Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Nuffnang Premiere: Cloud Atlas Movie Review

Trying to describe Cloud Atlas is like trying to imagine how your future lover would be, you could have thousands or millions of thoughts about it but you’ll never know for sure until the very moment that both of you finally meet..

Cloud Atlas
Adapted from David Mitchell’s bestselling Booker Prize-shortlisted novel, Cloud Atlas is certainly an impressive and extremely unique production. Six separated plots, running time of two hours and twenty-two minutes (two hours and fifty-two minutes in original version), estimated budget of one hundred million dollars, written and directed by three directors- the Wachowski siblings (The Matrix Trilogy) and Tom Tykwer, staring by Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant, David Gyasi, Jim Broadbent, Ben Wishaw which takes multiple roles each, Cloud Atlas is indeed a movie to be anticipated. :D

The movie is a nice portrayal of actual life, which is much like a puzzle, it all seems a mess but in the end when all those pieces comes together, it gives a wonderful  perspective of just about everything that happened in the past, and for me the best word to describe such feeling would be “awesome”. An  interesting & for sure worth watching movie. b^_^d

time line & characters..It's complicated :P
Here in Cloud Atlas - Love, Hope & Courage..The Past, Present & Future..Everything is connected..  

Thanx to Nuffnang for the tics :)

Rating: 7.5/10

Friday, 15 February 2013

Nuffnang 6th Birthday Bash-My Favourite Music Album

I was born with music inside me, it is a necessity to me which equally essential as water, food and air, life without music would be so dull and I couldn't imagine living such life..Ok maybe I was exaggerating..XD Anyway music is a wonderful existence which I really love..No matter what culture we are from, music is everybody's possession. Music takes us where words cannot and being the sole universal language of mankind, whenever words fail, music speaks. Which probably the reason why I just can help falling in love with it..^^ 

music = life  ♪ ❣ ♫ ♫ ♥ ♪~ 
 ♪ ❣ ♫ ♫ ♥ ♪~ ~ ~ ^^
Though I’m not a good singer but I enjoy listening to all sorts of songs-pop, classic, rock, R&B, vocal, instrumental, it doesn’t matter what language it’s in and how the song is being performed, as long as it possess those genuine emotion that touch my heart I’ll drench in the space between the notes over and over again~ So when it comes to naming my favourite music album, I've been cracking my head for days just to figure out the right one as there are too many wonderful albums which I would like to share -______-    

Anyway finally here’s what I decided to share after an intensive shuffle across my favourite music albums list ^^ Ladies & gentlemen, my favourite music album that I would like to share goes to---- *drum roll*--- Who You Are (a Jessie J album), an album which debuted at #2 on the UK Albums Chart selling 105,000 copies in its first week and debuted in the US at #11 on the Billboard 200 Album Chart with first-week sales of 34,000 copies. *clap clap*
Album cover: Who You Are by Jessie J
<Who You Are> by Jessie J
1                      Price Tag                                
2                      Nobody's Perfect                                
3                      Abracadabra                          
4                      Big White Room (Live)                                   
5                      Casualty of Love                                 
6                      Rainbow                                 
7                      Who's Laughing Now                         
8                      Do It Like a Dude                               
9                      Mamma Knows Best                          
10                    L.O.V.E.                                  
11                    Stand Up                                 
12                    I Need This                             
13                    Who You Are                          
14                    Domino

I had never heard of Jessie J before I attended her Jessie J Live in Malaysia 2012 concert and that was one of the most stunning concert I had ever attended!! The atmosphere was amazing and her distinctive vocal, good dynamic plus absolute control over complex melisma is simply incredible. All I’m saying is she’s really good in live performance and even better in album, therefore hereby I recommend you one of my favourite music album --<Who You Are> by Jessies J. b^__^d

And finally Happy Birthday in advance to Nuffnang!! It has been a pleasure joining you guys. Cheers~ 

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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Nuffnang Premiere: Journey To The West. 《西游·降魔篇》 Movie Review


十七年过去了,至尊宝与紫霞仙子的爱情衍生出的经典对白依然深情,大话西游玄奘真挚演绎的only you还余音绕梁,蜘蛛精与白骨精依然是妖魔界里的LVGucci XD。而今继上一部温馨戏剧长江七号,阔别四年后周氏无厘头终在2013年的贺岁档期随《西游·降魔篇》重现荧幕 XD


《西游·降魔篇》实为西游记的外传,除了唐僧师徒这四个主要角色外,几乎与原著没有多大关系。人物设定与故事走向完全以颠覆及搞笑为主线,再融入些爱情元素。故事主线围绕在唐僧收徒进行,说的是唐僧削发为僧前的故事(当然有别于历史所说的 XD)。

和当年的大话西游相比《西游·降魔篇》的武打和场面设计无疑更为新颖创意, 3D及特效也非常突出,但可惜的是对我而言大话西游所创造的经典似乎无法完美的被衍生,至尊宝依然是西游记里的搞笑一哥。无论如何贺岁片无非为了博君一笑,而《西游·降魔篇》绝对能让喜爱周氏无厘头的朋友们有个愉快的农历新年。 :)

Thnx to nuffnang fr d tics :D
Rating: 6/10

Saturday, 2 February 2013

普吉-甲米跳岛自由行 Phuket-Krabi Island Hopping 2013 ^^


2013农历新年前夕,抛下了沉重的课业及实验,带着放松的心情,我终于踏上了这片美丽的土地..54夜的跳岛自由行,尝遍了在地美食,走访了名胜风景,我开始渐渐的喜欢上了这里.. :D
Classic cover photo for Postcard :D
审美观是种很主观的东西,每个人都有不同的标准,但有一些风景,无论白天黑夜,无论谁遇见了都会不由自主的被它所吸引,仿佛它的存在就为了向人们诠释美丽的定义.. 而普吉及甲米属于这一类的存在.. :)

普吉及甲米的po文在网上可说是泛滥成灾,各种游记攻略让人眼花缭乱,所以这次就不赘词形容旅游心情啦,只简单的让图片说故事,毕竟口说无凭,眼见为实,再附上些超实用的旅游小撇步,让大家旅游玩得尽兴,回家后也不会为了钱包大失血而揪心 XD


Departure via AirAsia @ LCCT Sepang. 
Day 1:中午LCCT飞向甲米》check in AoNang Cliff View Resort》到AoNang  beach送太阳公公回家》krabi town夜市边走边吃。
AoNang Cliff View Resort, highly recommended :)
*一般到甲米住在AoNang beach附近是最佳选择(到普吉则住Patong beach附近),吃喝玩乐都很方便。Krabi airport AoNang可搭乘白色小巴,一口价150bhat。在krabi活动者可搭songthaewAoNangKrabi Town大约50-60bhat

*除了了机场之外,在Krabi Phuket走跳无论任何事情记得货比三家及杀价,这里无论食物衣物饰品手信 出海配套等都可以杀价,通常在海边旁大路上的店家物品价格都偏高,和海边有些距离的店家则较便宜。举个例子在海边的椰子水60bhat,在krabi夜市则只卖20bhat,而且清甜可口 :)
Honey Pancake @ AoNang Road
Chilling @ AoNang beach
Full body Thai massage by AoNang beach, 200bhat/hr 
Sunset @ AoNang

Sunset @ AoNang Beach
*若要狂嗑小吃及shopping建议在Krabi进行,这里基本消费相对来说比Phuket来得低。尤其推荐krabi夜市(只在周五、六、日晚营业),便宜好吃多元化,200bhat就可吃得饱翻天的说。(深情推荐BBQ猪肉串,Pathai,炸鱼饼,椰子水.. XD)
FoodsSs @ Krabi Town Night Market b^^d
FoodsSs @ Krabi Town Night Market
Day2Krabi to Phuket by van, check in Sun Beach House PatongPatong town趴趴走,eat & shoppingBang La road纸醉金迷红灯区

Patong, Phuket
TukTuk @ Patong, Phuket
Chocolate Banana Pancake @ Patong Beach road

*来回Krabiphuket有许多方法(渡轮,快艇,巴士,九人座mini van),选择mini van是因为方便及便宜(350-400bhat),而且时间不会太长(大约3小时)。

*Bang La road Phuket夜生活的中心,沿路有分支,一般都是买一瓶啤酒(150bhat)就可以免费看秀,比大街上的好多了。
Bang La Road @ Patong, Phuket, Thailand.
Bang La Road, Heart of Night Life @ Phuket :D
Bang La Road night life
Bang La Road night life
Bang La road junction-endless bars & clubs :)

Day 3: 搭快艇出海跳岛去,游泳浮潜看风景-Phi Phi Island, Maya Bay, Viking cave, Phi Phi Don Island, Khai Nai Island..patong town搜寻道地泰国海鲜当晚餐》泰式全身按摩,好害羞又好舒服 :P

Sun Beach House lobby, warm & cosy :) 

crowded  beach @ Maya Bay, time to escape into the charming Sea :D

Snorkeling & swimming @ Maya Bay
Recharging-Buffet lunch @ Phi Phi Don Island.
Khai Island, perfect spot for snorkeling & fish feeding b^^d

Khai Island, my favorite snorkeling spot b^^d 

super clear water @ Khai island, I'm lovin' it~ ^^

*推荐Kaab Gluay Restaurant,便宜道地又好吃(Sea Food Tom Yam Soupyellow chicken currypineapple/herbal/phuket style fried rice,泰式蒜炒螃蟹及饮料一共才1200bhatCP值超高的),不过距离Patong Beach有点远,可搭tuktuk前往,我们和司机说好来回接送450bhat
Kaab Gluay Restaurant @ Phuket
Kaab Gluay Restaurant Thai style fried rice :)
Delicious Tomyam, Yellow Curry, Chicken Omlet &Crab @ decent price :D 
Day4: Phuket to Krabi by van, check in Glur Hostel AoNang》出海跳岛接力进行,sunset & night snorkelling新奇刺激-Poda Island, Chicken Island, Tup Island..AoNang road 吃烧烤,看夜景。
Glur Hostel @ AoNang, feels like home here :)
*Poda Island & Khai Island较适合不会游泳的朋友,在沙滩边便会有许多鱼儿在脚边游走,Si island & Mei Urai Island等的deep water snorkelling则是游泳爱好者的天堂,漂浮在深不见底的安达曼海上,与深蓝色的海水和浪花搏斗。要提醒的是安达曼海风浪较大,2-3米是海浪的基本高度,而且有暗流,所以须多注意安全。 :)

on the way to Poda Island :)
Poda Island
Poda Island
Gear up for deep water snorkeling @ Andaman Sea ^^
Deep water snorkeling @ Andaman Sea ^^
Deep water snorkeling @ Andaman Sea ^^
Tup Island
crystal clear water @ Tup Island
No wi-fi, check in on sand than XD
Wonderful sunset @ Tup Island
until next time!~ :D
Simple BBQ dinner + Fire Show @ Tup Island
Day 5: Souvenir Shopping @ AoNang,道别前最后一次吃喝玩乐》afternoon flight back to LCCT
AoNang road view early in the morning :)
Last day breakfast, BBQ chicken & mango sticky rice :) 
**Phuket & Krabi一般先网上预定住宿即可(agodakayak.com etc..),交通及游玩配套可到了当地再找(会比网上订购来得便宜,大约1000-1200bhat),无论Krabi/Phuket大街上都有满满的agencies,只要说好价钱再提供住宿酒店名字即可,agencies会安排车子到府接送及一切行程,不过记得询问细节(时间,价钱是否包括提供饮料,浮潜配备,午/晚餐,搭乘的船型等)。
Return flight to M'sia, AirAsia in green. Bye Thailand, I'll be back!~ :D
这次行程可说是近乎完美,热情友善的泰国人让我们一路心情好的不得了,浮潜购物吃喝玩乐都超尽兴的;唯一可惜的是来回机票都由在甲米机场起降,若转换成LCCT>Krabi>Phuket>LCCT则更完美无缺了 :D

诚意推荐-泰国跳岛必备:泳装,背心,短裤,拖鞋,小毛巾,防晒油,大量矿泉水,小食,相机 & $$  :D
