Wednesday 10 April 2013

Iron Man 3: My Way! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

 Warning!! Strictly CLASSIFIED Information!! ——Abomination MK 303 ®©

“I let myself believe that Iron Man is making things better, today so many lives has lost because I held back..We are in a difficult situation & it is time for me to rise, to end this once and for all!”...   

Who am I? I’m The Abomination..

The Abomination MK 303 Iron Man suit is designed as the last resort of mankind, one that should only reveal when all hopes is gone.. It is a devastating weapon with catastrophic impact not only to its enemy but also to the user itself as the suit is too powerful for human body to bare with and prolong intensive unconventional elite grade military training is a must for one to be declare fit for the suit. Despite the drawback it is unbeatable and whoever in it would be like God among us..  
Abomination MK 303 with raging red eyes.
Ok enough intro, so what makes this suit so supreme & extraordinary? Basically the bold act of incorporating Brainiac*’s "12th-level intellect" into the neuro-interface between human nervous system & the External Suit Devices (ESDs) is the key factor. The “12th-level intellect”(originated from alien technology discovered in area 51) gives ultimate enhancement to the suit by boosting up its calculation abilities, system memory and most importantly the advance expansion of extensive knowledge of various alien technologies. The suit’s appear similar to the Bleeding Edge Amour 2010 however those hidden weaponry technologies give distinctive different between both.  

*Brainiac-an artificial intelligence Brain Interactive Construct, notorious evil-villain of DC comics.

Main Capabilities of Abomination MK 303 ®©:
  • Strength: class 200 level (The Hulk- class 100 level, enabling ability to lift/press in excess of 100 tons)
  • Speed: 10XLight Speed Movement on land & air (The Flash- speed of light on land)
  • Durability: Equal invulnerability as Superman, Inert towards kryptonite.
Abomination MK 303 Armoury system
Armoury system:

  • Headpiece & removable helmet: high velocity infrared beam in visual display, providing a marvel-Cyclops-like optic blast High frequency ultrasonic beam at stoma capable of materials atomisation.
  • Body Amour (neck, thoracic cage, abdominal regions): carbonated titanium for ultimate protection.
  • Dorsal Thorax: CBU-97 Sensor Fused Air Deployed Bomb & Advance Trident SLBM (submarine-launched ballistic missile)- an upgraded version missile which smaller in size, portable and equally destructive. Accurately target anything within its 10000 mile range.
    CBU-97 Sensor Fused Air Deployed Bomb
    Demo of Advance Trident SLBM destructive explosion.
  • Shoulder: Left- Semi automated Abm Electromagnetic Railgun, expel a projectile at nearly Mach 8 (8x speed of sound). Right- 6 Automatic portable weaponized robots embedded beneath shoulder cover each equipped with unibeam, laser & force field.
Automatic portable weaponized robots :P
  • Gauntlet: Classic iron man repulsory proton beam with unlimited boost-up power enhancement. Embedded arc laser on dorsal region of both hands capable of large area demolition within seconds.    
  • Shoe: Flight achieved by full-body magnetic field, laser rocket booster in shoes gives complete manoeuvre, speed enhancement & agility in flight.

Summary: Abomination MK 303 ®© is a disastrous & devastating weapon system which should be used ONLY under desperate circumstances with extreme caution!


Oblivion movie Review-Nuffnang Premiere Screening

"Is it possible to miss some place you've never been? To mourn a time you never lived?"..

I never met you..But I dreamed about you.. How could that be possible?..

If you are eager to know the answer, OBLIVION might be the key to what you seek.. ^^

Written and directed by Joseph Kosinski (Director of Tron Legacy), the latest production of Universal Studios ——Oblivion is a futuristic Science fiction thriller staring by Tom Cruise (Jack Harper), Morgan Freeman (Beech) & Olga Kurylenko (Julia).

Story takes place 60 years after a devastating alien invasion, mankind won the war, but Earth was lost. The only inhabitants that remain are members of the "effective team", including Jack Harper (Cruise) & Victoria (Andrea Riseborough), which assigned for drone maintenance and extraction of Earth's remaining resources..Well as you may guess the end of our world, was only the beginning..

Since Oblivion release the first trailer back in December the movie has always been on my to-watch list & after the premiere last night I'm glad that it didn't let me down :) The cataclysmic backdrop opening, action-driven plot, intrigue storyline and captivating visual effects with stunning details are extremely satisfying. Though it is not a superb masterpiece however OBLIVION is definitely a movie you don’t wanna miss. B^__^d

Thanx to Nuffnang fr d tics, cheers~ :)

Rating:8/10 ~

Monday 8 April 2013

Malaysia Largest Lotus Convoy Gathering ft. The Host Screening

Just last Sunday a Lotus Convoy Gathering was held throughout the city streets of KL via LotusMalaysia in conjunction with the release of The Host by Nusantara Edaran Film Sdn Bhd (NES). A few of us from the Nuffnang shutterbugs were invited to do some sport cars shooting as this is the Largest Lotus Convoy Gathering ever held which event will be entered in the Malaysia Book of Records (67 units of Lotus car leading by a Chrome Lotus Evora driven by Asia Fastest Female Racer Natasha Seatter). ^^

So city streets, pulsing beats, here we go~~

Arrival @ Lotus Car Malaysia Flagship Showroom, Sg Penchala, TTDI on 745am :D

breakfast nicely servers, didn't taste it though as I'm too busy shooting photos :P 
front to back: Lotus Elise, Exige & Evora :)
Lotus in F1-R31
In cause you guys wonder here's the spec, click to enlarge :)

without music the world would be a too quiet place, hence we bring our own MUSIC (aforadio) b^^d
Yvonne from NEF brief us before we start: )
'Host up' all the Lotus before convoy :)
Cool, the Chrome is does Daniel :P
Attention!! Lotus assemble! Ready to roll~~~~~

Some of you might still wonder what does Lotus had to do with the movie? Well here’s another hint for you guys:    

Looks familiar? Ring any bell? Yes that’s right——The stylish Chrome Lotus Evora 3.5L V6 you seen in the picture above (pic @ Lotus car MY Flagship showroom@ Sg Penchala TTDI KL & Pavilion KL) is actually part of a fleet of Evoras appear in the movie The Host..Yup the car does exist b^^d

Have you ever wonder how an acceleration of 0-100 km/h in 5.9 sec feels like? Stunning would be my word of choice :) During the event I had my first ever sport car ride experience across city streets of KL in a Lotus Exige & It was wonderful! (Thanx to Jason for the ride, cheers :))

Arrival @ Pavilion, KL

Natasha & Chrome :) 
Oh did I mention that we have a VIP present at the event? Lets welcome Tun DrMahathir bin Mohamad :)
After the convoy we were invited to a screening of The Host @ GSC Pavillion..
movie time- The Host :)
popcorn & drink nicely serves just the way I like it b^^d
Some might say that the movie is a bit dry & lack of excitement due to bad narrative structure and pacing, however I would rate it as a decent movie as I love the emotions in it..Love, believe, hope & humanity all at state of perfection..Besides love that lies within Melanie Stryder/Wanda is pure & beautiful..

Rating: 7.5/10~

Sunday 7 April 2013

《非常好歌》拉阔音乐会 2013 @ Stage Avenue K, KL ~♪

上星期六很荣幸的获得了由One FM提供的门票到Stage Club@Avenue K KL出席《非常好歌》拉阔音乐会,在美丽的星期六夜晚,抛下纷纷扰扰一星期的工作与烦恼,走入音乐的世界,来一场心与grooving的的触碰,让心情随着非常好歌轻舞飞扬,感觉超棒的~^^

《非常好歌》拉阔音乐会2013是为了配合将在8度空间播出的音乐真人秀《非常好歌》而举办,现场除了首次由《非常好歌》学员们以Live的方式演绎入围24强的本地创作之外,也大放送的奉上网络票选Top 10的十首最Hit大马创作歌曲,好歌一次听个够,yeah *掌声 掌声*

-资讯时间-《非常好歌》是由One FM8度空间费时六个月联手精心打造的最新电视真人秀,从作品筛选至演唱人面试都由专业团队进行,并在大马全能创作歌手兼导师伍家辉,宇珩及陈威全的引导下孕育出24首成熟且符合市场需求的全新本地创作。

这些作品将从2013421起逢星期日晚间830透过在8度空间开播的《非常好歌》和大家见面,敬请期待咯。而目前《非常好歌》精彩的音乐记事已经经开播,逢星期一和五的傍晚657757分都会在8度空间和大家准时见面,欢迎收看啦 :)

好啦资讯传达完毕,接下来回到《非常好歌》拉阔音乐会现场 :P

在音乐会开始前先来个场地导览吧 :)

舞台,一切皆以Live Band方式呈现 :)
Stage Club @ Avekue K, KL
Bar-Stage Club @ Avekue K, KL
7点钟准时开show,欢迎主持人云镁鑫 *掌声*

镁鑫一人分饰两角,主持兼演唱歌手 b^^d
派礼物啦,观众超热情,镁鑫快hold不住啦 XD

原来是我们的明星导师伍家辉啊 :P
24强演绎创作串烧-小事情,I'm Sorry,疯癫,小巨人,白色恋女,感冒歌,Lady,Mission Incomplete,Dream,分爱,我的我的,差一步,舍不得,不会再重来,就现在,对换,嫁给寂寞,It's You,你不要骗我,爱情急诊室,出走的鞋,不想了,我不自己,环游世界~♪ ♪ ~


非常好歌之最Hit大马创作——Top 10:童话,天后,妳不知道的事,会呼吸的痛,势在必行,一半,勇气,坏人,我爱她,煎熬~ b^__^d
Rickman 谢承伟虽然搞怪搞笑的但唱起歌来还蛮深情的..^^
郭修彧完美诠释铁肺女王李佳薇的成名曲煎熬,浑厚及有爆发力的嗓音在歌曲结束后依然有种余音绕梁的感觉..赞! :)

音乐会结束,大合照时间 :)


特别鸣谢One FM Angel 晓燕的邀约&媒体证  b^^d
Rating: 7.5/10~
