Showing posts with label Oasis Square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oasis Square. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

The Roulette Restaurant Bar @ Oasis Square, Ara Damansara #USPotato #‎CulinaryFestival

Nicely located beside the scenic fountain of Oasis Square, Ara Damansara, The Roulette Restaurant Bar is one lovely gem which is equally good for a substantial dinner or a de-stress after work chillax ;)

After passing the place for a few times finally I've had a chance to step foot into this restaurant in conjunction with the US Potato Culinary Festival Kuala Lumpur 2015. Oh in case you don’t already know, The Roulette Restaurant Bar is one of the 13 unique restaurants which were featured in the US Potato Culinary Festival KualaLumpur 2015, for those who may have missed the event do check out the mouthwatering event happened just a month ago >HERE<, as for the rest who eager to find out what The Roulette Restaurant Bar is rolling out in conjunction with this tempting potato fest, lets scroll down for some finger licking goodies shell we ;)    

The Roulette Restaurant Bar @ Oasis Square, Ara Damansara #USPotato #‎CulinaryFestival
casino themed interior extended across the 3 storey building, good for both dinner and chillax ;)

And now ladies and gentlemen, in conjunction with the US Potato Culinary Festival Kuala Lumpur 2015 The Roulette Restaurant Bar presents to you 3 special fusion dishes promised to elevate the versatility, nutritional benefits and superior taste of quality US potatoes. Starting early of June these specially crafted US potato fusion dishes, namely the Fusion US Potato SaladGolden US Wedges and Chicken Potato Canape will be available at the restaurant, adding a palatable sparks to the appetizers & snacks section of the finger lickin' good menu b^^d 

Chicken Potato CanapeUS Potato Salad and Golden US Wedges @
The Roulette Restaurant Bar, Oasis Square, Ara Damansara
Fusion US Potato Salad, cube US potatoes with a brilliant touch of century egg, truly scrumptious and I LOVE it  b^^d 
Fusion US Potato Salad
Golden US Wedges, a nicely fried and perfectly seasoned wedges, crispy and yummy,
definitely one of the best companion to go with a bottle of ice-cold beer b^^d
Chicken Potato Canape, an appealing bite-sized party food :)

Other than the recently introduced US potato fusion dishes, The Roulette Restaurant Bar offers a wide selection of western dishes ranging from soup, pizzas, pasta to snacks. The Dried Curry Lamb MuttonBlack and White Sheep and The Roulette Special Chicken Wing are a few personal favourites of mine which demonstrated a lovely combination of Western food and Asian twist.   

menu at a glance
Dried Curry Lamb Mutton, slow cooked tender mutton pieces served exotic dried curry,
an exciting flavour for lamb lovers for sure b^^d 
Dried Curry Lamb Mutton (RM 38)
The Roulette Special Chicken Wing, a richly garlic-infused fried chicken wings, crispy, flavorful
and best go with 
a good pint of Guinness ^^ (RM 28)
Marinate Lamb Shoulder (RM 42)
Black and White Sheep, flavourful deep fried crumbed & chargrilled New Zealand lamb rack served with
equally tasty black peppercorn sauce, something a meat-lovers shouldn't miss b^^d (RM 68)
Smoked Duck Pizza (RM 32)
Fresh Water Prawn Noodle, deep fried 'sang har mein' noodles with gigantic fresh water prawn ^^ (RM 38)
Olio Olio Chicken Pasta (RM 20)
Cheers! For US potatoes & The Roulette Restaurant Bar~ ^^ #USPotato #‎CulinaryFestival

The Roulette Restaurant Bar
Lot R-12, Central Piazza, 
Oasis Square, Ara Damansara, 
No. 2, Jalan PJU1A/7A, 
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

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Sunday, 3 May 2015

MiniME Café @ Oasis Square, Ara Damansara

一直以来位于Ara Dmansara Oasis Square给我的感觉确实地如其名般——是个沙漠里的绿洲,远离Subang以及PJ市区,被企业工业区所围绕。然而这里却是个美食聚散地,红极一时的Mr and Mrs Café,Burger FactoryCrazy Crabs等都是坐落于这个‘绿洲’里的店家。每一次造访Oasis Square都像是一次小型的探索,而身为一枚资深吃货,美食当然是探索的最终目标,没有之一 ;)

有别于上回的咖啡与早午餐搜寻,本次的目标锁定为MiniME Café,一家营业只有数月之久,于年前十一月才入驻Oasis Square的西式咖啡馆餐厅。MiniME主打的是健康无味精的西式及本土化餐点,据店家表示这里的食物皆是MSG-Free的哦,就连果汁也都是100%的现制纯果汁,吃得开心之余也吃得安心 ^^

MiniME Café Oasis Square, Ara Damansara  
MiniME Café E-G-02, Capital 5, Oasis Square, Ara Damansara.
MiniME Café的风格为轻松趣味的美食,衍生到menu上便成了一道道有趣的餐点名字 ;)

造访之时是晚餐时间,于是尝试了店家丰盛的招牌料理,其中的沉默的羔羊Silence Of The Lamb)以及BBQ醬鸡腿肉帕尼尼BBQ Pulled Chic Panini)个人非常喜欢。以纽西兰羊肩烧烤的沉默的羔羊搭配了主厨特调黑胡椒酱,風味絕佳的組合滋味挺好(个人建议羊肩烤至5分熟即可以保留鮮嫩多汁的口感,千万别因为怕生而过度烹煮哦) ^^ BBQ醬鸡肉帕尼尼以较有弹性的去骨鸡腿肉拔丝为馅料,再以主厨特调的BBQ酱调味,搭配上微温爽口的帕尼尼(加热压烤的意大利传统三明治),感觉美味又没负担 :)

丰盛美味的MiniME Café招牌料理 ^^
由柳橙、胡萝卜、苹果调制的Vitamin Boost(左)以及由苹果、黄瓜、柠檬、芹菜调制的Toxic Cleansing是100%的现制纯果汁哦 ;)
BBQ醬鸡腿肉帕尼尼 BBQ Pulled Chic Panini微温爽口的帕尼尼,主厨特调的BBQ酱微辣却不呛口,配上一丝丝的鸡腿肉,还不错哦 ^^
分量颇大的沉默的羔羊 Silence Of The Lamb,淋上风味绝佳的特调黑胡椒酱,搭配由花椰菜及生奶油调配而成的清爽菜泥,甜菜根与小馬鈴薯,赞一个 b^^d
真心推荐烤至烤至5分熟即可以哦 :)
香烤童子雞 Spring Chic,上色均匀入口微脆的外皮非常顺口,一样搭配了别致的花椰菜泥,虽然整体口味偏于清淡,但加上主厨自制的調味棕醬汁则刚刚好 :)
除了西式餐点,这里也有东南亚风味的叻沙 MiniME Laksa Siam以及漂亮的餐前开胃菜
让人食指大动的餐前开胃菜-Mermaid’s Quest,迷你墨西哥卷饼佐以海鲜炸物
满足的一餐总须由甜点划上甜蜜的句点,取名为Best Giler的炸香蕉与冰激凌甜点香蕉以扇狀方式打开炸至金黄外脆內軟的口感搭配马六甲黑糖,清香不上火的感觉非常棒 b^^d
结束以前再送上MiniME Café另一亮点——造型超可爱的各式冰棍,一样也是无色素及防腐剂的健康版哦 ;)
MiniME Café Oasis Square, Ara Damansara  

MiniME Café @ Oasis Square
E-G-02, Capital 5. 
No.2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A,
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Tel: +60376100929/+60122782272 (Stephanie)/
+60178794912 (Lawrence)
Business hours: 10:00–22:00 (Tues - Sun)

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