Sunday, 7 April 2013

《非常好歌》拉阔音乐会 2013 @ Stage Avenue K, KL ~♪

上星期六很荣幸的获得了由One FM提供的门票到Stage Club@Avenue K KL出席《非常好歌》拉阔音乐会,在美丽的星期六夜晚,抛下纷纷扰扰一星期的工作与烦恼,走入音乐的世界,来一场心与grooving的的触碰,让心情随着非常好歌轻舞飞扬,感觉超棒的~^^

《非常好歌》拉阔音乐会2013是为了配合将在8度空间播出的音乐真人秀《非常好歌》而举办,现场除了首次由《非常好歌》学员们以Live的方式演绎入围24强的本地创作之外,也大放送的奉上网络票选Top 10的十首最Hit大马创作歌曲,好歌一次听个够,yeah *掌声 掌声*

-资讯时间-《非常好歌》是由One FM8度空间费时六个月联手精心打造的最新电视真人秀,从作品筛选至演唱人面试都由专业团队进行,并在大马全能创作歌手兼导师伍家辉,宇珩及陈威全的引导下孕育出24首成熟且符合市场需求的全新本地创作。

这些作品将从2013421起逢星期日晚间830透过在8度空间开播的《非常好歌》和大家见面,敬请期待咯。而目前《非常好歌》精彩的音乐记事已经经开播,逢星期一和五的傍晚657757分都会在8度空间和大家准时见面,欢迎收看啦 :)

好啦资讯传达完毕,接下来回到《非常好歌》拉阔音乐会现场 :P

在音乐会开始前先来个场地导览吧 :)

舞台,一切皆以Live Band方式呈现 :)
Stage Club @ Avekue K, KL
Bar-Stage Club @ Avekue K, KL
7点钟准时开show,欢迎主持人云镁鑫 *掌声*

镁鑫一人分饰两角,主持兼演唱歌手 b^^d
派礼物啦,观众超热情,镁鑫快hold不住啦 XD

原来是我们的明星导师伍家辉啊 :P
24强演绎创作串烧-小事情,I'm Sorry,疯癫,小巨人,白色恋女,感冒歌,Lady,Mission Incomplete,Dream,分爱,我的我的,差一步,舍不得,不会再重来,就现在,对换,嫁给寂寞,It's You,你不要骗我,爱情急诊室,出走的鞋,不想了,我不自己,环游世界~♪ ♪ ~


非常好歌之最Hit大马创作——Top 10:童话,天后,妳不知道的事,会呼吸的痛,势在必行,一半,勇气,坏人,我爱她,煎熬~ b^__^d
Rickman 谢承伟虽然搞怪搞笑的但唱起歌来还蛮深情的..^^
郭修彧完美诠释铁肺女王李佳薇的成名曲煎熬,浑厚及有爆发力的嗓音在歌曲结束后依然有种余音绕梁的感觉..赞! :)

音乐会结束,大合照时间 :)


特别鸣谢One FM Angel 晓燕的邀约&媒体证  b^^d
Rating: 7.5/10~

Monday, 1 April 2013

Foodies Assemble!! Tastebuddies @ Nuffnang 1st Gathering~ヽ(`⌒´)メ

"Without music, life would be a mistake."—— Friedrich Nietzsche
“Without FOOD, life would be miserable.”—— Jz

(In case you guys wondering, Nietzsche was a German philosopher, poet, composer, cultural critic, and classical short this man rocks!!.. I couldn’t agree more with what the man said about music & since I have equal passion in both music & food hence I come up with my own line of quote..Yes that’s me in the 2nd line.. XD). Thanx to the king of noodles——Mee Raja post which written few weeks back I manage to score an invitation to join the exclusive food-lovers group via Nuffnang——Tastebuddies!! *Happy :D*

Anyway lets get back to the topic..It took some time but finally the long anticipated Nuffnang’s New Facebook Interest Group——Tastebuddies @ Nuffnang is ready to roll!!~ We had our 1st ever official gathering organized by Nuffnang community team last weekend @KelantanDelights, Sooka Sentral (KelantanDelights FB), it was a wonderful Sunday afternoon which simply joyful & contented.

So ladies & gentlemen, I present to you Nuffnang foodies gathering @Kelantan Delights, Sooka Sentral, ft. Tomyam Kelapa Muda, Nasi Kerabu Ayam Percik, Nasi Tumpang etc.. *slurp* XD

Lets start with some classic cultured interior of the venue..  ^^

nice setting :)

fine view out of the windows where you can see monorail pass by right in front of your eyes ^^ 
attractive menu~
Some great design flavor ornaments..^^

I like pelita, do u? :)

tiny printed menu card just for us, sweet :D
Welcoming & introduction speech by friendly CEO of Kelantan Delights 

& here comes the long awaited part——FOODsSss~~

Staring with Sirih Daun Kaduk & Tomyam Kelapa Muda as appetiser..

Sirih Daun Kaduk, popiah skin, betel leaf with aromatic spicy crunchy filling.
Tomyam Kelapa Muda, tasteful combination of coconut milk & tomyam serves with prawn and coconut meat.
Main course: Nasi Kerabu Ayam Percik, Nasi Dagang Gulai Ikan, Nasi Tumpang & Laksam. The journey for a taste of centuries-old Kelantanese recipes begins v^__^v

Nasi Kerabu Ayam Percik, decent dish with nicely tinted light blue rice & pleasing savoury sauce.
Nasi Dagang Gulai Ikan.
Nasi Tumpang, 100% handmade Kelantanese dish inspire by their great ancestors. They only made 15 of these per day  :)
cone shaped banana leaf wrapped rice with chicken floss, fish, prawn sambal & egg in between forming a 4 layers 'rice cone', taste wise & interesting :) 
presenting~Nasi Tumpang ^__^
Laksam- a.k.a 'Kelantan Laksa', which is actually thick flat rice noodles with whitish fish-coconut gravy plus vegetables topping.

Though we were extremely stuffed after such rich meal but guess what? There's always room for dessert! XD 

Lompat Tikam & Ketupat Sotong (middle), unique dessert, love the gula melaka syrup :)

quiz game by Laura before session end ^^
To all foodies, nice meeting you guys, till next time guys V^__^
For more review on Kelantan Delights -->Click here<--- :)

Rating 7.0/10 
