Showing posts with label burger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label burger. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 May 2016

KGB Killer Gourmet Burgers @ Bangsar #USPotato #USBurger&FriesFiesta

汉堡薯条粉&吃货们注意啦~ 这个五月汉堡当道由U.S. Potato Board美国马铃薯协会所主办的大马雪隆区首届汉堡与薯条嘉年华2016继续美味放送-ing,对这一讯息依然觉得陌生的朋友们请>点击这里<爬文跟上,而已经开启追踪雷达搜寻美味薯条及汉堡的朋友们请滚动滑鼠往下.. 

Seri KembanganSubang区的汉堡店家之后再为大家带来又一家参与本次汉堡与薯条嘉年华2016的店家,位于吉隆坡孟沙区(Bangsar)源自于美国的著名汉堡快餐连锁品牌——KGB Killer Gourmet Burgers ;)

KGB Killer Gourmet Burgers @ Bangsar #USPotato #USBurger&FriesFiesta
KGB Killer Gourmet Burgers @ Bangsar 
KGB Killer Gourmet Burgers @ Bangsar #TopSecret  ;)
KGB Killer Gourmet Burgers @ Bangsar,汉堡店的位置就在Bangsar Village购物商场的右边商店街上 ;)
小小的店面时不时都会轻易呈现客满状态,不过这里翻桌率还蛮高的所以不用太担心没有位子啦 :)


本次U.S. Potato汉堡与薯条嘉年华2016 KGB Killer Gourmet Burgers Bangsar分店所推出的是以现烤牛肉馅以及香脆牛培根组成的特色牛肉堡Santa Fe Burger,除了嚼劲适中的牛肉馅以及烙上KGB招牌logo的汉堡面包口感不错之外,所搭配的鳄梨酱以及融入墨西哥辣椒与胡椒的美乃滋是这里汉堡的最大特色,在舌尖上跳跃的辛辣感刺激之余却又不会太超过,会让人有种吃汉堡蹦出新滋味的感觉哦 ;)

Santa Fe Burger (Beef Burger) @ KGB Bangsar 

Santa Fe Burger KGB Bangsar ft. U.S. Spice Potato Fries

除了美味Santa Fe牛肉堡搭配道地美式炸薯条U.S. Spice Potato Fries之外,这里的Frito Pie亦是一个不容错过的狠脚色哦,满满一篮子的美式连皮薯条U.S. Skin-on Fries搭配烟熏炖牛腩丝、烤洋葱、切達起司以及酸奶油,咸香诱人的卖相口感让人是一口接一口完全停不下来啊 b^^d

Santa Fe Burger KGB Bangsar ft. U.S. Spice Potato Fries
Frito Pie KGB Bangsar ft. U.S. Skin-on Fries
天使般的卖相以及恶魔诱惑般的口感,一不小心就会一个人磕了一份啊 b^^d
当它们都在肚子里团聚,我也就满足啦 :P
Santa Fe Burger KGB Bangsar ft. U.S. Spice Potato Fries

U.S. Potato Board美国马铃薯协会所主办的大马雪隆区首届汉堡与薯条嘉年华2016从五月初已经美味开跑咯,本次一共有19家来自雪隆各地的汉堡店家参与其盛,不想错过美味道地美式薯条的吃货朋友们赶紧>点击这里<查看所有店家名称吧 ;)

KGB Killer Gourmet Burgers @ Bangsar 
23, Jalan Telawi 2, Bangsar Baru, 
59100 Kuala Lumpur, 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Phone: 03-2201 1220

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Friday, 20 May 2016

The Crazy Bites @ SS15 Subang Jaya #USPotato #USBurger&FriesFiesta

“薯条汉堡粉们注意啦.. 前方高能~ #USPotato #USBurger&FriesFiesta..” 

如果你是个经常在线上的吃货、酷爱汉堡与薯条并且来自雪隆区的话,想必对上边这句话不会感到太陌生吧,没错各位薯条汉堡粉们由U.S. Potato Board美国马铃薯协会所主办的大马雪隆区首届汉堡与薯条嘉年华2016目前正在如火如荼的开磕-ing,各式道地100%原隻美國馬鈴薯所制成的美味薯条正伴着19间汉堡专卖店以及咖啡馆的可口汉堡全面入侵雪隆区啦,你准备好接招了吗 ;)

月前已经向各位吃货朋友们预告了汉堡与薯条嘉年华的到来以及斯里肯邦安区(Seri Kembangan)店家应本次嘉年华而推出的汉堡薯条搭配(错过的朋友们可自行点击链接看看),而本篇po文将再接再厉为大家介绍另外一家位于梳邦再也区(SS 15 Subang Jaya)新晋美味汉堡专卖店的可口汉堡佐道地美式薯条,吃货们住备好了吗——The Crazy Bites @ SS15 Subang Jaya来也 b^^d

The Crazy Bites @ SS15 Subang Jaya,对这一带较熟悉的朋友们应该会发现这家店的前身也是知名汉堡专卖店(悄悄告诉大家个人觉得换了自家品牌后汉堡感觉反而更好吃了 :P)
桃红色的大嘴怪是这家店的招牌吉祥物,店里店外几乎都看得到它的踪影 ;)
The Crazy Bites @ SS15 Subang Jaya
简洁明亮的店面,先到柜台点餐取号,现点现做的汉堡餐点随后送到 :)

The Crazy Bites本次应汉堡与薯条嘉年华2016共推出了鸡肉与牛肉两款汉堡,牛肉汉堡是带有浓浓美属夏威夷风的Honolulu Ox Bites,巨无霸等级的汉堡厚度一上桌完全是霸气侧漏hold住全场啊,而鸡肉汉堡则是鲜嫩多汁的Teriyaki Rooster Bites,就个人口味来说汉堡个人一般都推崇牛肉汉堡因为感觉比较正宗一般也比较好吃,不过本次The Crazy BitesTeriyaki Rooster Bites鸡肉汉堡真的乱好吃的,舍去了主流容易偏柴的鸡胸肉而采用鸡大腿肉来当汉堡肉的主角加上料理得恰到好处的火候,换来的是鲜嫩多汁的超棒口感与味道,本次删除原本预设的二选一选项以上两个汉堡我都推啦 b^^d

The Crazy Bites Honolulu Ox Bites (Beef Burger) ft. U.S. Straight Cut Fries
The Crazy Bites Teriyaki Rooster Bites (Chicken Burger) ft. U.S. Straight Cut Fries
鲜嫩多汁的Teriyaki Rooster Bites,有点日式风格的照烧酱搭配香浓起司及鲜嫩鸡腿肉馅,就喜欢这种好吃得让人惊喜的感觉,赞啦 b^^d
The Crazy Bites Teriyaki Rooster Bites (Chicken Burger) #USPotato #USBurger&FriesFiesta #USStraightCutFries
做人要有态度,做汉堡要有厚度!Honolulu Ox Bites是这么说滴 :P
The Crazy Bites Honolulu Ox Bites (Beef Burger) ft. U.S. Straight Cut Fries
The Crazy Bites Honolulu Ox Bites #USPotato #USBurger&FriesFiesta #USStraightCutFries

除了卖相诱人美味可口的汉堡之外The Crazy Bites为两款汉堡所搭配的是以100%原隻美國馬鈴薯所制成的U.S. Straight Cut Fries,超长的直薯条炸得外酥内软而且调味除了盐之外还很有心机的加入了糖和黑胡椒,整体口感和味道与汉堡搭配简直诠释的就是天生一对的写实写照啦 b^^d

100%原隻美國馬鈴薯所制成的U.S. Straight Cut Fries,这个我可以吃一斤 :P
汉堡与薯条,它们注定是要在一起的 ^^

当然身为汉堡专卖店The Crazy Bites 这里可不止Teriyaki Rooster BitesHonolulu Ox Bites,这里还有其它六款的美味汉堡等你来试哦 ;)

最后小提醒一下U.S. Potato Board美国马铃薯协会所主办的大马雪隆区首届汉堡与薯条嘉年华2016日期是由2016年5月1-31日全面开磕,想要品尝各式美味薯条与汉堡的吃货朋友们要快些行动咯 ;) 更多关于汉堡与薯条嘉年华2016参与店家的资料>请点击这里<

The Crazy Bites 
Address: A13, Jalan SS15/4D,
47500 Subang Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Phone:+60 3-5879 8102

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Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Hide & Sēēk Cafe @ Equine Park, Seri Kembangan #USPotato #USBurger&FriesFiesta

Whats up Foodies! If you've been following this site closely you'd probably noticed that the comfort-food-lover's dream——U.S. Po-ta-to~ has returned *Cheer&Clap* ^^ As for those who somehow missed the story, here's a quick recap of what's going on.. In conjunction with the The U.S. Potato Board very 1st “U.S. Fries & Burger Fiesta” in Malaysia running from May 1 to 31, 2016, 19 popular burger joints & cafés within the Klang Valley will be serving up creation of U.S. fries of different varieties with some of their signature burgers, and need not say more if you're a potato & fastfood lovers this currently-ongoing month-long fest is definitely your best chance to savour all those crispy heartwarming delights ;) *>For those who eager to find out more on the participating joints >check out the U.S. Burger & Fries Fiesta participating outlets ft. signature dishes HERE<

For those who've yet to taste the awesome-ness of this burger and fries fanfare, here's a little preview on the Signature Pork Burger and Juicy Chicken Burger ft. U.S. Steak Fries, served exclusively by Hide & Sēēk Cafe, a new hidden cosy cafe located in the neighborhood of Equine Park, Seri Kembangan ;)

Hide & Sēēk Cafe @ Equine Park, Seri Kembangan

a cosy neighbourhood cafe

the signature burgers ft. high quality U.S. Steak Fries ;)
Signature Pork Burger, served with home-made juicy pork patty, cheddar cheese,
sides with house salad and quality U.S. Steak Fries ^^

Serving three kinds of burgers——Signature Pork, Juicy Chicken and Satay Chicken each sides with a fulfilling portion of thick-cut U.S. Steak Fries, these almost always never fail combination is indeed as tempting and mouth-watering as it looks :) Whether you are craving for burgers with home-made thick mince pork patty or pan-fried to perfection chicken cutlets, grab a bite of these burger and fries and you will get your palate fixed in no time ;)

check out the thickness of the meat patty ^^

Signature Pork Burger #USPotato #USSteakFries
Juicy Chicken Burger, served with pan-fried to perfection chicken patty,
sandwiched with cheese, sides with house salad and quality U.S. Steak Fries ^^   

Juicy Chicken Burger #USPotato #USSteakFries
US Burger & Fries Fiesta #USBurger&FriesFiesta #USPotato #USSteakFries

The month-long “U.S. Burger & Fries Fiesta KL 2016” is currently up & running so ATTENTION to all potato & fastfood lovers it's burger & fries time ^^

Hide & Sēēk Cafe
Address: 1b, 16, Jalan Equine, Taman Equine, 
43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia. 
Phone: +60 3-8959 3966
Business hours: Daily 11 AM–11 PM (Wednesday closed) 

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Sunday, 8 May 2016

“US Burger & Fries Fiesta” To Excite KL’s Fast Food Fans~ #U.S.Potato #USBurger&FriesFiesta

Attention all potato & fastfood lovers!!~ In case you don't already know your favourite comfort food is back! As the continuation of the secession of >US Potato Culinary Festival Kuala Lumpur 2015<, this May 2016 The U.S. Potato Board proudly presents to you its 1st “U.S. Fries & Burger Fiesta”~~~ Running from May 1 to 31, 2016, the campaign sees the convergence of 19 popular burger joints & cafés within the Klang Valley to serve up a unique repertoire / creation of U.S. fries with burgers never seen before ;)

US Burger & Fries Fiesta” To Excite KL’s Fast Food Fans~ #USBurger&FriesFiesta

Arguably an unprecedented campaign dedicated to burger or fries, the campaign is two-pronged in objectives. First, it’s to stimulate excitement amongst the trade to be as creative as they can with creating various burger presentations with U.S. fries’ combinations. One of the highlights of this Fiesta is that it provides an opportunity for the public to acquaint themselves to the different U.S. fry varieties made using high-quality US potatoes. Many of these outlets are offering new cuts of U.S. fries for the first time so don't missed out ;)

Known to be inseparable and complement one another for the ultimate gastronomic satisfaction, burger and fries has always been Malaysian's top favorite when it comes to 'fast meals', and thanks to the U.S. Potato Board Malaysian consumers now have the opportunity to savour the “best burgers served with the best fries” via the U.S. Fries & Burger Fiesta 2016 ^^

U.S. Potato Board proudly presents——1st “U.S. Fries & Burger Fiesta 206

For the very fist time the U.S. Fries & Burger Fiesta will provide an eye-opening opportunity to participating outlets to introduce to the public more than their usual burger and fries fanfare. Potato, burger & fastfood lovers check out the list of participating outlets at below and swing by to your restaurant of choice to sample the different U.S. fries and burger combos today! ;) 


Also don't forget to snap a pic of yourself while enjoying the tasty heartwarming US fries and burgers promotion as there will also be an Instagram contest where 3 winners weekly, simply upload you pic on instagram with the hashtag #USFries&BurgerFiesta and the best pictures will walk away with RM 150 cash prizes weekly ;)

*U.S. Burger & Fries Fiesta participating outlets ft. signature dishes:

Outlet names
Dish names
Big Hug Burger
·         Nasi Lemak Burger
·         Grilled Buffalo Chicken Burger
Brooklyn B-Venture
·         Philly Cheese Steak
·         Deli Chicken


·         Moo
·         Spicy Cajun Chicken
Choo Choo Chicken
·         Choo Choo Cham Chi Chicken
·         Choo Choo Bulgogi Burger
Crazy Bites
·         Teriyaki Rooster Bites
·         Honolulu Ox Bites
Fatboy’s The Burger Bar
·         The Breakfast Stack
·         The Meaty Mania   
Hide & Seek Cafe
·         Signature Pork Burger
·         Juicy Chicken Burger
Junkyard Burger
·         Lamb Tzatziki BURGER
·         Texas-Hold Me Burger
·         Santa Fe Burger
·         Frito Pie

Kulcat Bariror

·         Green Chilli Locos
·         Double Trouble
Melur & Thyme
·         Mushroom Swiss Beef Burger
·         Smoked Duck Sandwich
Mini Mini Café

·         Roasted Chicken Burger
·         Ox Bites Burger
My Burger Lab
·         A+ Burger 
·         Beautiful Mess
The Card Cafe
·         Card Café Crispy Fish Burger
·         Card Café Signature Chicken Burger
The Grind Burger
·         Grind House Burger
·         JD Burger
The Burger Factory
·         Beef Burger On Fire
·         Burger Factory Signature
Swensen Cafe
·         Double Cheese Beef Burger
·         Swensen’s Ultimate Chicken Burger
Carl’s JR 
·         Chili Cheese Fries
·         Chili Cheese Burger
Tryst Cafe
·         Pancake Chicken Burger
·         Cheese Potato Wedges

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