Monday, 5 October 2015

小屋 Koyaku Japanese Dining @ Faber Tower, Taman Desa

对于一枚吃货来说最开心的事情莫过于找到好吃的,而在风格鲜明的新餐厅发现美食感觉更是超棒的,本次要向大家介绍的小屋 Koyaku日式料理餐厅便是近期发现隶属此列的佼佼者。于今年五月才刚入驻Faber Tower, Taman Desa开始营业的小屋 Koyaku Japanese Dining, 设计风格以80年代怀旧日本风为主轴,走入店曾经风靡一时大大小小的铁皮玩偶人物非常的吸睛,而灯饰以及墙上的厚纸皮壁贴是店家以再循环为概念的结晶。

小屋 Koyaku Japanese Dining @ Faber Tower, Taman Desa, KL



燈飾也是再循環材料制作的哦 ^^

除了鲜明的设计风格,小屋 Koyaku所选用的食材亦是一大亮点,据师傅表示这里的刺身鱼种除了鲑鱼(salmon)来自挪威,其它刺身食材皆由日本空运直送哦,一些当季蔬果亦由日本入口,其中一部分譬如梅子草莓等还是季节限定只会在特定月份提供 :)


此次造访小屋 Koyaku尝试的是在国内较为少见,一种名为Omakase的吃法。Omakase在日語里帶有’拜托了‘的意思,套用到日式料理里简单来说便是交由师傅发牌決定你吃什么,只需提供自己的大略預算師傅即會為客人們安排預算內的最佳選擇 ;) 一般Omakase都會選用最時令最新鲜的食材,由壽司師傅在客人面前现场制作出各式刺身、寿司等道道精致佳肴的料理方式,客人們除了可以清楚的看到食材料理方式,師傅亦會與客人交流介紹食材吃法等,這樣的料理方式若没有相当火候與经验的师傅或者食材不够新鲜还真无法办到呢 b^^d

看著壽司在師傅手中從無到有,本身便是一種很有意思的體驗 ;)


一片片新鲜现切刺身在师傅纯熟的刀工下快速出现,臨場感十足的感觉不是一般的爽啊 ^^

wasabi便是绝佳的的双重享受啦 ^^
較少見的縞鯵刺身(Shimaji),細致的口感與甜味絕對讓人一吃便會愛上 b^^d

除了刺身與壽司,當然也少不了噴槍炙烧啦 ;)

ok b^^d

除了讓人驚艷的縞鯵刺身,另一同樣誘人的美味則非道地的日本蓝鳍鲔鱼莫屬啦,使用冷藏而非速冻来保存的蓝鳍鲔鱼是日出帝國出產的象征,堪称梦幻等级的肉质口感与鲔鱼肚相比亦各有千秋难分轩轾 b^^d

沒經歷速凍的生蓝鳍鲔鱼(nama maguro),光從賣相便可感受到其肉質的鮮美 b^^d
卖相诱人的北海道海胆佐牡丹虾,软绵的海胆与Q弹的牡丹虾感觉还蛮搭的 ^^
鲑鱼肚刺身,滑嫩的口感搭配一颗颗在口中爆开的鲑鱼卵,吃起来还蛮有乐趣的说 ;)
沒有名字但無論賣相味道可一點都不馬虎 ;)
外酥內軟的豐富味道,秒贊一個 b^^d

以帶有酒香顆粒飽滿的的冰鎮巨峰葡萄結束滿足的日式拜托料理 ^^

除了依據食材新鮮度采預約提供的Omakase'拜托料理',小屋 Koyaku亦有各式不限時提供的日式美食,更多詳情可點擊餐廳鏈接、臉書 :)

小屋 Koyaku Japanese Dining
Lot G8 & G9, Ground Floor, Podium Block, Faber Tower, 
Jalan Desa Bahagia, Taman Desa, 
58100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Business hours: 11am - 3 pm lunch 
                         6 pm -11 pm dinner (daily)

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Thursday, 1 October 2015

Electric Run Malaysia 2015 by -Official Insurance- Tune Protect

Just a few weeks back the Selangor Turf Club were transformed into a world of distinct lands with pumping music mixes & dancing lights as the World's Brightest 5k run/walk experienceElectric Run™ lights up the night sky of Kuala Lumpur for the very first time. Thanks for the awesome invitation courtesy of - Tune Protect, the official insurance of the Electric Run Malaysia 2015, I was able to experience myself a definitely one-of-its-kind lope, 5k across a vibrant course of color, sound and energy with DJs live mix on stage at the finishing line, now that’s my kinda jog! ^^ 

One of the products offered is Tune TrIP Travel Insurance. Tune TrIP Travel Insurance is a comprehensive and affordable travel insurance from only RM 9/trip! For frequent travellers, they can event opt for annual plan or family plan! They don’t only cover for baggage losses – but also a pretty extensive list of coverage that includes loss of personal documents and trip curtailment!

Tune Protect also came up with this really interesting video! Check this out!

Ok enough with the talking, in case you've missed the fun here's a photo-log to see you through some of the exciting moments of the Electric Run Malaysia 2015, which itself is now the latest entry in The Malaysia Book of Records holding the titleThe Largest Participation in a Neon Run in the country! *the first awesome moment b^^d

Electric Run Malaysia 2015 by -Official Insurance- Tune Protect
The latest entry in The Malaysia Book of Records Largest Participation in a Neon Run! b^^d

1st batch of participants ready to roll~ ^^
Energy was off the hook!!! #‎TuneProtect‬ ‪#‎NuffnangMY‬ ‪#‎ElectricrunMY‬
Electric Run Malaysia 2015 by -Official Insurance- Tune Protect. *spot the sign ;)
my turn ready to roll ^^
the countdown has begun!!!
awaiting flag off ;)
guiding pillars of  Tune Protect along the race course, leading the participants through the dark b^^d
keep calm and carry on, I'm protected :)  #TuneProtect 

Rainbow Road
half-way, 2.5k completed! :)
entering the Under the Sea tunnel

almost there, keep running~ 
Sweet Tooth Acres @ the glowing candy lane  
closing up to the finishing line, just in time for the fireworks show :) 
5k completed, time to have some fun @ the finish celebration ^^ #‎TuneProtect
 cool UV photo booth at the Electric Run Malaysia Tune Protect Booth, participants getting all excited with more fun!
UV photog time! ^^  #‎TuneProtect‬ ‪‪#‎ElectricrunMY‬
‪#‎TuneProtect‬ goodies @ ‪‪#‎ElectricrunMY‬, a sweet manual hand fan would definitely come in handy after a 5k run ;)
photog session at the Electric Run Malaysia Tune Protect Booth
DJs live mix on stage at the finishing line, now that's how you celebrate! ^^ 
#‎TuneProtect‬ ‪‪#‎ElectricrunMY‬  0oo0 0oo0
Mission accomplished! A huge thanks to Tune Protect, the official insurance of the Electric Run Malaysia 2015 #‎TuneProtect‬ ‪‪#‎ElectricrunMY #IAmProtected

As part of a rebranding initiative of the former Tune Insurance, Tune Protect, the Official Insurance Partner for Electric Run Malaysia pledge to offer products and services in an easy, convenient and simple manner. For more information on Tune Protect-Insurance Made Easy-, log-on to Tune Protect official website @ and/or follow Tune Protect @

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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