Tuesday 22 March 2016

高CP值美味港式点心自助餐 l Dim Sum Buffet @ Tai Zi Heen (太子轩), Pullman KLCC

Pullman KLCC中餐厅太子轩港式点心一直以来都是个人相当喜欢的,除了选择多样的各式美味港点以及舒适的用餐环境,这里每逢周末推出的超高cp值美味点心自助餐也是一大原因 ;)

太子轩的点心自助餐已经为大家所熟知,在这里就不赘词重新介绍啦,只为大家带来最新的促销资讯,从三月初开始至四月这里原价RM 60+的周末点心自助餐优惠价每位只需RM 50大洋整哦,而且用餐时间亦是充裕四的个小时(11:30 am2:30 pm),保证让大家有足够的时间一边与家人朋友闲话家常一边在舒适星级酒店环境里悠闲享用在菜单上多达四十多种的各类美味点心,而且若大家不晓得的话太子轩这里的点心过去数年来都是走高cp值的路线哦,在这个经济低迷百物上涨的恼人时代还推出特价优惠根本是佛心来着的嘛,此时不光顾更待何时是不是 ^^

太子轩 (Tai Zi Heen) @ Pullman Kuala Lumpur City Centre Hotel & Residences
太子轩 @ Pullman KLCC
舒适宁静的用餐环境,最适合周末吃点心了 ;)

太子轩周末点心自助餐菜单上煎、炸、蒸、焗烤等各式点心共计四十余种,基本上各种常见港点在这里都点得到啦,个人推荐的有雪心酥迷你蛋挞、鲜虾唐菜滑肠粉、脆炸沙拉鲜虾饺、香菇鸡粒荔芋角、荷子香菇烧卖皇、蜜瓜西米露等,胃容量有限又不想错过美味的吃货朋友们不妨参考一二 ;)

美味港式点心 ^^

当然除了高cp值美味周末点心自助餐酱的优惠好康之外,想要美味升级的吃货朋友们亦可加码新推出的各式主厨特制fusion版点心,由太子轩点心师傅Chef Jeffrey制作的各式新派点心走的是融合风,其中特色在点心名字上便可略窥其端倪,譬如内馅翠绿温润中带清爽的脆皮薄荷流沙包、外滑内脆带淡淡花香的桂花脆皮肠粉、结合Q弹虾子与芒果的脆皮香芒鲜虾筒、以及口感多层次的四宝北姑棉花鸡等等都是个人推荐值得一试的美味点心,顺带一提这里的特色点心在单点菜单上都点得到哦 ;)  

四宝北姑棉花鸡 Steamed bean curd rolls with fish maw, mushroom, asparagus and chicken b^^d
丰富的内馅用料造就的是丰富的口感 ;)
桂花脆皮肠粉 Rice rolls filled with crispy rice-skin wrapped prawns and osmanthus,虾子裹粉后酥炸随后再裹以肠粉外衣上蒸笼,虽然做工略为繁复但成品外滑内脆带淡淡花香感觉超的 b^^d
包裹了Q弹虾子与芒果的脆皮香芒鲜虾筒 Vietnamese spring rolls with mango and prawns,芒果搭配虾子以外的毫无违和感,鲜中带果香的味道还蛮有趣的说 b^^d
内馅翠绿温润中带清爽的脆皮薄荷流沙包 Deep fried mini bun filled with peppermint custard paste, 大口咬下薄荷清爽的爆酱感超爽der~ b^^d
满满的爆酱薄荷 b^^d
鲍鱼仔鲜虾蒸饺 Steamed dumplings filled with shrimp and top with abalone
墨汁芦顺鲜虾饺 Squid ink dumplings filled with dried sole, 透过黑亮的外皮饱满Q弹的虾子内馅依然依稀可见 ;)
脆皮香煎鹅肝饺 Pan-fried crispy pancake filled with prawns and foie gras
瑶柱野山珍珠饺 Steamed jade dumplings with dried scallops, mushrooms, prawns and chicken
糯米鸡也是个人的最爱之一 ;)
桂花龙眼香茅冻 Chilled lemongrass jelly with sweet longan and osmanthus
蓝莓冰皮千层糕 Layer snow skin filled with blue berry paste
太子轩点心自助餐@ Pullman KLCC
太子轩周末点心自助餐优惠券,凭此美味点心吃到饱每位只需RM50大洋整啦 b^^d

太子轩的点心自助餐每逢周末午餐时间皆有提供,优惠期间每人特价只需RM50大洋哦 ;) 更多关于Pullman KLCC中餐厅太子轩的美味港点及其他餐点请点击>酒店官网<及脸书链接 @ https://www.facebook.com/PullmanKualaLumpurCityCentre/ 查看 :)

太子軒 Tai Zi Heen 
Level 2, Pullman Kuala Lumpur City Centre Hotel & Residences, 
4 Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
Tel: +60 3 2170 8888 

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Saturday 19 March 2016

来场鲜美的‘蟹’逅 l 螃蟹哥哥 Crab B Restaurant @ Bandar Puchong Jaya

话说前些日子在部落客友人的介绍下到Cheras蟹的传人品尝了源自甲洞驰名肥肥蟹餐厅的螃蟹料理,个头硕大蟹肉饱满鲜美的螃蟹搭配师傅特调独门酱汁鲜美可口的滋味让人是印象深刻,而po文一发之后亦颇受好评接到了不少吃货朋友们的询问,于是这里再接再厉为大家带来位于Puchong区与蟹的传人师出同门的螃蟹哥哥 Crab B Restaurant,蒲种区以及周边的吃货朋友们若早前还没到蕉赖尝鲜或试了以后怀念那饱满蟹螯滋味的话就要多加留意咯 ;)

螃蟹哥哥 Crab B Restaurant @ Bandar Puchong Jaya,位置就在IOI Boulevard Puchong后方,仅有一街之隔啦;)
美味的螃蟹大餐让这里在晚餐时间总是呈现爆满状态啦 ;)

位于IOI Boulevard Puchong后方的螃蟹哥哥 Crab B Restaurant是甲洞驰名肥肥蟹餐厅的第三家分店,这里维持了店家一贯的风格以各式鲜美可口的螃蟹料理为招牌,个头硕大的肉蟹面包蟹老虎搭配师傅秘制酱汁大火快炒,一入口酱汁香浓以及蟹肉饱嘴的感觉一整个就是完美啊~


除了螃蟹料理之外这里的其它快炒菜色味道亦相当不错,其中相当有巧思的西式麦片豆腐以及白月光芫菜从卖相、口味乃至于用料搭配都恰到好处值得一试,尤其洒满脆口麦片的西式麦片豆腐除了满满的麦香以及外酥内软的豆腐之外还添入了鸭蛋黄末,丝丝入扣的蛋香堪称画龙点睛之作,很赞哦 b^^d

西式麦片豆腐超特别的,麦片麦香之外还加入了鸭蛋黄粉末,更添蛋香,大推 b^^d
西式麦片豆腐  b^^d
白月光芫菜,滑顺之外还有丝丝蟹肉哦 ^^
包含了鱼、虾、花枝、淡菜的泰式海鲜大拼盘,是无辣不欢兼喜欢海鲜的吃货们的最爱 ;)
淡菜是个人的最爱啊 ;)

螃蟹哥哥螃蟹料理理所当然的是这里永远的扛霸子啦,这次除了品尝搭配香甜特调Hawaii酱的夏威夷式肉蟹,还试了卖相霸气别致的老虎蟹,虽然老虎蟹卖相确实霸气侧漏但就个人而言还是更偏好香浓酱汁搭配XL size的肉蟹,个头饱满的肉蟹浇上浓浓酱汁光是卖相便十分诱人,酱汁搭配炸馒头也是不可错过的吃法哦 b^^d

浇上浓浓酱汁的夏威夷式肉蟹,那蟹螯超诱人的有木有啊 b^^d
夏威夷式肉蟹 b^^d
卖相十分别致的老虎蟹,尝过了这里肉蟹以及法国面包蟹的吃货朋友们不妨一试 :)
花生奶油老虎蟹,花生奶油酱搭配松软炸馒头超美味的 ^^

 除了鲜美的螃蟹大餐,螃蟹哥哥近日也为上班族们推出了实惠的超级午餐套餐以及爱心便当,在中午光顾的朋友们也可以试试看啦 ;)

爱心便当-天长地久到永远(上)& 我想说句爱你(下),名字很适合告白用哦 :P
超级午餐套餐-浦京鸡饭,除了主菜和饭还附饮料 :)

除了目前数十种的特色螃蟹料理,螃蟹哥哥亦会持续研发各式创新口味以及不定期推出各种优惠哦,更多关于螃蟹哥哥 Crab B Restaurant的特色螃蟹料理>点击这里<游览他们家的脸书查看 ^^

螃蟹哥哥 Crab B Restaurant
No. 85, Jalan Kenari 20, 
Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Puchong.

*喜欢这篇po文吗?到我们的脸书专页点个赞 >Like Jz.World FB page here< 不再错失任何美食与好康! 
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Thursday 17 March 2016

Malaysia Takes Lead at the 8th MBA International Badminton Championship 2016 @ MBA Port Dickson

Michael’s Badminton Academy (MBA)—— one of the pioneers in the badminton industry in Malaysia has recently announced the opening of its third badminton hall in Port Dickson – MBA PD, a full badminton facility equipped with modern and contemporary design and technology. Officiated by Dato' Abd. Khalid Bin Mat, YDP Majlis Perbandaran Port Dickson, the launch of MBA PD kicked off with the 8th MBA International Badminton Championship 2016 which ended with a blast just last weekend ;)

Opening of Michael’s Badminton Academy (MBA) third badminton hall in Port Dickson – MBA PD
Speech by Michael Lee, Founder of MBA @ the 8th MBA International Badminton Championship 2016 @ MBA Port Dickson
Speech by Lee Kok Chung, Managing Director of MBA

Over 450 local and international badminton enthusiasts across Asia gathered at MBA Port Dickson for the three-day event which held from 11th to 13th March 2016, competed in 25 different categories included in an official tournament, as well as popular additional categories for families such as the 3v3 (triples instead of just doubles) and family doubles (one parent and one child) ^^

Over 450 local and international badminton enthusiasts across Asia gathered at MBA Port Dickson for the 8th MBA International Badminton Championship 2016
8th MBA International Badminton Championship 2016 MBA PD
young talent at the tournament

The three-day tournament concluded with a solid victory of host country Malaysia, which took the lead with 11 gold medals, followed by Indonesia with 5 golds and China, Taiwan and Singapore had 3 golds respectively in the 8th MBA International Badminton Championship 2016 ;)

Men's singles in action
‪#‎MichaelsBadmintonAcademy‬ ‪#‎MBA‬ ‪#‎InternationalBadmintonTournament‬

Among the highlights of the event included the participation of former Thomas Cup player, Mr Kwek Chiew Peng, 63, who walked away with first and second place for categories in men’s doubles (combined aged 110) and men’s doubles (combined aged 120) respectively. MBA is also honoured to have the exceptional backing of its international counterparts from Taiwan, China, Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam that have continuously been supportive towards MBA’s International Tournaments over the years.  

Mixed-double participant, married couple Hema and Dinesh, who are badminton coaches in PJ enjoyed their time at the tournament :)

About MBA

For almost 15 years, Michael’s Badminton Academy has been at the forefront of championing the badminton industry in the private sector. Founded by Malaysian badminton enthusiast Michael Lee, MBA started off with a simple dream to bring together badminton enthusiasts from different communities to share their passion for the lifestyle.

Vision to be the hub of private badminton training and solutions at the international level, as well as to produce world-class players MBA had held over 10 major international tournaments over the years, hosting close to 10 thousand players from around the world. The training academy has trained almost 35,000 students via its junior development programmes and a Hope for Change badminton charity programme is in place to provide free training for underprivileged children.

From 16 badminton courts in 2002, MBA today is a one-stop badminton solutions providing services from court rentals and pro-shop to a health centre and a full-fledge badminton academy, training players from Malaysia and around the world.

MBA Taman Megah was recognized as the biggest privately-owned badminton centre in the state in 2002. MBA Bandar Puteri Puchong was recognized as the Biggest Badminton Centre in Malaysia by the Malaysian Book of Records in 2004.

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Tuesday 15 March 2016

Printcious: Personalized Precious Gifts for Your Special One

Buying shirts or gifts from online stores sounds too mainstream? All too common that people are selling the same designs? Well here’s one cool and easy way to get rid of the hassles—— Creates your own personalised stuff ^^

So I’ve recently found this interesting website called PRINTCIOUS, the name which stands for ‘PRINTing of your PreCIOUS gifts’ is pretty much self-explanatory, dedicated to advocate the beauty culture of gift-giving the site equipped with heat transfer printing technology offers a wide variety of customised DIY gifts for its patrons, special gifts for your special one, a great way to impress yeah ;)  

PRINTCIOUS——PRINTing of your PreCIOUS gifts’
Best Gift Ideas For Men & Women ;)

Looking for a wardrobe upgrade recently, I've decided to try-out customising my own shirts through the website, adding up adding personal touches of my favourite pics & text on the T-shirt was so much fun that I end up ordered a total of five shirts instead of two which I initially had in mind :P

package came in about a week after the order placement, pretty efficient considering the fact that these are customised stuff which takes time to print :)

Pleasantly surprised to note that all the shirts forms well to the body & quite comfortable to wear, guess 100 % premium cotton does makes a difference ;)

my shirts, my touch v^^v #movietime #Deadpool #StarWarsTheForceAwakens #PRINTCIOUS
But First Coffee~~ ;) #JzWorld #PRINTCIOUS

Other than my favourite personalised T-shirts printing, here at PRINTCIOUS the website also offers up to 200 gift items ranging from mugs, plates, cushions, puzzles, gadgets, phone casing and more, all customisable with your choice of photos and text ^^

Time for some personalised gifts~ let your creative juices flow~ :)

When it comes to gifts send your special one something they'd never expect is always a good idea, a personalised gifts with your creative touch on it——now that’s definitely the one of a kind unique gift that they will remember for a very long time~ and I bet you already know where to get one yeah ààà  http://www.printcious.com/ ;)

your favourite gifts delivered to your doorstep, simply send in your delivery address ^^

Find out more @ http://www.printcious.com/, get your personalised gifts today ;)

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