Showing posts with label malay cuisine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label malay cuisine. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 March 2017

寻找记忆里朴实亲民的古早味——百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas

位于Desa Sri Hartamas百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine是这一区的新晋店家之一," 百家百味,味濃情濃 ",简单的八个字一句话贴切简洁的道出了百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine店家简单平实的经营模式 ;)

百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas——记忆里朴实亲民的古早味 ;)
百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas

菜单都是朴实亲民的中式古早味与国民美食 ;)

散发丝丝南洋风情的店面聚集了各式各样颇具本土情怀与风味的经典款美味,除了香滑的海南鸡饭、国民美食Nasi Lemak猪肠粉等不得不提的当然便是店家主打的潮州傳統面食——面卜 b^^d 

面卜(又称麵薄)是时下市面上较为少见50-60年代潮州人记忆里的古早美味,扁细弹口的薄面条搭配上肉碎和酱料干拌,大口吸入朴实无华的面食却让人有种暖暖的满足感,细品之下才赫然发觉面条间销魂脆口的猪油渣以及猪油香气是这箇中关键 ;)

招牌面卜 Signature Mee Pok,扁细弹口的薄面条搭配上肉碎和酱料干拌是50-60年代潮州人记忆里的古早美味 b^^d
搭配面卜的清汤也很清甜 ;)
美味有时可以很简单 ^^

店家主打的古早味招牌面卜采用的可是手工制作的潮州傳統面卜,弹口的面卜完全不含防腐劑及添加素新鲜度满分,搭配色泽金黄诱人的香喷喷脆口猪油渣及肉末大口吸入便是儿时回忆里温暖简单的幸福滋味 ^^ 店家也说了这里的面食可全都是以面粉类的手工面为主所以口感Q弹而且重点是完全没有恼人的碱水味啦 b^^d

芹菜面 Celery Noodles ^^

芹菜的味道原本就较为两极化,喜欢的人很爱不喜欢的人则总是始终如一的敬而远之,但原本以为百味濃芹菜面看起来绿油油的绝对是百分百的蔬菜挂而且芹菜味会超重,结果一试之下作为一枚对芹菜保持中立角度的吃货个人觉得芹菜面的口味还是相当适中滴不重不淡恰到好处 *哎哟 不错哦* 负责任的说一句只要您不是芹菜重度抗拒者个人推荐这一碗非常值得一试啦 ;)

味道恰到好处的芹菜面 Celery Noodles ^^
搭配半熟蛋黄的金家乡面 Golden Homemade Noodles也很香滑诱人 ;)

话说这里的面食份两还满实在的一大碗的咖喱面RM 7.5价格还挺亲民,其它面食价位也都介于RM 7.5-8.5之间,老板表示食材新鲜价格公道的坚持只因为在记忆里的古早味都并非那么昂贵 ;)

咖喱面 Curry Mee

海南鸡饭 Hainan Chicken Rice,油亮滑嫩的鸡肉光看就很有食欲有木有 ;)
国民美食Nasi Lemak ;)

除了本土及古早味主食之外中式甜品譬如老姜汤圆、白果腐竹薏米、红豆西米糖水及小吃如福州丸、猪肠粉、芋头糕等在百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine也都找得到哦,无论是早\午餐或小聚偶尔走个古早味风回忆过去感觉也挺不赖的哦 ;)

锅贴 Fried Dumpling
咖喱猪肠粉 Curry Chu Cheong Fun
不想太普通的话也可以试试带锅气的炒猪肠粉 Fried Chu Cheong Fun b^^d

百味三宝 Bai Wei Trio Platter
招牌海南茶 Signature Hainan Tea ;)

除了各种价格亲民朴实无华的古早美味百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas也有推出经济实惠的早餐套餐哦,想要搜寻更多记忆里的古早美味与面食请戳他们家官方脸书 @  ;)

百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine 
38G, Jalan 28/70A, 
Desa Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-2389 3701

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Friday, 23 December 2016

Tiger STREATS Gathered Foodies Under One Roof For an Intriguing Culinary Experience ft. Michelin-starred Street Food Chef Hawker Chan & Contemporary Chef Jeff Ramsey

Over 700 food lovers sat shoulder to shoulder around the street food table, sharing ice-cold Tiger beers at Tiger STREATS. Held at a vibrant street meets fine dining pop-up restaurant, MH Platinum Warehouse in Setapak, guests were in for a dramatic mash-up between two chefs who are worlds apart, but share the honour of a Michelin Star fame in the culinary world ;)

Tiger STREATS pop-up dining @ MH Platinum Warehouse in Setapak ^^
Tiger STREATS pop-up dining ^^
a toast to Tiger ;)

The world’s first ‘street food meets fine dining’ culinary collaboration featured Hawker Chan, of the first hawker stand to win a prestigious Michelin Star - Hong Kong Soya Sauce Chicken Rice and Noodle in Singapore and Jeff Ramsey, former Executive Chef at the Michelin-starred Mandarin Oriental Tokyo hotel, and current owner and chef of progressive modernist restaurant Babe KL.

Brand Ambassadors at Tiger STREATS ;)

Guests were treated to a menu of contrasts by both chefs starting with appetisers by Chef Ramsey called ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ an intriguing take on well-loved local favourites nasi lemak and roti banjir.  This was followed by ‘Laksa Injections’, tubes packed with the flavours of three types of laksa b^^d

Down the Rabbit Hole by Chef Jeff Ramsey ^^
Laksa Injections by Chef Jeff Ramsey ;)

Hawker Chan’s signature Chicken Rice was next on the menu, giving the crowd a chance to taste the dish which attracted the attention of the Michelin judges b^^d Those with a sweet tooth found delight in the dessert, a collaboration between Hawker Chan and Chef Ramsey called ‘Two Makes a Blossom’. This culinary masterpiece, created exclusively for Tiger STREATS, featured an aromatic combination of Asian pears with a rosewater and honey mousse that enhanced the homely taste of the classic flower jelly. Fermented Roselle and its syrup coupled with a mint garnishing topped off this breezy dessert.

Chef Jeff Ramsey and Hawker Chan Hon Meng preparing their dishes at Tiger STREATS b^^d
Chef Jeff Ramsey and Hawker Chan Hon Meng tossing the yee sang at Tiger STREATS ^^
Chef Jeff Ramsey and Hawker Chan Hon Meng with their dishes at Tiger STREATS b^^d
Michelin-Starred Soya Sauce Chicken by Hawker Chan b^^d

exceptional indeed!! b^^d

Guests were in for another surprise when the hawker stations were revealed, offering everyone more food to enjoy. Prepared by renowned food establishments in Malaysia - Tujo Bar-sserie & Grill, Chocha Foodstores, Hoppers, and Inside Scoop - the hawker stations carried contemporary interpretations of local street food where guests were able to have a bite of traditional food with a touch of modernity. 

Nasi Lemak Appam by Hoppers
Loh Mai Kai with a Twist by Tujo Bar-serrie & Grill
Fried Cempedak Ice Cream by Inside Scoop

Alongside the great food, there were also some amazing performances by Tiger Jams finalists, Rozella and Son of a Policeman, to keep the crowd entertained. 

Rozella @ Tiger STREATS
Son of a Policeman @ Tiger STREATS
DJ Ruud of Indiego spinning at Tiger STREATS 0oo0 0oo0
guests at the Headline Generator Wall at Tiger STREATS ;)

As the night went on, guests were presented with an unexpected Tiger STREATS inspired Yee Sang dish in conjunction with the commencement of Tiger Beer’s Chinese New Year 2017 campaign. Prepared with a new twist on tradition to kick off the new lunar year, the Yee Sang dish was filled with unexpected ingredients such as dried prawn crackers and satay sauce for added abundance and prosperity in the year ahead.

Tiger STREATS yee sang ;)
 an early yee sang  tossing @ Tiger STREATS ;)

It was indeed a night to be remembered as guests went home safely, leveraging on the special tie-up between Tiger STREATS and GRAB that offered a safe promo code ride. For more information on Tiger STREATS and to view photos from the event, please visit Tiger Beer’s Facebook page  

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Monday, 17 October 2016

Sungai Long 668 美食中心:隐藏在运动场里的好味道 @泰式猪肉串 @香酥炸鸡排 @包师傅包子点心 @香辣辣香饭 @辣汤猪肉粉 @家乡滑鸡饭

Sungai Long 668 美食中心:隐藏在运动场里的好味道 @泰式猪肉串 @香酥炸鸡排
@包师傅包子点心 @香辣辣香饭 @辣汤猪肉粉 @家乡滑鸡饭

双溪龙镇蕉赖一带的吃货朋友们注意啦,日前接获友人邀约前往这里一家营业才刚满一个月的新开张美食中心搜寻美食,没想到位置特殊隐藏在运动场里的美食中心居然颇具规模概括了近二十摊贩的个各种中式、西式、泰式风味美食而且其中还不乏惊喜和好味道,在这里抢先报给大家知道顺道邀请大家一同来尝鲜啦 ;)

Sungai Long 668 美食中心:隐藏在运动场里的好味道 
@泰式猪肉串 @香酥炸鸡排 @包师傅包子点心 @香辣辣香饭 @辣汤猪肉粉 @家乡滑鸡饭
开业刚满一个月的Sungai Long 668 美食中心日前才正式庆贺开张,刚好赶上了他们家的烟火秀 ;)

位于Sungai Long Budiman Business Park旁的Sungai Long 668 美食中心(毗邻Challenger Badminton & Futsal Sports Centre羽球与室內足球运动中心)绝对是爱磕美食却懒得奔波的吃货朋友们的好去处,这里各式中、西、东南亚美味云集选择众多,道地的本土料理如肉骨茶、烧鱼、串烧、猪肉粉、西餐乃至于包子点心等在这里都找得到哦,虽然和同行友人已经开启吃货模式狂点了一桌子的美食感觉却还是有不少的遗珠只能留待下回品尝咯 :P 

多选择的地道美食在这里都找得到,而且价格也挺大众化的 :)
吃货模式启动!话说这还不是全部的美食啊感觉太澎湃了 :P

在众多尝试过的美食里个人推荐的有以滑嫩菜园鸡料理的家乡滑鸡饭,鸡肉超滑嫩料理的刚刚好的口感就算放久了也依然丝毫不受影响感觉很不错哦 ;) 另一个惊喜则是泰式风味的烤猪肉串啦,这个个人游泰必磕的泰国国民小吃没想到居然在这里意外碰上了,而且风味较之在泰国夜市吃的毫不逊色哦 ^^ 喜爱炸鸡排酥脆口感的朋友们则可以试试这里的西餐,据说摊贩老板可是师承五星级酒店餐厅哦,炸得金黄酥脆口感刚刚好的炸鸡排完全不会柴搭配蘑菇酱超顺口der~ ;)

皮Q滑肉质软嫩多汁的家乡滑鸡饭 b^^d

个人超爱的泰式烤猪肉串 ^^

金黄酥脆的颜色光看就很诱人了 ^^


沙爹&鸡翅,个人更偏爱沙爹 ;)

喜爱暖胃汤水的朋友们则不妨试试这里用料实在的辣汤猪肉粉咖喱面,辣汤猪肉粉可以依据自己的辣度喜好让老板调胡椒的比例(个人是觉得不必加入太多胡椒原本微辣的汤头搭配猪肉内脏就已经很够味了),而椰奶香满满的咖喱面个人觉得是还可以再加点辣椒酱提味,香辣带点青桔酸的汤头配上黄面或更能吸附汤汁的米粉大口吸入感觉超棒的 b^^d

椰奶香满满的咖喱面 ;)
用料实在的辣汤猪肉粉 b^^d

当然磕了一堆美食来杯冰冰凉凉的果汁最对时啦,要是有Sungai Long 668 美食中心这般加码般的巨型果汁就更完美咯 b^^d

加码版的巨型果汁,感觉有1-1.5升啊 :P
冰凉消暑,赞! :P

想要来些小点心的话包师傅的包子和点心也蛮不错吃的哦,除了大颗饱满的各种烧卖这里还有全马独家首创的各种养生包子哦下回来一定要试试看 ;)

包师傅包子点心 ^^

各种大颗饱满的烧卖 b^^d

友人表示炒粿条还不赖锅气火候都有 :)
主打健康美味的香辣辣香饭配菜从咖喱鸡到山猪肉都有,味道都很入味 ;)
香辣辣香饭,配菜可以依个人喜好随意搭配 ;)

老板是华人但烧鱼却是道地的友族风味 ;)

辣汤猪肉粉 ^^
泰国串烧 ^^
超丰盛的大马式道地风味美食 ^^

Sungai Long 668 美食中心位置就在SILK高速大道Sg Long出口附近与Honda 4S centre Sungai Long同排(Challenger Badminton & Futsal Sports Centre羽球与室內足球运动中心旁),使用waze或google map搜寻Sungai Long Budiman Business Park导航即可。这里周末可是人潮汹涌座无虚席哦想来请早 ;)

Sungai Long 668 美食中心
No.Lot 1716, Batu 11, 
Cheras 43000, Kajang, Selangor,

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