Showing posts with label kota damansara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kota damansara. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 June 2016

NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS: Heart Health Protection Up With #PowerOfTwo

When it comes to maintaining healthy body weight and physical fitness, regular exercise and physical activity will always be my first recommendation. However, when it comes to heart-health management, something that most Malaysian doesn’t consider as part of their regular fitness routine (which is quite alarming as heart attack has known to be one of the global top-ranked silent killer disease), what most people tend to overlook is that the eating routine is also an important component to ensure the effectiveness of your workouts ;)

We all know that having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is a healthy way to start the day, however preparing the oats can sometimes be kind of a hassle especially during a busy morning, and the unique taste of oats isn’t really a popular crowd-pleaser -_____-

Well if you’re not really a fan of oatmeal (like me ;) wishing for some quick heart-healthy meals, search no further as the newly launched NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS is just the perfect match for us ;) 

NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS, heart-health protection up with the #PowerOfTwo ;)

Launched just few weeks back NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS is currently the only milk In the market that contains ACTICOL®, a scientifically proven plant sterols that blocks low-density lipoproteins (LDL a.k.a the bad cholesterol) absorption into the bloodstream, in addition, the delicious milk-based oats beverage also contains Beta-glucan, another well-known heart protective agent which capable of binding and removal of cholesterol from the body ^^

heart protection always on-the-go #PowerOfTwo

Dietary management of blood cholesterol has never been so simply as for the very first time we are able to manage the cholesterol anytime, anywhere with the power of two cholesterol lowering agents, Acticol® (from NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK ) and Beta-glucan (from oats), pack conveniently in on-the-go packets ;)

Heart-health formula: Regular Exercise + NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS #PowerOfTwo
quick workout fix for maximum heart protection ^^ #PowerOfTwo #MilkWithOats #NestleOmegaPlus #Acticol® #Beta-glucan
staying healthy is as easy as 1 2 3 when I have the #PowerOfTwo ;)

The newly launched NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS is available from May 2016 onward at all hypermarkets and supermarkets across the country so drop by to the nearest outlet near you and take control of your heart-health today ;)  

☝☝☝What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016

NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS Launch: Take Control of Your Health Today

Ranked number 1 among the Top 10 Biggest Killers in Malaysia since year 2010, heart disease is without question the greatest threat of Malaysian’s health. The notorious killer which often associated with risk factor such as high blood pressure and cholesterol level has recorded a profoundly shocking death number of 22701 death in year 2010 alone, which constitutes to about 22.18% of the total deaths in the country.

But what most concerning about this isn’t the shocking numbers of kills, but the fact that most Malaysian seems unaware of those simple yet effective preventative measures one can take to ensure their own heart health. The busy lifestyle together with Malaysians’ foodie nature which crave for heavy taste in most of their dishes, especially during a late night supper has been flag as one of those many bad habits which will eventually set you up for heart disease (individuals as young as in their 20s are diagnosed with heart disease certainly indicate a strong need in creating awareness of heart disease among our population).     

Well enough with the harsh facts, now the good news is this number one killer globally has been well studied and we have quite a number of preventative steps that we can take to ensure a healthy heart. One of those effective measure which in-line with the foodie nature of Malaysian is to adapt a heart healthy diet, which can be easily achieve with the newly launched NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS ;)    

NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS Launch: Take Control of Your Health Today

blood cholesterol levels check @ NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS launch
take control of your health today ;)
Boosts your heart health with the Power of Two Cholesterol-reducing ingredients
#PowerOfTwo #MilkWithOats #NestleOmegaPlus #Acticol® #Beta-glucan

For those who yet to know, NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS is the only milk that contains ACTICOL®, a scientifically proven plant sterols that blocks low-density lipoproteins (LDL a.k.a the bad cholesterol) absorption into the bloodstream, on top of that the delicious milk-based oats beverage also consist of Beta-glucan, another heart protective agent which known to bind and removes cholesterol from the body.

#PowerOfTwo #MilkWithOats #NestleOmegaPlus #Acticol® #Beta-glucan

savoring delicious food across Malaysia during his years @ 8TV HO CHAK! Gary certainly care a lot
when it comes to 
heart health management ;) 

So for the very first time Malaysians are able to manage their cholesterol anytime, anywhere with the power of two cholesterol lowering agents, Acticol® (from  NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK ) and Beta-glucan (from oats) pack conveniently in individual sachets ;)

one for heart health ;) #PowerOfTwo #MilkWithOats #NestleOmegaPlus #Acticol® #Beta-glucan

The newly launched NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS is available from May 2016 onward at all hypermarkets and supermarkets across the country, so head over to your nearest AEON, AEON BIG, GIANT, TESCO, ECONSAVE and MYDIN outlets to kick start your heart health today! ;)

NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS #PowerOfTwo #MilkWithOats #NestleOmegaPlus #Acticol® #Beta-glucan

For more information on the newly launched NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® MILK WITH OATS, visit :)

☝☝☝What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Monday, 14 September 2015

Bmon Café @ The Strand, Kota Damansara

近年来咖啡热在国内延烧,而作为热点中心的雪隆区更是咖啡馆林立,感觉咖啡馆的普及度已经直逼便利商店总有一间在你左右的level了,竞争激烈之下要在这芸芸馆海中脱颖而出,除了所提供的餐点食物本身的吸引力之外,咖啡馆的风格与特色绝对是至关重要的 ;) 而今天要为大家介绍的Bmon Café便是近期内个人光顾以后印象深刻的一家咖啡馆,位于The Strand, Kota Damansara商店二楼座的咖啡馆走的是温馨的宫崎骏结合本土漫画风,从一楼入口处一直延伸到店内的手绘漫画壁画彩绘以店家原创卡通人物Bmon以及其女友Mel为主轴,咖啡馆内还附有日式榻榻米座位以及悠闲阅读角落,用心的设计与装潢营造出的是一个温馨舒适且超适合待在里边放松放空的空间,哎哟 棒棒哦 b^^d

Bmon Café @ The Strand, Kota Damansara
温馨舒适的tone调感觉很放松 ;)
随拍感觉都很棒 ^^
记得要脱鞋哦 ;)

除了个人超爱的宫崎骏漫画风,Bmon Café近期还推出了以BmonMel以及这一漫画couple的宠物PhantPhantMilky所设计的美味早午餐,每一道早午餐都超漂亮的,用心的摆盘感觉很加分 ^^ 个人最喜欢的是主角专属吃了让人超满足的Bmon Big Breakfast以及清爽的小象PhantPhant Brunch,其中搭配在Bmon Big Breakfast里由起司酱搭配马铃薯泥的MiniHippo是个人大推的亮点,香浓温润的起司酱搭配温暖的马铃薯泥美味得太犯规了,秒赞一个 b^^d

Mel Brunch
Bmon Big Breakfast,个人推荐兼最爱,搭配露台小桌子便是完美的insta美食照啦 b^^d 
Bmon Big Breakfast,除了一般big breakfast里的萨拉、烘豆、香肠、欧姆蛋等,最大亮点应该就是个人最爱的
Bmon专属美味MiniHippo咯,香浓温润的起司酱搭配马铃薯泥简直是好吃的太犯规了,秒赞一个 b^^d
PhantPhant Brunch,清爽脆口的豆芽菜搭配上水波蛋、培根与酵母面包,丰富健康的搭配非常讨喜,
吃的时候把蛋黄划开增添滑润口感让美味再升级是一定要的啦 b^^d
吃水波蛋的乐趣,就是可以看蛋黄流个不停 流个不停 流个不停~♪ b^^d
Milky Brunch,竹炭厚片吐司搭配软嫩的香蕉欧姆蛋,主餐甜点两相宜 
新推出的Bmon Café早午餐menu :)

当然若不想吃得太heavy,来个简单的花茶或咖啡搭配甜点也是不错的选择,悠闲舒适的午后时光就应该酱子啦 ;)

各种口味的花茶,个人喜欢熏衣草的 :)  Flower Tea (RM 15/pot)
Hot Chocolate (RM 10)
Bmon Plants (RM 13)
Almond Latte (RM 11)
Cafe Coconut Latte (RM 12)

甜点方面除了有蛋糕以及各式松饼,还有既视感强烈的Chocolate Boom,包裹着冰淇凌的球状巧克力淋上浓浓的热咖啡后慢慢爆开的感觉光听便很有画面感有木有 ;) 

Banana Waffle (RM 15.90)
Black & White (RM 14.90)
Chocolate Boom 
Bmon Café  —enjoy tastes in a different way— 
Bmon Café The StrandKota Damansara
小露台白色栏杆与招牌还蛮显眼的,不难找 :)

Bmon Café @ The Strand
No 8-1, Jalan PJU 5/20b,
Kota Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Phone: +60 3-6158 9993

*喜欢这篇po文吗?到我们的脸书专页点个赞 >Like Jz.World FB page here< 不再错失任何美食与好康! 
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Sunday, 9 August 2015

Burger Junkyard @ The Strand, Kota Damansara

汉堡,一个放诸四海皆无人不知无人不晓的西方美食代表,从20世纪初单调的由两片圆面包夹肉饼组成的简单食品到20世纪末现代快餐里的扛霸子,再到年前在马国各地热烈延烧的汉堡热潮,历经岁月与时间的洗礼,这一颇具年资的美食并未因时光的流逝而淡去色彩,反而在近一个世纪以后以恒古不变经典美食之势在芸芸世界美食中稳占一席之地。而今虽然汉堡热潮不复当年,但只要是美食其美味的魅力却是历久不衰滴,今天要向大家介绍的便是一家早在2012年汉堡热潮席卷马来西亚时期便开始营业,在雪隆区颇具口碑的美味汉堡专卖店——位于The Strand, Kota DamansaraBurger Junkyard是也 b^^d

Burger Junkyard The Strand, Kota Damansara
各式抢眼用色强烈的汉堡涂鸦,个性中带着可爱 ;)
所有汉堡都是现点现做的,点餐后稍等个10分钟左右汉堡便会送到 ;)

由拥有烹饪背景的年轻老板们所经营的Burger Junkyard汉堡虽然种类不算特别繁多,但每一个汉堡从调料、所使用的面包以及肉馅都是精挑细选的,无论是牛肉或鸡肉所有肉馅都是经过用心的比列调整,以其能达到色香味俱全来满足汉堡爱好者们的味蕾。各式汉堡所搭配的酱料亦是店家特调口味,为了追求美味据说所选用的原材料有些还不便宜哦。所谓魔鬼都藏在细节里,如此用心的汉堡单看成品卖相便让人食指大动啦,煎得刚刚好的肉馅吃起来是肥廋均匀口感香气都非常到位,搭配上微湿的各式特调酱料以及松软微温的汉堡面包,大口咬下不但满足感爆表而且感觉超爽der,秒赞一个 b^^d

Vampire Slayer,主打的是浓厚蒜香奶油酱,无论搭配鸡腿肉/牛肉肉馅都是大蒜爱好者的最佳选择 b^^d
Balsamic Beefin Onions大洋洲风味汉堡

除了口味各有千秋的配料及酱料,另一个人必须点名给赞的便是Burger Junkyard汉堡所使用的面包啦,松软带有淡淡面香及甜度的面包除了撒上黑芝麻还有南瓜子,恰到好处的为汉堡加分却又不会暄宾夺主,据说这里的汉堡面包都是从PJ拥有21年历史的面包房特别定制的,难怪吃起来就是就是ber棒,再赞一个 b^^d

Peri-peri Licious,以南非霹雳椒搭配滑嫩鸡腿肉的辣味汉堡,辣度尚在可以接受的范围,
辣中带甜的滋味感觉和鸡肉非常般配 b^^d
那横切面,光看就很有层次感有木有 ^^
Cheezy Meltdown (Chicken),以机器将起司蒸至融化再铺盖到鸡/牛肉馅上,让起司与肉馅、
配料交融在一起,就算不是疯狂起司爱好者也会喜欢这一味哦 ^^ 
Cheezy Meltdown (Beef)

看到这里有没有突然想来一颗无敌美味汉堡的冲动啊,那么就要把店家位置记好咯 ;) Burger Junkyard目前共有两家分行,总店位于Kota Damansara的The Strand商圈(毗邻Sunway Giza),分店则是在Empire Damansara ^^ 另外想前往的汉堡迷与吃货们要注意店家的营业时间只在午餐及晚餐时分哦, 更多资料可查看店家FB及官网 ^^

Burger Junkyard @ The Strand
16-G, Jalan PJU 5/2od, Kota Damansara, 
47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, 
Tel: +60 3-6143 4305
Business Hrs: Mon-Sun 1200–1430 (lunch)
                                          1800–2130 (dinner) 

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