Showing posts with label German cuisine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label German cuisine. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant @ Mid Valley Megamall with The ENTERTAINER Malaysia 2017

传说有那么一个品牌那么一本书,书中满载着城里五花八门各式各样的可口美食酷炫娱乐与悠闲活动,书本的拥有者除了手握全城最hit休闲娱乐以及寻觅美食的好所在,更可同时享有超过1,200类包含酒店餐厅咖啡馆酒吧spa健身等等等等的各种买一送一超值优惠!是的您没看错无论是让吃货们食指大动的特色美食、香醇的午后咖啡、夜越深越迷人的特调鸡尾酒,城里最酷炫诱人的好康在The ENTERTAINER麾下全都Buy-One-Get-One-FREE买一送一啦,当然在数为电子化时代传说中的那么一本书也与时俱进如今The ENTERTAINER买一送一超值优惠只需透过手机The ENTERTAINER App即可轻而易举的使用啦 ^^


作为一枚吃货使用The ENTERTAINER App首先opening当然是先来场美味可口的美食飨宴啦 ;)

打开app立马发现The ENTERTAINER App里有着个人相当钟意的德国料理餐厅,于是毫不犹豫地来到了Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant @ Mid Valley Megamall ;)

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant @ Mid Valley Megamall with The ENTERTAINER Malaysia 2017
星期四晚的餐厅用餐时间高朋满座 ;)

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant @ Mid Valley Megamall

话说作为一家老字号的的国料理酒吧餐厅这里的食物水准可是相当不错的,除了各种超赞的猪肉料理如德国香肠、德式炸豬腩、德式猪脚等让人吮指回味的美味之外一些经典甜点也是不容错过的招牌哦 b^^d 

本次一行十人享用了八道包括了炸豬腩、各种德国香肠、猪小里肌、燉羊胫匈牙利炖猪肉等的主菜以及开胃前菜沙拉以及甜点,以及都是个人相当推荐色香味俱全的可口主菜,重点是只要使用The ENTERTAINER App这些主菜全都买一送一 Buy-One-Get-One-FREE哦cp值立刻五折翻倍啦 b^^d 

三文鱼泥为主的canapés开胃前菜微凉带鲜确实很开胃啊 ;)
清爽的沙拉Crispy Chicken Salad以及用料丰富的Mozzarella Salad(下) :)
Mozzarella Salad ;)
以往来都没点过的Bavarian Pizza火腿披萨没想到还蛮好吃的,这个感觉和Paulaner Beer可以凑成一对好搭档 ^^
不爱啤酒的吃货朋友们可以考虑这里的的小麦饮料,看起来和啤酒无异但是0 %酒精 ;)

提到德国料理当然离不开香肠、猪脚以及啤酒,德国香肠历经那么多年依然是香肠界的一哥确实有其道理,除了五花八门的种类以及使用多元食材之外德国香肠的极佳口感是个人最喜欢这一味的主要原因,在Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant无论是广受普罗大众欢迎的鸡肉香肠(Spicy Chicken Sausages)、带印度风的猪肉咖哩香肠(Currywurst)或是个人偏爱的经典款图林根烤香肠(Thuringia Bratwurst Plate)各种肉感十足的香肠一口咬下外皮崩裂内里绞肉弹牙的口感感觉就是直截了当的一个爽,搭配上一口道地德国啤酒更是成就完美好滋味的关键 b^^d

带印度风的size超大的猪肉咖哩香肠(Currywurst) b^^d
鸡肉香肠(Spicy Chicken Sausages)
鸡肉香肠(Spicy Chicken Sausages)
个人偏爱的经典款图林根烤香肠(Thuringia Bratwurst Plate)口感很Q弹 b^^d

除了超霸气美味的德国炸猪脚以及燉羊胫(Braised Lamb Shank)对于偏好肥廋掺半的吃货朋友们炸豬腩(Crispy Pork Belly)也是不错的选项,表皮金黄的厚切炸豬腩片肥瘦分明,丰富的层次感入口软嫩加上咔哩咔哩的外皮佐以道地德国酸菜(Sauerkraut)感觉超满足der~ ;)

厚切炸豬腩(Crispy Pork Belly) ^^
搭配地德国酸菜(Sauerkraut)/德式炖紫甘蓝(Red Cabbage)更添风味层次 ;)
超霸气的软嫩燉羊胫(Braised Lamb Shank) b^^d
像不像雷神索尔之鎚 :P

不想太过肉欲的吃货朋友们以猪肉为主搭配匈牙利红椒粉等各种香料炖煮的传统匈牙利炖猪肉(Pork Goulash)佐德式面疙瘩绝对是让人一试惊艳的可口美味,经过数小时炖煮的猪肉入味之余还入口即化,搭配带奶油香的面疙瘩佐以香浓酱汁怎么吃都好吃 b^^d

传统匈牙利炖猪肉(Pork Goulash)佐德式面疙瘩 b^^d
烤过以后再以火腿包裹的猪小里肌(Pork Medallions)  :)

德式起司面疙瘩(Cheese Spatzle) 

丰富饱足感十足让人吮指回味的美味以后一些经典甜点当然也是不容错过滴,这里想大家介绍三款Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant的招牌甜点,松软顺口的国王煎饼(Kaiserschmarrn)、带岩浆般内馅的特色熔岩蛋糕(White Chocolate Lava Cake)以及炸苹果圈 (Apple Fritters)b^^d

疗愈系甜点 b^^d
松软顺口的国王煎饼(Kaiserschmarrn),单吃或配鲜果酱都很好吃 b^^d

莫名然人联想到富士山下的特色白巧克力熔岩蛋糕(White Chocolate Lava Cake)是个人最钟意的甜点 b^^d
切开后的白巧克力熔岩缓缓流出感觉很疗愈啊 ;)
炸苹果圈 (Apple Fritters)

结束以前好康放送!即日起只要购买The ENTERTAINER App除了可Brotzeit German Bier Bar & RestaurantBuy-One-Get-One-FREE 买一送一超值优惠享用包含以上美味主菜的The ENTERTAINER App Brotzeit's Menu还可同时享有全城其它超过1,200种类包含酒店、餐厅、咖啡馆、酒吧、spa、健身等等等等的各种买一送一超值优惠!加码特别放送使用本部落格优惠码“ENTERTAINER 13一年份原价RM 145的The ENTERTAINER App只需超值的RM 75哦即刻点击链接抢购吧>>> ^^

#MyENTERTAINER #ENTERTAINERapp #ENTERTAINER2017 Get more than 1,200 amazing >>Buy-One-Get-One-FREE deals here<<

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant
Address: Lot G (E) – 018, Ground External Floor
Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City, 
58000 Kuala Lumpur, 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Business hours: 11 am-12 midnight (Daily) 
Tel: 03-2287 5516

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Monday, 15 August 2016

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant, Sunway Pyramid #皮脆肉嫩美味道地德國豬腳 #Q彈德国香肠 #道地德国好滋味

爱吃德国料理的吃货朋友们想必对Brotzeit这一国际连锁知名德国啤酒餐厅不会感到陌生,与餐厅密不可分皮脆肉嫩美味又道地的德國豬腳、咸香各味五花八门的Q彈德国烤香肠、肉丸子、熏肉片,搭配的是与德国美食天生绝配不可分割的Draft Biers(德国生啤酒)..说到这就算没亲自品尝过Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant料理的朋友们想必也不难想象为何这已有近十年历史的德国啤酒餐厅能过历久不衰依然让人喜爱了吧 ;)

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant在雪隆区一共有三家分店,续第一次造访他们家位于谷中城(Mid Valley)的分店以后本次来到的则是Brotzeit位于Sunway Pyramid的分店。虽然餐厅沿用了一贯现代简约的装潢设计,但有别于谷中城分店相对较大的空间感Brotzeit Sunway Pyramid则感觉更为有德国酒吧的气息,暗色调的木制桌子椅和墙壁加上墙上的酒瓶装饰及手绘漫画挥别了日耳曼人的拘谨刻板印象,营造出的是现代德国富有活力的一面,让人无论是想来顿道地丰盛的德国料理或单纯小酌感觉都挺棒的 ;)

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant @ Oasis Boulevard Ground Floor, Sunway Pyramid

虽然种类繁多的香肠才是德国人民日常饮食里的国民代表,但每回提起德国料理霸气侧漏视觉效果诱人的德国猪脚才是个人的最爱,也是个人评鉴一家德国料理餐厅是否优秀的重要指标 ;) 不得不说的是Brotzeit在料理德国猪脚与香肠的表现似乎从来都没让人失望过,无论时隔多久那脆皮嫩肉饱满入味的霸气德国炸猪脚以及包裹着弹牙外衣内馅层次丰富的德国香肠总是在入口的第一时间便能即刻唤醒记忆里那曾经熟悉的好味道,真心表扬点赞! b^^d 

而除了道地的巴伐利亚(Bavarian)美味和优质德国啤酒之外,想来顿稍微正式晚餐的吃货朋友们也可以在各种单点主菜之外选择搭配包括沙拉、德式开胃小菜、海鲜拼盘以及甜点等的主厨推荐menu哦,不必费心头疼选择便可品尝到各式餐厅招牌料理绝对是有选择困难症患者的救星啦 ;)

烟熏鲔鱼、鲑鱼搭配新鲜虾子的SEAFOOD PLATE 

精心搭配的主厨推荐menu一共有两款基本款选项,以招牌德国猪脚+传统中欧料理燉牛肉为主菜的menu 1以及以德国香肠拼盘+烤猪肋排为主菜的menu 2,包括前菜、主菜、甜点以及德国生啤酒和无酒精麦芽饮料的餐点份量都还蛮大的,一份menu建议大概3个人共享刚刚好,要提醒的是主厨推荐menu只在周一至周三晚餐时间(6-9 pm)提供哦 ;)

豪邁隨性视觉效果诱人的德国猪脚(SIGNATURE CRISPY PORK KNUCKLE)是这里的必点招牌 b^^d

豪迈大口的享受美食搭配道地的优质德国啤酒,这便是香气朴实口感扎实的德式料理精神 ^^
为满满饱足感的美味料理干杯 ;)

当然甜美的句点是各种西式料理结束以前不可或缺的,松软带有空气感的德式甜点国王蛋糕(Emperor's Cake,手撕软绵葡萄干鸡蛋糕佐微酸果酱)是履行这一职责的不二选择 ;) 

Brotzeit延续了一些欧洲国家在饭后都会来上一小杯shot的习俗,感觉不错啊 ^^

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant在雪隆区的三家分店除了之前提到的Mid Valley以及Sunway Pyramid之外另外一家则位于Bangsar Shopping Centre,更多关于餐厅的道地德式料理以及促销请戳下边餐厅官网与脸书链接 ^^

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant
OB K4, (G-Floor), Oasis Boulevard, Sunway Pyramid
No. 3, Jalan PJS 11/15, Bandar Sunway,
46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Phone: 603 5638 5516

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Monday, 15 December 2014

Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro -Tasty German Cuisine- @Taman Desa

Newly opened in July 2014, Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro located in Desa Business Centre, Taman Desa is a definite rising star which served a series of finger lickin' good German Cuisine. If you're a frequent visitor to Taman Desa, this newly discovered hidden gem of mine is a definite keeper as here is where you’ll find the best German Pork Knuckles, Authentic Sausage Platters and delightful Lamb Shanks in the neighbourhood, probably one of the best in KL area as well b^^d

Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro, Desa Business Centre, Taman Desa.
cozy interior with a bar, fits for both family dining and casual hangout with buddies :)
Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro interior.
a quick glance at the menu

Set to be a family restaurant which is equally suitable for group events, the signature German Pork Knuckles is a definite must try, roasted to perfection with amazing crackling on the outside & fork tender on the inside texture, this juicy larger-than-my-fist size giant pork knuckle is gonna blow 90 % of the people who've seen it away *the other 10 % who doesn't.. those are vegetarian XD Have it together with the sauerkraut & pork sauce for an instant blown away ;) The wonderfully braised Lamb Shank is another favourite dish of mine, the tender lamb with tasty gravy is irresistible and the homemade mashed potatoes makes a lovely compliment. If that doesn't sounds tempting enough, look out for the Baked Pork Belly, another signature delight with crispy skin, succulent soft tender pork belly served with mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables and apple sauce b^^d

Garden Salad (RM 10)
Braised Lamb Shank, braised to perfection and served with nice homemade mashed potatoes and salad b^^d (RM 38)
Sausage Platter, Farmer’s Bratwurst, Nuemberger, Emmenthaler, Hungarian, Thueringer, Chorizo and slices of bacon to compliment the dish, also served with garlic mayo, habanera mayo, mustard, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes (RM 80)
Baked Pork Belly served with mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables and apple sauce b^^d (RM 35)
Roasted Pork Knuckles served with mashed potatoes, sauerkraut and pork sauce b^^d (RM 68)
German Pork Knuckles 

For those who're looking for a chillax moment, a wide variety of foreign imported beers such as König Ludwig, Errdinger and Franzishanner Weissbier, along with fine choices of wines and liquors are available at the bistro with some pleasurable home recipe bar snacks :)

German Beer Bucket at RM120.00+: Choose 5 varieties of German Imported Beer to quench your thirst. From König Ludwig, Errdinger and Franzishanner Weissbier ;)
bar snack- Spicy Mutton
dessert- Apple Crumble (RM 10)
dessert- Fried banana Fritter Ala Mode (RM 7)

Also Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro is currently having a lunch promotion with a Monday to Friday treat for all diners to enjoy a selection of 5 different dishes at only RM9.90+ which comes with a complimentary drink from 12 pm to 2 pm. Choose from a range of Thirsty Chicken with Egg Fried Rice, Thirsty Western Breaded Fish which comes with French Fries, Thirsty English Pork Curry Rice, Thirsty’s Bulls Eye Black Pepper Beef Rice and Thirty’s Spaghetti Napolitana.

Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro lunch promotion

For more promotions and updates log-on to >Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro FB here<  :) 

Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro
No.2, Jalan 4/109e, Desa Business Centre,
Taman Desa, Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Business hours: 11:30 am - 1:00 am Daily
                           3:00 pm - 3:00 am (Sat & Sun)

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