Saturday, 8 September 2012

~AXE Anarchy Island Getaway~

I am a man of Science, so here’s what I’m gonna tell you, if you understand a little something I call The Science of Love, it’s really not that hard to be suave/ charming to the opposite sex regardless whether you are on an island getaway trip or a pub in your city. Don’t believe in what I’m saying, well let’s don’t jump straight to the conclusion thinking that this is a mission impossible, here’s how things work…

There are 3 stages in love, starting with lust (Initial attraction) driven by the sex hormones and stimulated by eye contact, follow by attraction when you are truly love-struck and finally attachment where couples develop bond that keeps them together. 

Beginning is always the hardest and in our case crucial too. So our focus here is the establishment of first sight interest. Initial attraction start with eye contact, however one major problem is people especially women usually avoid these eye contact or won’t hold it when it happens.  So the establishment of interest during this short period of time (usually 90 seconds to 4 minutes) is vital. How to capture their eyeballs? How to let this charming lady you like to have the desire to talk to you, to wish to know you a little bit more perhaps? Here are my 3 killer tips to attract the opposite sex:  

a) Commit on the path to be a naturally attractive guy – Cool and suaveness isn’t something superficial, it is not simply about what clothes you wear and how is your hair style. True suaveness comes from within, attitude is the key, be confident and authentic, iron out the “quirks” in your personality and you’ll see things getting better when you start making progress.  

True suaveness.. from within..

b) Unleash your true power – Bring out the manhood in you. Sending out message that you are a man of secure maturity, a worthy allies with credibility and reliability. Use a strong, stable, secure, and more mature manner while communicate. But remember, don’t loss your sense of humour as well, try indirect answer in a fun/playful ways to the questions women ask. Let them feel a little tease and a sense of certainty at the same time.

AXE Anarchy Island Getaway

c) Add-on on the appearance  Even though personality and attitude govern the major part to be suave to the opposite sex, still you wouldn’t want to be too sloppy on how you look, otherwise people might just consider you as negligible. The way you manage your appearance helps define you. Which hair/care styling product you use, what body spray/shower gel, and deodorant you prefer, from head to toe it all counts. So a wise men will choose these products carefully, personally I prefer something that can effectively keep me in great shape.. Something keeps me clean, cool, fresh and smells good, something that will make me look awesome overall. AXE is my all time No.1 preference, I simply love their variants in male grooming products they have to offer, shower gels, aftershaves, and colognes, skin care, shampoo, deodorant and hairstyling products all come in the finest quality which evolve from time to time, keeping pace with the latest fashion. “Stay cool and confident throughout the day using AXE” as what their advertising slogan says is simply what I’m trying to tell here.
AXE Anarchy Island Getaway

Finally since it is an Island Getaway be sporting, knowing how to swim and good at beach ball will definitely add credits to your suaveness. Cheers to “AXE Anarchy Island Getaway~~”  ^_^

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Upcoming entry: Nuffnang Premiere Screening - Resident Evil: Retribution 3D!!

So the premiere screening continue, coming up next will be the Nuffnang Premiere Screening of Resident Evil: Retribution in 3D!!

The action battle of Alice with the evil Umbrella Corp. will be a mind-blowing one with the feeling that it happens just right in front of your eyes..

 Movie review will be up next after the premiere at e@Curve Cathay Cineplex next week..Stay tune..^__^

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Nuffnang Premiere Screening – Chernobyl Diaries Movie Review.

So I went for Nuffnang Premiere Screening of Chernobyl Diaries @ TGV KLCC yesterday. For those who haven't watch it yet, here’s the review for your reference.

Basically it is a standard horror movie with a rather simple story line which kinda lack of suspense, and the ending is a bit sloppy.

In short here’s how it goes,  six tourists hire an extreme tour guide who takes them to the abandoned city Pripyat, the former home to the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, which they were attack and kill one by one by the unexpected mysterious presence.  

All shots of monsters in the movie are unsteady and jumpy, might be an effort to help keep the true form in the dark so that the audience's imagination could fill in the details, still for me the shots are too fast and shallow.

Anyway I would like to give credit to the movie’s sound effect, despite the fact that the movie is lack of real moments of tension the timing of boom and shriek still manage to startle me at some pop out scary moments. The setting of radioactive abandoned wasteland is genuinely creepy as well, no film has actually explored this area before.

To sum up, this is a decent horror movie with a few flaws and horror clichés, standard horror flicks but nothing more. Not bad for a low budget movie.

Rating: 5.9/10

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Upcoming entry: Nuffnang Premiere Screening – Chernobyl Diaries

Back at 1986 a deadly disaster took place on the surface of this planet. Reactor four of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, Soviet Union (then officially Ukrainian SSR),  suffered a catastrophic power increase, which eventually lead to explosion and fire in its core, released large quantities of radioactive contamination into the atmosphere, which spread over Western USSR and Europe. This is until present one of the only two worst nuclear power plant accident in history, which classified as a level 7 event on the International Nuclear Event Scale (the other being the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster 2011).

31 deaths are directly attributed to the accident, all among the reactor staff and emergency workers. UNSCEAR report later in 2008 places the total confirmed deaths from radiation at 64. The Chernobyl Forum estimates that the eventual death toll could reach 4,000 among those exposed to the highest levels of radiation (200,000 emergency workers, 116,000 evacuees and 270,000 residents of the most contaminated areas). The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates there will be 50,000 excess cancer cases resulting in 25,000 excess cancer deaths.

Two decades later, six young tourists hire an extreme tour guide who takes them to an "extreme tour" at the abandoned town Pripyat, the former home to the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor. During their exploration, they soon discover they are not alone...

Movie review up next after my Nuffnang Chernobyl Diaries Premiere Screening @ TGV, KLCC next week..Stay tune..^__^ 

Thanx to Nuffnang for the invitation. 

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Sadako(贞子) 3D review..


会去看贞子3D(Sadako 3D)的原因很简单,就冲着3D两个字,当然免费也是一主因..^__^

1998年,恐怖小说作家铃木光司根据真人真事创作的系列作品《贞子》被搬上大银幕,在日本乃刮起新一轮恐怖狂潮,贞子从屏幕中爬 出来的画面更是恐怖片的一个经典..

然而时隔多年再看贞子3D,从剧本,演员及整部戏的质感可说是一般般,毕竟是一部旧电影了,也不必太苛求呗..无论如何,3D始终是一个亮点,也是让我不把这部戏归类在烂片的栏目下。 毕竟看着贞子慢慢的爬向你,伸出的手几乎就在你的面前,感觉还蛮刺激的,能让我有毛骨悚然的感觉也不容易的了..


总的来说,整部片算是中规中矩吧。 没太大惊喜但也还可以。


Monday, 27 August 2012

Free Movie Tickets for Chernobyl Diariese

Just simply walk into KLCC and you'll get a to watch a movie at TGV, KLCC absolutely FREE!!

How does that sounds? Too good to be true? Well this is actually happening..

Here's how its gonna work, print the page @ this link [], be @ TGV KLCC on 4 September 2012 (Tuesday) 8pm and exchange it for a pair of tickets for Chernobyl Diaries screening on the same day 9pm. ^__^

Free Movie Tickets to  Chernobyl Diaries from eCentral and Nusantara Ederan Filem

Friday, 24 August 2012

Upcoming entry~Sadako 3D

So the curse is back, this time the long-haired girl will come right in front of you in 3D! Get ready to be haunt..

Movie review will up next after my Nuffnang Sadako 3D Premiere Screening @ GSC Paradigm Mall next week..Stay tune..^^ 

Thanx to Nuffnang for the invitation.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Jessie J Live in Malaysia 2012 @Sunway surf beach

伦敦奥运在数天前圆满的落幕了,闭幕演出非常不错,呈现出与北京奥运截然不同的风格但却难分轩轾..或许很多人都把目光焦点集中在Spice Girls的演唱,但我个人却觉得Jessie J & Queen 的一首 We Will Rock You更加激荡人心,可惜却没得到太多的注意..

所以今天要向大家介绍一位非常有实力的英国女歌手——Jessie J..原本我对她也不太熟悉,但自从几个月前去了她在Sunway surf beach的Jessie J Live in Malaysia 2012 演唱会后,不禁对她现场演唱的功力大为心折(比mv版本还强),舞台魅力及vocal能力简直不可思议..虽然她mv造型都较夸张,但本人还蛮正的.. :P

没听过她歌曲的人,建议听听看price tag, laserlight, nobody's perfect, who you are 和domino etc..尤其喜欢她的acoustic version,非常好听..


Party Zone 门票,谢谢jf的赞助..^_^

Jessie J Live in Malaysia 2012 @Sunway surf beach


从surf beach池里拍Sunway Resort Hotel, 我们的位置比摄影机还要前面哦.. Y^^Y


Jessie J VEVO's Channel @Youtube:
