Sunday, 16 August 2015

Tai Thong Mooncakes & Mid-Autumn Àla-Carte Menu 2015

Its probably a little bit too early for mooncake as we are still about one and a half months away from the Mid-Autumn Festival but hey, when it comes to tasty mooncakes, especially those with unique taste and lovely presentation, I'll say anytime is a good time and I bet that’s something all real foodies would agree on ;)

So for the Mid-Autumn Celebration 2015, may I present to you the wonderfully crafted Tai Thong mooncakes & lovely Mid-Autumn àla-carte menu, a hearty flavours for the heartwarming festival of reunion.

Tai Thong Mooncakes & Mid-Autumn Àla-Carte Menu Launch
@ Tropicana Golf & Country Resort, PJ

Keeping those traditions alive, Tai Thong has crafted its mooncake creations for two decades, adding new flavours to the existing extensive array of mooncakes throughout the years while preserving that unique taste and quality of presentation. This year in particular, Tai Thong brings you a brand new collection of fruity flavoured mooncakes masterfully crafted by its award-winning mooncake specialist Master Chef Yiu Wing Keung and his talented team. 

Featuring in the sensational 4-piece collection of new fruity flavoured mooncakes are the uniquely crafted Snow Skin Mango Kiwi with Assorted Dried Fruits, Snow Skin Pineapple Lotus with Jackfruit Mochi, Orange Lotus with Palm Sugar & Assorted Seeds and the Blueberry Lotus with Dried Fruits & Assorted Seeds. priced at RM 18.8 nett per piece and RM 19.3 nett per piece for West/East Malaysia, respectively.

Blueberry Lotus with Dried Fruits & Assorted Seeds l 蓝莓果干莲蓉
Snow Skin Mango Kiwi with Assorted Dried Fruits l 冰皮奇异果香芒
Snow Skin Mango Kiwi with Assorted Dried Fruits l 冰皮奇异果香芒
Snow Skin Pineapple Lotus with Jackfruit Mochi l 冰皮凤梨菠萝蜜麻糍
Orange Lotus with Palm Sugar & Assorted Seeds 香橙红糖莲蓉

Adding on to the sensational 4-piece collection of new fruity flavoured mooncakes is the Imperial Musang King Royale, a definite durian aficionados passion made from the premium-grade Musang King Durian finely enveloped in a delicate snow skin case b^^d

Imperial Musang King Royale l 至尊猫山皇
Imperial Musang King Royale l 至尊猫山皇
Tai Thong Mooncakes, free from artificial colourings & flavourings, 
made using only the finest ingredients ^^
Tai Thong mooncake specialist Master Chef Yiu Wing Keung in action b^^d

Introduce alongside with the brand new Tai Thong fruity flavoured mooncakes collection are some of the specially tailored delightful fruity themed Mid-Autumn àla-carte menu which will be available from 8th August-27th September 2015 at all Tai Thong restaurants.

the appealing Imperial Musang King Royale
the sensational 4-piece collection of new fruity flavoured mooncakesSnow Skin Pineapple Lotus with Jackfruit Mochi, 
Snow Skin Mango Kiwi with Assorted Dried Fruits, Orange Lotus with Palm Sugar & Assorted Seeds
Blueberry Lotus with Dried Fruits & Assorted Seeds (L to R)
Crispy Soft-shell Crab with Mango and Kiwi Sauce l 香芒奇异软壳蟹 
Crispy Soft-shell Crab with Mango and Kiwi Sauce l 香芒奇异软壳蟹 
Pan-Seared Scallop with Blueberry and Apricot l 蓝莓煎焗带子皇 
Pan-Seared Scallop with Blueberry and Apricot l 蓝莓煎焗带子皇 
Fried Prawn with Pineapple and Jackfruit Sauce l 菠萝白汁虾球 (Top);
 Stuffed Prawn with Palm Sauce and Fresh Orange 
l 鲜橙椰汁龙胎虾
Fried Prawn with Pineapple and Jackfruit Sauce l 菠萝白汁虾球
Stuffed Prawn with Palm Sauce and Fresh Orange l 鲜橙椰汁龙胎虾
Peony Puff Pastry with Pineapple and Jackfruit l 凤梨牡丹酥(Front);
Blueberry and Cranberry Sponge Cake 
l 甜蜜蓝莓糕
Peony Puff Pastry with Pineapple and Jackfruit l 凤梨牡丹酥(L);
Blueberry and Cranberry Sponge Cake 
l 甜蜜蓝莓糕 (R
Master Chef Yiu Wing Keung and the talented team behind 
Tai Thong Mooncakes & Mid-Autumn Àla-Carte Menu 2015
the one & only handmade mooncake by #JZWorld, thank you sifu for teaching ;)
Tai Thong Mooncakes #MidAutumnFestival2015  

Tai Thong Mooncakes are now available at all Tai Thong restaurants, major hypermarkets and shopping mall kiosks until 27th September 2015. For more info and the full listing of locations swing by to

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Saturday, 15 August 2015

花酒蔵 l Hana Dining + Sake Bar @ Sunway Pyramid

双威金字塔购物中心特色餐厅再添一员,这一回新餐厅报给你知要向大家介绍的是一家七月间才正式入驻双威金字塔购物中心开始营业的日式创意料里餐厅——Hana Dining + Sake Bar位于Sunway Pyramid Oasis Boulevard购物区(毗邻金莲记 & Kim Gary)的Hana Dining + Sake Bar l 花酒蔵,是一个源于台湾的日式无国界料理品牌,中文名字文雅的带出了餐厅的风格与特色,这里主打的除了中西结合的创意日式料理,亦有相当丰富的清酒藏量,无论想来点有别于传统的日式料理或小酌一番花酒蔵都是不错的选择 ;)

Hana Dining + Sake Bar 花酒蔵 Oasis BoulevardSunway Pyramid 


用餐空间除了樱花树还有个不小的水族箱 ;)
Hana Dining + Sake Bar 花酒蔵 Oasis Boulevard, Sunway Pyramid

虽然菜单整体感觉非常的日式,但从摆盘、烹调手法到味道不难发现花酒蔵呈现出的浓浓fusion风格,融入西式文化与师傅独门创意的各式寿司卷是个人推荐值得一试的独家美味 ;)

Squid stuffed with preserve cucumber l 霜降中卷佐黄瓜 (RM 25)
师傅独创 Hawaiian Shake Harasu Maki l 夏威夷风情捲 (RM 33) b^^d
有别于一般寿司卷师傅大器的以鲑鱼取代了饭的部分,搭配上酪梨、炸虾与黄瓜丝,感觉更加美味无负担 b^^d

另一餐厅highlights则要数一次过满足了视觉与味觉感官双重刺激的桌旁炙烧系列寿司咯,除了创意搭配的食材外服务生的桌旁服务炙烧秀感觉蛮酷的,重点是现场炙烧后的寿司香喷喷热乎乎的入口感觉超棒的啦 b^^d

Brown sugar ham avocado roll  l 焦糖帕玛火腿酪梨捲 (RM 28)
燃烧吧!焦糖帕玛火腿酪梨捲 ^^
炙烧进行中,撇开跳跃的火焰最诱人的还是炙烧后香气四溢的焦糖与火腿 *咽口水-ing ;)
Rare OZ beef sided with citrus sauce l 柚香澳洲牛肉 (RM 30)
加入酥炸鲑鱼皮的 Salmon skin salad l 脆香三文鱼皮沙拉,多了一份脆口与鲜味的沙拉感觉更好 (RM 25) b^^d
OZ beef Sukiyaki l 澳洲牛肉日式火锅寿喜烧 (RM 32,1-2 pax)
Mackerel bake rice l 鲭鱼釜烧饭 (RM 18)
Hana sashimi Moriawase l 花综合生鱼片 (24pcs,RM 180)
Hana sashimi Moriawase l 花综合生鱼片 (RM 180)
肉质细致鲜美的黄尾鲹 (Kampachi)
Cold udon with seafood and sesame sauce l 海鲜胡麻凉面 (RM 10)
Tofu cheesecake

Hana Dining + Sake Bar l 花酒蔵
Bandar Sunway, No. 3 Jalan PJS11/15,
46150 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-5624 0888

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Thursday, 13 August 2015

Ducking Restaurant l 王帝鸭 @ The Square Jaya One, Petaling Jaya

位于The Square Jaya One 王帝鸭餐馆 Ducking Restaurant,霸气侧漏的名字直截了当地告知了顾客其拿手招牌菜,然而这一让香港知名美食家蔡澜先生推荐并点评为‘非常好吃’的中餐厅可不止只有美味满分的北京烤鸭而已,这一由多年中餐烹调经验,曾于星级酒店任职的师傅掌厨的中餐馆还有选择多样的中菜,其中师傅的拿手私房菜菜品还颇具特色与美味,无论家庭聚餐抑或商务宴请都是不错的选择。

Ducking Restaurant l 王帝鸭E-79-G, Block E, The Square Jaya One, Petaling Jaya
餐厅曾被知名作家,被誉为香港四大才子之一的倪匡所推荐哦 ;)

有着名美食家与名作家的加持,加上经验老道烹饪功力颇具火候的师傅掌厨,王帝鸭的菜色当然不会让人失望咯,其中最让人惊艳同时亦是个人最喜欢的还属餐馆的招牌北京鸭二度,近乎完美的烧烤让鸭子不仅表皮色泽油亮光用看的便非常诱人,一口咬下鸭皮恰到好处的脆度伴着柔嫩且油脂丰富的鸭肉在口中绽放出的滋味那是一个绝对的满分美味,光临王帝鸭的吃货朋友们可千万别错过这一味咯,记得必点啊 b^^d

各种料理方式全都有任君选择 b^^d(全鸭RM 66.8,二度 RM 15)
完美烧烤所成就的诱人色泽,光看的就让人忍俊不住食指大动啦 b^^d

一片可口烤鸭搭配一段小黄瓜、葱、鸭油精华,以馍馍皮包裹,一口吞下感觉超满足der ^^

除了让人垂涎三尺的北京烤鸭,另一亮点则要数师傅拿手的私房菜咯,有幸尝试了其中之二,感觉非常好吃。这些没在平常菜单上的菜肴无论卖相或味道处处皆透着巧思与惊喜,个人推荐值得一试,不过要记得的是想品尝私房菜的吃货们可要提前致电预定哦 ;) 

烧肉叉烧双拼(RM 28.8)

二度:火鸭片焖伊面,香喷喷的猪油渣子是一大亮点 ;)
唯一要担心的就是不小心吃太多的罪恶感 ^^(RM 2.4)
蒜茸龙利菜(RM 16.8)
柠檬果冻银耳糖水 (RM 3.8)

虽然打着烤鸭为招牌的店家在雪隆一带并不算罕见,但名字霸气侧漏且获得名美食家加持而且经本人亲身验证实属美味的王帝鸭却是仅此一家别无分号哦,大家记得认明正身避免混肴啦 ;)

Ducking Restaurant l 王帝鸭
E-79-G, Block E, Jaya One,
No. 72-A, Jalan University,Seksyen 13,
46200 Petaling Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia. 
Tel: +60 3-7957 9819

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