Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Top10 Places I’ve Visited 2013 l 13>>>14因为年轻所以流浪ヽ◕ ‿ ◕ノ

2014年的第一天,大家除了忙着在脸书上说黑皮扭耶及上街人挤人之外,另外新年必做的便是许下新年愿望啦。在个人而言,除了每年必许的国泰民安风调雨顺等不痛不痒也没什么营养的愿望之外XD,每一年心里总会有个呐喊:我想去旅行~~啊啊啊啊~~我想有类似呐喊的应该不止我而已吧?(拜托告诉我你也一样,不然一个人喊感觉有点神经病的说 XD

其实每一个人的心里都有个向往自由的自己,但这颗向往自由的心往往却被沉重的枷锁所束缚,最沉的,或许是一种被称为现实的东西..它总不断地提醒着你,世道险恶生活艰难,还是安分守己按部就班的做个平凡的‘自己’,一个按照社会及普罗大众认知所生活的‘自己’..感觉很素?噢 no~ 这一个‘自己’可是非常的个性鲜明且忙碌的,孩提时期匆匆地学习,步入社会后在浮沉的人海里的匆匆的上下班,在时间的狭缝里匆匆的加班,再忙里抽空的谈恋爱,接着时机一到赶紧步入婚姻,然后便happily ever after~ 如果你是生活在童话故事里的话.. 但事实是,你那么匆忙的往前冲,现实它依然不离不弃的追随着你,不停地对你耳提面命提醒着有了家庭子女的你更要努力头工作,身为家庭的栋梁不发奋图强如何为家撑起一片天堂.. 此时艰难的时刻才正式拉开序幕,构筑天堂可是个庞大的工程,它需要无穷的精力与用心..而就在你忙得焦头烂额的当下,时间已在呼吸间犹如白驹过隙般流逝,然后一个不经意的抬头,你赫然发现你已匆匆的老去.. 大家都是这么过来滴,你安慰着自己,虽然一生平凡无功但也无啥差错,和社会同步浮沉让你觉得异常安心.. 但撫心自問,你喜欢这样的自己吗?匆匆地学习、工作、结婚、老去,然后就没有然后了,忽然间人生已趋向谢幕..



好啦好啦,低气压来袭,气氛越发沉重,再说下去可要越来越低迷了..新年新气象,赶紧回到主题 噢不对,应该是悠闲的飘回主题,为大家送上一些不错的旅游景点,给那向往自由的心来点电击 ,振奋一下士气.. 那么 ~我的2013年旅行必游景点~ 请了 #独家l严选l深情无私献上 XD


阿里山赏神木观樱花,看云海迎日出,大地之母的神奇在阿里山一再让人由衷的发出赞叹。除平时之外特定季节还有更多惊喜,如等四月间的阿里山螢火蟲季,夜间漫步于星光般的螢火蟲中,光用想的就已经浪漫到不行了 ^^

              Alishan National Scenic Area, Chiayi County, southern Taiwan. 阿里山千年神木

西子湾,激推高雄八大勝景之一的西子灣夕照,我在这里遇见了迄今为止见过的最美的夕阳..那是一种会让人窒息的美啊 b^^d

                     XiZiWan, kaohsiung, Taiwan. 高雄八大勝景之一:西子灣夕照 b^^d
日月潭,这大约是台灣最出名的湖泊了,擁有全台唯一的水陸空3D遊程,CNNGO推荐全球十大最美自行車道,除了漂亮的湖光山色,还有美食及美酒,绝对秀色可餐(必试原住民小米酒,每每想到却喝不到,总让我心里深深地,深深地,真的很深很深滴失落.. 我会再到台湾滴,而小米酒绝对是原因之一 :P)。b^^d

Sun Moon Lake (National Scenic Area), Nantou County of Taiwan. 日月潭
夜市,这实在没什么好多说的了,这里有着台湾的一切缩影,文化,美食,人情味,当然还有正妹:P 夜市已成为游台必到的景点,从台北的士林夜市,台中的蓬甲夜市,高雄的六合夜市...*以下省略100个夜市名称*,每一个都有其独到的美食及风格。真心必游啊,尤其吃货,不去的话,您会后悔,如果您还活着 :P
                                 Feng jia night market, Taichung, Taiwan. 台中蓬甲夜市黄金贼 b^^d
Kelong(Miaokou) Night Market, Taiwan基隆庙口夜市营养三明治 b^^d


Wuzhen,northern Zhejiang Province, China. 乌镇西栅夜景

上海外滩,夜上海的美总是在不经意间让你有种惊艳的感觉,步行在1.5公里的风景线上,左有“万国建筑博览群”,右有「上海的母亲河」黄浦江及绚丽的东方明珠塔,那一边更为动人?左右为难的感觉油然而生 :P

The Bund, Shanghai. 上海外滩万国建筑博览群
The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower, Shanghai, China. 上海东方明珠塔
西湖,中国首批国家重点风景名胜区和中国十大风景名胜之一,光是这title就有够吓人的了。北宋文豪苏轼有言:“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”,一语道尽西湖之美。(Ps:苏轼,字子瞻,又字和仲,号“东坡居士”,就是那个以改良烧猪肉创出东坡肉而闻名于世的大诗人;虽文人多仰慕其诗作,但身为一枚吃货我更为其创出东坡肉而倾倒 XD

West Lake, Hangzhou Xi Hu, Zhejiang China. 西湖雷峰塔(就是白蛇传里压着白娘子的那一座,不过原塔已塌,这是经过重建的,但传说魅力不减^^)


出海浮潜(Phi Phi Island, Maya Bay, Phi Phi Don Island, Khai Nai Island),在清澈见底泛着蒂芬妮蓝的海洋里与鱼群共舞,游入石灰岩洞探险,沙滩上BBQ晚餐配夕阳,绝对让你发出欢乐时光总是过得特别快的感叹 ^^

Khai Nai Island与鱼群共舞
Sunset @Tup Island, Krabi, Tahiland. 夕阳余晖

甲米AoNang beach,一切泰国旅游想做的,泰式美食,泰式按摩,悠闲 享受 阳光 沙滩 比基尼, 这里一应俱全,在甲米住这里就对了啦 ^^
Some mouth-watering delights @Krabi ;P
普吉岛Bang La road,越夜越精彩的夜生活,五光十色的霓虹与钢管酒吧是基本配备,边小酌边看秀是旅客首选。温馨提醒这里的表演可是18SX哦,表演尺度之大可是会让初访者脸红心跳瞠目结舌的 O.o

night life @Bang La road

总结:旅行除了可以搭飞机、血拼、吃美食、看美景、放松、充电之外,偶尔把自己放逐到一个完全陌生的环境,不受到任何的羁绊轻松的游走着,或许就在这不经意间,你会发现一种久违的感动,和一个未知的自已..虽然这样的说法是有点过时(毕竟这可是去年的句子了:P)但我还是想啰嗦一句,多出去走走吧,旅行所能带给你的惊喜,往往会超乎你想像哦 ^^


Sunday, 29 December 2013

Bye Bye 2013! Welcome 2014! #Throwback of the Year~ ◕ ‿ ◕

Hey there what’s up guys, if you haven’t notice it’s the LAST weekend.. well LAST Sunday of 2013 to be precise, which means that we’re only a stone's throw away from 2014!!  (•)

While busy bidding farewell to 2013 (which has been superbly awesome for me, comment below to share how’s your year been if you wish ^ ^) & getting ready for the final countdown, it’s just about time to round up everything here @ Jz. World~ , so with that I present to you a quick recap of some of the coolest/wonderful & definitely my favourite moments here @ Jz. World~, bye bye 2013! Welcome 2014! #Throwback of the year~ ◕ ‿ ◕

*for a better view, click to enlarge* :)
~#Throwback of the year, byebye 2013~ #Food #Events #Life :D

~#Throwback of the year, byebye 2013~ #Life #Travel :)

#Throwback of the year, byebye 2013~ #Life #Party #Concert ;)

2013 has been superb, & I bet 2014 will be even better~ *finger crossed, praying hard* b^^d To all my readers, friends & family and everyone out there who enjoy reading my blog, massive thanks for the support  I bid you all Happy New Year in Advance & see you guys around  ◕ ‿ ◕ ☄ ☾ ☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ❄❤ ❥ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬☝

◕ ‿ ◕

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Tous les Jours @ WOLO Bukit Bintang

Tous les Jours Bakery (TLJ), pronounced as ‘Too-Lay-Joor’ which means ‘Everyday’ in French has made an exceptional appearance recently at the heart of Kuala Lumpur. The French inspired Korean bakery which initially established in Korea back in 1997 has recently open up its 2nd branch @ WOLO Bukit Bintang which located right opposite of Lot 10 (H&M entrance) and McDonald. Simply head down to the forever crowded golden triangle of KL (a.k.a. Bintang Walk crossroad) & you’ll notice a shining two story ‘glass house’ with a huge TLJ sign, it is so stand out during both day & night and I doubt that you’ll miss it XD.  

TLJ @ WOLO Bukit Bintang
So I was there last weekend looking for a place to hang out with my friend & we decided to give this gorgeous bakery a try. With casual chit-chat in mind & some random shots I took for fun, I’ve decided to do a quick write-up simply because I love the place^^ wonderful deco & atmosphere, ample & comfy seating, warm services, abundance of freshly baked breads, pastries & cakes etc.. Everything is just nice & we end up spending our whole afternoon there doing nothing other than relaxing, chatting, having a couple of drinks & counting the number of pedestrians pass by our window ;P

Here's a quick glance of this new gorgeous in town:

Lovely interior deco
Spacious & comfy seating b^^d

Only manage to have some coffee as I was stuffed by the lavish lunch. The coffee were decent, it does come with an aromatic fragrant but taste wise, slightly pale with a lack of intensity so nothing special to shout about, which is a bit disappointing to be honest, could’ve been better to match those lovely pastries  -____-  

Get your number after paying at the counter & drinks will be serves to the desk shortly :)

Lucky no.8 at TLJ WOLO Bkt Bintang ;)
iced cappuccino (RM 9)
cappuccino (RM 8)
iced mocha (RM 9)
With its wide selection (over 70 types) of appealing buns and pastries serves at a decent price, I’ll definitely be back for more.. Next round let’s try out some of their freshly baked goodies, soboro anyone? ^^

Tous les Jours @ WOLO Bukit Bintang

Tous les Jours @ WOLO Bukit Bintang
Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur.
opening hours : 8 AM till 11 PM, daily

Sunday, 22 December 2013

The Magic of Heineken Thirst 2013 l #BestSaturdayThrowback Ever! ^^

7 top flight International Electronic Dance Music Maestros, 4 uplifting local superheroes, 2 massive electrifying stages, Over 20,000 elated music fans, it all came down to ONE night of overwhelming magical party experience!---Heineken Thirst 2013, the #BestSaturdayThrowback Ever! ^^

If you were at Sepang International Circuit on December 14th as I'm, I bet you'll agree with the hashtag, the party was 10 days ago & it’s just about time to relive the unforgettable moment!.. as for those who weren't there, it’s not too late to see what went down at this Malaysia Top 1 premier EDM festival~ ;)  

Spectacular Thirst Green Moment at #Thirst2013
Featuring the largest talent roll call of Global EDM superstar and pioneer producer David GuettaAfrojackW&WMadeonNervoExampleR3habGoldfish & Blink, XU, Bunga and BATE performing across two superbly set up origami theme arenas, #Thirst2013 has succeed once again in outdoing itself, proudly showing to its fans & lovers the boundless commitment to creativity, excellence and progressive new music experiences which they pledge to deliver. Without further adieu, lets go back to the party~  ^^

The Green Stage was flooded with people from as early as 830, 
and I'm right in the middle of it :P
My favourite moment begins when enchanting Australian twins NERVO step up to the Green Stage after the sea of hands and phones during Goldfish & Blink’s rousing set, putting up their tracks with style. Love their interpretive dance which is perfectly in sync with the rhythms, one hour had never passed by that fast before.. gosh I wish they could perform longer b^^d 

Australian twins NERVO step up the Green Stage, checkout the stunning 3D lighting & visual, the flying lasers are AWESOME!!   
Heineken Green Stage bathed in the glow of thousands of individual
smartphone screens & hands. Y^^Y 
As the nicely timed schedule progress, the crowed begins to drenched in the uplifting atmosphere! Scream, shout, party out loud~ Lets scream & shout & let it all out~ :P    

Crowd showing to the cam: they came to party! ;)  

Also making its debut appearance on #Thirst2013 for VIP and Heinesuite guests is the edgy Heineken Club Bottle designed by graphic designer and renowned installation artist Matt W. Moore. The aluminium bottle features a variation of Moore’s signature vector-funk graphics and is inspired by the innovative origami design ethos Heineken showcased during Milan Design Week, which is reflected throughout the Heineken Thirst festival site.^^

Heineken Club Bottle @Heinesuite #Thirst2013. (put it under UV to let the magic work :P)
At the Star Arena, the madness escalated when NERVO made a special appearance together with R3hab on stage, and the party mode go on & on with waves of hand raising, screaming and jumping before reached the peak at the final act of W&W @Star Arena. :)

NERVO special appearance with R3hab on Star Arena stage. 
Dutch electronica outfit W&W greeting Halo to Msia ^^ 
Dutch abrasive power house, Afrojack taking things up a notch, everybody go shuffling ;P
Afrojack @ Green Stage #Thirst2013.
AND of course the crowd gone crazy as the final act on Green Stage kick-started via the one-man dance music industry plus genre-busting hitmaker David Guetta, playing hard with his 2012 big hits 'PLAY HARD'. 0oo0 0oo0 

genre-busting hitmaker David Guetta Play Hard on stage ;)
David Guetta @ Green Stage #Thirst2013.
*click to enlarge* ^^
The night ended with numerous highlights & overwhelming atmosphere, thousands of fans who were at Heineken Thirst 2013 bring home along with them an unifying, unique and individual experiences, proudly presented via Heineken. ^^  

 #Thirst2013 ^^
until next time 0oo0 0oo0~

*To be part of Heineken’s exciting calendar of events, stay tuned at >HeinekenFB< or >HeinekenTwitter<.
**special thanks to G2 PR for the awesome invites, photo credits to HeinekenRukes & G2 PR. ^^
