Tuesday 1 March 2016

★Ariel's Point Cliff Diving @ Boracay, The Philippines ll 超刺激长滩岛悬崖跳水:15米悬崖自由落体初体验

这是一个南中国海上长七公里,宽约四公里的小岛,这里有着举世闻名网路票选全亚洲最漂亮的白色沙滩White Beach,还有最刺激的悬崖跳水.. Boracay——梦幻海岛假期的最佳代名词,阳光、沙滩、比基尼,精彩故事.. 在这里继续..  ;)

*注:本po文为2015菲律宾长滩岛旅游攻略番外篇,错过之前1110 RM 2000玩转长滩岛攻略的驴友请点击这里>★11天10夜RM 2000玩转长滩岛PART 1(Day1-6)<以及>PART 2(Day7-11)<自行跟上,长滩岛住宿推荐则可点击这里>Ferra Hotel Boracay<&>Nami Resort Boracay<查看 ^^

Ok言归正传,话说若要评选长滩岛上最刺激的活动,超夯的Ariels point悬崖跳水Boracay Ariel's Point Cliff Diving)绝对是当仁不让的冠军大热门。悬崖跳水——这一光听名字便会让人肾上腺素急速飙高的名词起源于三百多年前的夏威夷,由距离海面数十米高的悬崖一跃而下可是当时夏威夷毛伊岛上卡赫克里国王麾下勇士为了向国王显示其勇气与忠诚而进行的壮举。虽然就高度而言长滩岛Arials point悬崖跳水最高15米跳台的高度并不是最高的(夏威夷Lana'i悬崖跳水的高度为16米,而奥地利Wolfgangsee的跳点高度更是惊人的27米),但是作为东南亚区为数不多的悬崖跳水点Ariels point悬崖跳水除了让人胆颤心惊的15米悬崖跳台,还有着让人惊艳清澈见底的海水,在这里除了跳水悠闲地划个独木舟或者浮潜什么的感觉都棒棒哒 b^^d

Ariel's Point Cliff Diving @Boracay, The Philippines ll 长滩岛Arial’s point悬崖跳水 b^^d 

Ariel’s point悬崖跳水是由长滩岛饭店Boracay Beach Club所提供的半日配套,package包括了全程无限畅饮的汽水、啤酒等饮料,自助午餐、Ariel's Point的悬崖跳水、浮潜以及划独木舟,费用为淡季 2000 PHP旺季2500 PHP(价钱可到Ariel's Point Boracay官网查询),可通过酒店/沙滩上兜售配套的agent提前一天订购或通过官网网络预定。半天行程一般10 am左右在Station 1 的Ariel's House聚合,简单的解说后便出发前往悬崖跳水点,船程约四十分钟左右,到达后便自由活动啦,自助午餐大约12:30 pm提供,饮料则从登船、在悬崖跳水时及4 pm回程时都会无限供应啦 ;)

Arial’s point悬崖跳水,早上十点钟大伙准时集合在Ariel's House Station 1等候briefing ^^
位于Station 1的Ariel's House,旁边便是白色沙滩美景 ;) 
用来识别身份的手环 #LifeisGood 
前往Ariel's Point,乘坐的是Ariel's Point专属螃蟹船 :)
一开船就奉上的啤酒, cheers~ ^^ *饮酒过量有碍健康请自行斟酌
堪称清澈见底有木有 b^^d
★Ariel's Point ^^
悬崖上的Ariel's Point,原木风搭配茅草屋顶超有feel的 
海天一线的view超美的 ^^
3米开始起跳熟悉一下坠落感 ;)
再慢慢选择更高的跳板高度 ;)
就算不会游泳也没关系,跳之前向下边的lifeguard打个招呼入水后他便会来救你咯 ;)
Ariel's Point的节奏是.. 从悬崖纵身跃入碧蓝海水,从楼梯爬上来,然后重复以上步骤 :P
5米,站在跳板上和在一旁观看感觉简直是两个世界啊 >___<
友人JS君8米 jump of the day荣获最佳姿势兼最上镜奖 b^^d
友人Ram挑战8米成功 b^^d
除了正面的跳台沿着梯级往后走还有着谧静的美景哦 ;)
除了悬崖跳水也可以浮潜或划独木舟,全都包在package里啦不必额外加钱 (ps:这里很多蓝色的大海星哦)^^
饮料,无限畅饮 b^^d
好久没看到玻璃瓶的可乐咯,美景当前随便照都超美的感觉很棒啊 ^^ 可口可乐要不来个品牌合作呗 ;)
15米的终极挑战.. 奇怪怎么看起来比想象中高那么多啊.. 还是先填饱肚子储满能量再说 :P
菲式丰盛自助午餐..外加以及无意入镜的男士福利 :P
自助午餐,那个类似腊肉口味的丸子好好吃 ;)

午餐后便是今天的重头戏啦——悬崖跳水15米跳台的终极试炼.. 3 2 1.. Ready.. Go!

15米终极挑战——外国正妹很勇的直冲出去啦~ 姿势不错哦 赞一个 b^^d
友人E君带着GoPro一同入水 #GoPro #beaHERO 

区区在下不才也完成了15米挑战,自由落体夸张的快啊,从起跳到落水只需三秒钟哦,基本上感觉就是视线模糊耳边风声呼啸然后扑通一声回过神来人已经在水里咯 :P 话说由于太快了以至友人错失了按下快门的时机,木有我腾空自由落体的照片啊~ 噢 可惜~ 噢 可惜~ -_____-

15米的调调ok的 XD

最后结束以前稍微提醒一下想去悬崖跳水的驴友们个人建议尽量把Ariel’s point安排在旅程的最后几天较为妥当,因为这样万一受伤了也不会影响接下来的行程 XD 这可不是危言耸听哦,同行的友人跳了8米不慎扭伤了腰,结果除了当天宣告阵亡接下来亦只好带着腰伤游长滩,个人跳了15米结果在强大的冲击力下除了大腿淤青还轻微的震伤了背,所幸不太严重,同行还有个老外也在15米处挂彩,记得要小心啊  

总结悬崖跳水心得,提醒大家一定要从最低的3、5米跳台开始,调整好入水姿势熟悉以后再挑战8及15米的高度,往下free fall时千万记得双脚并拢伸直脚尖指向水面直插入水,冲力消失后再往上浮就可以啦 ;) 一般人从高空坠落会自然的缩四肢导致中心往后移结果变成大腿后侧/臀部直接与水面大面积撞击,轻微的话便是大腿淤青严重的话撞击力便会造成腰部或北部扭伤,所以千万记得啦必须稍微挺胸拉直身体脚尖往下脚板先入水,酱紫就完全木有问题啦 ;)

伴着夕阳回到长滩岛,登陆点依然是在Station 1,挑战15米不慎伤了腰的外国朋友在员工搀扶下回到岸上,希望没大碍吧 ;)

更多关于长滩岛Ariel’s point悬崖跳水可点击这里>查看他们家的官方网站<啦 ;)

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Monday 22 February 2016

Chang Beer New Green Bottle, Smooth, Elegant, Now in Malaysia

From classic amber to vibrant green, Chang Beer-the immensely popular beer in Thailand by the country’s biggest brewer, Thai Beverage (ThaiBev) has recently been unveiled with a contemporary new identity and packaging.

Chang Beer, one of the most popular brew of all time especially among Thailand’s beer connoisseurs now comes with not only a brand new elegant look, but also a fine tune in its flavour :)

#Changbeer New Green Bottle ~ ;)

First to notice having the new Chang Beer in hand is the very nice contour and good hand-feel of the ergonomic hand grip design, alongside with the bottle's colour which has been changed from classic amber to a more elegant, younger, vibrant green. For those who familiar with the old Chang Classic, another noticeable change would be the fresh and smooth flavour, a touch making it a perfect beer for bonding, anytime, anywhere~ :)

#Changbeer New Green Bottle ~ ;)

AND now comes the best part.. The new Chang Beer is NOW available in Malaysia! Among the places where you could get a taste of this ThaiBev’s favourite brew you ask? Well the golden triangle of KL & Changkat Bukit Bintang would be places to seek :)

Chang Beer new bottle is accessing the market via a "Refreshingly Different" in 90 degree perspective, fans of Chang let’s post for the favourite Thai brew of all time ;) 

#Changbeer New Green Bottle ~Refreshingly Different~ ;)
#Changbeer New Green Bottle ~Refreshingly Different~ Showcase your creative 90° post today ;)

I now challenge you to join the Chang Beer SNAP & SHARE challenge! SNAP your 90° perspectives photos, and then SHARE them on your Instagram/Facebook with the hashtag #changbeer!

join the SNAP & SHARE challenge! SNAP your 90° perspectives photos, 
and then SHARE them on your Instagram/Facebook with the hashtag #changbeer :)

For more information on Chang Beer log-on to Chang Beer official website @ http://changbeer.com/ or FB page @ https://www.facebook.com/changbeer/

☝☝☝What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Sunday 21 February 2016

White Horse Tavern Bar & Restaurant @ AmpWalk Mall, Jln Ampang, KL

Another new spot for great food and live music is in town! Located at AmpWalk Mall, a neighborhood shopping center along Jalan Ampang, the White Horse Tavern Bar & Restaurant is not your average bar and restaurant serving only booze and mediocre food..

Live band, chilled booze and relaxing vibe, those are simply the basic elements to be expected. Here at the White Horse Tavern Ampang be prepared to explore more on a tantalizing journey for your taste buds as Chef Yogi, the mastermind behind White Horse Tavern's kitchen roll out his passionately-crafted menu ;)

White Horse Tavern Bar & Restaurant @ Lot G08B, Grd Flr, The AmpWalk Mall, KL
White Horse Tavern @ AmpWalk Mall, KL
the bar at White Horse Tavern Ampang
pick your spot, pints of beers and food will be served to you at the right temperature shortly ;)
White Horse Tavern Bar & Restaurant #‎whtavernmy‬
house wine or cider? which would it be ;)
‪#‎whtavernmy‬ ‪#‎Strongbow‬ ‪#‎apple‬ ‪#‎cider‬
spacious and cosy dining area :)
setting ‪#‎whtavernmy‬ ‪
menu at a glance

Serving an array of Western delights ranging from tidbits and salad to mouthwatering main courses with signature dishes such as the Honey Comb Baby Pork RibsCrispy Roasted Pork Knuckle, tasty Pork Burger and unique pizza, this is definitely a new place in town I'll be happy to dine in when craving for some hearty delights or simply to chill out with a pint or two ^^

Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms ^^
BBQ Chicken Wings (RM 32) 

From brunch to dinner the creative menu of the White Horse Tavern is never short on options. Topped with generous portion of poached eggs, Dad's Breakfast Pizza with warm yolk flows over the cheesy bacon would make a comforting breakfast any day of the week for those who seek for a morning boost. If you're up for some lavish dinner, the signature grilled and baked to perfection Honey Comb Glazed Pork Ribs topped with fresh natural honey comb collected personally by the chef from Cameron Highlands is one lovely dish you'd like to have it on your table ;)

Dad's Breakfast Pizza, eggs, sausages, bacon, mushroom and hash browns with Cheddar Cheese (RM 28)
Deep Dish Alfredo Pizza, Gouda Cheese, cream and grilled fin fish (RM 32) b^^d
Honey Comb Glazed Pork Ribs served with grilled corn on the cob & jacket potato  
b^^d (RM 129)
Fish Gratin served with creamy mashed potatoes, leeks, carrots and zucchini (RM 35) b^^d

The Crispy Roasted Pork Knuckle is my personal favourite here at the White Horse Tavern, steamed and roasted to perfection the crackling pork skin covering the tender tasty meat is simply irresistible, flavorful on its own and even better with a touch of apple compote b^^d 

Crispy Roasted Pork Knuckle served with creamy spicy mustard, prune and apple compote, streaky bacon and jacket potatoes (RM 90) b^^d 
perfect separation~ b^^d
Chef Yogi, the mastermind behind White Horse Tavern's kitchen ;)
a perfect separation of bones and meat b^^d

Feel like having something which is good for one? My recommendation would be the Pork Burger. A 180 g nicely fried succulent pork meat patty with caramelised onion, coleslaw & gherkins sandwich between two squishy soft burger buns, served with chips, salad and homemade WHT Hellfire Sauce, trust me it does taste as good as it sounds b^^d

Pork Burger (180 g, RM 28) b^^d
Minced Beef Pie served with jacket potato, green salad and sauteed vegetables (RM 38) ^^
Chicken Mushroom Pie served with creamy mashed potatoand sauteed vegetables (RM 38) ^^
check out the abundance beef filling ;)
Bread and Butter Pudding

Other than the mouthwatering menu, the fresh food display fridge, a pretty eye-catching curved glass door chiller placed right beside the bar is something not to be missed while visiting the White Horse Tavern. Showcasing an array of fresh meats, flavoured steaks, sausages and pies, this is my kinda way of ordering food as I could easily mix and match to create my personal favourite platter rather than trying to read the whole menu ^^

fresh meats, flavoured steaks, sausages, pies etc.
simply mix and match to create your personal favourite platter ^^
what you see is what you eat ;)
Launched just a couple of months ago the White Horse Tavern Bar & Restaurant has certainly more to offer, so don't forget to swing by to the White Horse Tavern's official FB @ https://www.facebook.com/whitehorsetavernampang/ for more happenings events and promotions ;)

White Horse Tavern Bar & Restaurant
Lot G08B, Grd Flr, The AmpWalk Mall,
218 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-2166 0708
Business hours: 11:00 – 01:00 pm (Mon-Fri)
                              08:00 – 01:00 pm (Sat-Sun)

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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