Thursday, 24 July 2014

泰国美食榜之必吃街边美食Top 12

最近真的实在非常流行排行榜,尤其美食榜更如雨后春笋般涌现,一开始还好,但久而久之Top啦、必吃啦等字眼随着大量质量不一的榜单渐渐泛滥,可信度亦惨遭打击,委实可惜。虽然有些排行榜中确实不乏上品,但亦有排行榜为了凑个吉祥数而有滥芋充数的现象,一些所谓美食还有买榜之嫌。有鉴于此,为了维护作为一枚吃货的尊严,特立此榜,以正视听!XD 吃货们注意啦!为大家献上泰国美食榜之必吃街边美食Top 12~ 特此申明上榜美食皆为本人以神农尝百草之标准而择(就是我试吃过啦),并真心诚意推荐(并且是我真的喜欢的),绝无涉及任何利益收受及商业往来,然而青菜萝卜各有所好,若有遗珠之憾或任何不满意处,你可以不看!....不是啦.. 我是说请多包含 (你可以不赞同不喜欢但请不要骂我打我)XD 那么.. 就不再赘言咯,请掌声鼓励美食们列队登场  #排名不分先后 #口水擦好 ;)

1. 烤猪肉串 (Muu Ping/ Grilled Pork Skewers)

香甜厚实的猪肉片,便宜(10 baht/串)好吃的泰国国民小吃。

2. 烤鸡肉Gai Yang/ Grilled Chicken


3.猪脚饭 (Kao Ka Moo/ Sweet soy sauce stewed pork with rice)

XXXL size的猪脚,看了就让人想大口大口的咬 :P

4. 泰式咖喱米线Kha nom Jeen/ Soft rice noodle served with your choice of curry


 5. 泰式煎饼 Roti/ Thai pancake


6. 泰式炒粉 (Pad Thai/ Stir fried rice noodles

Pad Thai.

7. 青木瓜沙拉Som Tam/ Papaya salad)


8. 嫩椰水 (Thai coconut juice/water)


9. 炸鱼饼 (Thai fried fish cake)

和马来西亚友族的keropok lekor非常相似,只是口感更为酥脆,搭配泰式辣酱非常顺口。

10.  芒果糯米饭Kao Niew Ma Muang/ Mango sticky rice


11.打拋猪肉 Pad Ga Pow Moo Kai Dow/ Chicken, pork or minced meat stir fried with basil

猪肉以罗勒叶Ga-pow拌炒而得名,一般以盖饭方式呈现,独特香气绝对具有让人闻香下马之神效。 (此图截至网络)

12. 寿司 (Sushi)

我当然知道这是日本人的东西,但在泰国海岛夜市的寿司不但新鲜而且价廉物美(6 baht/pc),值得一试。

泰国美食榜之必吃街边美食Top 12~ 到此口水满溢结束,各位吃货对本次的排行榜还满意吗?喜欢的话就果断收藏并转发广结善缘吧,若有你的心水美食未曾出现也欢迎留言分享。 ;)

*Like what you read? LIKE >Jz.World FB page here< for instant updates & more fun stuff, cheers! 
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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

[Phangan Adventure] The Green Dot Trail: A Secret Path to the Gorgeous Haad Yuan Beach

After some nice accommodation review and photolog preview on my Samui Phangan Island Hopping 2014, perhaps its just about time to spice things up for a little ;) Anyway do take note of the warning statement below before we proceed..

Warning! This is a post for hardcore adventurers and hardcore adventurers only! If you do not:
- aged 21 and over
- physically fit with good stamina
- exercise constantly
- have jungle trekking experience

You might wanna leave now for the sake of your own safety.. 

Ok assuming only hardcore adventurers remain, let’s get started shall we? ;) Today we’ll be deviating slightly from the ordinary tourist path, taking you guys into a route which not many choose to go through, a challenge which only those who willing to push few extra miles will succeed. Ladies & gentlemen may I present to you——The Green Dot Trail @Haad Rin Koh Phangan, a 4 km jungle terrain across the hill which you’ll end up at the stunning beach of Haad Yuan after passing through a magnificent viewpoint overlooking Haad Yuan beach. b^^d   

Superbly gorgeous beach of Haad Yuan b^^d
Haad Yuan Beach, Koh Phangan: blue sky, white sand, turquoise waters, palm trees, serenity dotted beach ;)

Finding the path- walking on the dirt road behind Fairyland Resort and Palita Lodge, go straight pass the entrance of these resorts and up the hill and you'll find the not so obvious starting point of the trail at Laluna Banglows which kinda looks like a small ascending path into the jungle.   

After a nearly 1 hour trekking up the hill, an isolated viewpoint overlooking the beautiful bay and Haad Yuan beach unfold~ b^^d

The Green Dot Trail viewpoint. 
Viewpoint overlooking the beautiful bay of Haad Yuan and Haad Thian ^^

Another 1 hour trekking down from the other side of the hill, you’ll be stepping on the soft white sand of Haad Yuan beach. b^^d

Haad Yuan Beach, Koh Phangan.
Haad Yuan Beach, Koh Phangan, with love :P

However the path isn’t easy. Do bear in mind this isn’t one of those casual walking path, the small steep track ascending into the mountain can be tough to go through & some of the junctions could be confusing.

follow the dots & bottle sign (yellow arrows interted) on trees all the time.  
always remember the point where you see the last sign. 
and you'll end up in this beautiful scenery with lots of memorable memories ^^

Though my friend & I gone through the trail without a scratch however  this path is indeed one of those challenging one as there were more than a few times which we almost gave up as we feel like we gone on a wrong track and the the woods were kinda secluded & quiet (as if it was abandoned ages ago). 

part of the track (yellow arrow inserted) which leads into the dim tall barnyard grass bushes.

So my advice before challenging The Green Dot Trail..>> Gear up yourself (water, energy bar, first aid, compass), go only on a sunny morning & leave before dawn, do not enter alone, and even better if you could get a local guide.

Finally, if you’re not confident enough, forget about the view point go for a taxi boat at Haad Rin (Sunrise) beach which could easily send you to the beautiful Haad Yuan beach on a 15 mins boat ride which cost roughly 100 baht/way/person. ;)

overlooking the beautiful bay of Haad Yuan at the view point. 
reach this beautiful bay after 2 hours of jungle trekking through the mountain, sense of achievement overload :P

*Like what you read? LIKE >Jz.World FB page here< for instant updates & more fun stuff, cheers! 
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Saturday, 19 July 2014

[苏梅住宿推荐] Fair House Villas & Spa Samui: 坐拥无敌夕阳海景,尽享热带岛屿风情

旅行除了好山好水好风光,另一个不容忽视的便是住宿啦,住上一间让你永世难忘的美丽酒店,加上动人的风土人情,便是一趟完美旅行的最佳写照,正所谓好的酒店带你上天堂,坏的酒店让你泪两行.. :P 言归正传,有跟进在下的部落格的驴友们大概都知道区区在下刚从美丽的泰国湾跳岛归来,十天内游遍了苏梅、帕岸、南园、龟岛等,行程顺利得不像话,一切美得几乎让人觉得有点不太真实的说 *超满足* ^^ 而今天要为大家介绍的,便是荣登在下心目中本次跳岛之旅Top 5一见钟情景点之一,坐拥苏梅岛最美丽海岸线及无敌夕阳海景,堪称热带岛屿版世外桃源的Fair House Villas & Spa Samui 是也~ *掌声欢迎*

座落于苏梅岛北部湄南海滩 (Maenam Beach) Fair House Villas & Spa Samui,距离机场及苏梅最热闹的查文海滩(Chaweng Beach)只有约7-10公里,除了以无敌夕阳海景及热带风情的花园式美景著称,更有着亲切贴心的一流服务,而且度假村对于生态环境与环保的绿色计划(Green project)也让人大为赞赏。当然其它配备如海滩边的露天泳池、餐厅与健身房、私人水疗与按摩中心也是星级度假村等级的。从其连续两年(2012, 2013)荣获知名旅游网站Tripadvisor ‘Certificate of Excellence Award’  Agoda 上优秀级别的评分,便不难看出其坚强的实力。 b^^d

好了话不多说,有图有真相,接下来就让照片来说话吧 ;)

Fair House Villas & Spa Samui @ 39 Moo 1 Tambon Maenam, Koh Samui, สุราษฎร์ธานี 84330, Thailand.

花园式度假村的Fair House Villas & Spa,360°无死角美景绝对是入住这里的一大亮点。 b^^d

Fair House Villas & Spa花园式度假村与它的邻居——亮眼的湄南(Maenam) 海岸线。^^
传说中Tiffany蓝的海洋,在眼前毫无保留的展现 b^^d

此次入住的是Fair House Villas & Spa Samui最热门的Sunset Suite位于山坡上44平方米的宽敞典雅客房搭配私人露台,高居临下的风景可是让人非常期待呢。^^

深情推荐Fair House Villas & Spa Samui山坡上的Sunset Suite,风景非笔墨所能形容,美不胜收啊~
担心爬坡太累的驴友请放心,度假村的电动车服务可是24小时免费贴心接送哦。 b^^d
宽敞的客房走的是东南亚木制风,木制家具与地板非常的舒适,而且就连浴室也超宽敞的说。 b^^d
度假村房间里随处可见的贴心留言,感觉非常亲切。 ^^

卫浴用品一应俱全任君选择,穿上浴袍,更有度假feel了。 ;)

看完了Sunset Suite周边风景后,再独家加码放送第一天check-in便幸运遇上的无敌夕阳!由于不在闹区之中,这里的景色更添了一丝安逸与宁静,吹着海风静看夕阳落下,人生难得几回啊~ ^^ 

在房间的露台上,邂逅苏梅岛最迷人的夕阳 *感动-ing* T________T  *点击图片放大*
除了一般星级度假村的基本配备,Fair House Villas & Spa 在设计上的一些小巧思如泳池里的小酒吧,特色水疗与按摩中心以及其特有的Green project也蛮值得被赞赏的,尤其当中的花园珊瑚保育计划除了为守护苏梅岛出一份力,也为入住的旅客们提供一个全新参与与体验的机会。 

Green project花园,也是主厨的秘密花园,2.5 英亩的绿地蕴育着各式蔬果食材,提倡的是自给自足的环保模式。 :)
Mojito的基本配料——薄荷叶&泰国美食打拋猪的灵魂——紫苏叶@ Green projectOrganic Garden.
现摘现切新鲜龙珠果@ Green projectOrganic Garden.
距离沙滩只有一步之遥的游泳池。 :)
游泳池里的小酒吧,座位是可爱的海龟造型。 ;)
度假村附设的Pandanus Spa私人水疗与按摩中心。

虽然是住宿介绍,但身为一枚资深吃货,当然度假村的餐厅是不容错过滴.. XD

Fair House Villas & Spa专属餐厅The Bre-Eze Restaurant & Bar品尝美味多元的西式及泰式早餐可是我在苏梅醒来后期待的第一件事情;而在夕阳余晖下享受一顿丰盛的晚餐,再搭配上一杯热带雨林调酒也还蛮浪漫惬意的说。 ;)

同样拥有动人海景的Fair House Villas & Spa专属餐厅——The Bre-Eze Restaurant & Bar, 就如餐厅名字所标示,在这里徐徐海风就是你的最佳良伴。 ;)
多元的西式及泰式早餐,个人尤其偏爱日日新鲜的泰式主食 b^^d *点击图片放大*
美食、海风、沙滩,完美的一天便该如此开始! :P  
The Bre-Eze Restaurant & Bar的泰式晚餐。由于Fair House的住客以西方人为主,所以这里的泰国餐都不会太辣,偏好重口味的驴友可按个人喜好让主厨加重调味哦。;)  *点击图片放大*
Thai Sabai,个人非常喜欢的一款调酒。^^
除了本人非常推崇的Sunset Suite之外,Fair House Villas & Spa Samui也拥有其他各具特色的不同房型,风景、设计及舒适度也相当不错哦,譬如可伴着潮汐声入睡的超宽敞Beachfront Villa及拥有小型私人泳池的Pool Villa都是值得考虑的选择。想了解更多可>点击这里< ;)

Beachfront Villa @Fair House Villas & Spa Samui.
与大海为邻,享受悠悠热带风情。 ^^
Tiffany蓝的海洋,是回忆里难以忘怀的一道亮眼风景。 :)

*特别鸣谢本次旅游伙伴WE LOVE TRAVELFair HouseVillas & Spa的盛情邀约与招待,咱们相约泰国再见 :D

Fair House Villas & Spa Samui
Address: 39 Moo 1 Tambol Maenam,
Mae Nam, Samui, Thailand 84330.

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