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Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 March 2019


Somersby unveiled its latest product innovation, the Sparkling White cider, to complement its other elegant pink Sparkling Rosé! This golden hued semisweet cider is full of tingling live bubbles and exhibits a fruity white wine aroma. Malaysian cider lovers are the privileged ones to first savour this new sparkling cider in Asia, outside Europe.

Suitable for different occasions as an aperitif, Somersby’s Sparkling White offers the same flavours and structures of white wine and keeps the familiar refreshment you can expect from Somersby.


Wine and cider lovers can now enjoy Somersby Sparkling White, a bubbly cider that has a sophisticated personality which is less sweet, without a hint of acidity. Because it is easy on the palate, this bubbly aperitif is the perfect alternative to wine or champagne, and pairs well with seafood, white meat, ham and cheese.

Dressed in style, Managing Director Lars Lehmann said: “Somersby, the No.1 cider in Malaysia, is again leading the category with its latest innovation– Sparkling White to drive excitement and consumption. It is a refreshing semi-sweet cider full of tingling live bubbles with a fruity white wine aroma. This product innovation has the best of both worlds – the refreshment of a cider combined with the taste of white wine”.  

FIRST in Asia——SOMERSBY SPARKLING WHITE CIDER launch at The Majapahit @ Marc Residence, KLCC ^^^

To introduce its latest innovation, Somersby ‘wined’ and dined guests to a night of gold and glitter blush at The Majapahit @ Marc Residence, KLCC. Ambiance decorated in glittery gold and LED lights created a stunning effect of elegance to capture the perfect mood.

Guests were served chilled Somersby Sparkling White in an elegant stemmed glass throughout the night paired with a smorgasbord of delicacies made up of oyster, shrimp, cold cuts, cheese and a selection of crusty bread. And for that right mood, guests were entertained to a variety of jazz numbers by a classy jazz band.

media and trade guests witnessed the unveiling of Somersby’s latest product innovation, Sparkling White at The Majapahit @ Marc Residence KLCC ^^^

chilled Somersby Sparkling White, best paired with smorgasbord of delicacies ^^^

#somersbymy 🥂#sparklewithsomersby #somersbysparklingwhite #Itsawayoflife #CarlsbergMalaysia #JZWorld

For this crisp and refreshing bubbly now joins Somersby’s other variants like Apple, Blackberry, Elderflower Lime and Sparkling Rosé, expanding Malaysia’s No.1 cider variety.

The Somersby Sparkling White is available in single bottle or 4-bottle pack in major supermarkets, hypermarkets and selected pubs, bars and restaurants. Somersby Sparkling White retails at a similar price point to other Somersby variants. It is best consumed chilled in a bucket and savoured in a wine glass for that elegant experience.

#somersbymy 🥂#sparklewithsomersby #somersbysparklingwhite #Itsawayoflife #CarlsbergMalaysia #JZWorld

Learn more about the newest member of the Somersby family on or ^^^

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Wednesday, 12 December 2018

大马最新流动通讯品牌Yoodo一岁啦! Yoodo 1st Community Meet-Up Day 2018

大马电讯市场继Maxis、Digi、Celcom、UMobile等老字号之外想必在年轻一代的telco名单里肯定对大马当下最新流动通讯品牌Yoodo也不陌生吧,毕竟这可是大马唯一可以以手机App随心所欲创建个人流动通讯服务配套的品牌啊 ;) 与其在各家电讯商预设高中低价位的配套里凑合着选择倒不如完全随着个人需求为自己量身订造一个专属于自己的流动通讯配套吧,适合自己的才是最好的是吧 ^^^

话说刚满一周岁的Yoodo凭着You Do It Better的用户体验导向在过去一年里茁壮成长目前网络社区用户已经超过200,000大关,而近期还举办了第一届的Yoodo Community Meet-Up Day哦 ;)

Yoodo 1st Community Meet-Up Day 2018 @ MBO The Starling Mall, Damansara Uptown

现场除了还有各个小游戏让Yoodo community会员们赢取各种小礼物 :)

Yoodo客制化配套手机网络流量、通话时间、手机短讯等都可以通过Yoodo App轻松搞定

拥有各种搭配可能的Yoodo客制化配套手机网络流量、通话时间、手机短讯等都可以通过Yoodo App(可由谷歌Google Play/苹果iOS平台下载)轻松搞定,App也可设定手动充值或自动续期从此预付后付配套什么的都成了过眼云烟啦,Yoodo App还在不断升级功能近期年末就能实现的新功能包括Roam-Like-Home-Plus国际漫游国内价位收费,Online Banking网络转账以及2019 coming soon的Data SharingFlexi Booster,各种方便各种优惠敬请期待啦 ;)  

作为Celcom Axiata Berhad旗下独立运营的Yoodo在过去一年里茁壮成长目前网络社区用户已经超过200,000大关,各种为用户提供的优惠好康也陆续有来 ^^

Yoodo 1st Community Meet-Up Day 2018

Yoodo Community Meet-Up Day @ MBO The Starling Mall, Yoodo娃娃限时出没孩子们表示喜欢 ^^^ 
#Yoodo #YouDoItBetter #YoodoCommunityDay

可爱的吉祥物大人小孩都喜欢啦 :)

除了客制化的流动通讯服务配套Yoodo也无任何合约约束和隐藏收费,用户也可以随时透过App查看即时数据流量方便又贴心 :)

基本就是Yoodo App在手功能全都有 ;)

除了小游戏,hang-out以及幸运抽奖,在MBO The Starling戏院举行的Yoodo 1st Community Day 当然也少不了movie session啦~ 恭喜贺喜抱走大奖华为P20的幸运儿啊 ;)

full house @ Yoodo 1st Community Day ;)

媒体时间了解更多关于大马最新的流动通讯品牌 ^^

觉得随心所欲搭配网络流量、通话时间、手机短讯等为自己打造专属的流动通讯服务配套很便捷很酷?欢迎点Yoodo官方网站链接 @ 加入大马最新流动通讯品牌Yoodo community吧,2018十二月31日前加入获取第一张Yoodo Sim卡的同时还可享有新人大礼包FREE RM 20 credit/20GB 流量booster哦 ;)

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Saturday, 8 September 2018


Malaysia has a new ‘star’ bartender, as the Heineken® Star Serve 2018 winner was crowned today at Blackbox, Publika. In a tightly-contested finale, eight of Malaysia’s finest bartenders went head-to-head to bag the title of the best Heineken® bartender in Malaysia, with Edilon C. Cauilan from The Beer Factory, Raja Uda emerging victorious.  

Heineken® Star Serve 2018 National Final @ Blackbox, Publika

Edilon C. Cauilan from The Beer Factory, Raja Uda emerging victorious.
Heineken® Star Serve is a programme under HEINEKEN Malaysia’s Star Academy, aimed at training bartenders to deliver the perfect serve of Heineken® every time. This year’s winner has won an all-expense-paid trip to Amsterdam, the home of Heineken®, where he will stand a chance to represent Malaysia at the Heineken® Global Bartender Final in October.

Now in its fifth year, Heineken® Star Serve 2018 saw draught masters Jonathan Chong and Thomas Ling teaching the Heineken® 5-step Pouring Ritual to more than 600 bartenders across eight cities in Malaysia. The top bartender from each city was then invited to Kuala Lumpur for the Heineken® Star Serve National Final.

The Heineken® Star Serve pouring ritual involves five steps:  rinse, pour, skim, check and serve. These 5 steps are the secret to delivering the perfect serve of Heineken®.  Mastery of the ritual, however, is not enough to guarantee the top spot.  Personality and charisma form the Star Factor that plays an important role to stand out from the crowd.

The perfect Heineken® serve is an art in itself, and HEINEKEN® Malaysia Star Academy takes great pride in ensuring that our consumers get the full Heineken® quality and experience, from brewing to consumption. Through this training programme, we can ensure that fans of Heineken® beer will receive the same high quality serve at world-class standard, no matter where they are”, said Andrew Woon, Sales Director of HEINEKEN® Malaysia.

The Heineken® Star Serve 2018 winner will join 2017 winner Daimler Kenn Cagas, in a face off during the pre-finals in Amsterdam. The winner will then represent Malaysia at the Heineken® Global Bartender 2018 finals the next day. They hope to emulate the success of Sabahan, Eddy Jay Jaimin, who was crowned the Heineken® Global Bartender of the year in 2016.
HEINEKEN Malaysia’s Star Academy aims to provide a better drinking experience to fans of HEINEKEN Malaysia’s brews all across the country. This training provides knowledge and helps bartenders hone the art of perfect serve, delivering world-class beers and ciders at a world-class standard.

Heineken® Star Serve 2018 National Final @ Blackbox, Publika

The eight finalists who represented their cities are as follows:
·         Chris Arandela, The Beer Factory Express, Sunway Geo, representing Kuala Lumpur region;
·         Edilon C. Cauilan from The Beer Factory, Raja Uda, representing Penang region;
·         Vickson Leong from Speakeasy Bar and Kitchen representing Ipoh region;
·         Chan Mei Yee from Midnight, Austin, representing Johor Bahru region;
·         Ong Poh Wee from The Beer Factory, Malacca, representing Malacca region;
·         Christopher Dela Cruz Malgapo from The Beer Factory, Sunway Giza, representing Petaling Jaya region;
·         Richard Jugie from Sarawak Club representing Kuching region;
·         Jeffrey Maniego Liban from The Shamrock Irish Bar, representing Kota Kinabalu region.

For more information on Heineken®, log on to or follow Heineken® on Instagram @HeinekenMY or Facebook/HeinekenMYS.

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Saturday, 25 August 2018

Selangor Travel Guide 2018 // 雪兰莪旅游景点2018 ft. 雪邦黄金海岸水上屋、日本盆舞节&双人滑翔伞

作为马来西亚首都吉隆玻所在地的州属,位于马来西亚半岛西海岸中部的雪兰莪州(Selangor一直以其地标建筑F1雪邦国际赛道以及吉隆坡国际机场为大家所熟知,除此之外近期搭上文青旅游风而人气急速攀升的渔米之乡适耕庄(Sekinchan)以及马来西亚天空之镜(Sky Mirror Kuala Selangor)也同样着坐落于雪州境内 ;) 而作为马来西亚人口最多兼拥有多个大城市(包括全国最大城市带巴生谷)的州属,雪兰莪州的魅力可远不止于此,本次我们将远离都市中心雪隆地区一路南下,在雪州南部临海的雪邦县(Sepang以及瓜拉冷岳县(Kuala Langat上天下海以不一样的方式为大家打开不一样的雪兰莪啦 ^^

雪兰莪旅游景点2018雪邦(Sepang)瓜拉冷岳Kuala Langat)3天2夜上天下海行,出发^^

Day 1: Sepang Corner Healthy Fruits And Florist>Kuan Wellness Eco Park>AVANI Sepang Goldcoast Resort + Mangrove Tour

如果除去色彩缤纷的轮胎墙装饰以及招牌,雪邦健康水果园艺(Sepang Corner Healthy Fruits And Florist)乍看之下其实与其他地方安静近郊小道边上看似不起眼的锌顶小木屋一般无异,但这里可是盛产特色热带水果火龙果的大本营哦,除了建筑主体之外周遭的土地除了火龙果树之外还有水翁、龙眼等,来对季节的话还有意想不到的special惊喜等待着大家 ;) 据老板表示这里种植的都是红心火龙果,除了供应本地市场也同时出口到港澳台湾等亚洲国家,相对于越南白肉种的白色火龙果口感更为圆润味道也比较甜,除了甜度较高红色火龙果的抗氧化剂花青素含量也较高堪称美味与营养兼具啦 ^^ 

雪邦健康水果园艺(Sepang Corner Healthy Fruits And Florist)@Kampung Batu 1, Jalan Sepang - Sungai Pelek, Sepang
属仙人掌科的火龙果果树偏肉质分枝多数带刺,我们到访时老板刚采摘完所以只有花没有果啦 ;)
话说这么多的红心火龙果还真是第一次见啊 :P

鲜.红心火龙果,冰镇后口味更佳 ;)

雪邦健康水果园艺就在雪邦国际赛道以及KLIA附近下回路经可别忘了顺道来这里磕最新鲜的火龙果和其他热带水果,话说若是当季七八月的话还有各种品种的果王恭候大驾哦 ;)

七月到访正赶上果王榴莲驾到 ;)

挥别热带特色鲜明的果园,来到位于丹絨士拔(Tanjung Sepat)的官燕苑生态休闲农场(Kuan Wellness Eco Park),这里产品走的同样是远销海外的路线,虽然位于以海鲜料理闻名的雪邦渔村但官燕苑主打的却不是海里游的反而是恰恰相对天上飞的养颜圣品——燕窝是也 ;) 

官燕苑 (Kuan Wellness Eco Park)@ Tanjung Layang, Kampung Batu Lapan, Tanjung Sepat, Selangor.

作为马来西亚第一家以自然生态保健旅游为主题的燕子生态公园,官燕苑以绿色农场的方式培育燕窝燕盏,除了各种可内用外带的养颜圣品之外这里也附设了小型自然生态园,是周末家庭亲子游接触大自然的好去处 :)

官燕苑附设的小型自然生态园除了飞禽锦鲤之外还有超可爱的兔子园 b^^d

欢迎喂食啦 b^^d

只要有瓜子就可以马上吸引鹦鹉的目光 ;)
入宝山岂可空腹而归,当然要来一盅用料实在的燕窝咯 ;)

雪兰莪州南部的丹絨士拔(Tanjung Sepat)是雪邦县沿岸的一個小漁村,距离吉隆坡约1.5小时车程,这个经济以渔业为主的村镇有着雪州最新鲜美味的海鲜料理,周末到Tanjung Sepat磕海鲜可是巴生谷人民的一大乐事 ;) 本次因与友族同胞共游所以选了有清真认证的亚三峇都港海鲜饭店(Asam Batu Laut Seafood ),位在海边的海鲜饭店除了各种超新鲜的海鲜料理之外风景也超棒der~ b^^d

风景超棒的Restoran Assam Batu Laut @ Kampung Nelayan, Tanjung Sepat

磕海鲜当然要配海景啦 b^^d
炸虾文蛤东炎煲都超新鲜的,个人最爱的是Q弹爽口的金沙花枝 b^^d

吃喝玩乐先告一段落旅行总要有个落脚出,本次为大家介绍颇具特色的AVANI Sepang Goldcoast Resort雪邦黄金海岸水上屋,这里整个度假村在海岸边上呈现棕榈树形状,度假村本身便是海上一道独特的风景,大厅左右两边都有沙滩,重点是这里一共300余间的房间全都是水上套房哦差别只是豪华独栋villa与否而已 b^^d

AVANI Sepang Goldcoast Resort
全度假村的房型都是水上屋哦,虽然海水颜色及透明度确实只属一般但住在大海上心情还是挺不错的吖 ^^
本次入住的是偏基本款的Superior房型,虽然是基本款但也有露台哦 ;)

这里的夕阳以及日出都是不可错过的美景 ;)
Sunset @ AVANI Sepang Goldcoast Resort b^^d

想要把体验升级的吃货朋友们位于Avani餐厅建筑二楼的泰式fusion夕阳火锅则是您最佳的选择啦,不多解释请看图自行体会 ;)

to sunset, to life ^^
傍晚的AVANI Sepang夕阳风情万种抚魅动人,而清晨的AVANI则宁静中散发着朝气与清新,海边早晨的打开方式除了本人偶尔为之的跑沙滩之外在AVANI还有优雅的Avani Fit Yoga早晨瑜伽班让大家参与 ;)

清晨的AVANI,世界从宁静中苏醒 ^^
周末的打开方式,可动可静之动——瑜伽Avani Fit Yoga,话说瑜伽一般是在沙滩上进行但是为了方便我们拍照所以特别安排了特别版了在度假村二楼Spa馆外的阳台进行 ;) 
运动后当然要补充些能量啦,现做的松饼还不错吃 :)
除了悠哉的体验水上屋生活水上运动、脚踏车、精油按摩、红树林游船等都是度假村所提供的项目大家就各凭喜好自行选择啦 ;)

Mangrove Tour by Avani Sepang,搭船的码头距离度假村只有5分钟的车程有专车接送,红树林导览还附一位经验老道的解说员 

大约两个小时的行程度假村贴心的准备了水果 ;)

贴近热带河口潮間帶之余也为这里的生态圈尽一份力帮忙红树林的植物们播种 ;)
没错红树的种子发芽后是挺长的祝你快高长大啦 :)
#TourismSelangor #DiscoverSelangor #TakeMeAnywhere #TakeMeAnywhereFaMTrip
一只有要求的猴子,水果沾了泥要洗一洗才吃 :P
当然不怕脏的朋友们也可以和红树林来个亲密的接触,到林里找大蛤蜊吃 ;)

little Amazon有木有身在亚马逊的感觉 ;)

Day 2: Paragliding @Bukit Jugra>Bon Odori Festival 2018

喜欢翱翔天际的朋友们可要注意啦雪州可有不止一个的滑翔伞体验点,本次我们来到的是位于Banting万津Jugra Hill的滑翔点,虽然不是热门运动但这里可是经常有滑翔伞爱好者出没的滑翔运动热点哦,一般人只要RM220左右即可体验在蔚蓝天际翱翔的感觉啦 ;) 

Tandem paragliding @Bukit Jugra


这里的滑翔伞体验采预约制,教练们都是有专业证照认证且经验丰富的老鸟啦只要行前讲解听清楚了其实还挺轻松好玩的,当然前提是必须先克服往山坡下冲的起飞小恐惧 :P

滑翔伞体验采预约制在谷歌输入Tandem paragliding Bukit Jugra即可搜到详情


#TourismSelangor #DiscoverSelangor #TakeMeAnywhere #TakeMeAnywhereFaMTrip
Ready for takeoff ;)

教练们都是有数百小时滑翔经验的老手了所以我飞得还挺放心的,话说教练除了带你飞还准备了gopro拍片啊是不是经验老道准备周详呢 ^^
激情以后来点文艺文化风,雪州一年一度的大型文化特色活动盆舞节(Bon Odori Festival)每年都吸引上万民众参与,除了身着和服盛装出席的各族友人之外由吉隆坡日本学校以及日本驻马来西亚大使馆所呈现的舞蹈及打鼓表演是绝对精彩,当然在场也少不了各种日式美食啦 ;)

Bon Odori Festival 2018 @ Kompleks Sukan Negara Panasonic, Seksyen 21 Shah Alam Selangor. 第42回盆踊り大会 
#TourismSelangor #DiscoverSelangor #TakeMeAnywhere #TakeMeAnywhereFaMTrip

大师级的打鼓表演激荡人心啊 b^^d

#第42回盆踊り大会 #BonOdori2018 #TourismSelangor #DiscoverSelangor #TakeMeAnywhere #TakeMeAnywhereFaMTrip
#TourismSelangor #DiscoverSelangor #TakeMeAnywhere #TakeMeAnywhereFaMTrip

Day 3: Pantai Morib>Istana Bandar Jugra>Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple>Kafe Mansion 1969

虽然在马来西亚最为发展发达州属之列领跑,但雪兰莪州让人惊喜的自然秘境还真不少,虽然一些设施并未完善但大自然所赋予雪州的美景还是让人身处其中心旷神怡 ;)

Pantai Morib @ Impian Morib Hotel

雪州瓜拉冷岳县(Kuala Langat)Pantai Morib大雨后的清晨,相较于雪邦县Sepang Gold Cost又是别一番韵味 ;)
坐落于雪州瓜拉冷岳县建于1875年的朱格拉皇宫(Istana Bandar Jugra)是雪兰莪州苏丹皇室第四任苏丹所建,融合了西式回教中式的建筑风格颇具特色,虽然目前尚在修整中只对外做有限度的开放需申请并获得批注方可入内参观,但相信不久后整修完毕历史文化及摄影爱好者们将会更添一个好去处啦 :)

Istana Bandar Jugra 

同样坐落与雪州瓜冷岳县仁嘉隆的马來西亚佛光山东禅寺(Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple)是星云大法师所创建的佛教学院,以其农历新年的春节花灯会为大家所熟知,亦被政府列为雪州的观光景点,而以培养人才弘扬佛教文化为理念的东禅寺平日除了各种艺术作品及佛教文物的展览以及为仁嘉隆子弟提供教育机会之外,亦会举办修持活动供大家参与,古朴寂静的修持道场是众人修身养性的好地方 ;)

Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple, Jenjarom

为家人及大家祈求平安 :)

最后先给大家来个2019年东禅寺农历新年灯会preview,明年的春节等会会有十二生肖花灯哦,据师傅说这些都是马大学生们的作品哦 b^^d
除了东禅寺里的可口斋菜距离东禅寺不远处的满园Mansion 1969是近期本人吃过相当可口的Asian fusion delights,散发浓浓艺术风的咖啡馆外表貌似一家普通的古厝,但推开带古风的木制大门却内有乾坤,文创风的咖啡馆除了用心设计强调食材天然原味的特色餐点之外各个角落老旧的打字机、相机、脚踏车等等都让人有种走入回忆里阿嫲家般的温馨感觉,是想啜一掬情怀时光的好地方 b^^d

满园 Mansion 1969



各种美味可口的Asian fusion delights,特别设计的recipe让每一道餐点的味道都带有一点点自己的character b^^d

cp值也挺不赖的 ;)

除了中午开始营业的满园餐厅外的巴士餐厅也是夜晚消遣的另一好去处,这就留待大家自行体验啦 ;)

最后感谢雪州旅游局邀约促成本次雪兰莪旅游景点2018雪邦(Sepang)瓜拉冷岳(Kuala Langat)3天2夜上天下海行,更多雪州旅游资讯请戳雪州旅游局官网@ http://www.tourismselangor.my以及方脸书@ 
#TourismSelangor #DiscoverSelangor #TakeMeAnywhere #TakeMeAnywhereFaMTrip

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