐料的Edo Ichi Pizza
Edo Ichi Pizza

最后小提醒一下想到这里品尝日式美食及订购日式鱼生的吃货朋友们江户一 Edo Ichi Japanese Restaurant @ Nexus Bangsar South农历新年期间会在2月7及号休业两天哦,吃货朋友们要记得留意啦,更多餐厅详情可查看以下链接/致电洽询 ;)

 江户一 Edo Ichi Japanese Restaurant
Unit G-4, Ground Floor, Nexus, Bangsar South, 
No. 7, Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +603 2242 2022

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Wednesday 8 April 2015

ZEST Cafe & Restaurant @ The Sphere, Bangsar South

‘Tasty food is often not healthy and healthy food is not tasty’, well that is what most people think, ask Mr Ong—the food technologist/owner of the ZEST Cafe & Restaurant and he will tell you a different story ;) Located inside The SphereBangsar South, this lovely healthy food restaurant with a Mediterranean inspired menu is definitely the place to be in if your’re looking for some tasty and healthy meals which wouldn’t burden the body with too much MSG, saturated fat or other synthetic food additives.

ZEST Cafe & Restaurant @ 1st floor, The Sphere, Bangsar South
lovely homey interior of the restaurant ^^
soothing ambiance with a pretty nice view from the 1st floor of The Sphere :)

wonderful place for couples and family ^^
a quick glance of the menu

Since started the business back at 2011, ZEST Cafe & Restaurant pride themselves in serving up healthy MSG-free food with low fat and sugar, on top of that olive oil has been the fundamental cooking oil for all the western mains in the restaurant according to the owner, a big thumbs up for the dedicated health food restaurant which certainly live up to their tagline—— 'Food for the body, and food for the soul' b^^d

Among the signature dishes served, my personal favourites goes to the aromatic Pan Grilled Salmon which were nicely seasoned and perfectly cooked, the tender, moist and flavourful salmon cut is simply too alluring to resist ;) 

Pumpkin Soup (RM 6.5)
Zest Salad, a colorful and healthy mix of fresh salads with grilled pan grilled prawns, zucchini, aubergine and pumpkin 
tossed in balsamic dressing (RM 17.5)
Rosemary Roast Chicken. The flavor was well balanced between the rosemary and roast chicken, 
nice sharing dish (whole RM 38, half RM 21)
Pan Grilled Salmon with Lemon Capers Sauce , those tender, moist and flavourful thick cut 
never fails to make me drool :P (RM 38.8)

Just in case you're not a meat person, another favourite of mine, the Aubergine Spinach Lasagna is what you shouldn't overlook here at ZEST Cafe & Restaurant, the natural home-blend hearty tomato sauce is what standout to me for this dish, and trust me if you have had enough of those heavy, cheesy, stick-to-your-guts kinda lasagna, try this to even up the score ;)

Aubergine Spinach Lasagna, love the healthy sense via the spinach and hearty tomato sauce b^^d (RM 19.8) 
Prawn Spaghetti Alla Pesto. If you're wondering, yup the pesto sauce is homemade too ^^  (RM 19.5)
A healthy, wholesome dinner b^^d
after meal dessert, lovely pancake with homemade mango and chocolate ice cream, 
a sweet ending to the satisfying night. ;)

Swing by to ZEST Cafe & Restaurant Facebook to check out their super value breakfast and lunch sets. Both internal and external catering packages are available too :)

ZEST Cafe & Restaurant Sdn. Bhd.
Unit 1-2, 1st Floor, The Sphere, 
No 1, Avenue 1, Bangsar South, 
8 Jalan Kerinchi Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-2242 0389
Business hours: 
Weekdays: 8.00 am - 10.00 pm 
Weekends: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm 

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