Sunday 12 June 2016

Berbuka Puasa with Celebrity Chef Norman Musa @ Eccucino Restaurant, Pullman KLCC

Nothing feels better than a sumptuous Ramadan buffet spread after a day of fasting ;) Prides itself as a lifestyle oriented establishment with a contemporary flair, this holy month of Ramadan 2016 Eccucino Restaurant, Pullman KLCC welcomes patrons to a sumptuous Buka Puasa Ramadan buffet spread with its innovative menu and festive interaction ;) 

Eccucino Restaurant, Pullman KLCC

Berbuka Puasa with Celebrity Chef Norman Musa @ Eccucino Restaurant, Pullman KLCC
mouth-watering Rack of Lamb :D

To mark the launch of the delightful Buka Puasa feast, Celebrity Chef Norman Musa, Europe's leading award-winning UK based Malaysian Chef and official ambassador for Kuala Lumpur was invited to serve up some of his crowd-pleasing authentic Malay dishes with a twist, which will be featured in the month long Buka Puasa feast 2016 at Eccucino RestaurantPullman KLCC from 6 June to July 2016 b^^d

live cooking demonstrations by Celebrity Chef Norman Musa & British High Commissioner to Malaysia, Her Excellency Victoria Treadell @ the Buka Puasa Feast ;)

Celebrity Chef Norman Musa's creation: Nyonya Kapitan Chicken Curry b^^d

Buffet highlights include Celebrity Chef Norman Musa's creation: Rendang Beef WellingtonRendang Scotch Eggs, and Nyonya Kapitan Chicken Curry, as well as evergreen favourites such as the traditional Beef Rendang Tok, Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Api, Lemang with beef and chicken serunding b^^d   

a selection of kerabu (Malaysian salads)
some made-upon-order dishes also available @ the Buka Puasa Feast

Celebrity Chef Norman Musa's creation: Rendang Scotch Eggs b^^d

Also include in the 100+ buka puasa dishes are the old time favourite banana and cempedak fritters serves upon order by the 'goreng-goreng' stall, the greens; ulam-ulam kampung with sambal, a selection of kerabu, assorted crackers with sauces and the signature Ramadan dish, wholesome bubur lambuk ;)

Lemang with beef and chicken serunding
Celebrity Chef Norman Musa's creation: Rendang Beef Wellington
assorted crackers ;)

pas fried fish prepared on the spot ;)
all time favourite: chicken & beef satay

Gado-Gado stall 

Celebrity Chef Norman Musa's creation: Rendang Beef Wellington

Berbuka Puasa with Celebrity Chef Norman Musa @ Eccucino Restaurant, Pullman KLCC ft. Renowned couture fashion designer Carven Ong 'Diva of Songket' showcase
Celebrity Chef Norman Musa (left), British High Commissioner to Malaysia Her Excellency Victoria Treadell CMG, MVO (middle) & Top Fashion Designer Carven Ong (right)

Sweet delights such as Malaysian's favourite ice dessert "ABC", an array of local and western desserts, fresh fruits, teh tarik and more will give a lovely conclusion to the sumptuous Buka Puasa Ramadan buffet spread ;)

tasty array of local and western desserts ^^

chocolate fountains ;)

Sarawak layer cake

Pullman KLCC's 'Berbuka with Celebrity Chef Norman Musa' buffet dinner @ Eccucino Restaurant will be available daily from 6:30-9:30 pm from 6 June - 5 July 2016 and priced at RM 128 nett (adult) & RM 64 (children) ;)

Eccucino Restaurant 
Pullman Kuala Lumpur City Centre 
4 Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, 
Tel: +603-21708888 

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Thursday 9 June 2016

Unforgettable Wedding Experiences @ InterContinental® Kuala Lumpur

Did you ever picture a dream wedding in the city’s leading luxury hotel with a choice of celebrated banqueting spaces and stylish thematic wedding set-ups? No matter how large or small your guest list is, InterContinental® Kuala Lumpur hotel’s creative team of wedding planners are ready to make your vivid dreams come true ;)

Offers a variety of specialty wedding packages including Berlian, Oriental Splendour, Maharaja and I Do, each wedding package consists of a sumptuous feast prepared by a dedicated team of chefs, with a flow of soft drinks, mixers and Chinese tea during dinner, pre-event cocktails, an impressive champagne fountain and a magnificent cake for the happy couple to honour the occasion upon. The package also comes with exquisite seasonal themed décor including Splendour of Opulence (Autumn), Secret Garden (Summer), Blossoming Petals (Spring) and Enchanted Fairytale (Winter). From fresh floral arrangements for VIP tables, individual floral centrepieces for every guest table to floral decorations along the aisles to ensure a distinct expression of exclusive romantic elegance and sophistication ;)

unforgettable wedding experiences @ InterContinental® Kuala Lumpur, a distinct expression of exclusive romantic elegance and sophistication ^^

Designed for different markets, the World of Weddings packages offer assorted menu options that are specially created by award-winning chefs; Berlian (Malay cuisine), Oriental Splendour (Chinese cuisine), Maharaja (Indian cuisine) and I Do (Western Buffet). To ensure a seamless and memorable wedding ceremony, guests are treated with a new menu layout featuring chef recommended cuisines, with the opportunity to upgrade their menu based on their liking without compromising the food quality and presentation :)

a preview of the Oriental Splendour (Chinese cuisine) menu ;)
Tao houses six private rooms which can be utilised by the guests for all kinds of purposes including the Chinese Tea ceremony with the family ;)
Chinese Tea ceremony @ Tao Chinese CuisineInterContinental® Kuala Lumpur

Experience a modest and intimate wedding reception at the Tao Chinese Cuisine, featuring a distinctive peach blossoms setting for guests to celebrate their special day with a perfect blend of authentic Chinese touch and luxury with spectacular, cloud-like inspired ceiling that grants the momentous impression of dining under the stars, some of Tao Chinese cuisine’s most distinguishable and memorable feature are the carefully selected ornate Chinese teapots that have been collected from around Asia and are displayed for guests to enjoy.

cloud-like inspired ceiling @ Tao Chinese Cuisine that grants the momentous impression of dining under the stars ;)

Treat close family and friends with an artistic approach of culinary experience pioneered by executive Chinese and Red Majesti chef Wong Lian You’s style that creatively blends traditional items with a modern presentation. With 15 years under his belt, the award-winning Chef Wong constantly reinvents and creates new dishes; preferring vivid seasonal flavours and ingredients that are rich in colour and aroma set to impress discerning taste buds ^^

Appetiser: "Tao" Gourmet Combination Platter
Soup: Braised North Canadian Lobster Claw with Bired's Nest, Fish Maw in Golden Browth
Mai Course: Crispy Cod with Fruit Mayonnaise Dressing in Yam Ring
Main Course: Braised Australian Five Head Abalone, Morel Mushroom Dumplings, Farm Greens
Main Course: Kai Lan Ginger Fried Rice with Crabmeat Glaze
Dessert: Chilled PeachGum, Pear, Snow Fungus with Red Date Syrup; Assorted Sweetened Chinese Pastries
Chinese Bridal Gowns Collection by Keith Kee during the lovely wedding preview ^^

For more information on the World of Weddings packages via InterContinental® Kuala Lumpur, visit

Tao(桃) Chinese Cuisine 
InterContinental Kuala Lumpur 
165 Jalan Ampang, 
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 
Tel: +60 3-2782 6316/6326 

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Monday 6 June 2016

Savour The Taste of Dragon Boat Festive 2016 @ Tao Chinese Cuisine, InterContinental Kuala Lumpur #鲍鱼干贝海参入馅巨无霸八宝粽 #娘惹风味香辣虾米肉粽

——两千三百年前,战国末期,楚为秦所侵,楚国衰败,楚人灵均主张变法,却遭旧贵族与顽固势力所欺而流放,公元前前278年,秦挥军南下破郢都,楚灭,灵均悲愤不已胸怀大石投汨罗江而亡,百姓为悼念以竹筒贮米投水祭之.. 觉得故事似曾相似吗?没错这一投江自尽的楚人灵均便是后代世人所熟知的伟大的诗人屈原,虽然作古千年,但其作品《天问》、《离骚》等以及名句“举世皆浊我独清,众人皆醉我独醒”却流传千古影响至今..—— 

是的会说起屈原的故事当然是因为一年一度的端午节又即将到来啦,而在这个对吃货而言就是个有美味粽子吃的节庆里当然吃粽子是一定要滴,但是作为一枚有深度的吃货肚里除了粽子之外当然还是要有点墨水啦,所以为大家带来粽子由来与大诗人屈原投江的故事作为opening ;)

那么故事说完了就入正题咯,如标题所见本次要为大家介绍的便是个人端午节最爱的粽子啦,但这可不是路边随处可见的普通粽子哦,为大家诚意献上由InterContinental Kuala Lumpur酒店中餐厅Tao Chinese Cuisine应端午节所特别推出的各式美味粽子,一共五种包括以鲍鱼干贝海参入馅的巨无霸八宝粽、带有浓浓南洋风情的娘惹风味香辣虾子肉粽、传统的蠔士花生枕头肉粽、以芒果干和莲子入馅的迷你粽等各种甜咸粽子全都在Tao(桃) Chinese Cuisine等你来品尝哦 ^^

Tao(桃) Chinese Cuisine @ InterContinental Kuala Lumpur
内敛的华丽感感觉很棒啊 b^^d

在这里完全就是准备想搜美味中式料理的节奏 ;)
个头饱满的肉粽感觉超诱人的 ;)
用料扎实是粽子品质的最佳保证 ;)

海味满满巨无霸八宝粽、娘惹风味香辣虾米肉粽、传统蠔士花生枕头肉粽、芒果干莲子入迷你粽,哪个才是你的心头好啊 ;)

本次端午节Tao(桃) Chinese Cuisine一共推出了三款咸两款甜共五款的粽子,全都由拥有二十余年制作点心经验的主厨Chef Lo当日精心蒸制,其中最可观的当属采用了高档海味入馅的巨无霸八宝粽,在肉粽里有干贝已经很犯规了师傅居然还毫不手软的加入了海参和一整颗的鲍鱼奢华程度基本完全爆表啦,话说鲍鱼海参搭配香喷喷的咸香糯米肉粽感觉还真是超棒的 *边写边咽口水-ing b^^d

以鲍鱼干贝海参入馅的巨无霸八宝粽Abalone Sea Treasure Rice Dumpling),无论saiz或用料都是满分啊 b^^d
记得不要错过了左后方的特调蘸水哦,搭配肉粽美味加倍提升 b^^d
鲍鱼、干贝、海参、香菇、栗子.. 本人已醉 :P
传统的蠔士花生枕头肉粽 :)
同样用料扎实 ;)

当然粽子不可能单吃啦毕竟全都是糯米的话还挺涨的,所以搭配一些中式点心和炖汤穿插在美味可口的粽子宴之间感觉就刚刚好啦 ;)

散发浓浓南洋风情的娘惹风味香辣虾米肉粽也是个人很喜欢的,香中带咸咸中带辣的多层次口味很好吃哦 b^^d

带有浓浓南洋风情的娘惹风味香辣虾子肉粽 (Spicy Nyonya Rice Dumpling) b^^d
满满的香辣内馅除了虾子还有鸡肉,辣度属于中等稍微偏上个人觉得是刚刚好,不会辣得太超过所以不用担心啦 ;)

偏好清淡口味的朋友们可以试试这里馅料以冬瓜干、芒果干以及莲子为主口味微甜的迷你粽,较小的size应景之余吃了也完全没有负担 ;)

以冬瓜干、芒果干以及莲子为主要馅料的迷你粽Mini Rice Dumpling
Traditional Mini Red Bean Paste
Tao Chinese Cuisine的点心同样是走料多实在的路线,个个都个头饱满啊 ;)

最后再来个豆奶绿茶布丁甜点坐ending ;)

InterContinental Kuala Lumpur酒店中餐厅Tao(桃) Chinese Cuisine应端午节所特别推出的五款咸甜粽子将在六月份美味上市,想内用或外带的吃货朋友们可以拨打以下餐厅电话或点击酒店官网/脸书查询 :)

Tao(桃) Chinese Cuisine
InterContinental Kuala Lumpur
165 Jalan Ampang, 
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 
Tel: +60 3-2782 6128

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