Tuesday, 18 November 2014

GUINNESS® Christmas Bold Confessions: Time to wipe the slate clean

It's never too early to think about Christmas (and perhaps to celebrate it a little bit earlier than usual XD). This festive season, GUINNESS® wants to inspire its loyal consumers to be bold and step up to start the New Year afresh! This Christmas despite the usual gathering for a good time celebration GUINNESS® brings you the GUINNESS® Christmas Bold Confessions Campaign featuring the Bold Confessions Booth which invites consumers to stand up, 'fess up and be bold by confess to something, to own up to something they've done, or to open up and let people in on a secret about themselves that nobody else knows ;)

Introducing, the GUINNESS® Bold Confessions Booth

Consumers will be able to record their confessions in the GUINNESS® Bold Confessions Booth, which will be visiting outlets throughout Klang Valley in November and December. And of course with courage comes rewards, so those who bold enough to step inside and get it off their chest in time for the New Year will be rewarded with vouchers for free pints of GUINNESS® and those who give the 100 best confessions will win a pair of invites to the exclusive ‘Guilty as Charged’ Year-End party just before christmas b^^d

Other than giving out your own confession, those using the Bold Confessions Booth will be able to watch some of our local personalities joining in the year-end fun with their Bold Confessions, including Kyoto Protocol, Paper Plane Pursuit frontman John O, and comedian Prakash Daniel.

And if you doesn't feel like doing this in the booth,  simply confess from the comfort of your own homes, all you need to do is to record your video confession and posting to Instagram using the hashtag #BoldConfessions and tagging @GuinnessMY.

trying out the Bold Confessions Booth, are you bold enough to step in ;)
GUINNESS® fans & bloggers at the media launch ;)
with courage comes rewards, Guinness Xmas Bold Confessions goodies! ^^
GUINNESS® Christmas Bold Confessions: time to wipe the slate clean #BoldConfessions
Guilty of posting my meals #BoldConfessions :P
well partially agree, meals comprise only part of my posting XD
one of my many X'mas #BoldConfessions // to be continued.. :P

The GUINNESS® Bold Confessions Booth will be touring Klang Valley during the months of November and December, appearing at various outlets each week, log-on to the GUINNESS® facebook page @ www.facebook.com/guinnessmalaysia to find out where you can catch the GUINNESS® Bold Confessions Booth this Christmas ;)

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Sunday, 16 November 2014

The All New OLDTOWN White Curry Series Coming in Hot

This November, the largest local white coffee chain in Malaysia——OLDTOWN White Coffee brings you something out of the ordinary, a mouthwatering delight which is only available for a limited time only. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present you the all new OLDTOWN White Curry Series! *clapclap*

Set to be launch on the 17th November 2014, the OLDTOWN White Curry Series features a total of 5 tasty White Curry Noodles variants which the recipe was developed in partnership with MyKuali, the famous Penang white curry instant noodle variant which were conferred the ‘Top 1 Best Instant Noodle of All Time 2014’ by Ramen Rater ;)

OLDTOWN White Coffee @One City Subang Jaya.
a glimpse of the menu which will be available in all OLDTOWN outlets from 17 November 2014 to 31 January 2015 *While stocks last* ;)
And here they are ladies and gentlemen, foodies, curry lovers.. Introducing the all new OLDTOWN White Curry Series! A total of 5 tasty white curry noodle variants will be launch starting from 17 Nov 2014 and personally I the White Curry Pan Mee b^^d Try it to find out which is your favourite ;)

Utilizing the award winning curry paste from MyKuali together with OLDTOWN’s in-house special chicken soup base and noodles, the OLDTOWN White Curry Series featuring a range of 5 tasty white curry variants where customers are allowed to choose from Mee (yellow noodles), Mee Hoon (rice noodles), Hor Fun (flat rice noodles), Macaroni and Pan Mee (flat flour noodle). Also if you’re looking for something light, White Curry Fish Ballsa featured side dish of the OLDTOWN White Curry Series is always available ;)

White Curry Pan Mee (RM 9.90), a personal favourite mostly due to the lovely texture of the homemade Pan Mee which fit well with the delicately flavored white curry *recommended b^^d
White Curry Macaroni (RM 8.90), a unique fusion for foodies seeking something out of the ordinary ;) 
White Curry Hor Fun (RM 8.90)
White Curry Mee Hoon (RM 7.90)
White Curry Mee (RM 7.90)
White Curry Fish Balls (RM 3.90)

Before ending the post, let’s shift to the one and only non-spicy selection on the series. Introducing the chilling Peanut White Freezy, a new soya based peanut drink topped with vanilla ice-cream made available exclusively for the OLDTOWN White Curry Series, and probably the best choice to tune down the spice-overload taste buds ;) And the best part is despite its original price of RM 7.80 the drink is available as an add-on to a bowl of OLDTOWN white curry noodles @ RM 4.60 only b^^d 

Peanut White Freezy (add-on @ RM 4.60, ala carte RM 7.80)

For more updates of the OLDTOWN White Curry Series, log-on to OLDTOWN White Coffee official website @ http://www.oldtown.com.my/index.php/promotion/the-all-new-white-curry-series/.

OLDTOWN White Coffee @One City
Lot C-GF-08, Ground Floor, Sky Park One City,
Jalan USJ 25/1, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor.

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers!
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Wednesday, 12 November 2014

The Super Clubbing Event Of The Year Is Back! H-Artistry 2014 KL

Attention to all you clubbers, party goers, music enthusiasts and EDM lovers! The super clubbing event of the year——H-Artistry returns to KL this 15th November, inviting all the revellers to step into a different dimension by setting an even more exciting stage for the anticipated epic finale premier super-clubbing experience of 2014! 

H-Artistry 2014

Featuring a stellar line up of artists from around both East and West, this signature super-clubbing event will take place at the Malaysia International Exhibition and Convention Centre (MIECC) in Mines Resort City on 15 November 2014 starting from 7.00 pm onwards.

H-Artistry 2014 - 15 November 2014, 7.00 pm onwards @ MIECC, SAVE THE DATE ^^

Expect to get pumped by H-Artistry’s signature super-clubbing party experience with an eclectic mix of sights, sounds and taste. Featuring the latest up and coming local, regional and international acts against a trademark mashup of genres and music styles with Unique, One Night Only collaborations.

Headlining KL’s H-Artistry is is none other but the London born international award winning artist, Tinie Tempah, famous for his #1 hit on the UK Singles Chart debut single “Pass Out”, Japan’s newly formed mainstream group, Cream famous for lead-single, “Shooting Star” in their debut album, “DREAMIN”- An album ranked No.1 on the iTunes Top Song Chart and the pop duo consisting of Malcolm Kelley and Tony Oller, or better known as MKTO, famous for their debut single, "Thank You" ;)

Headlining KL’s H-Artistry - the much loved Tinie Tempah and MKTO

Also will be performing alongside is our Malaysia’s very own pop band Paperplane Pursuit, and the house beats trio from Imma*Bleep*YouUp ;)

H-Artistry 2014 KL featuring Cream, Paperplane Pursuit, Imma*Bleep*YouUp

Being the all-time nation’s most anticipated super clubbing event of the year, H-Artistry - The Global Art of Mixing is certainly one partAy not to be missed! Swing by to >H-A 2013 here< to check out what went down last year and log-on to H-Artistry official website @ www.h-artistry.com.my for more updates, see you at the party! 0oo0 0oo0 

!H-Artistry is open to non-Muslims above the age of 18 only.

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Saturday, 8 November 2014

如何购得亚航零元机票 l Tips of Getting AirAsia Free Seats

亚航零元机票(AirAsia 0 fare/Free seats Promotion)的出现可谓旅游爱好者的一大福音,而每当零元机票促销来到便仿佛女神(若您为女生请自行把'女神'切换为'男神' XD)降临人间,世人总不由自主的为她倾倒为她疯狂 ;) AirAsia因为有你世界变得更美好飞翔也不再是梦想,感恩感恩 :P

话虽如此,零元机票促销依然是几家欢喜几家愁的事情,总有开心购得机票者,亦有失落的错失良机者,也有些不解者常纳闷着为何自己总是找不到所谓的零元机票,难道这就是命一切都是注定?! 其实当然没那回事,要知道零元机票面前人人平等,注意 是比法律还要平等的平等哦 个人意见:对于个人而言法律里的keywords总少不了沉冤待雪,由古至今被司法冤死的好人也从没少过,直到如今司法不公等呐喊也时有耳闻....以下省略法律公正平等讨论500字,言归正传 XD Anyway若您知道这一些小技巧那麼全程零元机票得手的几率可能就会略微提高啦 ;)



其实也没啥神秘,但每当促销期总有人询问“怎么样才能抢到亚航0元机票啊?”的问题,因此来些经验之谈吧 ^^

1. 到亚航网站www.airasia.com/‎右上角免费注册成为亚航忠实粉丝(BIG Shot),那麼一旦有促销您将收到亚航的e-mail告诉你又是时候买机票咯 ;) 而且BIG Shot还可在大众促销日期前一天以ID log-in购票,拥有BIG Prepaid Visa 者更可免去网上付款转账费,真心推荐 b^^d

2. 提早计划,预先拟定出游地点日期及预算,时间一到便log-in搜寻是否有心水机票,一般零元机票促销期从KLIA2飞往东南亚国家票价绝对超值,但会有0 fare的日期会常跳动,因此则若价钱在budget内而且日期ok便果断下手吧。长程航班(AirAsiaX)方面机场与燃油税等会策略性调高,但机票价钱也算便宜。

3. 一般亚航在零元机票促销约3-5天前将有小预告(如下图),并公布促销地点介绍页面,只要留意亚航脸书即可。亚航脸书>https://www.facebook.com/AirAsia;亚航BIG Shot脸书>https://www.facebook.com/airasiabig


4. 缩短订票时间,为了避免订票过程中网路断线/Timeout而必须重新开始,订票建议速战速决,行李、座位、餐饮等一切不选,直接确定旅客资料后付款即可( 若家庭旅行等可在机票确定后登陆亚航网站‘更改订单信息‘里加购)。

(有留意到日期的驴友没错这是今天凌晨订的,来回菲律宾长滩岛RM 151 nett,唉哟不错哦) ;)

5. 亚航一年一般会有四次大促销,分别为2,5,7或8,11或12月份,所推出机票出行日期一般为促销日期后的6-12个月内。举个例子若是2014年11月份的促销,出游时间大概将会在2015年6-12月左右。

非BIG Shot member促销地点介绍页面参考

6. 在出游时段内任何一天的任何航班皆会可能有促销,因此耐心寻找吧。此外啰嗦说一句,机票的总价格是由机票、机场税与燃油税组成而所谓零元机票是指机票价为0,机场税与燃油税仍需支付,但就如第2点里提到的,长程航班在元机票促销期机场与燃油税可能会策略性调高,应此还是要留意。机票总价合理才买,别被0元机票冲昏了脑袋 ;)

总结:由于零元机票促销期购票者将大增,机会稍纵即逝,因此谨记快、狠、准三字真言,看见超值机票果断出击便是 :)

ps:加码-机票一天会有约三次波动,原因是航空公司会推出廉价机票补空缺机位,一般早上会是最佳购买时间 b^^d
                -常搭亚航可考虑AA Credit Card, 订票可免除手续费

*到我们的脸书专页点个赞 >Like Jz.World FB page here< 不再错失任何好康! ◕ ‿ ◕ 
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Thursday, 6 November 2014

Heineken CIMB Classic Sundown Party @Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club (KLGCC)

The international premium beer Heineken commemorated its second year at CIMB Classic with an exclusive party on the course of Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club (KLGCC). Though I’m not really a golf person however partying on the greens with remarkable views of KLGCC’s distinguished course featuring a unique line-up of performances while enjoying a glass or two of the specially crafted Heineken cocktails, that sounds exactly like something not to be missed ;)

It wasn't really the kinda weather that we prefer upon our arrival, luckily the thunderstorm gone off quickly :)  #HDR
..and its time to party on the refreshing greens ;)
Heineken CIMB Classic Sundown Party @ KLGCC, love the view b^^d

To mark Heineken’s second year in collaboration with the top golf tournament in Southeast Asia, the event’s showcases were devised within a theme of collaboration. Hence in conjunction with the theme we were pleased to have an award-winning mixologist treated us to some specially-created Heineken-infused cocktails served only at the party b^^d

award-winning mixologist Ben Ng showcases his flair at mixing unique Heineken cocktails specially created for the party. Fresh freezing Heineken Passionfruit Sorbet coming right up ;)
Heineken Mimosa, a classic cocktail with a Heineken twist (Left) and Heineken Dark Art, a cocktail with dark flavours and theatrics b^^d
specially-created Heineken-infused cocktails, only available at the Heineken CIMB Classic Sundown Party :)

Also featured at the Heineken CIMB Classic Sundown Party- talented DJ Nikki and Malaysia’s leading progressive house music DJ Blink treating the guests with some uplifting progressive beats, speed painting showcase by mural artist by Angel Ng plus a unique stringed instruments collaboration between prolific French cellist, Florian Antier and guitarist Adieu Adyu.

DJ Nikki kick-starting the party
world class hospitality Heineken CIMB Classic Sundown Party :)
Heineken CIMB Classic Sundown Party
Live guitarist-cellist duo by prolific French cellist, Florian Antier and guitarist Adieu Adyu.
exciting act by DJ Blink, Malaysia’s leading progressive house music DJ :)
guests having an awesome Heineken Green experience at the party, after golf competition starts now :P
Nuffnang Bloggerati in da house :)
one final glass before ending the post, simply because I'm lovin' it :P

For more on Heineken’s exciting events and experiences, log-on to Heineken’s Facebook page @ www.facebook.com/heineken or Instagram @ www.instagram.com/heinekenmy.

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers!
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Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant @ Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort City

Being a UPM graduate, Palm Garden Hotel @IOI Resort City is one familiar place for me as it is literary a stone's throw away from the faculty. However it wasn’t until recently for me to notice that there’s actually a Thai restaurant in the area which serves authentic and delicious Thai food :)    

Recently moved to its new location at the Palms Cafe Terrace area, Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant @ Palm Garden Hotel with its serene surroundings is no doubt a worthwhile choice of consideration for those who seek for an enjoyable dinner with quiescent ambiance and tasty Thai cuisine. 

nicely decorated surrounding of Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant @ Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort City  
lovely setting @ Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant 
Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant @ Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort City    
dinning area of Palms Cafe which is interconnected with Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant. 
 Kaw Phad Sapporat (Fried Rice with Pineapples), a staple of Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant, love the crunchy texture of cashew nut with fragrant fried rice.  
Red Tom Yam Soup (Seafood)Choose either to have the appetizing Tom Yam Soup with seafood, prawns or chicken the flavourful soup is the perfect choice to to kick-start your meal :)
Keng Keaw Wan (Green Curry with Chicken). Thick creamy aromatic curry with succulent chicken, once you've tasted it shouldn't be hard for you to understand why I rate this as my No.1 favourite at Aroi Dee b^^d
Kung Phad Prik Pow (Sauteed Prawns with Roasted Chillis). Firm, meaty prawns which blend nicely with the roasted chillis paste. Doesn't taste as spicy as it looks though :)
 Plar Neang Pek Sak (Seabass Steamed Thai Style)
a special treat by the chef- lemongrass and ginger tea, a wonderful companion for the Thai delights b^^d 

Besides the authentic Thai dishes, Nyonya and local cuisines are among the variants that can be found at Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant, all credits to the diverse background of Chef Seeri a/l Din Ren, the mastermind heading the Thai kitchen of Aroi Dee

Enche Kabin (Nyonya Style Fried Chicken). Super crispy and finely marinades chicken.
Another tasty dish not to be missed ^^ 
Tippan Ngubak (Sizzling Beef Nyonya Style)
luscious dessert to put a perfect end to our meal- Water Chestnut in Coconut Cream b^^d
handmade water chestnut (red) and jackfruit (yellow) dices b^^d
the happy face behind the menu, Chef Seeri a/l Din Ren, 25 years of experience working in several Thai restaurants in M'sia & Singapore, with a prominent experience of serving the Sultan of Brunei for 4 years along with other chefs b^^d 

Aroi Dee Thai Restaurant 
Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort City
Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College, 
62502 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Operating hours: Lunch Daily 12.00-2.30 pm 
                             Dinner Daily 6.30-10.30 pm (Except Sundays)

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