Monday, 26 June 2017

U.S. Fries Fiesta 2017 @ Bonne Gilla Restaurant & Bar, Bukit Bintang, KL

Let the fries go on~~~ Yes ladies & gentlemen the fries fever continue~ This 15 June 2017 to 30 July the US Fries Fiesta 2017 returns with a series of creative U.S. potatoes-centric delights ;) 10 participating restaurants across KL and PJ has now roll out their own unique set of menu featuring U.S Frozen Wedges, U.S Hashbrown, U.S Straight Cut Fries, U.S Crinkle Cut Fries and U.S Curly Fries takes on creative form of Fries Pizza, Poutine, Waffle and more ;)

U.S Curly Fries Pizza @ Bonne Gilla Restaurant & Bar, Bukit Bintang, KL

If you happen to be a pizza and potato lover like me a satisfying celebration of U.S. Fries Fiesta 2017 @ Bonne Gilla Restaurant & Bar, Bukit Bintang, KL is definitely something you don't wanna miss, as this is the one & only place where you can find a lovely combination of both——Bonne Gilla U.S Curly Fries Pizza is the name and YES it taste as good as it sounds, crunchy thin crust curly fries loaded pizza with melted cheese now that's the definition of sinful yet irresistible temptations :P

Lattice Cut with Chicken Chop @ Bonne Gilla Restaurant & Bar, Bukit Bintang, KL

Feel like having more than just the crunchy thin crust cheesy curly fries loaded pizza? Well the upscale U.S. Lattice Cut with Chicken Chop comprising a generous thick cut chicken chop and abundance crispy lattice cut potato is another tummy filling food you can find here at Bonne Gilla, top up yourself with a glass of their refreshing cocktail and voila, a perfectly satisfying combo is complete ;)

U.S. Fries Fiesta 2017~ Crispy Happy Hour Bites Ready to Serve!

The US Fries Fiesta 2017 @ Bonne Gilla Restaurant & Bar, Bukit Bintang, KL with special menu featuring U.S Curly Fries Pizza and upscale U.S. Lattice Cut with Chicken Chop is available from now till 31 July 2017, other participating outlets for the fiesta include:
Novotel Hotel
Sam’s Intan
Yellow Brick Road
La Bodega
The Pressroom Bistro
Chaiwala Café
Bonne Gilla
Nevermine Pub and Bistro   

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Saturday, 24 June 2017

U.S. Fries Fiesta 2017 @ Nevermind Pub & Bistro, Changkat Bukit Bintang, KL

What’s up potato & fires lovers! In case you don't already know U.S Fries is in town and here is one of the many restaurants in KL/PJ where you can have a taste of those mouth-watering dishes featuring different cuts of premium U.S. fries specially crafted in conjunction with the U.S. Fries Fiesta 2017 ~ ;) 

Located in the lively Changkat Bukit Bintang, one of the capital's popular entertainment spot, Nevermind Pub & Bistro is a trendy dynamic bar with live bands music and happy hours all around, as for party people House Music by a wide selection of DJs on the upper deck is definitely your lively haven, and yes here’s one of the place in town where the specially crafted U.S Curly Fries with Beef Burger and U.S Fried Potato Wedges Malaysia Style awaits ;)  

U.S Curly Fries with Beef Burger

A big, juicy burger, piled high with cheese, tomato, onion, lettuce and a thick succulent ground beef patty, complement with an abundance of golden U.S. Curly Cut Fries, U.S Curly Fries with Beef Burger is definitely one of those few satisfying delights that can put those party spirit on pause ;) 

U.S Fried Potato Wedges Malaysia Style

For those who seek tasty compliment to a pint of ice cold beer, look no further as U.S Fried Potato Wedges Malaysia Style——crispy premium U.S Wedges with a fusion of appetizing Malaysian salad is one mouth-watering combo that will definitely put you on more that just a pint or two ;) 

U.S. Fries Fiesta 2017~ Crispy Happy Hour Bites Ready to Serve!

The US Fries Fiesta 2017 @ Nevermind Pub & Bistro, Changkat Bukit Bintang, KL with special menu featuring U.S Curly Fries with Beef Burger and U.S Fried Potato Wedges Malaysia Style is available from now till 31 July 2017, other participating outlets for the fiesta include:
☞ Novotel Hotel 
☞ Sam’s Intan 
☞ Yellow Brick Road 
☞ Movida 
☞ Smores 
☞ La Bodega 
☞ The Pressroom Bistro 
☞ Chaiwala Café 
☞ Bonne Gilla 
☞ Nevermine Pub and Bistro

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Saturday, 17 June 2017

U.S. Fries Fiesta 2017~ Crispy Happy Hour Bites Ready to Serve!

Po-ta-to Po-ta-to Po-ta-to~~~ Attention to the world's best comfort-food fans, the 2016 “USBurger & Fries Fiesta” was a complete BLAST and now the U.S. Potato Board is back! This 2017 U.S. Potatoes bring potato lovers & fans a delightful happy hour bites with the U.S. Fries Fiesta 2017 ;)

Set to tickle the taste buds from 15 June 2017 to 30 July 2017, the one and a half months fiesta will showcase a variety of mouth-watering dishes featuring different cuts of premium U.S. fries~

U.S Frozen Wedges, U.S Hashbrown, U.S Straight Cut Fries, U.S Crinkle Cut Fries and U.S Curly Fries now takes on creative form of Fries Pizza, Poutine, Waffle and many more ;)

U.S Frozen Wedges, U.S Hashbrown, U.S Straight Cut Fries, U.S Crinkle Cut Fries and U.S Curly Fries now takes on creative form of Fries Pizza, Poutine, Waffle and many more, now these irresistible comfort-delights is something definitely not to be missed this June & July ;)     

U.S. Fries Fiesta 2017~ Crispy Happy Hour Bites Ready to Serve!

The lovely creation of U.S. fries dishes featuring nutritious potassium and vitamin C rich U.S. grown potatoes, processed using a state-of-the-art technology to meet high industry standard are now available across 10 participating restaurants in KL and PJ, with the sole mission is to enable the many Malaysia fans of U.S. fries to savor new dishes featuring new cuts of tasty U.S. fries ;)

The lovely creation of U.S. fries dishes featuring nutritious potassium and vitamin C rich U.S. grown potatoes,now available across 10 participating restaurants in KL and PJ :)

This 15 June 2017 to 30 July 2017 savor the best of the U.S. Fries Fiesta 2017 at these 10 participating outlets below:
☞ Novotel Hotel
☞ Sam’s Intan
☞ Yellow Brick Road
☞ Movida
☞ Smores
☞ La Bodega
☞ The Pressroom Bistro
☞ Chaiwala Café
☞ Bonne Gilla
☞ Nevermine Pub and Bistro

☝☝☝What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @ >Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Sunday, 4 June 2017

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant @ Mid Valley Megamall with The ENTERTAINER Malaysia 2017

传说有那么一个品牌那么一本书,书中满载着城里五花八门各式各样的可口美食酷炫娱乐与悠闲活动,书本的拥有者除了手握全城最hit休闲娱乐以及寻觅美食的好所在,更可同时享有超过1,200类包含酒店餐厅咖啡馆酒吧spa健身等等等等的各种买一送一超值优惠!是的您没看错无论是让吃货们食指大动的特色美食、香醇的午后咖啡、夜越深越迷人的特调鸡尾酒,城里最酷炫诱人的好康在The ENTERTAINER麾下全都Buy-One-Get-One-FREE买一送一啦,当然在数为电子化时代传说中的那么一本书也与时俱进如今The ENTERTAINER买一送一超值优惠只需透过手机The ENTERTAINER App即可轻而易举的使用啦 ^^


作为一枚吃货使用The ENTERTAINER App首先opening当然是先来场美味可口的美食飨宴啦 ;)

打开app立马发现The ENTERTAINER App里有着个人相当钟意的德国料理餐厅,于是毫不犹豫地来到了Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant @ Mid Valley Megamall ;)

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant @ Mid Valley Megamall with The ENTERTAINER Malaysia 2017
星期四晚的餐厅用餐时间高朋满座 ;)

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant @ Mid Valley Megamall

话说作为一家老字号的的国料理酒吧餐厅这里的食物水准可是相当不错的,除了各种超赞的猪肉料理如德国香肠、德式炸豬腩、德式猪脚等让人吮指回味的美味之外一些经典甜点也是不容错过的招牌哦 b^^d 

本次一行十人享用了八道包括了炸豬腩、各种德国香肠、猪小里肌、燉羊胫匈牙利炖猪肉等的主菜以及开胃前菜沙拉以及甜点,以及都是个人相当推荐色香味俱全的可口主菜,重点是只要使用The ENTERTAINER App这些主菜全都买一送一 Buy-One-Get-One-FREE哦cp值立刻五折翻倍啦 b^^d 

三文鱼泥为主的canapés开胃前菜微凉带鲜确实很开胃啊 ;)
清爽的沙拉Crispy Chicken Salad以及用料丰富的Mozzarella Salad(下) :)
Mozzarella Salad ;)
以往来都没点过的Bavarian Pizza火腿披萨没想到还蛮好吃的,这个感觉和Paulaner Beer可以凑成一对好搭档 ^^
不爱啤酒的吃货朋友们可以考虑这里的的小麦饮料,看起来和啤酒无异但是0 %酒精 ;)

提到德国料理当然离不开香肠、猪脚以及啤酒,德国香肠历经那么多年依然是香肠界的一哥确实有其道理,除了五花八门的种类以及使用多元食材之外德国香肠的极佳口感是个人最喜欢这一味的主要原因,在Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant无论是广受普罗大众欢迎的鸡肉香肠(Spicy Chicken Sausages)、带印度风的猪肉咖哩香肠(Currywurst)或是个人偏爱的经典款图林根烤香肠(Thuringia Bratwurst Plate)各种肉感十足的香肠一口咬下外皮崩裂内里绞肉弹牙的口感感觉就是直截了当的一个爽,搭配上一口道地德国啤酒更是成就完美好滋味的关键 b^^d

带印度风的size超大的猪肉咖哩香肠(Currywurst) b^^d
鸡肉香肠(Spicy Chicken Sausages)
鸡肉香肠(Spicy Chicken Sausages)
个人偏爱的经典款图林根烤香肠(Thuringia Bratwurst Plate)口感很Q弹 b^^d

除了超霸气美味的德国炸猪脚以及燉羊胫(Braised Lamb Shank)对于偏好肥廋掺半的吃货朋友们炸豬腩(Crispy Pork Belly)也是不错的选项,表皮金黄的厚切炸豬腩片肥瘦分明,丰富的层次感入口软嫩加上咔哩咔哩的外皮佐以道地德国酸菜(Sauerkraut)感觉超满足der~ ;)

厚切炸豬腩(Crispy Pork Belly) ^^
搭配地德国酸菜(Sauerkraut)/德式炖紫甘蓝(Red Cabbage)更添风味层次 ;)
超霸气的软嫩燉羊胫(Braised Lamb Shank) b^^d
像不像雷神索尔之鎚 :P

不想太过肉欲的吃货朋友们以猪肉为主搭配匈牙利红椒粉等各种香料炖煮的传统匈牙利炖猪肉(Pork Goulash)佐德式面疙瘩绝对是让人一试惊艳的可口美味,经过数小时炖煮的猪肉入味之余还入口即化,搭配带奶油香的面疙瘩佐以香浓酱汁怎么吃都好吃 b^^d

传统匈牙利炖猪肉(Pork Goulash)佐德式面疙瘩 b^^d
烤过以后再以火腿包裹的猪小里肌(Pork Medallions)  :)

德式起司面疙瘩(Cheese Spatzle) 

丰富饱足感十足让人吮指回味的美味以后一些经典甜点当然也是不容错过滴,这里想大家介绍三款Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant的招牌甜点,松软顺口的国王煎饼(Kaiserschmarrn)、带岩浆般内馅的特色熔岩蛋糕(White Chocolate Lava Cake)以及炸苹果圈 (Apple Fritters)b^^d

疗愈系甜点 b^^d
松软顺口的国王煎饼(Kaiserschmarrn),单吃或配鲜果酱都很好吃 b^^d

莫名然人联想到富士山下的特色白巧克力熔岩蛋糕(White Chocolate Lava Cake)是个人最钟意的甜点 b^^d
切开后的白巧克力熔岩缓缓流出感觉很疗愈啊 ;)
炸苹果圈 (Apple Fritters)

结束以前好康放送!即日起只要购买The ENTERTAINER App除了可Brotzeit German Bier Bar & RestaurantBuy-One-Get-One-FREE 买一送一超值优惠享用包含以上美味主菜的The ENTERTAINER App Brotzeit's Menu还可同时享有全城其它超过1,200种类包含酒店、餐厅、咖啡馆、酒吧、spa、健身等等等等的各种买一送一超值优惠!加码特别放送使用本部落格优惠码“ENTERTAINER 13一年份原价RM 145的The ENTERTAINER App只需超值的RM 75哦即刻点击链接抢购吧>>> ^^

#MyENTERTAINER #ENTERTAINERapp #ENTERTAINER2017 Get more than 1,200 amazing >>Buy-One-Get-One-FREE deals here<<

Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant
Address: Lot G (E) – 018, Ground External Floor
Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City, 
58000 Kuala Lumpur, 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Business hours: 11 am-12 midnight (Daily) 
Tel: 03-2287 5516

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Friday, 26 May 2017

Mother's Day Special——Häagen-Dazs™ Ice Cream Cake ll 母亲节馨爱献礼:「哈根达斯」给完美女人的冰淇淋蛋糕

2017-05-14,五月的第二个星期日是个伟大的日子~~~ 是的各位子女们随着五月母亲节的到来又是孝敬伟大母亲的温馨时光啦,觉得孝敬母亲大人千篇一律的吃大餐配蛋糕庆祝方式略显无聊么?2017年5月见证世上无数浪漫与幸福的全球知名雪糕品牌「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™温馨来袭为全天下劳苦功高的妈妈们推出了以浓郁可口雪糕为基底的特制美味冰淇淋蛋糕「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart),特别的爱给最特别你想要为母亲大人献上最真挚的祝福与感谢本次母亲节必备单品绝对非它莫属啦~ ^^

Mother's Day Ice Cream Cake Collection: Häagen-Dazs™ Blushing Heart ;)
「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart) ^^

以温馨粉嫩为主色调的「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart)冰淇淋蛋糕以清新的哈根达斯纯味草莓冰淇淋为基底,滑顺的雪糕还带有增添口感的草莓颗粒,包裹着心形草莓冰淇淋蛋糕的是同样滑顺香浓的粉嫩渐层鲜奶油以及一颗颗的鲜红草莓,层层堆砌出的爱心爱意满满绝对是献给妈咪们最幸福的味道 ;)

以温馨粉嫩为主色调的「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart)冰淇淋蛋糕,美味可口的母亲节献礼非它莫属 ;)

粉色渐层很温馨 ;)

滑顺的草莓雪糕蛋糕还带有增添口感的鲜红草莓颗粒美观又美味 ^^

除了为母亲节推出特制冰淇淋蛋糕本次母亲节「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™亦携手大马花卉公司Bloom This推出了母亲节特别活动,在特定Häagen-Dazs™门市除了会有特约photobooth照相亭让大家和妈妈合照之外还有康乃馨派送活动哦 ;)

「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™ One Utama ft. Bloom This photobooth ;)
「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™ One Utama

Häagen-Dazs™ ft. Bloom This 温馨母亲节合照 :)

想要在母亲节为心中的完美女人送上美味与祝福满满馨爱献礼的子女们注意啦「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™母亲节特备冰淇淋蛋糕如今在Häagen-Dazs™ One Utama, KLCC, Mid Valley, Sunway Pyramid等全马门市均有出售,5月母亲节期间珍爱之心(Blushing Heart)冰淇淋蛋糕在各个门市购买还都有额外20 %优惠哦,想要内用的朋友们Häagen-Dazs™门市舒适的环境还挺适合庆祝母亲节的,想要外带的话店员也会贴心的准备干冰包裹让雪糕蛋糕可以送到母亲大人的手中 ;)

稍微提醒一下,想要切冰淇淋蛋糕记得先把刀子在热水中泡后擦干,这样才能切出漂亮的雪糕蛋糕切面哦 ;)
漂亮的「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart) b^^d 
Mother's Day Special—— Häagen-Dazs™ Blushing Heart ^^

这一母亲节就让大家一同向平时对我们呵护备至劳苦功高的母亲大人送上满满的祝福以及美味的「哈根达斯」母亲节特备冰淇淋蛋糕吧,更多关于Häagen-Dazs™母亲节活动及优惠请点击马来西亚Häagen-Dazs™官网@ 与脸书@ :)

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