Saturday, 10 September 2016

Seafood Fiesta Combo @ Sector 7, Setiawalk Puchong

说到三五好友小酌chillax的好地方Setiawalk PuchongSector 7以及The Beer Factory一直是个人蛮喜欢的hae点之一 ;) 位于Setiawalk Puchong Block B 11-GSector 7,双店面打通的建筑空间感十足,店面右边是TBF,而左边则是本次po文的主角Sector 7,两边最大分别在于TBF主打小酌,而Sector 7则还有各种偏西式的美味料理,当然也包括本次个人尝试最近蛮夯的Seafood Fiesta Combo 美式渔夫海鲜料理 ;) 不太了解的吃货朋友们美式漁夫海鲜料理最大的特点就是把各种海鲜豪迈的倒在桌上再直接用手抓来吃啦,对 没错就是你想像中的那个样子(实在想像不出就请参考下图呗) XD

 Sector 7 Setiawalk Puchong #SeafoodFiestaCombo
Sector 7 Setiawalk Puchong,右边是TBF,往左便是Sector 7咯 ;)
Sector 7Setiawalk Puchong, 切合店名的异形很酷啊 ;)
Sector 7 就在TBF旁,两家毗邻的酒吧餐厅内部是相通的 ;)

话说Sector 7的美式漁夫海鲜料理Seafood Fiesta是本月5日起((5/9/2017))才开始推出的新menu哦,菜单一共分为三种Combo Set,包括了双人份的Dynamic Duo Set、四至五人份的Seafood Foursome Set以及超澎湃的6到八人份Golden Octagen Set,基本上各种combo Sets的海鲜都包括了巨型大头虾、肉蟹、贝类、虾子以及蔬菜搭配等,只是分量上会有所不同而已,大家就依据自己的食量选择吧 ;)

Seafood Fiesta @ Sector 7, Setiawalk Puchong

当然对特定海鲜有所偏好的吃货朋友们也可以依据自己的喜好搭配各种海鲜组成自己的独家海鲜拼盘啦,除了食材酱料也有XO酱、香辣的Spicy Seafood Sauce、浓郁的Lemon Cream Sauce以及加码版XO & Spicy Seafood Sauce Combo一共四种店家特调口味供君选择 b^^d

搭配XO & Spicy Seafood Sauce Combo的Seafood Foursome Set,香辣得刚刚好的海鲜光卖相就让人觉得很诱人啊 b^^d
一股脑的把海鲜挥洒在桌上感觉超棒der~ ;)

虽然慢火炖煮两个小时的XO & Spicy Seafood Sauce Combo酱汁看起来红彤彤的但是主要是香辣,辣度对个人而言算是适中不会太刺激,搭配海鲜或面包都超对味的 ;) 实在不爱吃辣的朋友们也可以考虑试试加入大蒜和帕马森芝士奶香味道浓郁的Lemon Cream Sauce,这个酱汁搭配可爱的小鱿鱼超match的哦 ^^

Lemon Cream Sauce搭配各种贝类+圆滚滚的小鱿鱼 b^^d

漁夫海鲜料理的准备动作都会由员工代劳,也会提供围裙及手套方便大家享用 :)
吸满海鲜精华酱汁的法式长棍面包(Baguette)再搭上小鱿鱼或贝类是我喜欢的吃法 ;)

当然最棒的还不只这样,细心的朋友们或许有发现上边menu照片下方的add-on,没错啦Sector 7应推出美式漁夫海鲜料理Seafood Fiesta Combo Set也特别推出啤酒优惠哦,只要点combo set便可以超值的优惠价RM 35购买5Carlsberg啤酒哦(也可以选择RM 60购买10Carlsberg啤酒优惠),香喷喷的海鲜搭配冰冰凉凉的啤酒,绝配啦~~~ 先秒赞一个b^^d

Seafood Fiesta Combo Set,搭配超值优惠的冰凉Carlsberg啤酒最刚好啦 ;)
香喷喷的海鲜搭配冰冰凉凉的啤酒,完美~~~ b^^d

这不是巴掌大的虾,而是比巴掌还要大的大虾啊 ^^

想加码的吃货朋友们超下酒的薯条和炸鸡翅当然是menu上少不了的啦,海鲜控的话当然加码大头虾也是选项之一 ;)

啤酒良伴薯条和炸鸡翅 :P
加入鸭蛋黄的炸鸡翅多了沙沙的咸香口感搭配啤酒感觉爽度更升级啊 ^^
加码大头虾 ;)
cheers~~ ^^

Sector 7 Seafood Fiesta Combo Sets 美式渔夫海鲜料理 及啤酒优惠9月5日开始豪迈上桌,更多关于Sector 7 @ Setiawalk Puchong详情可查看店家脸书@ ;)

Sector 7
B-11-G, Block B, SetiaWalk, 
Persiaran Wawasan, 
Pusat Bandar Puchong, 
47160 Puchong, Selangor.
hp: 010-899 3535
Business hours: 4 pm-2 am (Sun-Thur)

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Sunday, 4 September 2016

迎福轩海鲜饭店 l Wellcome Seafood Restaurant @ Sunway Mentari, Petaling Jaya

位于Sunway Mentari商务区(双威金字塔购物中心正对面)里的迎福轩海鲜饭店Wellcome Seafood Restaurant),鲜黄色的外观相当好认抢眼。虽然简洁的双层店面并没有太华丽的装潢,但位于饭店一楼水族箱里的各种游水海鲜却直截了当的告诉食客们,海鲜不需要过于哗众取宠的衬托,终究新鲜美味才是最实在的 ;)

迎福轩海鲜饭店Wellcome Seafood Restaurant)@Sunway Mentari, Petaling Jaya,鲜黄色的外观相当好认抢眼
简洁的双层店面并没有太华丽的装潢,但位于饭店一楼水族箱里的各种游水海鲜确是新鲜食材的最佳代言 ;)

迎福轩海鲜饭店Wellcome Seafood Restaurant)饭店二楼的用餐区,除了开放空间也有更隐秘的私人包间


除了主打的各种海鲜料理譬如饭店汇集各式海鲜精华招牌升华版盘烤一品鲜、卖相霸气诱人的招牌加拿大龙虾捞饭红烧三寸骨等,其它各种特色中式料理如中餐里较为少见的的酸果塔叶炒鸵鸟肉、和风黑胡椒炒鹿肉到亲民本土的大火快炒生虾煎生面、黑松露生虾伊面等在迎福轩海鲜饭店Wellcome Seafood Restaurant)也找得到哦 ;)

汇集各式海鲜精华的招牌升华版盘烤一品鲜 ;) (RM 138)
升华版盘烤一品鲜 (RM 138)
上桌后再加入一整颗的嫩椰汁及椰肉,满满海鲜精华的汤汁透着丝丝椰子的清甜挺好吃的 b^^d

卖向霸气诱人的招牌加拿大龙虾捞饭是个人的最爱,料理得恰到好处的龙虾肉软嫩适中口感刚刚好完全不会太老,搭配粒粒分明融入鲜味及锅气的炒饭感觉超满足der~~ b^^d

卖向霸气诱人的招牌加拿大龙虾捞饭 b^^d (RM 128)
龙虾的大螯是永远的吸睛神物啊 ;)

爱尝鲜尤其钟爱山珍野味的吃货朋友们则可以试试中式大火快炒料理的鸵鸟肉及鹿肉料理,要不其它中式料理如琥珀色色泽油亮诱人的红烧三寸骨以及辣汁凉瓜脆花腩都是无肉不欢一族不妨一试的美味 ;)

辣汁凉瓜脆花腩 ;) (RM 28)
让猪肉爱好者唾液迅速分泌的红烧三寸骨 ^^ (RM 35)
酱汁搭配炸馒头超好吃的,一口酱汁佐馒头一口三层肉感觉最棒啦 b^^d

想要来点简单美味的话各式炒饭、捞饭、面食也是不错的选择,若嫌前边提到的霸气龙虾捞饭太过奢侈也可以试试同样美味的生虾煎生面,巨大淡水虾的饱满虾肉同样让人饱足感满满 ;)

黑松露生虾伊面 ^^ (RM 95;RM 15.50/100g)
饱满的虾肉同样让人饱足感满满 ;)
脆口鸳鸯藕 (RM 20)

迎福轩海鲜饭店 l Wellcome Seafood Restaurant 
No.15 Jalan PJS 8/5 Sunway Mentari Plaza,
46150 Petaling Jaya Selangor.
Phone: 03-5631 3064
Business Hour: 11.00 am - 11.00 pm

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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Tiger Jams Brings You The Epic Finale——Centrestage ft. Chvrches

Whats'up Tiger fans and friends! In case you don't already know, the grand finale of Tiger Jams series——the 'Tiger Jams Centrestage' is finally here~~ and our talented homeground electronica artist, Rozella – one of the three Tiger Jams finalist – has been handpicked by international act of the night——Scottish synthpop band Chvrches for a special Tiger Jams collaboration!

'Tiger Jams Centrestage' l 2nd Sept 2016 l 6:30 pm @ Rhapsody Square, Trec KL

Taking place on Sept 2 at Rhapsody Square, Trec KL, Tiger Jams Centrestage will feature the Top 3 contestants - Rozella, Son of a Policeman, Donamarie, acclaimed Asian acts The Sam Willows (Singapore), ToNick (Hong Kong) and Darren Ashley (Malaysia), and Chvrches. The venue will also showcase art pieces by Tiger Jams’ local visual artist, Donald Abraham, Kenji Chai and Flex, who were also instrumental in the creative production of each of the three finalists’ music video made for their Tiger Jams’ original track 0oo0 0oo0 

homeground electronica artist, Rozella (Kota Kinabalu) has been handpicked by international act of the night——Scottish synthpop band Chvrches for a special Tiger Jams collaboration!

Formed in 2011 as a studio project between long-time friends Iain Cook and Martin Doherty - Chvrches, which also features Lauren Mayberry on lead vocals, released their debut album, The Bones of What You Believe in 2013. The album earned them widespread critical acclaim as well as a strong fan base after touring extensively throughout 2014. The band’s sound mostly derives from the synthpop genre, with indietronica and indie pop influences. Their second album, Every Open Eye, was released in 2015 to rave reviews, and this year band wrote the original track to the recently released Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, an action-adventure platform video game. Their success and grounded personalities make them a no-brainer choice for a collaboration with one of Malaysia’s top undiscovered talents.

Tiger Jams sets out to be an epic jam session to celebrate the sights and sounds from Asia. It aspires to bring the freshest talents together in celebration of music and art. For more information on obtaining exclusive passes to Tiger Jams Centerstage, visit Tiger Beer’s Facebook page, or ;)

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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

New GILLETTE MACH3® Launch 2016 @ Talent Lounge, PJ Trade Centre #GreatShaveGreatSkin

Upgraded sharper blades, TUT-advance blade coating technology, enhanced lubrication strip.. That’s right ladies and gentlemen the new Gillette Mach3® family is back with its popular trio —— Gillette Mach3®, Mach3® Sensitive and Mach3® Turbo, this time featuring Gillette’s re-engineered advanced blade coating technology and enhanced gel bar, committed to help deliver a great shave and great skin ;)

New GILLETTE MACH3® Launch 2016 @ Talent Lounge, PJ Trade Centre #GreatShaveGreatSkin
***psss... 10 Gillette Mach3® razor up for grabs, find out how at the end of the post ;)
#NewGillétteMach3 #GreatShaveGreatSkin

Understands that great skin starts with a great shave and how irritating a razor burn can be, for more than a century Gillette has stood with men with one belief at heart —— to makes men's lives just a little easier by providing the right shaving tool, not only one that ensure enjoyable shaving experiences with redness and irritation free skin but also to boost your confidence by aid in achieving a better-looking skin ;)

Gillette revealed the new Mach3® at the Talent Lounge in a talk-show styled event hosted by Nadia Heng, ft. special guest local celebrity Fahrin Ahmad :)
Fahrin’s sharing session about his grooming challenges and how he overcame these challenges with the new Gillette Mach3®
local celebrity Fahrin Ahmad & invited media guests shaving with the new Gillette Mach3® Turbo  ;)
#NewGillétteMach3, better than the disposable even on its 10th shave ;) #GreatShaveGreatSkin

With a total of seven key features, including spring mounted three-blades, skin guard, front pivot, open architecture, ergonomic handle and single docking system, the new Gillette Mach3® demonstrated excellent focus on a great shave to enable men to achieve great skin ;)

The hero of the family——the Gillette Mach3® Turbo is one of the main highlights worth-mentioning, upgraded with sharper blades, coated with Gillette’s most advanced coating TUT-technology (Thin Uniform Telomer Technology) and equipped with enhanced gel bar to reduce the “cutting force” involved in shaving off the tough hair, Gillette Mach3® Turbo is basically all it takes to achieve a great shave – comfortable and close b^^d

Nadia and Fahrin having a good time interacting with the audience through word games ;)
New GILLETTE MACH3® Launch 2016 @ Talent Lounge, PJ Trade Centre #GreatShaveGreatSkin

Enabling both comfort and closeness in shaving, achieving great-looking skin with a great shave is is as simple as 1 2 3 with the new Gillette Mach3®! Grab yours today and try it out yourself ;)

***So, you've heard it all.. AND now here's how you could win yourself a brand new Gillette Mach3® razor~ all you need to do is to "share with us about your shaving regime and how the new Mach3® will elevate your experience to a new level" by commenting on this blogpost, 10 most creative comments will walk away with the new Gillette Mach3® razor

- Giveaway will last for a week from Tuesday, 30th August to Wednesday, 7th September 2016. Selected winners will be contacted for personal details (the information is strictly for prize mailing purposes only

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