Sunday 8 May 2016

“US Burger & Fries Fiesta” To Excite KL’s Fast Food Fans~ #U.S.Potato #USBurger&FriesFiesta

Attention all potato & fastfood lovers!!~ In case you don't already know your favourite comfort food is back! As the continuation of the secession of >US Potato Culinary Festival Kuala Lumpur 2015<, this May 2016 The U.S. Potato Board proudly presents to you its 1st “U.S. Fries & Burger Fiesta”~~~ Running from May 1 to 31, 2016, the campaign sees the convergence of 19 popular burger joints & cafés within the Klang Valley to serve up a unique repertoire / creation of U.S. fries with burgers never seen before ;)

US Burger & Fries Fiesta” To Excite KL’s Fast Food Fans~ #USBurger&FriesFiesta

Arguably an unprecedented campaign dedicated to burger or fries, the campaign is two-pronged in objectives. First, it’s to stimulate excitement amongst the trade to be as creative as they can with creating various burger presentations with U.S. fries’ combinations. One of the highlights of this Fiesta is that it provides an opportunity for the public to acquaint themselves to the different U.S. fry varieties made using high-quality US potatoes. Many of these outlets are offering new cuts of U.S. fries for the first time so don't missed out ;)

Known to be inseparable and complement one another for the ultimate gastronomic satisfaction, burger and fries has always been Malaysian's top favorite when it comes to 'fast meals', and thanks to the U.S. Potato Board Malaysian consumers now have the opportunity to savour the “best burgers served with the best fries” via the U.S. Fries & Burger Fiesta 2016 ^^

U.S. Potato Board proudly presents——1st “U.S. Fries & Burger Fiesta 206

For the very fist time the U.S. Fries & Burger Fiesta will provide an eye-opening opportunity to participating outlets to introduce to the public more than their usual burger and fries fanfare. Potato, burger & fastfood lovers check out the list of participating outlets at below and swing by to your restaurant of choice to sample the different U.S. fries and burger combos today! ;) 


Also don't forget to snap a pic of yourself while enjoying the tasty heartwarming US fries and burgers promotion as there will also be an Instagram contest where 3 winners weekly, simply upload you pic on instagram with the hashtag #USFries&BurgerFiesta and the best pictures will walk away with RM 150 cash prizes weekly ;)

*U.S. Burger & Fries Fiesta participating outlets ft. signature dishes:

Outlet names
Dish names
Big Hug Burger
·         Nasi Lemak Burger
·         Grilled Buffalo Chicken Burger
Brooklyn B-Venture
·         Philly Cheese Steak
·         Deli Chicken


·         Moo
·         Spicy Cajun Chicken
Choo Choo Chicken
·         Choo Choo Cham Chi Chicken
·         Choo Choo Bulgogi Burger
Crazy Bites
·         Teriyaki Rooster Bites
·         Honolulu Ox Bites
Fatboy’s The Burger Bar
·         The Breakfast Stack
·         The Meaty Mania   
Hide & Seek Cafe
·         Signature Pork Burger
·         Juicy Chicken Burger
Junkyard Burger
·         Lamb Tzatziki BURGER
·         Texas-Hold Me Burger
·         Santa Fe Burger
·         Frito Pie

Kulcat Bariror

·         Green Chilli Locos
·         Double Trouble
Melur & Thyme
·         Mushroom Swiss Beef Burger
·         Smoked Duck Sandwich
Mini Mini Café

·         Roasted Chicken Burger
·         Ox Bites Burger
My Burger Lab
·         A+ Burger 
·         Beautiful Mess
The Card Cafe
·         Card Café Crispy Fish Burger
·         Card Café Signature Chicken Burger
The Grind Burger
·         Grind House Burger
·         JD Burger
The Burger Factory
·         Beef Burger On Fire
·         Burger Factory Signature
Swensen Cafe
·         Double Cheese Beef Burger
·         Swensen’s Ultimate Chicken Burger
Carl’s JR 
·         Chili Cheese Fries
·         Chili Cheese Burger
Tryst Cafe
·         Pancake Chicken Burger
·         Cheese Potato Wedges

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Thursday 5 May 2016

Dimsum buffet @ Sky Palace 食唯天 @ 美味周末任点任吃点心 @ All You Can Eat @ 超值价每位RM38

话说月前非常难得的与友人相约到蕉赖老字号的点心店打算惬意叹早茶,结果原本应该是惬意的星期日早晨却是一整个让人心碎了一地,人超多等超久而且点心单价颇高也就算了因为毕竟是老字号名店,但是重点是和友人两人吃了80大洋的点心居然没有一样是好吃的,十多种的点心居然每一种都平凡到不能再平凡 (*作为一枚资深吃货兼港点爱好者此时感觉内心受到了一万点伤害~心里崩溃无言以对~~~)

Anyway所幸人生总有高低起伏经历低潮之后终究必将反弹,那又贵又不好吃的老字号点心是哪一家想一想还是不写了,在这里要向大家推介的是~美味点心来咯~的反弹时刻啦,各位吃货朋友们看过来看过来啊~ 向大家郑重推介——One City Subang Sky Palace 食唯天目前火热进行中的周末“任点任吃”点心buffet,近四十种的美味点心All You Can Eat每位只需RM 38+六十岁以上长辈们更是只需要超佛心的RM 28+啦!2016上半年cp值及美味兼具的点心首推这里啦 b^^d *请掌声鼓励鼓励

Sky Palace 食唯天 @ USJ One City, Subang Jaya

话说之前已经试过了Sky Palace 食唯天主打健康美味的中式fusion料理而且印象中还不错 (>错过的吃货朋友们请点击这里<),于是趁着周末再次前来享用美味的任点任吃点心大餐啦 ;)

dimsum buffet @ Sky Palace 食唯天,美味周末任点任吃点心 All-You-Can-Eat超值价每位只需RM 38+,长辈还有优惠价RM 28+哦 b^^d

有别于一般点心buffet只提供基本款的点心,食唯天这里走的可是诚意满满路线,除了卖相美味兼具的各种蒸、炸、焗烤港澳点心,用餐环境也相当舒适哦 ;)

用餐环境舒适大方 ;)
因为优惠cp值超高的所以基本上一般周末早晨都是呈现人潮汹涌的状态啦,建议大家可以先打电话预定位子 :)

Sky Palace 食唯天任点任吃点心menu,各种蒸、炸、焗烤港澳点心统统有啦,还有叉烧猪肉明炉烧味北方拉面哦 b^^d

话不多说直接上点心咯,对吃货而言周末早晨最幸福的事莫过于看到这满满一桌的可口港澳点心啦~~~ ^^

满满一桌的可口港澳点心,话说这还只是menu的三分之一左右啊 :D

话说Sky Palace 食唯天周末“任点任吃”点心buffet除了兼顾卖相与美味之外,这里大部分的点心可都是现点现蒸的哦,一些点心譬如肠粉也是现点现做的,相较于一些点心店反复蒸制的方式这样的做法点心口感味道相对更优啦 ;) 而且除了menu上的点心主厨也会不定时推出新款点心让顾客们尝尝鲜哦,个人当天就幸运的吃到了新款上市的龙虾饺以及肉骨茶小笼包 ^^ #感觉嗨森

各式明炉烧味,烧肉超好吃的,皮脆柔嫩 b^^d
个人喜好排名由高到低:烧肉>叉烧>烧鸭 b^^d
干蒸烧卖,看那虾子的saiz绝对诚意满满啦 ^^
手工鲜虾饺,虾饺里也是一整只口感Q弹的虾子 ;)
腊味家乡糯米鸡,不会太油腻味道刚刚好 ^^
当然也少不了会爆酱的香港流沙包啦 b^^d
满满的内馅是爆酱的关键 ;)

四川红油抄手,师傅很贴心的调低了辣度,不过个人觉得可以再辣一点也没关系 ;)
豉汁芋香排骨 ^^
黄金鸡扎卷 b^^d

除了蒸笼点心之外这里的点心menu上还有很有意思的家乡煲仔菜系列,其中炖煮得刚刚好的牛腩煲软嫩的牛肉搭配微甜微辣充满香料的汤汁超好吃的推荐大家记得要点 ;)

酥皮牛腩煲 b^^d

只有一页的menu看似简单但是我们一行六人在试了menu上四分之三的各类点心后基本上满足感和饱足感便都爆表啦,无缘见面的北方拉香滑靓粥面咱们下回再见啦 -_______-

各式炸焗咸甜点,因为是现点现炸/焗的所以需要稍等一些时候,建议大家可以一次多点几样比较不会太耗时 :)

外酥内香的蜜汁叉烧酥 b^^d
上海煎锅贴,搭配姜丝酱油超棒 ;)
甜甜咸咸的香煎葱油饼 ;)
香煎渔民肉饼 ;)
蜂巢芋角 ;)

五香咸蛋卷,脆脆的外皮搭配沙沙的咸蛋口感蛮不错的 :)

现点现做的香滑肠粉也是这里不容错过的,除了鲜虾以及蜜焱叉烧肠粉这里还有日本鲜带子脆皮鸭丝肠粉哦 ;)

鲜虾滑肠粉,右下角肠粉皮下可是一整子的Q弹虾子哦 b^^d
日本鲜带子肠粉 b^^d

Sky Palace 食唯天 的超值周末“任点任吃”点心buffet各式蒸、炸、焗烤港澳点心(包括普洱茶水及小食)每逢星期日公共假期早晨8:30 am至2:30 pm诚意满满热腾腾提供,无论你想要来顿丰富的周末早餐、早午餐或午餐都木有问题啦 b^^d 更多详情请点击以下餐厅脸书或官网查询 :)

Sky Palace 食唯天 
D-GF-01, D-GF-02, D-GF-03 & D-GF-3A, 
Ground Floor, Sky Park @ One City, 
Jalan USJ 25/1, 
47650 Subang Jaya, 
Selangor Darul Ehsan. 
Tel: +603 5115 9998

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