Friday, 29 April 2016

Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia @ 全马首创 @ 冷冻空调式迴转寿司

位于Puchong新兴热点Puchong Capitol SquareSushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia迴转寿司餐厅,除了巨幅Q版相扑手的招牌搭配落地窗相当吸睛以外,作为Capitol Square用餐时间人流聚集点的寿司餐厅可不只只有外观而已,要说餐厅最特别之处还是首推这里全马首创冷冻空调式迴转寿司啦,自带透明罩的迴转寿司带除了极具看点与提供不一样的用餐体验之外,更能保持食物的鲜度与卫生,一石二鸟感觉挺赞哒 ^^ 

Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia @ 全马首创 @ 冷冻空调式迴转寿司 ;)

Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia餐厅位置在Puchong Capitol Square一楼(OldTown楼上),Puchong Capitol Square具体位置IOI Boulevard Puchong的正后方相当好找。

Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia @ 1F-01, Capitol Square/Kompleks Kenari,
Bandar Puchong Jaya

走入餐厅首先看到的便是贯穿餐厅座位的特色冷冻空调式迴转寿司带,透明的圆管罩子由半开放式厨房直接延伸到用餐区感觉还蛮酷的 ;) 据老板表示这一全马首创的冷冻空调式迴转寿司带发想其实是源自于美国的迴转寿司餐厅,主要是为了让寿司的鲜度得以更好的保持,同时全罩式的寿司带也更为卫生啦 ^^

透明的圆管罩子由半开放式厨房直接延伸到用餐区感觉还蛮酷的,看着看着突然觉得有点像美食列车的feel :P
一个人也可以舒舒服服的吃迴转寿司 -____-
想看live寿司制作的就要选择半开放式厨房旁的位置咯 ;)

除了各种迴转寿司带上以碟子颜色为标识计价的寿司,Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia所提供的单点menu内容也相当诱人可观,从日式前菜沙拉、生蚝、各式炸物、锅物、丼饭、握寿司以及手卷都嘛通通有而且cp值也相当不错,按碟子计算的迴转寿司单价最低只要RM 2.30哦 ;)

迴转寿司带上按种类排列的各种寿司,握寿司、玉子烧、炙烧寿司,还有日式麻糬当甜点 ;)
每一个座位都有小窗子,想吃什么自行打开取用即可 ;)
空调迴转寿司@ Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia

干贝寿司 :D
回转寿司价位从RM 2.30/碟起 :)
Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia

既然是日式料理当然就少不了个人最爱的生鱼片啦,Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia的生鱼片都是空运入口的,一些较高档的刺身譬如赤贝等可是冷藏运输而不是速冻的所以口感会更棒哦 :)

超诱人的各种生鱼片部位,看那鲑鱼和鲑鱼肚,口水流个不停-ing :P

当天师傅特制的霸气刺身拼盘,新鲜的生鱼片搭配特别版的摆盘绝对是number 1啦 b^^d 据说这里的主厨先前可是任职于知名日式料理餐厅拥有20年料理经验的好手哦,果然是高手 ;)

特别版刺身拼盘 ^^
北寄貝、鲑鱼、鲔鱼、甘海老、蛸、油甘(鰤)魚刺身 b^^d
厚切的生鱼片就是赞 ^^

北寄貝带点脆的口感挺棒的 :)
特别版刺身拼盘,想吃请洽询师傅啦 ;)
油甘()魚刺身,也就是大家常说的hamachi或者yellowtail啦 ;)

当然考虑到有些朋友们比较没有那么爱刺身,于是为大家带来一些ala carte menu上个人觉得蛮不错吃的单品,从面食锅物、前菜沙拉和搭配明太酱的蠔贝类和寿司卷各种都有请自行选择所爱啦 ;)(*话说本人还蛮难明白的刺身明明就超好吃的啊有机会还是建议大家可以试试 :P)

鲑鱼卵鲑鱼沙拉 l Salmon Ikura Salad with Sesame Sauce (RM 18) b^^d
炙鲑鱼卷 l Salmon Aburi Ura Maki (RM 20)
炙起司鳗鱼卷 l Unagi Aburi Cheese Maki (RM 23)
炙起司鳗鱼卷 :D
Oyster Mentaiyaki (RM 16/2pcs)
美味明太酱搭配生蚝,里边还有鱼卵哦 ;)
飞鱼卵鳄梨鲑鱼军舰寿司Salmon Aburi Avocado with Tobiko Gunkan
海鲜泡菜锅物 l Seafood Kimchi Nabe (RM 23)
用料很丰富的海鲜乌冬面 l Seafood Udon (RM 23)
炒饭也很好吃哦,粒粒分明的日本米看起来就很可口有木有 ;)
抹茶雪糕 :)
这里周末晚餐时间接近7点就几乎是满座的状态哦,不想等太久的朋友们建议可以大概六点多前来 ;)
Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia的餐厅位置在Puchong Capitol Square一楼(IOI Boulevard Puchong的正后方,OldTown楼上)
从OldTown旁边的楼梯直上一楼便是餐厅的入口啦,都有招牌相当好找 :)

Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia目前除了星期一至五午餐时段有set lunch优惠之外同样时段迴转寿司一律都有20 %折扣哦,更多关于餐厅详情及菜单请点击下边餐厅脸书及官网链接 :)

Sushi + Rotary Sushi Bar Malaysia
1F-01, Capitol Square/Kompleks Kenari, Jalan Kenari 19,
Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Puchong, Selangor.
Tel: 012-289 2777
Business Hours: 12 pm – 3 pm | 6 pm – 1030 pm (Mon-Thu)
 12 pm – 3 pm | 6 pm – 11 pm (Fri)
 12 pm – 11 pm (Sat)
 12 pm – 1030 pm (Sun)

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Tuesday, 26 April 2016

REO Suite by MCT Bhd. @ One City Subang Jaya—‘A Future Space for Inspiration’

The story of my encounter with REO Suite began in a rather random, casual way. So I was browsing through the internet during a normal weekday, which I then came to notice that some of my friends have been posting about a cool looking place in One City Subang Jaya with the tagline ‘your future space for inspiration’, the pics are nice and the tagline sounds pretty much like something worth checking out, hence the story of my REO Suite experience begins ;)

REO Suite by MCT Bhd. @ One City Subang Jaya—‘A Future Space for Inspiration’~ not your ordinary office yeah.. wonderful open-plan office concept with homely touches ;)
Check out the view b^^d

The idea of co-working space with integrated lifestyle is very much impressive itself, the experience to take initiative on visiting this showroom is truly enjoyable :)

Love the idea of owning a co-working space which goes hand-in-hand with an integrated lifestyle, feels great to have every pieces of life from work to entertainment right around the neighborhood ;)

If you are a freelancer or the kinda person which doesn’t really feels like working in a conventional, dull boring office, now here’s something you wouldn’t wanna missa new designer suites which serves as a perfect integrated working space, a comfy canvas for inspiration that fits pretty much all the criteria of a dream-like working space ^^

a contemporary style home office for versatile lifestyle ^^
#ReoSuite #OneCitySubangJaya
nice hidden storage design b^^d

love the nicely designed and decorated bright room, It would be awesome to own one right now ;)
own a future space for inspiration starting from RM 296 000 onwards ;) #ReoSuite #OneCitySubangJaya

Contemporary versatile suites up high with a styling urban view, integrated with shopping, dining & entertainment, now that’s something you have to try hard not to be impressed.. and probably end up fail trying anyway :P 

a workplace that makes you hate to leave b^^d

For those interested in knowing more about REO Suite by MCT Bhd. simply log-on to MCT official website @ or REO Suite @

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