Sunday, 31 January 2016

★Prosecco Brunch @ Villa Danieli, Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur Hotel

作为雪隆区国际奢华酒店品牌之一吉隆坡喜来登帝王酒店(Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur Hotel)旗下的专属意大利餐厅,Villa Danieli绝对是个人美食口袋名单上少不了的必吃餐厅,除了绝佳的用餐氛围以及如意式墅府般非常吸睛的餐厅装潢与布局,这里延续了传统意式料理的传统意大利菜亦是雪隆区数一数二值得推荐的好味道 ^^ 

除了各种道地的意式料理如精致的意大利面食、烤披萨、浓汤等,这里亦不定时的会推出让人惊艳的特色菜单,由本月24号开始推出的周末Prosecco Brunch就属于此类特色菜单啦 ;)

Villa DanieliSheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur Hotel, KL
超吸睛的设计完全是意大利奢华别墅的布局啊 b^^d
在这样的长桌用餐感觉超棒的 ;)
不爱长方形也没关系,烛光圆桌也很棒有木有 ^^
以耐火砖砌成柴火操作的披薩窯,披萨就是要现制窯烤啊 ;)
Prosecco Brunch menu

虽然不是第一次到访Villa Danieli,但是因为这一次是来品尝全新的Prosecco Brunch所以心情还是有点小激动啊,毕竟对于意大利个人最爱的除了披萨与提拉米苏就要数这清新舒适的意式氣泡酒咯 ^^ 对于prosecco这一词感觉陌生的吃货朋友们请容在下稍作介绍,prosecco(普洛赛克)是产于意大利北部的起泡白葡萄酒,有别于香槟的长时间瓶内陈酿prosecco使用的是需时较短的Charmat Method罐内二次发酵法酿制,也因此更能凸显葡萄的自然果香与风味,由于香味强烈口感清脆所以这一款意大利最受欢迎的氣泡酒在世界各地也都颇受好评哦 ;)

普及时间完毕,让我们言归正传回到Villa DanieliProsecco Brunch,每逢周日正午12时至下午3时推出的prosecco早午餐依然延续着餐厅传统的意式风格,餐点依然是西式的前菜—汤—主菜—甜点节奏,特别的是这里的prosecco周日早午餐除了开放自助的丰富头盘antipasto,用餐期间服务生亦会穿梭于宴席之间为大家提供各种serve to table的美味料理以及清脆芬芳的氣泡酒,而同时大家也可以在菜单上包含了松露意大利炖饭迷迭香羊扒香烤西冷牛扒等美味的单点主菜项目里任意选择自己喜爱的主菜哦,当然最后再以提拉米苏、意式冰激凌、潘妮朵妮面包等甜点为丰盛的早午餐划下完美句点 b^^d

自助式的各种丰富头盘antipasto,各种蔬菜、起司、烟熏肉冷盘统统有 ^^
哈密瓜義式生牛肉佐芝麻菜无花果酱 l Beef Carpaccio with Rock Melon, Arugula, Figs Jam
搭配水牛莫札瑞拉起司,羅馬蕃茄果及羅勒叶的卡布里沙拉 l ‘Caprese’, Buffalo Mozzarella, Roma Tomato, Basil ;)
Villa Danieli’s Italian Prosecco Brunch-antipasto
各种意大利入口起司,就连风味独特的Gorgonzola(也就是俗称的Italian blue cheese)在这里也找得到哦 ;)
起司爱好者应该在猛咽口水了吧 :P

眼花缭乱的前菜以后当然也少不了Prosecco Brunch周日早午餐的主角——来自意大利著名氣泡酒产区威尼托(Veneto)的'Dirupo' Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Andreola啦,采用威尼托中心瓦尔多比亚德尼(Valdobbiadene)山谷白葡萄所酿造的顶级氣泡酒有着轻盈的金黄色泽,自然清新的果香风味无论餐前浅尝或伴着道道美味意大利料理感觉都超棒的,如果说有什么是比美味的星期日早午餐更完美诱人的,那一定是伴随着普洛赛克氣泡酒的星期日早午餐 b^^d

Villa Danieli’s Italian Prosecco Brunch ft. 'Dirupo' Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Andreola ^^

轻盈的金黄色泽很漂亮啊 ^^

Prosecco: A toast to Italy's finest fizz ;)
Honey Pumpkin and Gorgonzola Soup (L), Wild Mushroom Soup
serve to table- 窑烤馬斯卡彭起司牛肉意大利火腿披萨
用心的添上金箔点缀的甜点,金光闪闪的很耀眼啊 ;) serve to table- Cream Chocolate Pear Tart

除了推出特色菜单Villa Danieli亦会不定时特邀国际知名主厨到餐厅为宾客们准备特级的美食飨宴,造访当天恰逢米其林星级主厨Marcello Fabbri来馬并在Villa Danieli餐厅进行一个星期的意式飨宴体验,因此除了Prosecco Brunch menu上的主菜还有幸尝到了人生初体验的米其林星级料理,幸福来得太突然感觉超激动der~~~ b^^d 想要收获这些超享受体验的吃货们记得留意>餐厅的官网<的讯息更新啦 ;)

米其林星级主厨Marcello Fabbri所泡制的香煎鸭肝佐焦糖苹果洋葱 l
Pan Seared Duck Foie Gras, Caramelized Apple, Onion, Balsamic Vinaigrette Sauce b^^d
话说从今天开始也我算是吃过米其林星级料理的吃货了~ 感动-ing b^^d
Two Kind of Veal “Rossini” (Pan Seared Tenderloin + Braised Veal Cheeks)
Celeriac Variation, Madeira Jus, Black Truffle
Sous Vide Filet of Sole, Tomato-Vanilla-Emulsion, Carrot and Purple Potato Mash, Tarragon b^^d
松露意大利炖饭 l Forest Mushroom Risotto with Assorted Mushroom, Parmesan Shaving and Aromatic Truffle Oil ^^
迷迭香羊扒 Rosemary Marinated Lamb Rib on Pepperonata, Roasted Garlic Potato,
Shallot Red Wine Sauce and Dried Fruit Salsa
炉烤鲈鱼佐小茴香竹笋 l Oven Roasted Whole Seabass with Fennel, Asparagus, and Tomato in Prawn Broth

甜点除了有意大利经典兼个人最爱的提拉米苏,还有各种口味的意大利冰激淋、潘妮朵妮面包、甜筒起司蛋糕、阿芙佳朵(意大利浓缩咖啡加冰淇凌)等,绝对将周日意式早午餐飨宴的美味丰盛节奏进行到底啦 ;)

Three Chocolate Semifreddo
提拉米苏,一定要以浓烈的酒香搭配绵密的mascarpone起司,因为这样才能体现,爱情里思念发酵的味道 ;) ‪#‎Tiramisu‬ ‪#‎Tiamo
Yogurt Gelato l 意大利冰激淋
Warn Chocolate Cake with Lemon Sorbet
'Dirupo' Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Andreola ^^

Villa Danieli 意大利餐厅@ Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur Hotel的Prosecco Brunch将由1月24日起每逢周日正午12时至下午3时提供,详细菜单以及价格可点击Villa Danieli餐厅官网或Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur Hotel酒店官网 @ 查看 ;)

Villa Danieli @ Sheraton Imperial KL
129 Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603 271 79922
Business Hours: 
Lunch - 12.00 pm to 2.30 pm (Mon-Fri) 
Dinner - 6.30 pm to 10.30 pm (Daily) 
Prosecco Brunch - 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm (Sunday)

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Saturday, 30 January 2016

荔晶园中餐厅新春年菜2016 l Lai Ching Yuen CNY Menu 2016 @ Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur

随着一月份步入尾声农历新年也正式进入倒数一周咯,美味年菜飘香不停2016农历新年年菜系列特辑也理所当然的持续热烈放送-ing啦~这一次为为吃货朋友们介绍的是位于吉隆玻金三角地区吉隆坡千禧大酒店专属中餐厅荔晶园的2016猴年新春年菜大餐啦 ;)

名厨主理的荔晶园餐厅在个人印象里除了拥有悠久的历史以及深厚烹调粤式菜肴的底蕴,这里各种可口精致的广式点心亦是雪隆区老饕们所津津乐道的。顺应农历新年的到来荔晶园亦推出了道道美味的粤式年菜佳肴,在经典时尚感和谐并存着的中国风餐厅里享受温馨舒适的春节气氛感觉不错啊 ^^

荔晶园 Lai Ching Yuen @ Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur
荔晶园餐厅的私人用餐包间,结合经典与时尚的设计很漂亮啊有木有 b^^d
Lai Ching Yuen @ Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur
开放式用餐空间中国风的设计都融合在灯饰桌巾餐具等细节里啦 :)

由拥有三十年烹调粤菜经验的主厨Executive Chef Terrence Foong及其团队所设计的粤式农历新年套餐除了有加入脆鱼皮、挪威三文鱼、海蜇等食材的丰收年年齐捞生,其它道地年菜如外皮香脆肉滑多汁的港式挂炉烤鸭,Q弹白胖的奶油虾以及酥脆爽口的炸金针菇扒港芥兰亦是个人相当推荐的新春佳肴 ^^

丰收年年齐捞生(海蜇脆鱼皮齐捞生) l  Yee Sang With Jelly Fish and Crispy Fish Skin

除了个人所品尝的‘马到功成宴’农历新年套餐,荔晶园亦提供包括了‘大展宏图宴’‘风生水起宴’‘四季平安宴’以及‘金玉满堂宴’一共五款的农历新年套餐,十人份九道菜的年菜套餐售价由RM 1268元整至RM 2688元整。

喜气洋洋(海鲜豆腐羹)l Assorted Seafood Soup with Tofu 
嘻哈大笑(奶油虾)l Buttered Prawn
如意吉祥(姜茸蒸桂花鱼)l Steamed Mandarin Fish with Minced Ginger 

个人特别推荐这里的港式挂炉烤鸭,有别于一般市面上常见的闷炉烤鸭/烧鸭这里的烤鸭因遵循港式传统明火烤制而且火候操控得宜,烤成的鸭子皮脆肉嫩而且卖相金黄泛枣勘称是色香味俱全啊 b^^d

心想事成(港式挂炉烤鸭)l Cantonese Style Roasted Crispy Duck,吃的时候记得沾上加入蜂蜜特调的酱汁啊 b^^d
富贵荣华(炸金针菇扒港芥兰)l Deep Fried Enoki Mushroom with Hong Kong Kilan b^^d
一帆风顺(腊味芋粒荷叶饭)l Fried Rice with Assorted Chinese Waxed Meat Wrapped in Lotus Leaf ^^
步步高升(煎、炸年糕)l New Year ‘Nian Gao’ Dual Variation b^^d
话说这里裹上蛋黄的煎年糕超好吃的,赞一个 b^^d
团团圆圆(龙眼菊花汤圆)l Double Boiled Chrysanthemum with Longan & Black Sesame Rice Dumpling

吉隆坡千禧大酒店荔晶园中餐厅新春年菜大餐将由即日起至2月29日推出,九道年菜佳肴的十人份新春套餐售价由RM 1268元起。更多关于吉隆坡千禧大酒店荔晶园中餐厅新春年菜套餐请参阅以下酒店官网及脸书链接 ;) 

荔晶园 Lai Ching Yuen
Grand Millenium Kuala Lumpur,
160, Jalan Bukit Bintang,
Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Website: >Lai Ching Yuen Grand Millenium KL<

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Friday, 29 January 2016

CNY 2016: Celebrating Flavourful Abundance With Sakae Sushi

Chinese New Year, for many it's a time of reunions, bonding and festivities, as for foodies its slightly more than that, as this is also the best time to savor those tasty essential Chinese New Year dishes and many other festive delicacies ;)

For the exciting 2016 Lunar New Year, Sakae Sushi Malaysia brings you a hearty new year menu comprises a number of exciting new year dishes, including the Sakae Sushi’s Fortune Salmon Yee Sang, a tantalising Japanese-inspired take on the traditional yee sang dish, it is masterfully prepared by Sakae’s chefs using luscious and fresh air-flown salmon, accompanied with a variety of authentic Japanese ingredients such as seasoned jellyfish, Mekabu seaweed, radish and more.

Fortune Salmon Yee Sang新春三文鱼鱼生

The Sakae ’s delectable Fortune Salmon Yee Sang is topped with a unique and appetising citrusinfused sauce, complementing perfectly with the fresh ingredients used to fully bring out the flavours of the dish. The Fortune Salmon Yee Sang is available in two sizes: Success Yee Sang which serves 2-3 pax priced at RM 29.98 and Money Yee Sang which serves 6-8 pax priced at RM 56.98 and both are available for dine-in and take away. Diners can also customise the dish according to their personal preference with add-on items such as Salmon SashSeasoned Scallop, Jellyfish and Mekabu Seaweed – more appetising variety to satisfy different taste buds ^^

Happiness Treasures Combo (6 pax & more) l 双喜聚宝配套

As a brand that prides in providing a fun-filled, quality and value for money dining experience, sushi lovers will be delighted with the brand new Happiness Treasures Combo priced at RM 98 comprising both the Money Yee Sang and a sumptuous variety of mouth-watering sushi selections. This sushi set features a delectable variety of Sakae’s signature sushi favourites such as Hana Maki, California Hoso Maki, Salmon Sushi, Tamago Sushi, Soft Shell Crab Maki, Kani Salad Inari, Mini Ebi Tempura Sushi, Kappa Maki and Kani Maki. Indeed, it is an ideal choice for toasting with relatives and friends over a delightful festive gathering :)

Salmon Kabuto NabeSalmon Mentaiyaki, Chirashi Donburi, Hotate Mentaiyaki
(Clockwise from top)
Dragon Roll & Salmon Cheese Roll

Another must-try for this year is the masterfully crafted Golden Abundance priced at RM 49.90. Reminiscent of lavish fortune and harmony, this sumptuous platter consists of five signature golden offerings (Soft Shell Crab, Mini Ebi Tempura, Itoyoridai Katsu, Fried Hotate and Tempura Kani) served with a tangy accompaniment of spicy mayonnaise ^^

Golden Abundance l 香脆黄金拼盘

Sakae Sushi’s upcoming CNY celebration rewards more than just eager taste buds. This year, Sakae introduces an all new Prosperity Giveaway, whereby diners will receive a special reward with just a minimum purchase of RM80. This includes our exclusive and attractively designed Sakae Limited Edition Angpows, RM 8 prosperity voucher and a Prosperity Gift Card. With the Prosperity Gift Card, diners will stand a chance to win attractive prizes. Some of the prizes include a set of limited edition Fortune Rong Rong & Lucky Mon Mon plush toys or free food vouchers, or Sakae cash vouchers :)

Sakae's Prosperity Giveaway b^^d

Sakae will also be having a Pose for Prosperity contest from 18 January - 29 February 2016. All you have to do is snap a creative pose with our “Toss to Prosperity” Yee Sang standee located in front of Sakae Sushi outlets, upload it to our comment section of Sakae Sushi Malaysia’s Facebook contest post and the most creative photo stands a chance to win attractive cash prizes and more ;)

Pose for Prosperity contest, 18 January - 29 February 2016

Amazing food discoveries, attractive rewards and auspicious toasts. It all adds up to a celebration of abundance like no other at Sakae Sushi! Together, let's usher in the year of the Monkey together with much cheer and exuberance ^^

For more info on Sakae Sushi Malaysia's Chinese New Year 2016 celebration & activities log-on to Sakae Sushi Malaysia's FB @

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