Showing posts with label Publika. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Publika. Show all posts

Sunday, 27 May 2018

举一杯盛世浮华:Mandala Café and Bar @ Publika, Solaris Dutamas, KL

会来到这里,一开始还真是纯粹被餐厅名字所吸引觉得Mandala这名字挺有意思的,在完全没有预设想搜美食美酒的情况下上酒馆还真不是以往的吃货风格走向 >______< 或许有些人不知道,Mandala其实在梵文里是特别有意思的一个词,中文一般把它翻译成曼陀羅,意指神圣的圆轮或軸轴的意思,而西藏曼陀罗沙画繁华不过一捧沙的意境更是让接触过的人门印象深刻,于是开始好奇一间叫做曼陀羅的咖啡x小酒館会是什么模样,于是来到了这里亲身一转 ;) 于是一场小确幸的邂逅,从好奇心开始..

位于Publika, Solaris DutamasMandala Café and Bar招牌白底橘字外观简约,一颗颗暖黄的玻璃圆弧吊灯还挺舒适微暖,踏入酒馆tiffany蓝的长皮沙发、巨幅的酒柜以及墙上菱角分明的方行玻璃装饰还真有点浮华盛世的奢华感 ;)

Mandala Café and Bar @ Block D3-G3-8, Publika, KL
盛世浮华,来人啊 拿酒来 :P 

喜欢这里的皮椅坐着聊天超舒服的~ ^^

巨幅酒柜后居然有个隐蔽的VIP room, 想要试试当贵宾的滋味请洽询店家T&C :)

来到这里是晚餐时间,试了他们家的三道菜套餐 3 course set menu,前菜主菜和甜点都有三四种选择包含一杯House Pouring Wine感觉刚刚好,套餐价值RM 70在Publika来说还算尚可。个人推荐前菜牛尾汤Oxtail Soup与卖相亮丽的软壳蟹汉堡Jumbo Soft Shell Crab with Charcoal Bun,甜点千层蛋糕挺好吃的巧克力布朗尼也不错 ;)

Dinner Tonight: Mandala Café and Bar 3 course set menu @ RM 70 

套餐的House Pouring Wine可选择红酒或白酒,主菜从烤鸡排、意大利面、炸鱼薯条、汉堡到三文鱼都有大家就根据个人喜好自行mix and match啦 ;)

主菜选择-烤鸡排、意大利面、炸鱼薯条、汉堡到三文鱼都有,house pouring wine可以选红酒或白酒 
暖暖的牛尾汤Oxtail Soup秾纤合度最适合微凉的夜晚啦 ^^

微凉的夜晚来碗秾纤合度暖暖的牛尾汤当前菜最棒啦 ^^不爱带starchy浓汤的话份量超大的健康芝麻酱沙拉是您的最佳选择,同行友人表示这芝麻酱和某知名日本品牌芝麻酱可说是一模一样啊,个人只试过韩国牌子的,如果属实的话那么和风芝麻酱还真完胜韩国牌子的啊 XD

Mandala's Green分量十足的沙拉

软壳蟹似乎是店家的favorite除了搭汉堡还有意大利面的搭配,微辣buttermilk sauce的面条和酥软的软壳蟹挺搭的,但个人还是喜欢竹炭汉堡面包夹酥炸软壳蟹大口大口咬下的fu~ ^^

Golden Soft Shell Crab Spaghetti   
卖相亮丽的软壳蟹汉堡Jumbo Soft Shell Crab with Charcoal Bun ^^
Grilled Chicken with Buttermilk/Black Pepper
Grilled Salmon with Mashed Potato,橄榄油的烹调对个人来说口味略欠层次,感觉来个白酱或浓浓的意大利青酱会更棒 ;) 
Fish & Chips 
海鲜披萨软壳蟹汉堡都是他们家的新menu哦 ;)
软壳蟹属于海鲜所以就搭配白酒啦 ;)
话说这里的酒选项还真的挺多的还有特别版的琴酒和香槟哦不吃晚餐单纯把酒言欢也不赖啊 ;)
mille crepe一般我是配咖啡啦不过Saturday night vibe就来个高脚杯吧 ;)
Brownies with ice cream
#Mandala #WineNot? 

舒适的咖啡x小酒館让人无论是简单的三五好友把酒言欢或来个轻松晚餐都有种品味生活小确幸的微幸福感,虽然在这里呆久了盛世浮华感渐淡却也无妨 ;) 更多关于Mandala Café and Bar @ Publika, KL的各种menu促销及美酒请戳下边他们家脸书链接查看啦 👇👇 

Mandala Café and Bar
D3-G3-8, Solaris Dutamas, No. 1, 
Jalan Dutamas 1, 
50480 Kuala Lumpur, 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.

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Wednesday, 10 February 2016

「鮮家」日式居酒屋青森美食祭2016 l Aomori Fair 2016 at SENYA Family Izakaya @ Publika, KL

位于DutamasPublika Shopping Gallery除了以生活艺术和文化为主题的购物商场颇具特色以外,这里也是异国美食的聚集地哦,除了前些时候的猪排、汉堡、咖啡等多种西式或fusion 美食,近数月在这里当红的则要数各类特色日式餐厅啦,而今天要介绍给大家的「鮮家」日式居酒屋SENYA Family Izakaya @ Publika/SENYA Solaris)便是少数个人一尝便爱上的日式好味道 ^^

「鮮家」日式居酒屋坐落于Publika Solaris Dutamas相对较偏远的一角,虽然位于Block D 5的最尾端然而凭借餐厅相当抢眼的装潢及道地的日式居酒屋美食「鮮家」从开始营业至今可谓经营得有声有色 ;)

SENYA Family Izakaya @ Publika, KL
鮮家」日式居酒屋SENYA Family Izakaya @ Publika

Izakaya在日语里便是居酒屋的意思,所以餐厅设计当然走的是道地的日式小酒馆风啦。除了很有特色带点复古风的日式小酒馆装潢,「鮮家」在与客人互动服务方面也延续了日本居酒屋文化,温馨周到的员工让店里的气氛始终轻松活络,在这里无论用餐小酌都觉得棒棒哒 b^^d

烧烤绝对是居酒屋里不可或缺的,所以铁板烧吧台是一定要有的 ;)
「鮮家」带复古风的日式小酒馆装潢 ^^

想拥有完全私人空间的也没问题,和式包厢at your service ;)

除了居酒屋菜单上基本的各种清酒、啤酒等饮料以及诱人的日式串烧等下酒小物,「鮮家」菜单上亦不乏各种美味日式主食,从这里的招牌人气猪肉、色彩缤纷卖相诱人的海鲜汤底加入牛奶的日式味增咖喱牛奶拉面到仙贝锅物等都是采用原汁原味的日式居酒屋烹调方法,加上主要食材皆由日本空运,所以基本上无论点什么都不会踩雷啦 ^^

值得一提的是「鮮家」除了不定时推出新的特色餐点,这里还会举办以日本北部各个地域为主题的美食祭,在为期半个月左右的美食祭期间店里将会以当地空运而来的特色食材入菜让美味升级升级再升级啦,最重要的是这些特色美食都只会限时提供,不想错过的吃货朋友们记得记得要留意他们家的脸书咯 ;) 

当然若单纯的让大家刷脸书痴痴地等未免太不厚道了,在这里当然要为大家先行预告一下「鮮家」下一波美食祭的消息啦。「鮮家」日式居酒屋(SENYA Family Izakaya)即将在2月15日-2月29日推出青森美食祭2016,在这期间「鮮家」将限时提供以日本本州北部青森县空运而至美味食材所烹调的青森美食盛宴,想尝鲜的吃货朋友们要注意啦 ;) 接下来请继续往下滚动滑鼠看看「鮮家」青森美食祭2016有哪些美味在等着你吧.. 

包裹了青森苹果的猪腩串烧 l Aomori Apple with Pork Belly Skewer (RM 6)
完全采用青森特产料理的青森干贝炒长豆芽,像面条般的青森豆芽口感脆脆的搭配薇Q的干贝很顺口啊 l
Fried Aomori Baby Scallop & Long Bean Sprout
(RM 25) b^^d
一块苹果一口猪肉再加一口饭,香甜清爽,完美~ l
Pork Don with Preserved Aomori Apple (RM 23.8) b^^d
醋鲭鱼的海鲜丼是我的日式新欢啦 l Aomori Seafood Barachirashi Don (RM 33.8) b^^d
Nanbu Aomori Senbei Hot Pot (RM 19)

对于青森县Aomori稍觉陌生的朋友们科普时间来啦:位于日本本州北部的青森县是日本本州最北部的一个县,也是日本著名的水果盛地,因为地处偏北较低的气温与大昼夜温差造就了更为鲜甜的蔬果,尤其产量占了日本全国约半数的青森苹果更是声名远播,也因为如此青森美食盛宴上苹果的踪迹亦随处可见啦 ;) 另外由于位处北海道以南临近津輕海峽,青森也是干贝盛产之地,青森干贝个头娇小可爱,淡淡的浅金黄色泽入口清甜,怎么料理怎么好吃啊 b^^d

酥炸得刚刚好的干贝天妇罗香脆却一点也不油,把蒜蓉及白萝卜泥加入蘸汁再以干贝天妇罗沾之,好吃~ l
Aomori Baby Scallop Kakiage Tempura (RM 19.8) 
新鲜花枝及捣成酱的花枝内脏所制成的石锅花枝烧,这是青森渔民的传统美食哦 l Grilled Aomori Squid with Guts (RM 22)
醋鲭鱼押寿司 l Vinegared Saba Sushi (RM 22.8)
日本北部广受欢迎添入牛奶的咖喱拉面,薇甜带奶香的日式咖喱里还有可口的青森干贝和猪肉 ^^ l
Aomori Baby Scallop Miso Curry Milk Ramen (RM 22.8)
为青森美食画上完美句点不可错过的甜点—— 青森苹果雪葩奶油起司佐肉桂曲奇餅 l
Cream Cheese Snow Mountain & Aomori Apple Sorbet with Cinnamon Cookie (RM 16) 

同样应「鮮家」青森美食祭2016而由日本空运而来的各种青森特产在美食祭期间同步限量出售,个头硕大鲜红的青森苹果很漂亮啊,还有仙贝和苹果汁,来吧让我们把青森美味带回家~ ^^

个头硕大鲜红的青森苹果 :)

最后再告诉大家一个好康,在2月15日-2月29日「鮮家」青森美食祭2016期间「鮮家」也将举办‘人气青森美食票选’,大家只要在这期间从以上十道青森美食中选出各自的心头好,成功选出人气美食王的朋友们将有机会获得的神秘礼物以及RM 100元的SENYA招待卷哦,投票方法请查看>SENYA Solaris脸书<啦 ;)

更多居酒屋美食讯息请点击「鮮家」日式居酒屋SENYA Family Izakaya @ Publika官方脸书@ 查看,想查询餐厅分店请点击以下sushitrain官网链接 ;)

SENYA Family Izakaya @Publika
D5-G3-5, 1, Jalan Dutamas 1, 
Solaris Dutamas, 
50480 Kuala Lumpur, 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: +60 3-6205 4999

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Saturday, 8 August 2015

Tiger Radler meets laughter at ‘LOL Fest’

Debut for the very first time in Malaysia, Tiger Radler presented to Kuala Lumpur folks the ‘LOL Fest, a joyful & refreshing four days comedians showdown featuring mesmerizing gags by local and international comedians alike. 

Presented by Tiger Radler, the four-day event aptly named ‘LOL fest’ was held at Publika from July 30 until August 2. Day after the day, the jokesters threw their best jests to keep spectators tickled and the highlight of the festival was definitely the ‘Laugh-a-thon’. The six-hour special held on August 2 showcased amazing comedic talents over a dozen performances featuring the likes of Malaysia’s Andrew Netto, Philippines’ Justin Rivera and Masashi Kumada from Japan. Throughout the mind-blowing evening, spectators were doubly refreshed with some ice cold Tiger Radler

Justin Rivera (R), during one of LOL Fest comedy shows, the ‘Laugh-a-thon’ :D
Kamiyama, a member of the Yoshimoto Kogyo Group
at the
 LOL Fest KL 2015
“Jarred Fell In Possible” by Jarred Fell at the LOL Fest KL 2015

Prior to the festival, visitors to the mall experienced a week-long ‘Laughter Makes The World Go Round’ arts exhibition, which showcased fine arts, doodles and photography. Visitors to the Lemon Garden located at The Square participated in activities such as lemons juggling and 'Spin to Win' contest. Winners were rewarded with exclusive Tiger Radler premiums. On top of that, ticket holders to the shows at The Bee and Black Box were also given a special treat — a refreshing ice cold Tiger Radler. 

Andrew Netto, during one of LOL Fest comedy shows, the ‘Laugh-a-thon’ ^^
Kinjo, another member of the Yoshimoto Kogyo Group at the LOL Fest KL 2015
Masashi Kumada ‘Laugh-a-thon’, LOL Fest KL 2015
Tiger Radler presents to you LOL Fest 2015 & Tiger Radler photo booth ;)

The LOL Fest is presented by Tiger Radler and supported by an array of partners which include Comedy Central Asia, Enrich by Malaysia Airlines, and Uber. In case you've missed the show, swing by to Tiger beer MY  and LOL Events page by clicking on the link for more on ‘LOL Fest’ ;)

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Tuesday, 21 July 2015

LOL Fest 2015 — A Comedy Festival Like No Other

For the very first time in Malaysia LOL Events is proud to announce the advent of its first comedy festival called ‘LOL Fest’. The comedy festival will host an eclectic mix of both well-known and up-coming local and international comedy performers. The soon-to-be annual comedy festival will commence with a week-long Laughter Exhibition, and will continue with 4 days of comedy shows spanning from Thursday July 30Sunday August 2. All shows and activities will be held in Publika, Solaris Dutamas.

‘LOL Fest’ l Thursday July 30Sunday August 2 l @ PublikaSolaris Dutamas

What makes the ‘LOL Fest’ special is the sheer diversity of specially produced and curated shows. Japanese comedy, bilingual comedy, comedy magic, improvisation comedy and a variety of stand-up comedy shows are all part of a packed 4 day schedule. Shows also vary for different age groups with dual show ratings of ‘13+’ and ‘18+’. There will also be kids-friendly comedy shows on Saturday afternoon at The Square, Publika where proceeds go to a charitable cause.

The LOL exhibition themed ‘Laughter Makes the World Go Round’ will be held at the Boulevard of Publika, beginning July 27. This exhibition explores the many different aspects of laughter as perceived through the eyes of various artists from different disciplines and background. It is an exploration of humour and laughter, and what makes it so uniquely human. The exhibition will include photographs, cartoons, doodles, paintings, illustrations and digital images from local and regional artists.

‘LOL Fest’ l Thursday July 30Sunday August 2 l @ PublikaSolaris Dutamas
Another highlight show for the festival is the first of its kind, called a ‘Laugh-a-thon’. This unique show will feature some amazing local and international comedy talents in a 6 hour special with more than a dozen performances. Here’s how it works; once a ticket-holder enters the show, they can stay for as long as they want with one catch; one ticket is only for one entry with no re-entries. One ticket, one entry and stay till you are all out of laughs. This show promises to take audiences on an entirely different spectrum of stand-up comedy experience.

Tiger Radler presents ‘LOL Fest’ 2015 @ PublikaSolaris Dutamas

The LOL Fest is presented by Tiger Radler and supported by an array of partners which include Comedy Central Asia, Enrich by Malaysia Airlines, and Uber. Tickets for all the shows available during the LOL Fest will be available to public through Ticketpro Malaysia. For more information swing by to LOL Events FB @

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