Monday, 1 December 2014

PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 Rock The Road: Experience To Believe

If you happen to be on the road from KL to Ipoh on a recent Saturday morning, or maybe on your way from Ipoh to KL in the afternoon, you might have seen a pretty cool PETRONAS convoy cruising along the North–South Expressway ;) Just to satisfy your sense of curiosity, what you’ve seen was actually us bloggers on a road trip simply to experience the power of the PETRONAS PRIMAX 95, alongside with nuffies, media, auto enthusiasts and some wonderful folks from PETRONAS.

As the saying goes, ‘Experience To Believe’, so when they said that PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 is back with an Advance Energy Formula for superior fuel economy, we’ve decided to take the best approach of verification, i.e. to try it out on our own, on the PETRONAS ‘Experience To Believe’ convoy ^^

7:30 am, Ben’s Publika, Hartamas Heights: assembly + breakfast point for the convoy :P
Malaysian style breakfast before the ride, luscious nasi lemak  b^^d 
Opening & introductory speech by Mr. Raja Mazhar Mohar Raja Mohar, 
Head of Customer Experience Department, Retail Business Division, PDB (Left) ^^
The Blogger Team @ PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 ‘Experience To Believe’ convoy ;)
Sound check testing.. testing.. Car no.3 ready to roll ;)
PETRONAS PRIMAX 95, ready to Rock The Road  #PRIMAXEfficiency #ExperienceToBelieve
The flag off! ^^

Filling up the tank at Pencalah-link PETRONAS gas station before heading North ;)

Going all the way north to Ipoh through the North-South Expressway would be too boring, so we decided to take an alternative scenic route instead, nice view at Bukit Tagar-Tanjung Malim country road ;) 
Performance of the new PETRONAS PRIMAX 95? So far so good b^^d
Auto enthusiasts joy ride with PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 on scenic route to Ipoh ^^
A snap of our convoy on the road ;)

Entering the FEALDA region :) 
Some behind the scene shots of our professional photographer working along the way, 
steady hands against the twists and turns ;)
One last shot before rejoining the North South Expressway at Tanjung Malim exit. We’re late for lunch so DSLR off line, PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 power up and ready to pick up some time :P
Destination reach: @ Indulgence Restaurant and Living Ipoh after a 3 hours+ ride (not my car in d pic though :P)
Lunch time ^^
Love the desserts here @ Indulgence Restaurant and Living Ipoh, luscious but not too sweet, just nice b^^d 
Headed straight back to Publika after lunch, another 2 hours ride along the North South Expressway and 
bello KL I’m back! ;)

PETRONAS PRIMAX 95: Experience To Believe Convoy Summary
Route: returns KL-Ipoh
Total distance: 466 KM
Test ride vehicle model: MyVi 1.3
PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 performance: full tank of petrol for the whole ride, no refill require, fuel efficiency indeed with significant improvement in terms of power. In short > an impressive thumbs up b^^d

Ending the joyful convoy ride with a Q&A session with PETRONAS fuel expert to find out the secret behind the efficient performance of the brand new PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 ;)   
The Team  PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 ‘Experience To Believe’ Convoy ^^

The brand new PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 with Advanced Energy Formula was launched in May 2014 with three effective approaches to ensure superior fuel economy, that is to clean the engine for optimum fuel delivery, creates a finer fuel spray to enhance fuel combustion and energy release, and finally it reduces friction which subsequently minimize energy loss b^^d

For more information of the PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 advance energy formula, log-on to PETRONAS official web site at or facebook at

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Friday, 28 November 2014

鼎泰豐 l Din Tai Fung @ Empire Shopping Gallery, Subang

——鼎泰豐1958年以油行起家,1972年以精致18褶传统手工小笼包成功转型成为台湾金漆招牌,2011年荣获米其林一星肯定,更于2013年获得美國知名美食评鉴网站「每日一餐」(The Daily Meal)评为「亞洲最為杰出的101家美食餐厅」Top 10——..

打从上海归来以后对小笼包的滋味堪称念念不忘,凑巧友人相约鼎泰豐,本着解馋兼尝鲜的心情于是果断应邀前往这一许久未曾到访的餐厅。此次造访的是位于 Empire Shopping Gallery Subang 鼎泰豐分店,主要是为了尝试鼎泰豐最新推出的人气套餐,总的来说从餐前小菜、汤品、主食乃至于甜点的十道餐点表现皆可圈可点,其中葱油肉丝面虾仁炒饭以及小笼包“色、香、味、形”兼具,委实不错 ;)

鼎泰豐 l Din Tai Fung @ Empire Shopping Gallery, Subang.

Menu首页便是鼎泰豐最新推出的四/六人份人气套餐,‘米其林一星肯定的美食’之殊荣依旧耀眼 ;)
清爽的时日小菜Appetizer of The Day
绍兴醉鸡Shaoshing Wine Marinated Chicken
看似清淡却用料十足清甜可口的元盅鸡汤House Steamed Chicken Soup

前菜以后,主角登场,鼎鼎有名的小笼包热腾腾端上桌咯,稍稍剔透的外皮加上汤汁饱满用料实在的肉馅,还蛮诱人的说。不过除了招牌小笼,个人更为偏爱蟹粉猪肉小笼包,添加了蟹粉的小笼内馅口感更为香浓嫩滑,味道鲜美的猪肉馅与蟹肉甫入口中即香气四溢,佐以姜丝醋味道更添变化 b^^d 唯一需注意的是小笼包需趁热食用,要不冷却以后口感大打折扣那就可惜啦。个人建议吃法为掀开笼屉轻取小笼置于勺中,轻咬出一小缺口品尝鲜美汤汁随即一口吃下小笼即可,想让口味更丰富者食用前可添些许细姜丝醋 ;)

小笼包Pork Xiao Long Bao
小笼包,记得轻咬一小缺口品尝鲜美汤汁随即一口食之,小心烫哦 ;)
蟹粉猪肉小笼包Crab Meat & Pork Xiao Long Bao
虾肉蒸饺Steamed Shrimp and Pork Dumpling
主食:虾仁蛋炒饭(Shrimp Fried Rice)。新鲜虾仁配上颗粒分明的油亮蛋炒饭,搭配上以下菜肴便是满足的一顿丰盛晚餐 ;)
黄金咸蛋明虾Prawn with Salted Egg Yolk)。单吃口味略咸,但饱满咸香的虾子佐与炒饭风味绝佳 ;)
炸猪扒Pork Chop
红油抄手Spicy Vegetable and Pork Wonton
干扁四季豆Baby Green Beans with Minced Pork
主食:葱油肉丝面Fragrant Spring Onion & Shredded Pork Noodles)。看似简单的面食却做工细腻口感一流,
吃了让人齿颊留香,赞一个 b^^d

无论中餐西餐午餐晚餐完美的美食飨宴必须终结于甜点,因此po文结束以前有请甜点登场 :P 鼎泰豐的甜点有惊喜哦,什么 居然是小笼再现?!其实是甜点版的豆沙小笼包芋泥小笼包,饱满厚实且甜而不腻的内馅裹以薄透的面皮为此餐画下漂亮句点,得分!^^

豆沙小笼包(Steamed Red Beans Dumpling)
豆沙小笼包饱满且甜而不腻的内馅 :)
芋泥小笼包(Steamed Taro Dumpling)

总结:虽经年不曾到访鼎泰豐一如往昔亲切到位的服务水平依然是我所非常欣赏且值得表扬的,整体食物水平的提升亦让人对其未来抱持更多的期待 ^^ 想尝鲜的吃货朋友们鼎泰豐在雪隆各大商场一共有五家分店,到>鼎泰豐官网<便可轻易搜获餐厅位置及更多相关资讯 ;)

鼎泰豐 @Empire Subang
Empire Shopping Gallery (G-15),
47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

*喜欢这篇po文吗?到我们的脸书专页点个赞 >Like Jz.World FB page here< 不再错失任何好康! 
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Wednesday, 26 November 2014

H-Artistry 2014 KL @MIECC

It’s almost end of the year with December literary right around the corner, however before we step foot into the last month of 2014, let's wrap things up a little for November. Ladies and gentlemen, ending the awesome month of November on a high note may I present to you the one and only ‘Super Clubbing Event Of The Year’——H-Artistry 2014 KL! 0oo0 0oo0

H-Artistry 2014 KL

On the night of November 15, H-Artistry The Global Art of Mixing, shook the grounds of KL once again, this time treating partygoers to an epic night of stunning performances and hard pumping beats. The one of a kind world-class production and outstanding visual innovation together with a diverse mix of musical genres showcasing via some of the most talented artists from both East and West stunt the stage of Malaysian International Exhibition and Convention Centre (MIECC), pulling off yet another ultimate party experience of 2014 ;)

H-Artistry The Global Art of Mixing
Opening the night impeccably was non other than Malaysia’s pop trio Paperplane Pursuit, who took the stage with
hits 'Everybody Wants Somebody' and 'Higher' ^^
The new age J-Pop / Hip-Hop duo, CREAM continued to boast a brilliant performance on the H-Artistry stage with hit tracks 'Kissing', 'Party Chaka Man', 'Stay' before ended their performance on a high note with
the famous track 'Shooting Star' ^^
Crowd went into a frenzy as International pop duo MKTO hit the stage with their crowd-pleasing hits ‘Thank You’ and ‘American Dream’ :)
Headliner of the night, London born international award winning artist, Tinie Tempah on stage bringing the crowd his famous hits 'Pass Out', 'Written in the Stars' and 'Tsunami' live @ H-Artistry 2014 KL ^^
H-Artistry’s momentum hit an ultimate high as the final act of the night, electro house trio, Imma *Bleep * YouUp took
the stage with their dramatic laser lights visual plus some electrify fist-pumping tracks ^^ 
uplifting atmosphere @ H-Artistry 2014 KL.
‘Super Clubbing Event Of The Year’——H-Artistry 2014 KL ended with a blast @MIECC! 0oo0 0oo0

H-Artistry events are by-invite-only, and are open to non-Muslims aged 18 above. Keep it locked on for updates on future H-Artistry events slated for 2015 ;)

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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