Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts

Friday, 8 May 2015

Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant l 韓式燒烤 @ Off Jalan Kuchai Lama, KL

旧古仔(Kuchai Lama),一个让人不由自主联想到美食的食肆一级战区,在这个繁忙的商业区里,林立着无数的餐厅和摊贩,其中又以中式及华人美食为主。然而始于年初,在这个竞争激烈的美食战场上,一股韩流正悄悄地来袭.. 没错各位吃货朋友们这里说的正是位于Jalan Kuchai Maju 8韓式燒烤餐厅 Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant是也。经常出没于这一区的朋友们或许在数月前便稍微有意识到这家店的存在,但想必没多少人知道这家店已于近期更换了掌舵人哦,重新出发的餐厅无论在店面、菜单以及食物水准上都有了显著的提升,为此先来给新老板点个赞 b^^d

韓式燒烤餐厅 Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant @ Jalan Kuchai Maju 8
Kajak-Kajak 韓式燒烤餐厅的小巧思,模拟韩国首尔塔的爱的同心锁,到这里用餐的客人们都可以留下自己的笔迹哦,
情侣也可留下爱情同心锁,浪漫哦 ;)
韓式燒烤餐厅 Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant 店面
温暖及韩风泛滥的内观,店家说还会慢慢的加入更多创意哦 ^^

除了店面装潢全面升级添加了无数韩流元素,Kajak-Kajak 的menu亦不再是只有简单的猪肉片,改进后的menu以原本的韩式烧烤食谱为基底,再加入多种新的选择,各式烧烤肉类如猪五花、蜜渍猪肉片、三层肉、猪肉球等环肥燕瘦一应俱全,除此之外菜单里还有美味的韩式熟食与小吃,海量的选择保证可以让你大快朵颐 ;) 若觉得有点眼花缭乱的话,个人推荐可以从菜单里的韩式辣酱烤猪五花与韩式猪扒入手,前者肥瘦适中口感满分而后者精瘦有度肉味香浓有嚼劲,搭配微辣的韩式辣酱再裹以生菜大蒜,一口塞的吃法绝对满足感爆表啦 ^^

Honey Comb Pork(RM 16.9)
Lamb BBQ(RM 18.9)
Bamb Pork(RM 14.9)
Spicy Pork Belly (RM 14.9)
Chicken BBQ(RM 11.9)
Prawn(RM 25.9)
Smoke Duck(RM 26.9)
Roll Pork(RM 2.9/plate)

桌边烧烤是Kajak-Kajak贴心服务之一,不想自己动手的话就让店员代劳吧,准备好碗筷即可 ;) 当然想体验烧烤乐的吃货朋友们亦可自己DIY。

感谢店员协助桌边烧烤 ^^
韩式烧烤的精髓在于把食材用生菜包裹再送入口中,所以店员会预先把肉片剪至大小适中的size方便包裹 ^^

海量的烤肉,环肥燕瘦任君选择 b^^d
来纸巾拿去把口水擦一擦,还没完呢 ;)  b^^d

除了烧烤,Kajak-Kajak的菜单里也包含了各类韩式熟食如泡菜豆腐汤及韩式炒冬粉等,要特别声明一下的是这里的韩式炒冬粉超好吃的,骨溜骨溜的滑顺口感配上芝麻及香油,有得分哦,秒赞一个 b^^d  另外以人参及全鸡炖煮的人参鸡汤火候十足口味鲜美,想补一下的吃货们不妨一试 ;)

Spicy Tofu Soup(Left, RM 12.9) and Kimchi Soup(RM 14.9)
Special Bacon Rice(RM16.9) b^^d
Ginseng Chicken Soup(RM 26.9) b^^d
Fried Chicken Combo (RM 26.9)
L to R:Ginseng Soju, Apple Soju, Lemon Soju(RM 39/bottle)

某韩国正妹曾表示炸雞就应该配啤酒,照这逻辑那么烤肉想必就应该配韓國燒酒特调咯 :P Kajak-Kajak除了各式韩国饮料也有店家特调人参、苹果及柠檬烧酒,烧烤配烧酒,感觉蛮搭的有木有 ;) 担心酒精浓度太高喝不完,没关系店家有提供寄存服务哦,只要期限内再回来取用即可。

烧烤配烧酒,感觉蛮搭的有木有 ;)
Green Onion Seafood Pancake (RM 18.9)
Korea Fried Noodle(RM 24.9) b^^d
Sweet & Spicy Pork(RM 22.9)
偶尔也想来个无限延伸的烧烤夜晚 ^^

更多关于Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant 韓式燒烤可点击以下链接查看店家脸书 :) 

Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant l 韓式燒烤
No 2-G, Jalan Kuchai Maju 8,
Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park,
58200 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
GPS Coordinates: 3.089897, 101.686613

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Saturday, 11 April 2015

Buffet Spree: Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant & Palms Café @ Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort City Putrajaya

What’s up foodies, remember the tasty Thai cuisine of Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant @ Palm Garden Hotel I introduced just few months ago? Well It’s not too late to get your first taste, in fact things just got better as Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant and Palms Café @ Palm Garden Hotel have recently rolled out the new April Rendezvous menu featuring 3 new signature stalls serving popular items of the restaurant/café ranging from ranging from Thai cuisine to local delights ;)

Palms Café @ Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort City Putrajaya
spacious seating with relaxing atmosphere

Despite the a la carte menu and buffet breakfast, Thai Fest Dinner Buffet (every Friday night), Flaming Barbecues Dinner Buffet (every Saturday night) and Weekend Hi-Tea Buffet (Saturday, Sunday & public holiday) with choices of authentic Thai and Nyonya dishes, mouth-watering barbecue and grills are now available throughout the weekend. 

While Thai food and satay are things that have caught my attention during my previous visits to the hotel's restaurant, this time the exotic mantis prawns and fresh oysters stands out with the prominent appearance and surprisingly delicious taste-sensation ^^   

buffet spree with variety of tempting treats ;)
the appetizers
desserts—Thai and local sweets

Its pretty hard to decide which to go for between the Thai Fest and Flaming Barbecues Dinner Buffet as for both the mains comprises a mouth watering selection of fresh seafood cooked in an equally tempting Thai style or barbecue, doesn't really have a clue for that so good luck in choosing -_____-

Fried Fish with Thai Curry Paste b^^d
Fried Green Mussel with Roasted Chili ^^
Prawn with Salted Egg ^^
Flaming Barbecues with fresh seafood treats, grill upon selected b^^d
always tasty-looking oysters :)
cold Seafood plate –prawns
exotic looking tasty Mantis Prawns, options of prepared with either Roasted Chili Sauce or Kung Po also
available on the a la carte menu b^^d
prawns and salmon
meat person's favourite—lamb and beef meat cuts ^^
grill upon selected and served up warm ;)
last but not least, a must try here at Palms Café other than the seafood and mantis prawn, my favourite Satay b^^d
deliciously fragrant and tasty peanut satay sauce ^^

For full buffet pricing log-on to Palm Garden Hotel official website >here<.

Palms Café 
Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort City 
Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College, 
62502 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

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