Thursday, 23 July 2015

高雄旅游之亚航首航部落客踩线之旅 l AirAsia Travel Guide to Kaohsiung Taiwan Part 1 #AABC

  亚航高雄首航部落客踩线之旅 2015 ‪#‎VacaywithAirAsia‬ ‪#‎Kaohsiung #AABC ^^

美国畅销作家安迪. 安德鲁斯说:人一生至少要有两次冲动,一次为说走就走的旅行,一次为奋不顾身的爱情」。唔.. 奋不顾身感觉有点小危险,那么.. 就先来一次安全好玩还有点酷的说走就走的旅行好了 ;) 感谢亚航七月份开始新开辟的吉隆玻—高雄直飞航班,如今想到高雄的大马驴友们不必经由台北桃园机场再转高铁那么麻烦啦,KLIA2直飞高雄国际机场(高雄小港机场)只需四小时二十分钟,方便快速又经济,一次为说走就走的旅行,一台单反一个背包护照带上,出发!b^^d

亚航新航线,吉隆坡KLIA 2直飞高雄国际机场只需4小时20分钟 b^^d

目前亚航吉隆玻高雄航线将提供每周三班航班,机型为Airbus A320KLIA2起飞时间为早晨0800,而高雄国际机场起飞时间则是午间1330订票可前往亚航官网*台湾马来西亚无时差所以无需调整时间啦 ^^ 前往KLIA2交通方面建议使用机场快线(KLIA Transit),火车时间表及费用可>点击这里<

顺道一提飞机餐水平提升了不少,哎哟不错哦 :P

由于是首航因此机场除了有看板及高雄熊热情欢迎,还获得了实用机上充气小枕头以及台湾观光局新推出的高屏澎好玩卡,行程一开始便有礼物收,首航乐趣多感觉棒棒哒 ;) 

四小时多的飞行后顺利降落高雄国际机场,感谢高雄市的热情欢迎 ^^
亚航吉隆玻高雄航线目前已开通,每周三班全年无休哦 ^^ 
#‎VacaywithAirAsia‬ ‪#‎Kaohsiung‬ ‪#‎AABC
首航乐趣多,重点推介图片里右下角的高屏澎好玩卡’,一卡在手高屏澎轻松畅游 :)

整合了高雄、屏东以及澎湖三个县市旅游服务的好玩卡共有六大黄金精选游程,其中包含了多远交通、热门景点及游乐设施门票、住宿优惠等,一卡在手便可轻松自由畅游高雄屏东咯,更多关于好玩卡以及购买方式可>点击这里< b^^d

本次65的行程由台湾南端垦丁开始再一路往北移动,路经龙磐公园、海生馆、白沙湾、关山、大鹏湾、美浓、旗山老街、旗津、爱河、十鼓文创园区、龍虎塔、新堀江、佛光山、駁二藝術特區、六合夜市等景点,行程包含了海量美食与美景,上山下海的同时亦不忘给予文化与艺术的点缀,反正简单来说就是一整个精彩到不行啦,那么在这里首先为大家送上本次行程大纲、美景与美照,美食、住宿以及更详细的个人精选景点介绍请容后补上 ^^

Day 1: KLIA 2>高雄国际机场>南下屏东check-in小垦丁度假村>夜游垦丁大街


白天风光明媚的阳光沙滩比基尼,夜晚活力四射越夜越精彩的垦丁大街,这便垦丁度假的标准写照啦,距离高雄市约107公里的垦丁位属屏东县,可直接于左营高铁站、高雄火车站、高雄小港机场搭乘垦丁快线、国光88快速、垦丁列车直达,车程约1小时45分钟,建议可以挑右手边的位子以欣赏超美的沿海公路风光 ;)

各种美味街边小吃、酒吧调酒、表演、小纪念品在这里一应俱全,超好逛的 b^^d
垦丁大街——食尚玩家有来过哦 ;)
大鱿鱼——垦丁大街上的个人最爱,无论油炸烧烤都好好吃,推一个 ^^

 Day 2: 龙磐草原太平洋道声早>最南点观海平台>国立海洋生物博物馆探访小白鲸>四重溪清泉日式溫泉館>白沙湾>关山日落>check-in恒春生态农场>荧光闪闪夜访萤火虫


坐落于佳鵝公路上鵝銮鼻及风吹砂之间的龙磐草原是眺望太平洋的绝佳景点,在陡峭的崩崖上居高臨下的感受从辽阔太平洋迎面而来的强风,海天一色的畫面以及曲折海岸线让人心情豁然开朗感觉超惬意的 ^^

龙磐草原眺望太平洋,最好的眺望角度是在最右边的悬崖平台哦 b^^d
小熊表示想一个人静静的感受一下太平洋 XD ‪#‎travelingberuang


位于恆春半島最南端的最南点,孤独的树立着台湾最南点意象标志,在这里面海左則为太平洋,前方为巴士海峡,右則为台湾海峡,是国境之南唯一可同时远望三大海洋的地方,從鹅銮鼻公园旁的台26公路往龙坑方向沿着泊油路往前,过了最南点观海平台取道左手边的林荫小径到达 b^^d

恆春半島最南点观海平台 V^^v
浩瀚无边的大海感觉很有气势啊 ;)
送上拿掉手指的全景一张 ^^


垦丁另一知名地标——船帆石,除了珊瑚礁以及巨大的帆船狀巨岩,亦是欣赏夕阳的不错地点 :)



海生馆明星——超可爱的小白鲸,智力大约有七岁小孩的它非常爱和人类互动哦 ;)


白沙湾位于台2线23公里处,是一片长约一公里,由麟山鼻與富貴角共同合抱形成的半月形天然海湾,这里有着细致的贝壳沙以及蔚蓝的海岸线,亦是著名电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》取景地哦 b^^d

夏天的白沙湾,基本上是人山人海啊 -_______-
夏天巨浪来袭,颇有念奴娇里驚濤拍浪捲起千堆雪之势啊 ^^
当天风超大浪花超澎湃的,大家都被吸引了聚在岸边看海 ;)
夏天的海岸边感觉就是要配冰冰凉凉的啤酒啊 ^^


距离白沙湾不远处的关山是垦丁著名的赏日落点,关山夕照可是著名的垦丁十景之一,更于2013年被美国有线电视新闻网CNN)评选为全球十二处绝美日落景点之一,先到白沙湾踩踩水,傍晚到关山赏日落,入夜后再到垦丁大街压马路磕美食,逍遥惬意的行程感觉超爽der~ b^^d

著名的关山夕照,假日前来可要有面对人潮汹涌的心理准备 -______-
关山夕照 b^^d
关山夕照,由于是在山坡上旁边便是树林因此蚊虫有点多,防蚊液记得带咯 b^^d
夏天七月天的夕阳大约在6:30 pm左右,上山需大约15分钟,时间自己抓好咯 ;)

交通:白沙湾,海生馆,垦丁大街,船帆石,鹅銮鼻可搭乘垦丁街车(Kenting Shuttle Bus)到达,其他地点则可以选择租摩多车/包车前往。

Day 3: 大鹏湾国家风景区>美浓客家文物馆>旗山老街、火车站>贡多拉爱河


作为目前全台面积最大的單口囊狀泻湖,大鵬湾拥有有丰富的的自然、人文生态资源,无论搭船游湖再登陆蚵壳岛大磕新鲜美味蚵仔美食、体验独木舟及风浪板或是探访红樹林復育湿地公园,大鹏湾国家风景区都是个假日休闲的好去处。交通方面可点击>台湾好行垦丁快线<查看 ;)

大鵬湾游湖去 :)
鹏福公司游湖船只之一,二楼view超棒的,游湖当儿还附现烤蚵仔及饮料 b^^d
现烤蚵仔 b^^d
登陆蚵壳岛,由于是涨潮时间所以蚵壳岛都被水淹没啦,据说下午退潮间白色圈圈的蚵壳岛会浮出水面可以登陆哦 :)
蚵仔采集中,吃货们记得不要错过这里的蚵仔哦,绝对新鲜的滋味很销魂哦 XD


位于高雄县美浓镇传统客家农庄里的美浓客家文物馆,以保存完整的客家文化著称全台,文物馆以多种媒体、实物、相片、文献、影片等完整展现了美浓地区客家族群文化,亦会定期举办各式活动及DIY以增加与民众的互动,是了解传统客家文化财产及品尝道地客家美食的好地方 :)

造访时遇见倾盆大雨所以没办法取得最好角度,抱歉啦 -_____-ll
生动的馆内导览,了解传统客家文化 :)


继续看世事繁华 -_______-


作为高雄市的母亲河,爱河下游河岸整治而成的河滨公园是散步休闲的好去处,入夜以后沿著河畔的霓虹彩光让空气里无时无刻都弥漫着淡淡的浪漫气息,搭乘着从威尼斯引进的贡多拉游爱河更是浪漫破表的couple必走行程,在摇晃的小船里边听船夫献唱live版音乐边欣赏爱河河畔美景,浪漫满分啦 b^^d

飘荡在水面上的贡多拉,搭配着原住民船夫Heather的轻柔歌声,浪漫满分,突然就想谈恋爱了的说 :P
L.O.V.E. 爱河 ~ b^^d

Day 4 & 5 to be continued.. 更多高雄旅游交通行程攻略 l AirAsia Travel Guide to Kaohsiung Taiwan Part 2 #AABC,住宿以及美食攻略 coming soon..敬请期待 ^^

*特别鸣谢本次亚航高雄首航部落客踩线之旅2015主办与协办单位亚洲航空高雄市政府观光局以及屏东观光传播处 :)

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Tuesday, 21 July 2015

LOL Fest 2015 — A Comedy Festival Like No Other

For the very first time in Malaysia LOL Events is proud to announce the advent of its first comedy festival called ‘LOL Fest’. The comedy festival will host an eclectic mix of both well-known and up-coming local and international comedy performers. The soon-to-be annual comedy festival will commence with a week-long Laughter Exhibition, and will continue with 4 days of comedy shows spanning from Thursday July 30Sunday August 2. All shows and activities will be held in Publika, Solaris Dutamas.

‘LOL Fest’ l Thursday July 30Sunday August 2 l @ PublikaSolaris Dutamas

What makes the ‘LOL Fest’ special is the sheer diversity of specially produced and curated shows. Japanese comedy, bilingual comedy, comedy magic, improvisation comedy and a variety of stand-up comedy shows are all part of a packed 4 day schedule. Shows also vary for different age groups with dual show ratings of ‘13+’ and ‘18+’. There will also be kids-friendly comedy shows on Saturday afternoon at The Square, Publika where proceeds go to a charitable cause.

The LOL exhibition themed ‘Laughter Makes the World Go Round’ will be held at the Boulevard of Publika, beginning July 27. This exhibition explores the many different aspects of laughter as perceived through the eyes of various artists from different disciplines and background. It is an exploration of humour and laughter, and what makes it so uniquely human. The exhibition will include photographs, cartoons, doodles, paintings, illustrations and digital images from local and regional artists.

‘LOL Fest’ l Thursday July 30Sunday August 2 l @ PublikaSolaris Dutamas
Another highlight show for the festival is the first of its kind, called a ‘Laugh-a-thon’. This unique show will feature some amazing local and international comedy talents in a 6 hour special with more than a dozen performances. Here’s how it works; once a ticket-holder enters the show, they can stay for as long as they want with one catch; one ticket is only for one entry with no re-entries. One ticket, one entry and stay till you are all out of laughs. This show promises to take audiences on an entirely different spectrum of stand-up comedy experience.

Tiger Radler presents ‘LOL Fest’ 2015 @ PublikaSolaris Dutamas

The LOL Fest is presented by Tiger Radler and supported by an array of partners which include Comedy Central Asia, Enrich by Malaysia Airlines, and Uber. Tickets for all the shows available during the LOL Fest will be available to public through Ticketpro Malaysia. For more information swing by to LOL Events FB @

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Monday, 6 July 2015

BGT Lakeview Restaurant & Bar @ Plaza Kelana Jaya (PKJ)

想让食物美味瞬间提升最快速有效的方法之一,大概便是直接为美食搭上美景咯,而隐藏于Plaza Kelana JayaBGT Lakeview Restaurant & Bar便可以很轻易地做到这一点,皆因如其名称所提示般的这是一家坐落于Kelana Jaya Lake边上的西餐厅,在微风徐徐的湖畔边边享用晚餐边看着夕阳落去是这里最棒的用餐模式 *话说个人对Kelana Jaya虽然不陌生,但却一直不晓得就在距离Paradigm Mall数百米处有这么一个用餐附湖景的好去处,感觉不错 ^^

BGT Lakeview Restaurant & Bar @ Block C-06, Plaza Kelana Jaya (PKJ)
很特别的入口,居然直接开在停车场里 ;)
个人觉得最棒的当然就是这里的夕阳晚餐啦(建议用餐时间6:30 pm,刚好可以看见太阳公公下班又不会太热太晒)^^

除了拥有超棒湖畔美景之外,这里的食物亦不乏亮点哦,其中最吸睛的莫过于餐厅所选用的虾子啦,巨型淡水虾无论搭配清爽的虾子水果沙拉或烹调成招牌江南虾卖相那是绝对满分的啦,个人尤其中意餐厅招牌的江南虾,虾肉饱满弹牙的口感加上香甜别致的特调酱料,好吃哦 b^^d

清爽的虾子水果沙拉 l Giant Head Prawn Salad ^^ (RM 43) 
海鲜汤 l Amori di Mare (RM20)
以pasta皮包裹碎牛肉馅的Tortellini Beef,感觉有点像意式水饺 ;) (RM 21)
BGT Petti Di Pollok (RM 25)
江南虾 l Gangnam Prawn b^^d (RM 20/100g) 
Grilled Lamb Shoulder ^^ (RM 41)
Paella Italians (RM 29)

BGT Lakeview Restaurant & Bar的意大利面可是有数十种选择哦,最棒的是这里的All-You-Can-Eat-Pasta-Challenge只需二十大洋便可尝遍所有的现点现做pasta哦,而且还附汤、开胃沙拉、饮料和甜点,看看下边pasta的份量,绝对超值有木有啊,或许唯一要担心的就是你的胃容量啦 ;)

海鲜意大利面 l Spaghetti Sea Food Aglio Olio (RM 29)
Kong Po Lou Shi Fun (RM 21)
店家新研发的Rainbow Pasta ;) (all-you-can-eat pasta at RM 19.9)
Rainbow Pasta

最后要特别推荐的就是这里的窑烤披萨啦,采用柴火搭配瓦斯窑烤的披萨饼皮薄薄的,撒上各式佐料吃起来超顺口的,其中以‘红虾’及‘猫山王’搭配起司为佐料的榴莲披萨更是创意又美味,记得不要错过咯 b^^d

窑烤披萨 ;)
窑烤的温度,看起来就是莫名的赏心悦目 ^^
Meat Lovers Pizza (RM 35)
Hawaiian Pizza
以‘红虾’及‘猫山王’搭配起司为佐料的特色榴莲披萨 l 
BGT Wood Fire Durian Pizza b^^d
(RM 25) 
Fruit Crepe Lava (RM 21)

BGT Lakeview Restaurant & Bar
C-06, Plaza Kelana Jaya,
SS7/13A, Petaling Jaya,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

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Thursday, 2 July 2015

Maria's SteakCafe @ Damansara Perdana #USPotato #‎CulinaryFestival

What’s up foodies, so for the first post of July the potato fever continues~ After an exciting launch of the US Potato Culinary Festival Kuala Lumpur 2015 back in June, may I present to you the Maria's SteakCafe, a cosy homey western restaurant which were one of the 13 unique restaurants featured in this year’s ‘US Potato Culinary Festival KL’.

Sedately tuck in a quiet corner of Metropolitan Square, Damansara Perdana, Maria's SteakCafe is certainly one place not to be missed for those who seek for some fine yummy steaks ;) Now that the restaurant is in line with the United States Potato Board (USPB) serving superior taste quality US potatoes, there's more reasons to visit the lovely family restaurant as you’ll get both awesome steaks and tasty potatoes all under one roof b^^d

Maria's SteakCafe @ Metropolitan Square, Damansara Perdana
located in a quiet corner of Level 3, Metropolitan Square, the restaurant is accessible 
by the elevator between Citibank & Oldtown ;)
the cosy homey interior
love the rustic lighting fixtures :)
quick glance at the menu
Maria's SteakCafe, now serving quality US potatoes ^^ #USPotato #‎CulinaryFestival

Known for serving premium Australian Wagyu and Black Angus beef steaks, ‘quite awesome steaks’, as confidently described by the restaurant itself is pretty much what to be expect for diners here at Maria's SteakCafe. If you are the type of person who appreciate the delicate oily in texture flavor, the soft Australian Wagyu (marble score 7) is surely the perfect steak for you at the Maria's SteakCafe, however for those who urge for a juicy meaty sensation, the Australian Black Angus might be a rather appropriate choice.

 Australian Wagyu 7 (250 g, medium rare), a delicate, delicious taste that melts in your mouth 
and stay in you heart for a while b^^d *personal favourite (RM 95/100 g)
Australian Black Angus (240 g, medium rare), the naturally juicy, firm yet tender texture makes this an irresistible cut 
for meat-lovers. A giant thumbs up to chef for the excellent grilling skills too b^^d  (RM 48/100 g)

As for the complimentary dishes, a nice warm Mashed Potatoes with Smoked Salmon and Beef Bacon is the first thing that I would recommend as this nicely seasoned fluffy charm is all it takes to elevate your already amazing steak to greatness ;) On the other hand, if you're a hardcore meat-eater with a big appetite the Shepherd's Pie will equally be good for your consideration.

Shepherd's Pie with nicely balanced gravy and minced beef filling ratio, topped with cheese 
and warm fluffy mashed US potatoes ;) (RM 18)
Mashed Potatoes with Smoked Salmon and Beef Baconnice and warm, 
a display of comfort food at its best ^^ (RM 15)
US Potato & Pear Soup (RM 9.5)
Oriental Salad, lovely salad with a nicely done Asian twist, creative okaka and mushroom 
topping added credits to the dish (RM 12)
Spicy Mussels served with garlic bread, love the pleasantly seasoned spicy tomato based sauce
 which goes well with the mussels and somehow even better with the garlic bread :P (RM 22)
nicely grilled NZ Lamb Cutlets, quite well browned on the outside however not as velvety as I expected on the inside, 
best goes with mint sauce to give it a good zing ^^ (RM 54)

A wonderful meal always finishes with a lovely dessert, in this case a good slice of Prune Cake works quite well to end the night on a sweet note, and I must admit it kinda leaves me wanting to come back for more :P

Prune Cake (RM 9.5)
Tiramisu (RM 15)

Maria's SteakCafe
Level 3, Centre Wing Lift, Metropolitan Square
No. 2, Jalan PJU 8/1, Damansara Perdana,
47820 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

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