Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Mitasu Japanese Restaurant @ Central Plaza KL

位于Central Plaza KLMitasu Japanese Restaurant,对于我而言可称得上大名久仰,皆因这是一间最早被列入雪隆美食排行榜中的餐厅,并且被形容为雪隆区最物超所值的必吃美味日本自助餐,还号称不订位根本吃不到,感觉超厉害的说。话虽如此基于本人对美食排行榜一向来都保持着怀疑的态度,因此迟至今时今日恰好友人邀约午餐才有机会前往尝鲜验证。

—在这里先岔开说些题外话,话说美食对于大马人,就像大米对於老鼠,那是一种‘我爱你 爱着你 我会永远爱着你’般的情意结,也因为如此各式各样的美食排行榜也应运而生,当然一开始基本的公信力还是有的,但在这网络风行全民记者的时代,随着时间推进,在为了追求新鲜感及点击率之下所谓的美食排行榜已经渐渐成为了一个群魔乱舞的乱像,公信力在衡量美食标准的凋零之下直线下滑,标题耸动内容苍白的po文在社交平台上多如牛毛,希望大家在跟风的同时切记不可盲从,也希望撰文者要用心为美食基本标准把关。—

之所以会有以上这一段存粹是在吃了Mitasu后有感而发,当然我不是说这间餐馆不好让人失望什么的,事实上对于日式料理入门级的吃货们来说,以亲民价格提供点菜式日式自助餐的Mitasu绝对是个饱尝日式料理的不错选择,虽然不是如某网站形容般的绝对的必吃,但尚算值得一试 ;)ps: 个人对于必吃的定义是——必须是超级美味错过必将抱憾终身一辈子无法释怀,那是极高的评价,而雪隆区美味的日式料理还是有的而且各有特色,谁是第一必吃最美味什么的实在不好说)anyway言归正传,不再赘词先上图片:

Mitasu Japanese Restaurant @ Central Plaza KL,
位于底楼的餐厅可由Central Plaza左边往下的楼梯到达
点菜式自助餐menu,RM 59.90++/pax 菜单上全部任点

虽然食材多元性上并不十分突出,尤其生鱼片刺身方面便只有普通的salmon,tuna以及butter fish三种,而铁板烧居然没有我最爱的照烧鳗鱼,也没看见鳕鱼的踪影(抗议 抗议 :P)但性价比还是不错的,毕竟可以无限续点 :) 食物方面以个人标准来说则介于中上水平,虽不如坊间流传般必吃美味,但亦还可以一试。

Sashimi Salad
Chuka Kurage(Seasoned Jelly Fish)

在原本打算大磕一顿的照烧鳗鱼及鳗鱼寿司缺席之下,只好退而求其次的点了铁板烧牛肉粒及小章魚,其中铁板烧牛肉粒口感较嫩适中而且还蛮juicy的,推一个 b^^d 小章魚则口感Q度不错,但拌酱略微太过浓稠,调薄些应该会较好。

Chuka Lidako(Seasoned Baby Octopus)
Gyuniku Bata-yaki(Beef Butteryaki)
Sake Teriyai(Salmon Teriyaki)

炸物基本上是菜单里选择最多的一个类别了,有日式煎饺、炸带子、马铃薯等,鸡、虾、章鱼等亦一应俱全,味道中规中矩,虽然是煎炸但不会太油 :)

Hatate Fried(Deep Fried Scallop)
Ebi Gyoza(Deep Fried Shrimp Dumpling)
Aburi Sake and EbikkoSushi(Half Cooked Salmon and Shrimp Roe Sushi

日本料理当然少不了刺身及寿司啦,虽然刺身种类有限,但至少鲑鱼还是厚切,而且寿司有各式手卷、稲荷寿司、寿司卷等,还不错 ^^

Sake Sashimi(Salmon Sashimi)
Tamago Sushi and Assorted Makimono(Omlette and Assorted Roll)

爱生蚝的吃货有福啦,生蚝有在menu上哦,我们只点了几只尝鲜,但有看到别桌客人一点便是十多只(请自行把下图冰沙部分全脑补成排成一圈的生蚝),看起来还蛮澎湃的 ;)

Fresh Oyster
Hatate Fried(Deep Fried Scallop)

总结Mitasu Japanese Restaurant,这是一间亲民的日式自助餐厅,价格适中食物亦水准不错,尤其适合入门级的日式料理吃货们。在后再提醒一下,造访时是星期六的中午,基本上是full house,因此建议要先订位哦。至于想试试些高级日式料理的吃货们可点击这里美味日式料理看看一些个人推荐 ^^

Mitasu Japanese Restaurant
B-01, Central Plaza,
No.34, Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-2110 2833

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Monday, 18 May 2015

CAFFEiNATED @ IOI Boulevard, Puchong

位于IOI Boulevard CAFFiNATED咖啡馆,走的是温馨创意风,温馨可从店里温暖用心的设计中发现,而创意则可在菜单中看出端倪。店家把咖啡与西式料理结合的创意烹调温暖氛围的咖啡馆中食趣横生,除此之外也是店家独创的各种咖啡因特调亦滋味独特,爱尝鲜的吃货们不妨一试 ^^

位于IOI Boulevard CAFFiNATED咖啡馆,温暖的灯光与大落地窗感觉非常温馨
店家便会转告预留咖啡的主人前来喝咖啡啦,有趣吧 ;)

除了Baileys' Tiramisu, Espresso Bomb等各种类似鸡尾酒的新奇咖啡特调,美味且富有创意的咖啡意大利面以及出乎意料可口的蘑菇披萨亦是让我对CAFFiNATED特别留下印象的原因。原本普通的番茄意大利面入咖啡后多了一份咖啡独有的苦味,不但不突兀反而别具风味,浇上少许白酒再搭配熏鸭片上桌,先赞一个再说 b^^d  

Baileys' Tiramisu带有提拉米苏及甜酒口味的特调
Baileys' Tiramisu
创意美味兼具的咖啡意大利面,Coffee Pomodoro with Smoked Duck b^^d

除了咖啡意大利面,乍听之下略显普通的Mushroom Pizza所带来的惊喜亦毫不逊色,这里的披萨走的是薄皮路线,脆脆的饼皮搭配蘑菇与起司的香气,再加上微辣BBQ基底酱料,绝对是难以抗拒的诱惑啊,爱吃辣的吃货们亦可向老板要酸辣酸辣的墨西哥式辣酱来个升级pizza ;)

Mushroom Pizza,单卖相就已十分诱人
10寸的披萨,看起来好像放大了的乒乓拍有木有,当然比乒乓拍美味太多咯 XD
Espresso Bomb据说还入选了MyFM10个你绝对不能错过的超人气冰饮品之一哦 ;)
把Espresso shot投入苏打中,然后好戏就上场咯 *相机记得准备好 ;)
Espresso Bomb,感觉像在喝带汽的冰咖啡 :)
除了特色创意饮料,当然一般咖啡馆里基本的咖啡menu与蛋糕甜点这里也有啦,造访时店家使用的是Brazilian colombian 综合咖啡豆,但据说不久后便将开始供应风格更加强烈單品咖啡咯 ^^

各式蛋糕:Lemon Lavender Bavarois, Green Tea Bavarois, Thai Milk Tea(由前至后)
CAFFEiNATED @ IOI Boulevard, Puchong

CAFFEiNATED @ IOI Boulevard,
Jalan Kenari 5, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 
47170 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia. 

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Thursday, 14 May 2015

Metal Box Restaurant and Café @ Empire Damansara

‘Caffeinated Kuala Lumpur’, that’s my recent impression to the city judging from the cafés boom scenario which has been go on from quite some time now. Tons of cafés opening up not only in KL/Klang Valley but throughout the country for the past 12 months, and till date new one continue popping up every other week. With that being said, only a handful have managed to leave an impression on me and the Metal Box Restaurant and Café @ Empire Damansara happen to be one of them. The café was introduced to me as one always crowded place where people actually queue to try it out and it is owned by Chef Ryan, a former familiar face at The Red Beanbag, another reputable breakfast place in town; a pretty catchy intro which later brought me to this unique industrial themed café restaurant for a late brunch ;)    

Metal Box Restaurant and Café @ Empire Damansara
one unique industrial themed café restaurant with shipping containers being the distinctive design
just in case you wonder what's inside the container, a one-of-its-kind furbish kitchen would be your answer ;)
Metal Box Restaurant and Café
straightforward one page menu 

The menu here at the Metal Box Restaurant and Café is divided into three main sections: the most sought after All-Day-Breakfast, Entrée and Pasta, each presented with an array of palatable dishes creatively crafted by chef Rayan and his partner June. Among the items sampled, the perfectly baked (in-house) crispy croissant is one single pastry shouldn't be missed while visiting the café, fill it with perfect poached eggs on the double, homemade smoked salmon, flavorful wilted baby spinach, topped with okaka, aonoriko & homemade hollandaise sauce and there you have it, the Hemmingway, a delightful Sunday morning flavor which available all the time at the Metal Box Empire Damansara ^^

Hemmingway, nicely baked in-house croissant bedded with poached eggs, smoked salmon and wilted baby spinach, my kinda delightful Sunday morning flavor, love the flaky exterior and nicely flavoured wilted baby spinach b^^d
Hemmingway (RM 18.9)

Another favorite of mine goes to the Metal-Box™ Baked Egg, this sounded ordinary dish turn out to be a lovely bowl of scrumptious surprise. The inclusion of sliced smoked chicken breast, cannellini beans, diced chicken sausage, potato and eggplant into the soft-baked eggs topped with freshly grated gruyere cheese make this an irresistibly rich comfort food, one that I feel like having all the time ^^  

Metal-Box™ Baked Egg, soft baked free-range eggs in a pot with sliced smoked chicken breast, diced chicken sausage, potato and eggplant, homemade cannellini beans in tomato coulis. Topped with freshly grated gruyere cheese, served with freshly baked French sour dough aside b^^d (RM 18.9)
Steak A La Minute, grilled Australian grass fed striploin steak served with herbs roasted potato, sauté mushrooms and wilted baby spinach, creative infusion of the yuzu kosho butter sauce as it is just nice to compliment the steak, grill the steak more towards medium and this would be another perfectly done dish.     

Though yet to be labelled excellent for a coffee connoisseur, a nice cup of delicately done coffee here at the Metal Box is still a pleasant way to satisfy your morning coffee cravings as the place do serves some good coffee in the neighbourhood.

Cafe Latte (RM 9.9)
Mocha (RM 11.9)
brunch or breakfast this is one wonderful combination b^^d

For those that seek to have their sweet tooth fix, the signature Specialty French Toast comprises of chunky pan-seared soft toast coated with nestum is a popular crowd–pleaser. I personally, however, would prefer the Bananatella Filo bar, served with smooth vanilla ice cream this crispy layers of filo pastry wrapped in with banana and Nutella almond cream is something that will be the perfect sweet ending to your meal :)  

Specialty French Toastchunky soft French toast coated with nesturm, pan-seared till golden brown, served with mixed berries coulis, diced peach, roasted pistachio & gula melaka shot (RM 15.9)
Bananatella Filo bar, filo pastry wrapped in with banana and Nutella almond cream, served with vanilla ice cream ^^
Bananatella Filo bar (RM 15.9)

Metal Box Restaurant and Café
G12 Empire Damansara,
Jalan PJU 8/8, Damansara Perdana,
47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 03 7731 9560

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Tuesday, 12 May 2015

GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015 & ASPIRE+ Corporate Luncheon

What’s up guys, so how’s your weekend going? Mine was a rather out of the ordinary one, instead of relaxing with a laid-back tune, unplugging and recharging, I was actually in the middle of the city, attending the GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015 & ASPIRE+ Corporate Luncheon, an interesting exhibition which I found quite useful for those who wish to gain an insight into the current career trends  ;)

opening day @ GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015 
GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015 l 9 & 10 May, 2015
Hall 4 & 5 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 
heading down to the career search 
celebrates 21st anniversary this year #GraduanAspire
GRADUAN® ASPIRE 2015, opened its door for the fifth year and draws thousands on opening 
GRADUAN® ASPIRE 2015 #‎graduanaspire‬ ‪#‎aspireKL‬ ‪#‎premiercareerfair‬ ‪
#‎graduannetworking‬ ‪#‎graduanfair‬ ‪#‎ASPIRE500‬ ‪#‎ASPIREPLUS‬ ‪

Opened its door for the fifth consecutive years, GRADUAN® ASPIRE 2015 continue to serves as a strategic platform in matching quality talents with their potential leading employers. The two day exhibition completed last Sunday (May 10th) at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) was a great success with thousands of talents drawn during the opening day. Over 120 top corporations and institutions of Malaysia, including some of the finest companies such as Maybank, DRB-Hicom, Celcome Axiata, Shell, Dell, PwC and Nestle, as well as leading universities such as Universiti Malaya, International University of Malaya-Wales, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Universiti Putra Malaysia participated the exhibition.   


in search for an exciting new career
essential information ready for dispatch
networking, building connection for the future career

Despite the highly anticipated annual APRIRE500 Conference, GRADUAN® ASPIRE 2015 took a step further this year with the debut of ASPIRE+ Corporate Luncheon, the most sought after corporate luncheon networking session in GRADUAN career fairs in the UK. Out of the thousands of resumes received prior to GRADUAN® ASPIRE 2015, about 200 graduates and working professionals were invited to be a part of the debut ASPIRE+ Corporate Luncheon in Malaysia which offered a rare opportunity to meet and engage with top performing corporate CEOs.

the debut of ASPIRE+ Corporate Luncheon in Malaysia
the debut of ASPIRE+ forum titled 'Getting to the Top' ft. Pn Elia Talib, Managing Director of GRADUAN, Datuk Hisham Hamdan, Executive Director, Investment & Head of Khazanah Research & Investment Strategy, Mr Sajith Sivanandan, Managing Director of Google Malaysia, Dato' Mohammad Faiz Azmi, Executive Chairman of PwC Malaysia, Tun Syed Ahmad Taufik Albar, Chief Financial Officer, UEM Group Bhd and Mr Stefano Clini, Managing Director of British American Tobacco Malaysia (R to L). 
ASPIRE+ Corporate Luncheon Malaysia 2015

For more updates on GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015 and GRADUAN® Brand Awards 2014, log on to and/or

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