Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Sushi Mentai @ IOI Boulevard, Puchong

近年势头强劲的Sushi Mentai 明太寿司,是连锁寿司品牌里相对年轻的后起之秀。虽然开放加盟才一年之久,然而明太寿司表现却是可圈可点,短短一年间分行便已遍布半岛北中南各区,而最近还计划进军新加坡,崛起的速度可谓非常之快,在这里边明太寿司价廉物美的旋转寿司可功劳不小啊,用料实在款式多样价格亲民,也难怪迅速获得民众的热情点赞啦 ^^

Sushi Mentai 明太寿司 IOI Boulevard, Puchong

基于吃货对美食一贯强烈的好奇心加上许久没吃旋转寿司了,而正好友人邀约于是便来到了位于IOI BoulevardSushi Mentai明太寿司分店一探究竟,看看这一连锁寿司界里的新星有什么好吃好玩的 ;)

座椅安排由左至右分别有二人、四人及六人座,由于生意太火这里在用餐时间可是一位难求啊,所以也不接受订位,采取的是先到先得制 :)

对个人而言这里最值得推荐的莫过于其价格超亲民而且价廉物美的旋转寿司啦,种类繁多的各式旋转寿司一律标价RM 1.80-RM 2.80,放眼雪隆区乃至全马这价位很超值啊有木有 ;) 而且据说除了在菜单上的固定寿司种类明太寿司的旋转带上还会随机出现多达三十种不在菜单上的特色隐藏版寿司哦,同样的价格别致的美味吃不吃得到就要看运气好不好啦 ;)

明太寿司旋转寿司菜单一览,为超亲民的价格点赞 b^^d
种类丰富的单点菜单,从前菜、刺身、面食、手卷、炸物到丼物等都嘛统统有 ;)
输送带上满满的各种寿司,光看就感觉嗨森 :P
隐藏版寿司出现,你发现了吗?提示::请留意图里左边镜头对焦点,那个长得比较特别有点披头散发感觉的就是啦 ;)
上图隐藏版寿司本人 ;)
除了种类繁多的旋转寿司以及亲民的价格,这里的特调明太酱也是非试不可的,类似千岛酱色泽的明太酱口味滑顺微甜,搭配手卷烤物都非常合拍,个人尤其大推下边的明太龙卷 b^^d

明太龙卷 l Salmon Mentai Dragon Maki b^^d
试了各式旋转寿司以及刺身,实在的用料和大个头的手卷非常加分啊,厚切的新鲜刺身也蛮有诚意的 ^^
另一隐藏版旋转寿司,酥脆的炸虾搭配蛋卷还蛮好吃的 b^^d
鳗鱼乳酪卷 l Unagi Cheese Maki明太寿司的手卷走的都是大块头路线,size超大的 ;)
多春鱼 l Shishamo
明太烤虾 l Ebi Mentaiyaki 
天妇罗虾卷 l Tempura Ebi Maki
明太龙卷 l Salmon Mentai Dragon Maki
米皮腐皮卷 l Inari Wrap
又一隐藏版旋转寿司,天妇罗虾子搭配腐皮寿司,发现了吗,隐藏版走的都是二合一创意寿司路线哦,明太专属好吃有趣 b^^d
Salmon Mentai

综合刺身 l Assorted Sashimi
海蜇 l Chuka Kurage 
鳗鱼饭 l Unagi Don
日式咖喱乌冬面 l Curry Udon
Sushi Mentai 明太寿司 IOI BoulevardPuchong 分店

Sushi Mentai 明太寿司目前与北中南马一共有近20家分行,主要集中于巴生河流域、雪隆区及柔佛,详细餐厅位置以及导航可>点击这里< ;)

Sushi Mentai明太寿司
F-G-18, IOI Boulevard,
Jalan Kenari 5, Bandar Puchong Jaya
47170 Puchong, Selangor.
Business hrs: 12 noon – 10 pm

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Sunday, 20 September 2015

GAB Oktoberfest 2015 Celebration @ The Tavern GAB, PJ: Celebrate Oktoberfest, Your Way!

What’s up beer lovers, so we're halfway through September and October is right around the corner, which means a few things: all things pumpkin, candy corn, Halloween and of course, the return of the world’s greatest celebration of beer, music & food of the year——Oktoberfest!

For the Oktoberfest 2015, beer lovers of Malaysia can opt for a more adventurous way to celebrate the annual merriment as Guinness Anchor Berhad (GAB), the leading beer and stout brewer in Malaysia is bringing a fresh twist to the usual celebration. Elevate your festivity Oom by enjoying the celebration with GAB’s five premium brews including Heineken, the world’s No. 1 international premium beer; Guinness, the world’s No. 1 stout; premium Irish ale Kilkenny; Japan’s No.1 100% malt beer Kirin Ichiban and Paulaner, the No. 1 German wheat beer ^^

GAB Oktoberfest 2015 Celebration @ The Tavern GAB, PJ

In line with GAB’s effort to give a modern touch to the classics Oktoberfest live Oompah music & polka dances, GAB brought both the old and new under one roof at the celebration’s kick-off. One of Malaysia’s hottest comedians, Andrew Netto, was seen tickling the funny bones of the guests in attendance that evening. 

polka dances
live Oompah music
GAB Oktoberfest 2015 Celebration @ The Tavern GAB, PJ
one of Malaysia’s hottest comedians Andrew Netto

Locally-based German DJ Cee gave his rendition to the familiar Oktoberfest tunes and performed his remixed versions of traditional Oompah music, bringing the atmosphere to a whole new level. 

DJ Cee in the house

GAB also partnered with Chef Steven Yap from the Malaysian Food and Beverage Executives Association to reinvent 3 signature dishes inspired and infused with the celebrated brews.

Over the years, collectible Oktoberfest mugs have also become one of the main highlights serving as limited edition collectibles for consumers to remember their great times during the celebration. This year, GAB adds a new flavour to these Oktoberfest mugs where festival goers will be treated with two differently designed collectible Oktoberfest mugs, which can be pre-booked to have them personalised and collect them at participating outlets! 

collectible Oktoberfest mugs are available at selected outlets

And that's not all, to add in more excitement for the GAB Oktoberfest 2015, the leading brewer in Malaysia is organising its very own Oktoberfest Hunt & Snap Contest, in partnership with Resorts World Genting, where the winning entries will receive a complimentary 1 night stay at First World Hotel, Resorts World Genting. 10 winners whose pictures have the most number of ‘Likes’ and based on judges’ decision, will win an ultimate prize – a private Oktoberfest celebration hosted by GAB at its very own in-house pub, The Tavern where the best brews are made, along with 10 of their closest friends.

GAB Oktoberfest 2015 celebration:
· 8 October 2015 at Souled Out, Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur
· 10 October 2015 at Geoventure, Puchong
· 11 October 2015 at Geoventure, Johor Bahru
· 13 October 2015 at Royal Selangor Club, Kuala Lumpur
· 14 October 2015 at Salt Lick, Solaris Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur
· 15 October 2015 at The Patio Bar and Lounge, Resorts World Genting, Pahang
· 23 October 2015 at The Bank, Penang
· 24 October 2015 at Zenzi, Changkat Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur

For deets and more exciting updates on the GAB Oktoberfest 2015, log-on to

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Monday, 14 September 2015

Bmon Café @ The Strand, Kota Damansara

近年来咖啡热在国内延烧,而作为热点中心的雪隆区更是咖啡馆林立,感觉咖啡馆的普及度已经直逼便利商店总有一间在你左右的level了,竞争激烈之下要在这芸芸馆海中脱颖而出,除了所提供的餐点食物本身的吸引力之外,咖啡馆的风格与特色绝对是至关重要的 ;) 而今天要为大家介绍的Bmon Café便是近期内个人光顾以后印象深刻的一家咖啡馆,位于The Strand, Kota Damansara商店二楼座的咖啡馆走的是温馨的宫崎骏结合本土漫画风,从一楼入口处一直延伸到店内的手绘漫画壁画彩绘以店家原创卡通人物Bmon以及其女友Mel为主轴,咖啡馆内还附有日式榻榻米座位以及悠闲阅读角落,用心的设计与装潢营造出的是一个温馨舒适且超适合待在里边放松放空的空间,哎哟 棒棒哦 b^^d

Bmon Café @ The Strand, Kota Damansara
温馨舒适的tone调感觉很放松 ;)
随拍感觉都很棒 ^^
记得要脱鞋哦 ;)

除了个人超爱的宫崎骏漫画风,Bmon Café近期还推出了以BmonMel以及这一漫画couple的宠物PhantPhantMilky所设计的美味早午餐,每一道早午餐都超漂亮的,用心的摆盘感觉很加分 ^^ 个人最喜欢的是主角专属吃了让人超满足的Bmon Big Breakfast以及清爽的小象PhantPhant Brunch,其中搭配在Bmon Big Breakfast里由起司酱搭配马铃薯泥的MiniHippo是个人大推的亮点,香浓温润的起司酱搭配温暖的马铃薯泥美味得太犯规了,秒赞一个 b^^d

Mel Brunch
Bmon Big Breakfast,个人推荐兼最爱,搭配露台小桌子便是完美的insta美食照啦 b^^d 
Bmon Big Breakfast,除了一般big breakfast里的萨拉、烘豆、香肠、欧姆蛋等,最大亮点应该就是个人最爱的
Bmon专属美味MiniHippo咯,香浓温润的起司酱搭配马铃薯泥简直是好吃的太犯规了,秒赞一个 b^^d
PhantPhant Brunch,清爽脆口的豆芽菜搭配上水波蛋、培根与酵母面包,丰富健康的搭配非常讨喜,
吃的时候把蛋黄划开增添滑润口感让美味再升级是一定要的啦 b^^d
吃水波蛋的乐趣,就是可以看蛋黄流个不停 流个不停 流个不停~♪ b^^d
Milky Brunch,竹炭厚片吐司搭配软嫩的香蕉欧姆蛋,主餐甜点两相宜 
新推出的Bmon Café早午餐menu :)

当然若不想吃得太heavy,来个简单的花茶或咖啡搭配甜点也是不错的选择,悠闲舒适的午后时光就应该酱子啦 ;)

各种口味的花茶,个人喜欢熏衣草的 :)  Flower Tea (RM 15/pot)
Hot Chocolate (RM 10)
Bmon Plants (RM 13)
Almond Latte (RM 11)
Cafe Coconut Latte (RM 12)

甜点方面除了有蛋糕以及各式松饼,还有既视感强烈的Chocolate Boom,包裹着冰淇凌的球状巧克力淋上浓浓的热咖啡后慢慢爆开的感觉光听便很有画面感有木有 ;) 

Banana Waffle (RM 15.90)
Black & White (RM 14.90)
Chocolate Boom 
Bmon Café  —enjoy tastes in a different way— 
Bmon Café The StrandKota Damansara
小露台白色栏杆与招牌还蛮显眼的,不难找 :)

Bmon Café @ The Strand
No 8-1, Jalan PJU 5/20b,
Kota Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Phone: +60 3-6158 9993

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