Showing posts with label wine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wine. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 March 2019


Somersby unveiled its latest product innovation, the Sparkling White cider, to complement its other elegant pink Sparkling Rosé! This golden hued semisweet cider is full of tingling live bubbles and exhibits a fruity white wine aroma. Malaysian cider lovers are the privileged ones to first savour this new sparkling cider in Asia, outside Europe.

Suitable for different occasions as an aperitif, Somersby’s Sparkling White offers the same flavours and structures of white wine and keeps the familiar refreshment you can expect from Somersby.


Wine and cider lovers can now enjoy Somersby Sparkling White, a bubbly cider that has a sophisticated personality which is less sweet, without a hint of acidity. Because it is easy on the palate, this bubbly aperitif is the perfect alternative to wine or champagne, and pairs well with seafood, white meat, ham and cheese.

Dressed in style, Managing Director Lars Lehmann said: “Somersby, the No.1 cider in Malaysia, is again leading the category with its latest innovation– Sparkling White to drive excitement and consumption. It is a refreshing semi-sweet cider full of tingling live bubbles with a fruity white wine aroma. This product innovation has the best of both worlds – the refreshment of a cider combined with the taste of white wine”.  

FIRST in Asia——SOMERSBY SPARKLING WHITE CIDER launch at The Majapahit @ Marc Residence, KLCC ^^^

To introduce its latest innovation, Somersby ‘wined’ and dined guests to a night of gold and glitter blush at The Majapahit @ Marc Residence, KLCC. Ambiance decorated in glittery gold and LED lights created a stunning effect of elegance to capture the perfect mood.

Guests were served chilled Somersby Sparkling White in an elegant stemmed glass throughout the night paired with a smorgasbord of delicacies made up of oyster, shrimp, cold cuts, cheese and a selection of crusty bread. And for that right mood, guests were entertained to a variety of jazz numbers by a classy jazz band.

media and trade guests witnessed the unveiling of Somersby’s latest product innovation, Sparkling White at The Majapahit @ Marc Residence KLCC ^^^

chilled Somersby Sparkling White, best paired with smorgasbord of delicacies ^^^

#somersbymy 🥂#sparklewithsomersby #somersbysparklingwhite #Itsawayoflife #CarlsbergMalaysia #JZWorld

For this crisp and refreshing bubbly now joins Somersby’s other variants like Apple, Blackberry, Elderflower Lime and Sparkling Rosé, expanding Malaysia’s No.1 cider variety.

The Somersby Sparkling White is available in single bottle or 4-bottle pack in major supermarkets, hypermarkets and selected pubs, bars and restaurants. Somersby Sparkling White retails at a similar price point to other Somersby variants. It is best consumed chilled in a bucket and savoured in a wine glass for that elegant experience.

#somersbymy 🥂#sparklewithsomersby #somersbysparklingwhite #Itsawayoflife #CarlsbergMalaysia #JZWorld

Learn more about the newest member of the Somersby family on or ^^^

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Sunday, 27 May 2018

举一杯盛世浮华:Mandala Café and Bar @ Publika, Solaris Dutamas, KL

会来到这里,一开始还真是纯粹被餐厅名字所吸引觉得Mandala这名字挺有意思的,在完全没有预设想搜美食美酒的情况下上酒馆还真不是以往的吃货风格走向 >______< 或许有些人不知道,Mandala其实在梵文里是特别有意思的一个词,中文一般把它翻译成曼陀羅,意指神圣的圆轮或軸轴的意思,而西藏曼陀罗沙画繁华不过一捧沙的意境更是让接触过的人门印象深刻,于是开始好奇一间叫做曼陀羅的咖啡x小酒館会是什么模样,于是来到了这里亲身一转 ;) 于是一场小确幸的邂逅,从好奇心开始..

位于Publika, Solaris DutamasMandala Café and Bar招牌白底橘字外观简约,一颗颗暖黄的玻璃圆弧吊灯还挺舒适微暖,踏入酒馆tiffany蓝的长皮沙发、巨幅的酒柜以及墙上菱角分明的方行玻璃装饰还真有点浮华盛世的奢华感 ;)

Mandala Café and Bar @ Block D3-G3-8, Publika, KL
盛世浮华,来人啊 拿酒来 :P 

喜欢这里的皮椅坐着聊天超舒服的~ ^^

巨幅酒柜后居然有个隐蔽的VIP room, 想要试试当贵宾的滋味请洽询店家T&C :)

来到这里是晚餐时间,试了他们家的三道菜套餐 3 course set menu,前菜主菜和甜点都有三四种选择包含一杯House Pouring Wine感觉刚刚好,套餐价值RM 70在Publika来说还算尚可。个人推荐前菜牛尾汤Oxtail Soup与卖相亮丽的软壳蟹汉堡Jumbo Soft Shell Crab with Charcoal Bun,甜点千层蛋糕挺好吃的巧克力布朗尼也不错 ;)

Dinner Tonight: Mandala Café and Bar 3 course set menu @ RM 70 

套餐的House Pouring Wine可选择红酒或白酒,主菜从烤鸡排、意大利面、炸鱼薯条、汉堡到三文鱼都有大家就根据个人喜好自行mix and match啦 ;)

主菜选择-烤鸡排、意大利面、炸鱼薯条、汉堡到三文鱼都有,house pouring wine可以选红酒或白酒 
暖暖的牛尾汤Oxtail Soup秾纤合度最适合微凉的夜晚啦 ^^

微凉的夜晚来碗秾纤合度暖暖的牛尾汤当前菜最棒啦 ^^不爱带starchy浓汤的话份量超大的健康芝麻酱沙拉是您的最佳选择,同行友人表示这芝麻酱和某知名日本品牌芝麻酱可说是一模一样啊,个人只试过韩国牌子的,如果属实的话那么和风芝麻酱还真完胜韩国牌子的啊 XD

Mandala's Green分量十足的沙拉

软壳蟹似乎是店家的favorite除了搭汉堡还有意大利面的搭配,微辣buttermilk sauce的面条和酥软的软壳蟹挺搭的,但个人还是喜欢竹炭汉堡面包夹酥炸软壳蟹大口大口咬下的fu~ ^^

Golden Soft Shell Crab Spaghetti   
卖相亮丽的软壳蟹汉堡Jumbo Soft Shell Crab with Charcoal Bun ^^
Grilled Chicken with Buttermilk/Black Pepper
Grilled Salmon with Mashed Potato,橄榄油的烹调对个人来说口味略欠层次,感觉来个白酱或浓浓的意大利青酱会更棒 ;) 
Fish & Chips 
海鲜披萨软壳蟹汉堡都是他们家的新menu哦 ;)
软壳蟹属于海鲜所以就搭配白酒啦 ;)
话说这里的酒选项还真的挺多的还有特别版的琴酒和香槟哦不吃晚餐单纯把酒言欢也不赖啊 ;)
mille crepe一般我是配咖啡啦不过Saturday night vibe就来个高脚杯吧 ;)
Brownies with ice cream
#Mandala #WineNot? 

舒适的咖啡x小酒館让人无论是简单的三五好友把酒言欢或来个轻松晚餐都有种品味生活小确幸的微幸福感,虽然在这里呆久了盛世浮华感渐淡却也无妨 ;) 更多关于Mandala Café and Bar @ Publika, KL的各种menu促销及美酒请戳下边他们家脸书链接查看啦 👇👇 

Mandala Café and Bar
D3-G3-8, Solaris Dutamas, No. 1, 
Jalan Dutamas 1, 
50480 Kuala Lumpur, 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.

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Friday, 5 August 2016

Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre #美味巴厘岛烤猪吃到饱 #烏布美食驾到

作为印尼巴厘岛一级美食战区,乌布(Ubud)的三大必吃美食——烤乳猪(Bali Guling)、烤猪肋排(pork ribs)和脏鸭对吃货而言绝不陌生,外酥内嫩的肉质、丰富诱人的香料以及入味迷人的滋味对吃货而言绝对是难以抗拒教人欲罢不能 ;) 虽然说为了美食长途跋涉专程飞到印尼有种说走就走的酷感但在现实里毕竟很难.. 


源自巴厘岛乌布以超美味烤猪排著称的知名餐厅Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre日前刚推出了美味超值的周末限定烤猪大餐——Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet!各式以猪肉为主角的印尼巴厘岛美味料理包括Naughty Nuri's招烤豬肋排、烤里肌、烤猪五花、限量火焰伊比利亞黑毛猪等等每个星期日11 am-3 pm香喷喷送上啦 b^^d

Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre #美味巴厘岛烤猪吃到饱 #巴厘岛烏布美食驾到
Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre
餐厅设计挺用心的,木质顶棚维持了一贯的巴厘岛建筑风 ;)

温暖的灯光与木质为主的设计及桌椅营造出温馨的用餐环境 ;)

对于Naughty Nuri's 稍感陌生的吃货朋友们这里先向大家稍微介绍一下这家颇具特色的巴厘岛料理餐厅 ;) 拥有20年历史在1995年创立于印尼巴厘岛乌布区的餐厅可谓来头不小,除了本店曾荣获New York Times《纽约时报杂志》评为到访巴厘岛必吃餐厅之外,许多名人如朱莉亚·罗伯茨、李连杰等也都曾为了其美味独到的巴厘式料理而慕名而来哦 ;)

这一飘香巴厘岛的特色料理一直到两年前才登陆大马,而Naughty Nuri's 目前在雪隆区一共有三家分店,其中个人本次到访的Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre可是今年四月才开始营业的最新分店哦 ^^

Naughty Nuri's @KL Life Centre 周末限定烤猪大餐——Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet b^^d
各式美味的巴厘岛烤猪料理吃到饱啦 b^^d

本次主要为大家推荐美味兼cp值超高的Naughty Nuri's @KL Life Centre周末限定烤猪大餐——Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet,除了各种烤猪部位(猪五花里肌肋排、猪脚)等任君选择之外还有个人超爱的火焰伊比利亞黑毛猪,当然道地的BBQ Satay Lilit(猪肉包裹着柠檬草的巴厘岛沙爹)、牛尾汤咖喱猪肉等也都在菜单上啦 b^^d

先来点DIY清爽沙拉开开胃 ;)
再来点皮脆柔嫩的烤乳猪 ^^
想吃的只需告诉店员,切好的乳猪肉以及特制蘸酱随后送到桌上 ;)
大火现烤的猪肉就是赞啊 b^^d

个人大推的除了他们家卖相霸气而且超级入味的招牌烤猪肋排(Naughty Nuri’s 1995 Signature BBQ Spare Ribs)之外,限量供应激情四射的火焰伊比利亞黑毛猪(Flamed Glazed Iberico)也绝对不可错过哦,另外Q弹外皮包裹肥滋滋肉块的烤乳猪(Babi Guling)软Q软Q的口感与肉香浓郁的滋味也是是个不容小窥的狠角色啊 :P

Naughty Nuri’s招牌烤猪肋排Naughty Nuri’s 1995 Signature BBQ Spare Ribs),一共有原味(上)及辛辣(下)两种口味选择  b^^d
Naughty Nuri’s Spicy BBQ Pork Ribs
Naughty Nuri's BBQ Satay Lilit(猪肉包裹着柠檬草的巴厘岛沙爹) b^^d
浓浓的巴厘岛风味,感觉喜欢 ;)

据餐厅经理表示一些料理譬如如Signature Ribs,Flamed Glazed Iberico等都是周末限定烤猪大餐——Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet独家限定哦,平日menu里可是点不到滴,想吃的话要记得咯是星期日11 am-3 pm ok ;)

限量供应激情四射的火焰伊比利亞黑毛猪(Flamed Glazed Iberico
星星之火果然可以燎原啊有木有 :P
浇上燃烧威士忌的黑毛猪原本Q弹滑口的肉质散发着阵阵酒香感觉超棒der~ b^^d
Naughty Nuri's BBQ Pork Lion,记得要搭配特调蘸酱吃才够味 ;)

除了以烤猪为主角的主食之外Naughty Nuri's Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet menu上的tapas & sides部分也有惊喜哦,带点fusion风口感层次丰富的Ayam on Ow-some以炸鸡结合脆虾饼创意与美味兼具,夹在炸鸡肉以及虾饼之间的咖喱叶更是有画龙点睛之效感觉棒棒哒 b^^d

带点fusion风口感层次丰富的Ayam on Ow-some可谓名副其实,确实挺棒的 b^^d
Pork Ribs Curry
Roast Pork Rendang
用料丰富别有一番风味的Indonesia Style Mee Goreng,好吃 b^^d

另外值得一提的是这里许多菜色份量都超大方的,譬如霸气侧漏大塊豪邁的Naughty Nuri's招牌豬肋排(Naughty Nuri’s 1995 Signature BBQ Spare Ribs),超美味的印度尼西亚式炒面(Indonesia Style Mee Goreng)及炒饭(Indonesia Style Fried Goreng)等,基本上一份两人分食还有可能会吃不完哦.. 很好!为餐厅的大器点赞 b^^d 据餐厅经理表示自助餐里的餐点为了让客人能多尝试不同的菜色还稍微减了些许份量,看看前边提到的豬肋排与上图的炒面我只想说.. 经理您确定吗.. >______<

Balinese Spiced "Soup Buntut" ^^
Mashed Potato, 软绵浓郁又不会太腻 b^^d
Knuckle on Fire
Red Hot Chile Pepper Truffle Fries ;)
担心吃太多烧烤上火?没问题来碗现点刨冰让味蕾休息降温 ;)
Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre, ——Killer Ribs, Twisted Martinis—— #NaughtyNurisKL #NNBuffet

Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre周末限定烤猪大餐——Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet由 31/7/2016起每逢周日 11 am-3 pm香喷喷献上,cp值超高的美味巴厘岛烤猪吃到饱每人只需 RM 65++哦(*加码RM 35++可获啤酒无限畅饮,RM 55++ 红酒无限提供),更多详情请戳下边链接查看啦 ;)

Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre
Lot G-05, Ground Floor Life Centre 
No. 20 Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur.
hp: 019 300 7221

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