Friday, 8 May 2015

Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant l 韓式燒烤 @ Off Jalan Kuchai Lama, KL

旧古仔(Kuchai Lama),一个让人不由自主联想到美食的食肆一级战区,在这个繁忙的商业区里,林立着无数的餐厅和摊贩,其中又以中式及华人美食为主。然而始于年初,在这个竞争激烈的美食战场上,一股韩流正悄悄地来袭.. 没错各位吃货朋友们这里说的正是位于Jalan Kuchai Maju 8韓式燒烤餐厅 Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant是也。经常出没于这一区的朋友们或许在数月前便稍微有意识到这家店的存在,但想必没多少人知道这家店已于近期更换了掌舵人哦,重新出发的餐厅无论在店面、菜单以及食物水准上都有了显著的提升,为此先来给新老板点个赞 b^^d

韓式燒烤餐厅 Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant @ Jalan Kuchai Maju 8
Kajak-Kajak 韓式燒烤餐厅的小巧思,模拟韩国首尔塔的爱的同心锁,到这里用餐的客人们都可以留下自己的笔迹哦,
情侣也可留下爱情同心锁,浪漫哦 ;)
韓式燒烤餐厅 Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant 店面
温暖及韩风泛滥的内观,店家说还会慢慢的加入更多创意哦 ^^

除了店面装潢全面升级添加了无数韩流元素,Kajak-Kajak 的menu亦不再是只有简单的猪肉片,改进后的menu以原本的韩式烧烤食谱为基底,再加入多种新的选择,各式烧烤肉类如猪五花、蜜渍猪肉片、三层肉、猪肉球等环肥燕瘦一应俱全,除此之外菜单里还有美味的韩式熟食与小吃,海量的选择保证可以让你大快朵颐 ;) 若觉得有点眼花缭乱的话,个人推荐可以从菜单里的韩式辣酱烤猪五花与韩式猪扒入手,前者肥瘦适中口感满分而后者精瘦有度肉味香浓有嚼劲,搭配微辣的韩式辣酱再裹以生菜大蒜,一口塞的吃法绝对满足感爆表啦 ^^

Honey Comb Pork(RM 16.9)
Lamb BBQ(RM 18.9)
Bamb Pork(RM 14.9)
Spicy Pork Belly (RM 14.9)
Chicken BBQ(RM 11.9)
Prawn(RM 25.9)
Smoke Duck(RM 26.9)
Roll Pork(RM 2.9/plate)

桌边烧烤是Kajak-Kajak贴心服务之一,不想自己动手的话就让店员代劳吧,准备好碗筷即可 ;) 当然想体验烧烤乐的吃货朋友们亦可自己DIY。

感谢店员协助桌边烧烤 ^^
韩式烧烤的精髓在于把食材用生菜包裹再送入口中,所以店员会预先把肉片剪至大小适中的size方便包裹 ^^

海量的烤肉,环肥燕瘦任君选择 b^^d
来纸巾拿去把口水擦一擦,还没完呢 ;)  b^^d

除了烧烤,Kajak-Kajak的菜单里也包含了各类韩式熟食如泡菜豆腐汤及韩式炒冬粉等,要特别声明一下的是这里的韩式炒冬粉超好吃的,骨溜骨溜的滑顺口感配上芝麻及香油,有得分哦,秒赞一个 b^^d  另外以人参及全鸡炖煮的人参鸡汤火候十足口味鲜美,想补一下的吃货们不妨一试 ;)

Spicy Tofu Soup(Left, RM 12.9) and Kimchi Soup(RM 14.9)
Special Bacon Rice(RM16.9) b^^d
Ginseng Chicken Soup(RM 26.9) b^^d
Fried Chicken Combo (RM 26.9)
L to R:Ginseng Soju, Apple Soju, Lemon Soju(RM 39/bottle)

某韩国正妹曾表示炸雞就应该配啤酒,照这逻辑那么烤肉想必就应该配韓國燒酒特调咯 :P Kajak-Kajak除了各式韩国饮料也有店家特调人参、苹果及柠檬烧酒,烧烤配烧酒,感觉蛮搭的有木有 ;) 担心酒精浓度太高喝不完,没关系店家有提供寄存服务哦,只要期限内再回来取用即可。

烧烤配烧酒,感觉蛮搭的有木有 ;)
Green Onion Seafood Pancake (RM 18.9)
Korea Fried Noodle(RM 24.9) b^^d
Sweet & Spicy Pork(RM 22.9)
偶尔也想来个无限延伸的烧烤夜晚 ^^

更多关于Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant 韓式燒烤可点击以下链接查看店家脸书 :) 

Kajak-Kajak Korean Restaurant l 韓式燒烤
No 2-G, Jalan Kuchai Maju 8,
Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park,
58200 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
GPS Coordinates: 3.089897, 101.686613

*到我们的脸书专页点个赞 >Like Jz.World FB page here< 不再错失任何美食与好康! 
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Wednesday, 6 May 2015

GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015 is Back!

Graduating soon from college with no clue about what to do next? Well fear not as the leading career resource for Malaysian talents—The GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015 is back! Set to touch down this Saturday and Sunday, 9 & 10 May, 2015 at Hall 4 & 5 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), the two-day career and networking fair will be showcasing more than 100 top organizations in Malaysia (inclusive of big names such as Maybank, Petronas, Digi, Astro, Dell, Genting, CIMB, AirAsia, Maxis, Shell and many more) alongside with more than 40,000 targeted talents!  

GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015 l 9 & 10 May2015 
l Hall 4 & 5 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)

Organized by GRADUAN® and supported by TalentCorp Malaysia and Malaysian Ministry of Education (KPM), the most talked about Malaysia’s premier career & postgraduate fair is designed to promote better interaction between talents and organizations, as well as to provide the most updated employment opportunities, changing job trends and advice on achieving individual goals. In addition, an array of university booths (inclusive of Taylor’s University, MMU, UTM etc.) available at the GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015 will be offering all the necessary information for talents interested in pursuing their education in postgraduate studies throughout the two days exhibition period.     

GRADUAN® ASPIRE 2015 presents, for the very first time in Malaysia,
‘Exclusive Luncheon with CEOs’

Promises to be the most exciting local networking event, the GRADUAN® ASPIRE 2015 will be bringing the most sought after corporate luncheon session from the UK to Malaysia for the very first time. A mixture of 200 top-performing students and graduates as well as experienced professionals will be handpicked from the resume pool collected prior to GRADUAN® ASPIRE 2015 and invited to join this ‘Exclusive Luncheon with CEOs’ which allows an intimate networking opportunities with some of the brightest minds in Malaysia. The invite guest CEOs will also share their experience and expertise at the GRADUAN® ASPIRE 500 Conference set to held on 9th May, 2015, 10:00 – 11:30 AM at KLCC.

past GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair #graduan #graduanaspire #aspireKL #premiercareerfair #graduannetworking #graduanfair #ASPIRE500 #ASPIREPLUS
3 more days to the GRADUAN® ASPIRE 2015, see you there!

For more information about GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015, log on to and/or

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Monday, 4 May 2015

Maybank GO Ahead. Challenge (MGAC) 2015 Takes Off In Style @ Subang Skypark Hanger

Calling out to all brightest young minds! The Maybank GO Ahead. Challenge (MGAC) 2015, Maybank’s award-winning talent search and recruitment competition has returned in search for the high-flying future leaders. Entered the 4th year, the action-packed, multi-disciplinary fusion of business case study competition took off in style recently at Subang Skypark Hanger. Foreseen to be to be one of the biggest battle among the top achievers from leading universities around the world, MGAC 2015 promises an array of unique yet challenging tasks with amazing rewards up to $70,000 USD awaiting those challengers who make it through the International Grand Finals!   

Maybank GO Ahead. Challenge (MGAC) 2015 grand launch @ Subang Skypark 
MGAC 2015 takes off in style @ Subang Skypark Hanger
walking into the unknown #MGAC2015 #morethanachallenge
MGAC 2015 launch address by Pn Nora Abd Manaf, Maybank Group Chief Human Capital officer
Maybank GO Ahead. Challenge (MGAC) 2015 grand launch
MGAC 2015 takes off in style 
Maybank GO Ahead. Challenge (MGAC) 2015 grand launch @ Subang Skypark Hanger

Themed #MoreThanAChallenge, the MGAG 2015 is expanding its reach at multiple aspects, including a widened scope of the challenge (join with friends in a team of up to five challengers or individually for an array of tests which require wide range of skills and abilities in respond to rapid changing circumstances), the total number of nations and campus involved (26 campus levels from 14 countries including Cambodia, Thailand, HK, UK and US), as well as an enhanced rewards of $40,000 USD$20,000 USD and $10,000 USD for the grand prize, second and third runner-up respectively (largest prize purse offered for an international case challenge at university level in the region). In addition, individuals who distinguish themselves throughout the International Grand Finals will win an all-expenses-paid two-week internship in Maybank’s office in New York/London/Hong Kong along with cash rewards in USD. A special prize will also be allocated for the favourite challenger as determined by public vote.  

MGAC 2015 Press conference 

Let Go To Grow and Find Your Unknown, grab hold of this life-changing experience and earn yourself a fast-track pass onto the prestigious Global Maybank Apprentice Programme.

Let Go To Grow & Find Your Unknown
Maybank GO Ahead. Challenge (MGAC) 2015

Application to join the Maybank GO Ahead. Challenge (MGAC) 2015 can be made online at and are open until 17th May 2015. The challenge is open to penultimate and final-year students and recent graduates from any academic discipline, who are from or have studied in one of 14 countries from ASEAN and worldwide (click here for details of eligible countries 

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Sunday, 3 May 2015

MiniME Café @ Oasis Square, Ara Damansara

一直以来位于Ara Dmansara Oasis Square给我的感觉确实地如其名般——是个沙漠里的绿洲,远离Subang以及PJ市区,被企业工业区所围绕。然而这里却是个美食聚散地,红极一时的Mr and Mrs Café,Burger FactoryCrazy Crabs等都是坐落于这个‘绿洲’里的店家。每一次造访Oasis Square都像是一次小型的探索,而身为一枚资深吃货,美食当然是探索的最终目标,没有之一 ;)

有别于上回的咖啡与早午餐搜寻,本次的目标锁定为MiniME Café,一家营业只有数月之久,于年前十一月才入驻Oasis Square的西式咖啡馆餐厅。MiniME主打的是健康无味精的西式及本土化餐点,据店家表示这里的食物皆是MSG-Free的哦,就连果汁也都是100%的现制纯果汁,吃得开心之余也吃得安心 ^^

MiniME Café Oasis Square, Ara Damansara  
MiniME Café E-G-02, Capital 5, Oasis Square, Ara Damansara.
MiniME Café的风格为轻松趣味的美食,衍生到menu上便成了一道道有趣的餐点名字 ;)

造访之时是晚餐时间,于是尝试了店家丰盛的招牌料理,其中的沉默的羔羊Silence Of The Lamb)以及BBQ醬鸡腿肉帕尼尼BBQ Pulled Chic Panini)个人非常喜欢。以纽西兰羊肩烧烤的沉默的羔羊搭配了主厨特调黑胡椒酱,風味絕佳的組合滋味挺好(个人建议羊肩烤至5分熟即可以保留鮮嫩多汁的口感,千万别因为怕生而过度烹煮哦) ^^ BBQ醬鸡肉帕尼尼以较有弹性的去骨鸡腿肉拔丝为馅料,再以主厨特调的BBQ酱调味,搭配上微温爽口的帕尼尼(加热压烤的意大利传统三明治),感觉美味又没负担 :)

丰盛美味的MiniME Café招牌料理 ^^
由柳橙、胡萝卜、苹果调制的Vitamin Boost(左)以及由苹果、黄瓜、柠檬、芹菜调制的Toxic Cleansing是100%的现制纯果汁哦 ;)
BBQ醬鸡腿肉帕尼尼 BBQ Pulled Chic Panini微温爽口的帕尼尼,主厨特调的BBQ酱微辣却不呛口,配上一丝丝的鸡腿肉,还不错哦 ^^
分量颇大的沉默的羔羊 Silence Of The Lamb,淋上风味绝佳的特调黑胡椒酱,搭配由花椰菜及生奶油调配而成的清爽菜泥,甜菜根与小馬鈴薯,赞一个 b^^d
真心推荐烤至烤至5分熟即可以哦 :)
香烤童子雞 Spring Chic,上色均匀入口微脆的外皮非常顺口,一样搭配了别致的花椰菜泥,虽然整体口味偏于清淡,但加上主厨自制的調味棕醬汁则刚刚好 :)
除了西式餐点,这里也有东南亚风味的叻沙 MiniME Laksa Siam以及漂亮的餐前开胃菜
让人食指大动的餐前开胃菜-Mermaid’s Quest,迷你墨西哥卷饼佐以海鲜炸物
满足的一餐总须由甜点划上甜蜜的句点,取名为Best Giler的炸香蕉与冰激凌甜点香蕉以扇狀方式打开炸至金黄外脆內軟的口感搭配马六甲黑糖,清香不上火的感觉非常棒 b^^d
结束以前再送上MiniME Café另一亮点——造型超可爱的各式冰棍,一样也是无色素及防腐剂的健康版哦 ;)
MiniME Café Oasis Square, Ara Damansara  

MiniME Café @ Oasis Square
E-G-02, Capital 5. 
No.2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A,
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Tel: +60376100929/+60122782272 (Stephanie)/
+60178794912 (Lawrence)
Business hours: 10:00–22:00 (Tues - Sun)

*到我们的脸书专页点个赞 >Like Jz.World FB page here< 不再错失任何好康! 
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Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Somersby Cider #ThatWeekendFeeling Campaign Launch @ Signature at The Roof, PJ

Weekends are typically a time to ‘break’ from routine, let our hair down and be with our friends to rejuvenate. These are usually precious days of the week that we wish to last forever and If that weekend feeling could be bottled up, the recipe would be good friends, great food, and of course a refreshing Somersby Cider in hand ;)

Well thanks to Somersby Cider, the most popular cider in town, now you don't have to wait till weekend to enjoy those lovely relaxing vibe as Somersby is uplifting everyone’s spirits through #ThatWeekendFeeling campaign, a series of activation that revolves around the #ThatWeekendFeeling recipe of Food+Friends+Me+Somersby ;)  

Somersby Cider #ThatWeekendFeeling
Somersby Cider #ThatWeekendFeeling Campaign Launch @ Signature at The Roof, PJ 
you don't have to wait till weekend to enjoy #ThatWeekendFeeling
Somersby Cider spotted on Avatar inspired tree @ Signature at The Roof ^^
Somersby Cider & the lovely glowing tree ;)

With its sweet and refreshing taste that makes people feel rejuvenated, Somersby Cider will be bringing #ThatWeekendFeeling to life through various platforms which include comedy and food consumers, so that consumers can savour weekends whenever they want. The brand will be tying up with Crackhouse Comedy Club, PJ Laugh Fest and TimeOut Comedy Thursday to offer consumers an avenue to laugh their socks off together with their friends over some ice-cold Somersby Cider. And of course, food usually plays an important part of any gathering with friends, hence, Somersby Cider will be featuring a series of food-related activations including brunch events for consumers to enjoy the beverage with different types of cuisine.

opening at the launch, our talented local musician- Jumero.
guests were treated with a good laugh by popular comedians, Australian Jonathan Atherton and Singaporean Rishi Budhrani b^^d
popular comedians, Australian Jonathan Atherton in action :D
popular Singaporean comedian Rishi Budhrani :)
Somersby #ThatWeekendFeeling LOL b^^d

In addition, the brand is also rewarding its consumers with #ThatWeekendFeeling surprise party for celebrative occasions so do is check out Somersby Facebook page or #ThatWeekendFeeling micro site to nominate a friend and propose the occasion you would like to celebrate together with the nominated friend, and you're good to go for a wonderful #ThatWeekendFeeling surprise party ^^

For more information about Somersby Cider, log onto

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Thursday, 23 April 2015

The Avengers: Age of Ultron Nuffnang Premiere @GSC Pavilion KL

In 2012, director Joss Whedon succeeded in making Marvel's fan dreams came true with The Avengers assembly, a Marvel's superheroes alliance comprises of Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye & Black Widow, basically a dream-like all-star team that seems never fail to impress (in case you didn’t know Marvel's The Avengers ranked 3rd in the All Time Worldwide Box Office Grosses with grossed over $1.5 billion worldwide).    

The Avengers: Age of Ultron l Now Showing.

This April 2015, the heroes reassemble in the sequel of Marvel's The Avengers, goes by the name The Avengers: Age of Ultron which turn out to be another crowd-pleasing blockbuster movie packed with tons of high tech gadgets, explosion, super heroes action scenes and of course a badass super villain—Ultron (an artificial intelligence creation by Stark which were suppose to keep world at peace but unfortunately short circuit a little and decided to destroy the world.. sounds kinda familiar? ya guess that's not the first time A.I. try to mess up our world huh :P).  

The Avengers: Age of Ultron Nuffnang Premiere @GSC Pavilion KL. You know its a definite blockbuster when you have Hulkbuster in da house b^^d  #NNPremiere #AvengersAgeOfUltron

Being the epic follow-up to the biggest super hero movie of all time, even though a few interesting characters has been introduce into the sequel, the overall story line is still relatively simple and predictable compared to the former, with a lack of genuine ‘unexpected action’ and character depth. That being said, the opening sequence with the impeccable appearance of our all-time-favourite Marvel’s Avengers heroes is still an impressive piece of action filmmaking, and the most anticipated scene of mine- the Hulk vs Hulkbuster action, that’s something I'd enjoy watching over and over again (not going to tell you why they fight but I’m glad they did XD). On top of that, the nicely infuse sense of humor did strikes some extra credits for the movie ^^

New favourite- The Hulkbuster

As the saying goes: there's a hero in all of us, so when the heroes assemble, let it be a ‘pop-culture sugar rush' or a ‘deep dark twisted plot showdown’, I’ll still eagerly anticipating the upcoming Marvel's cinematic sequels ;) 

ps: don't leave too soon after the movie end, purplish Easter egg available :P

 thanks to NuffnangMy & and Walt Disney Studio Malaysia for the cool Avengers t-shirt ^^

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