Friday, 26 December 2014

Tiger Radler Aquabeats Pop-Up Party @ Pullman Kuala Lumpur Bangsar

The month-long Tiger Radler #WhatsRefreshing contest which began in late October ended with a refreshing note with the Tiger Radler Aquabeats Pop-Up Party held at Pullman Kuala Lumpur Bangsar just last Saturday, where two lucky Tiger Radler fans walk away with RM5K house party package each courtesy of Tiger Radler MY :)

Tiger Radler Aquabeats Pop-Up Party @ Pullman Kuala Lumpur Bangsar
Tiger Radler Aquabeats Pop-Up Party @ Pullman Kuala Lumpur Bangsar #WhatsRefreshing #Aquabeats
Ashes & Oak Trees live performance at Tiger Radler Aquabeats Pop-Up Party :)
poolside massage, a refreshing and relaxing moment @ Tiger Radler Aquabeats Pop-Up Party ;)

Radler fans having a refreshing & enjoyable moment at the Tiger Radler Aquabeats Pop-Up Party :)
Refreshing beers, lovely food, great company, good times- unforgettable party elements checked ;)
an exciting “chicken fight” moment at the exclusive Radler Aquabeats pool party :P
Marketing Manager of Tiger Beer, Mr Tai See Wai (R) with the winner of #whatsrefreshing contest, Joey Lee who walked away with RM5000 house party package at Radler Aquabeats Pop-up Party b^^d
Winner of #radlermoments contest, Khoo Ying Shu (4th from left), winner of #whatsrefreshing contest, Joey Lee, Marketing Manager of Tiger Beer, Mr Tai See Wai, the face of #whatsrefreshing campaign, Melissa Toh with the pool game winners at Radler Aquabeats Pop-up Party ^^

For more refreshing moments with Tiger Radler, stay tuned to Tiger beer MY official website @ and FB @

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014

摄影入门 l DSLR Photography Basics:您的相机其实可以给您更多

部落格一向偏向介绍吃喝玩乐的我,一般很少人模人样的说话,但今天将是个例外,和大家稍微分享一下个人的一个小爱好——摄影 ;) 话说近年来由于相机的价位日渐亲民,DSLR也已经从专业摄影界跨足民间,然而许多人对这一黑黝黝而且特别重的机器却抱持着一大误解并过度神化,认为DSLR好比屠龙宝刀,手持宝刀便可成为武林至尊,一统江湖拍遍天下无敌手..于是大家都怀抱靓丽的梦想,即使拼着让荷包稍微失血仍吃了秤砣铁了心的下手购买那心目中神一般的单反,期盼这一神器可将自己拍摄照片的美观度大大升级,甚至一举达到自己看了好久却从来拍不出的专业摄影作品之水准,从此人家羡慕自己开心皆大欢喜.. 那么问题就来了.. 如果一台单反便可让人轻易的达到如此水准,那么摄影师这个职业基本上便该要去喝西北风了呗? 现实是,专业摄影师的作品依然美丽,而购买了DSLR的你,除了出门时需要背个较大的包包拍照时感觉相机有点重之外照片依旧如故,没有神一般的升级,只有梦想落空的空虚.. 当然一些人可能觉得是所购买的DSLR是入门级的,不够贵所以不够好(*相信我这真的是一个很可怕的想法),但换个角度思考,或许一台好相机是拍摄好照片的好帮手,但这还必须搭配其他的元素,比如说好的设定,好的构图,听起来似乎较为合理不是吗 ;)

在摄影新手而言,当你因为DSLR达不到你的要求而生气失望的时候,其实问题很有可能是出在你的身上,毕竟我看过好些相机被人糟蹋的情况,却从来没听说过有人被相机糟,再说我也曾经是个菜鸟,相信我 你的感受我懂的 XD Anyway言归正传,在这里和大家分享一些入门级的摄影新手小知识,了解这些基本后你将会发现DSLR其实真的超好用的,你之所以不曾爱上它只因为你不曾了解它,朝升级之路迈进吧小伙伴们 ;)

单反、风景、摄影:你的相机其实可以给您更多 ^^

首先先与单反来个ice-breaking 认识认识吧 ;) DSLR- Digital Single Lens Reflex指的是单镜头反光数码相机系统,其特点相机内的反光镜和棱镜设计可让使用者从取景器中直接观察到过镜头里的影像,其优势在于完全透过镜头对焦拍摄,拍摄者在观景窗中所看到的影像和最终拍摄的照片将是一致的。除此之外DSLR另一特点是相机可以更换不同规格的镜头以适应不同拍摄需求以达到最佳拍摄效果.. 当然近年兴起的EVILElectronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens)相机亦可随意更换不同规格的镜头,但不同于DSLR透过取景器拍摄,EVIL为了使相机更轻盈而采用了電子觀景窗(*也就是俗称的LCD screen)取景,因此偶尔会有時間遲滯及银幕噪音的問題,毕竟取景器依靠的是人类的眼睛,若你不晓得,那可是相当于一部像素高达5.76亿并且可在几乎任何情况快速对焦并且永不跑焦的超级相机哦 ;)

了解了DSLR后接下来便是一些初学摄影必须注意的知识啦,在这里讲和大家聊聊光圈aperture/f)、快门shutter speedISO白平衡(White balance)的基本概念及运用 ^^

单反、美食、摄影:你的相机其实可以给您更多 ^^









结语:以上四个元素,Aperture、Shutter、ISO、WB便是新手上路需了解的基本啦,参照图解掌握这些基本技巧的使用后,再训练自己熟悉不同角度及对焦点的拍摄,随着学习时间增加便可让自己的摄影技术慢慢提升啦 ;)


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Sunday, 21 December 2014

GAB CNY Media Launch 2015 @Grand Imperial Royale Restaurant, Sunway

While people from around the world are still busy with their Christmas count down, just last Wednesday media and guests of Guinness Anchor Berhad (GAB) gathered at Grand Imperial Royale Restaurant, Sunway as we had an enjoyable CNY dinner. Yes you heard me right, that’s one for the upcoming CNY 2015 and we kinda move thing forward a bit simple because we wana have a CNY celebration before anyone else, safe to said, we accomplish it marvelously V^^v 

GAB CNY Media Launch 2015 @Grand Imperial Royale Restaurant, Sunway
first lucky charm of 2015 ^^
Along with the CNY dinner Tiger Beer unveiled their ‘Celebration of Golden Prosperity’ campaign to reward its loyal consumers with bountiful, golden returns valued at RM 2.2 million in the upcoming prosperous Year of Goat! b^^d 

Feels like winning yourself some amazing prizes including 100 pure gold bars for the upcoming CNY? Here's how: simply grab any big bottle of Tiger Beer, Guinness, Heineken or Anchor between 5th January 2015 - 28th February 2015 and look out for the winning bottle cap liners, once you've get the winning bottle cap liners all you've to do is to answer a few questions correctly and you'll walk away with either a piece of the 100 pure gold worth up to RM 1 million or other exciting prizes such as 100,000 bottles of Tiger Radler and 800 x RM 388 filled ang pow packets ;)

AND that's not all, while most of the prizes are redeemable instantly, the 100 consumers who have gotten hold of the winning bottle cap liners will gather at a grand finale event to be held in Klang Valley where you guys will have an opportunity to crack open a golden egg, revealing if you are the lucky winner who won either one of 10 x 500 g or one of 90 x 10 g pure gold after answering a few questions correctly ^^

GAB management team officiating the launch of Tiger Beer's 'Celebration of Golden Prosperity'
'Celebration of Golden Prosperity' ;)
toast for the launch of Tiger Beer's 'Celebration of Golden Prosperity'
CNY celebration wouldn't complete without a joyful 'lou sang'- The management team of GAB tossed 'lou sang' for a prosperous Chinese New Year at Tiger Beer's 'Celebration of Golden Prosperity'
and that's not all, we've a photogenic lion in the house ;)
lion dance at Tiger Beer's 'Celebration of Golden Prosperity'
first CNY dinner for 2015 in December 2014, awesome! XD
a toast for the Golden Prosperity moments ahead ^^

Chinese New Year marks a time of celebration together with the reunions between family and friends, for the Year of Goat look out for the ‘Celebration of Golden Prosperity’ campaign by GAB while raise your glasses and cheer Yum Seng with family and friends as its gonna be an egg-citing moments ahead with all those amazing prizes awaits ;)

For more information on the ‘Celebration of Golden Prosperity’ campaign, log-on to This promotion is open to non-Muslim Malaysians who are 18 years old and above.

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Thursday, 18 December 2014

Perfecto Café Launch @Fikcles, TTDI

PERFECTÒ the brand new and innovative potato chips brand which has launched just few months back in June is back with its latest ‘PERFECTÒ Snack Bar Experience’. Despite enjoying tasty potato crisps of three exciting flavours (natural sea salt, sour cream & chives and chilli & spice infusion) which each and every one of them is sprinkled with ‘fresh garnishings’, now patrons would stand a chance to customize their own chip via the PERFECTÒ Snack Bar Experience, making the already-taste-great-on-its-own crisps even better ;)

Perfecto Café Launch @Fikcles, TTDI
PERFECTÒ Snack Bar Experience’- customize your own chip and get yourself a tasty treat ;)
Mains at the PERFECTÒ Snack Bar, PERFECTÒ crisps which comes in three exciting flavours; natural sea saltsour cream & chives and chilli & spice infusion ;)
Series of added dippings and some fresh bites at your service ;)

Introducing the PERFECTÒ Snack Bar ^^
Guests enjoy making their own custom chips via PERFECTÒ Snack Bar @Fikcles, TTDI :)
Eating plain potato crisps out of can sounds too mainstream, so I have my PERFECTÒ crisps topped with sweet corn, mushroom bits, parsley flakes, parmesan cheese powder, mayonnaise & salsa sauce instead v^^v 
PERFECTÒ + creativity = a tasty art work with a lot of fun 
Bloggers having a great time at the PERFECTÒ Snack Bar Experience’ launch :)
Our PERFECTÒ moment at Fikcles, TTDI, harvest yours at any of the following cafés near you ;)   

The ‘PERFECTÒ Snack Bar Experience’ will be available from 13th  December - 9th  January at the following cafés, drop by to these cafés to enjoy a joyful experience of customizing your own Perfecto crisps with a variety of garnishings and sauces ^^ 

‘PERFECTÒ Snack Bar Experience’ cafés
  • Wood & Steel (Halal)
  • Fikcles (Halal)
  •  Roast & Grind (Halal)
  • 42 East (Non Halal)
  • Dukes & Duchess (Non Halal)

AND that’s not all, the PERFECTÒ Instagram contest will be up and running from 13 December 2014 - 9 January 2015 so while you’re customizing your own chips, take a picture of yourself enjoying the Perfecto crisps at one of the cafes mentioned above, upload the picture to Instagram with hashtag #Perfectochips and you might just be one of the three lucky winners who walk away with a carton of tasty PERFECTÒ crisps! PERFECTÒ will be picking three lucky fans every week so let’s start snapping V^^v

For more information on PERFECTÒ, log on to PERFECTO’s official Facebook page @ or follow PERFECTÒ on instagram @

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Monday, 15 December 2014

Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro -Tasty German Cuisine- @Taman Desa

Newly opened in July 2014, Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro located in Desa Business Centre, Taman Desa is a definite rising star which served a series of finger lickin' good German Cuisine. If you're a frequent visitor to Taman Desa, this newly discovered hidden gem of mine is a definite keeper as here is where you’ll find the best German Pork Knuckles, Authentic Sausage Platters and delightful Lamb Shanks in the neighbourhood, probably one of the best in KL area as well b^^d

Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro, Desa Business Centre, Taman Desa.
cozy interior with a bar, fits for both family dining and casual hangout with buddies :)
Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro interior.
a quick glance at the menu

Set to be a family restaurant which is equally suitable for group events, the signature German Pork Knuckles is a definite must try, roasted to perfection with amazing crackling on the outside & fork tender on the inside texture, this juicy larger-than-my-fist size giant pork knuckle is gonna blow 90 % of the people who've seen it away *the other 10 % who doesn't.. those are vegetarian XD Have it together with the sauerkraut & pork sauce for an instant blown away ;) The wonderfully braised Lamb Shank is another favourite dish of mine, the tender lamb with tasty gravy is irresistible and the homemade mashed potatoes makes a lovely compliment. If that doesn't sounds tempting enough, look out for the Baked Pork Belly, another signature delight with crispy skin, succulent soft tender pork belly served with mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables and apple sauce b^^d

Garden Salad (RM 10)
Braised Lamb Shank, braised to perfection and served with nice homemade mashed potatoes and salad b^^d (RM 38)
Sausage Platter, Farmer’s Bratwurst, Nuemberger, Emmenthaler, Hungarian, Thueringer, Chorizo and slices of bacon to compliment the dish, also served with garlic mayo, habanera mayo, mustard, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes (RM 80)
Baked Pork Belly served with mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables and apple sauce b^^d (RM 35)
Roasted Pork Knuckles served with mashed potatoes, sauerkraut and pork sauce b^^d (RM 68)
German Pork Knuckles 

For those who're looking for a chillax moment, a wide variety of foreign imported beers such as König Ludwig, Errdinger and Franzishanner Weissbier, along with fine choices of wines and liquors are available at the bistro with some pleasurable home recipe bar snacks :)

German Beer Bucket at RM120.00+: Choose 5 varieties of German Imported Beer to quench your thirst. From König Ludwig, Errdinger and Franzishanner Weissbier ;)
bar snack- Spicy Mutton
dessert- Apple Crumble (RM 10)
dessert- Fried banana Fritter Ala Mode (RM 7)

Also Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro is currently having a lunch promotion with a Monday to Friday treat for all diners to enjoy a selection of 5 different dishes at only RM9.90+ which comes with a complimentary drink from 12 pm to 2 pm. Choose from a range of Thirsty Chicken with Egg Fried Rice, Thirsty Western Breaded Fish which comes with French Fries, Thirsty English Pork Curry Rice, Thirsty’s Bulls Eye Black Pepper Beef Rice and Thirty’s Spaghetti Napolitana.

Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro lunch promotion

For more promotions and updates log-on to >Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro FB here<  :) 

Thirsty Monkeys Café & Bistro
No.2, Jalan 4/109e, Desa Business Centre,
Taman Desa, Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Business hours: 11:30 am - 1:00 am Daily
                           3:00 pm - 3:00 am (Sat & Sun)

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