Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Pure Caffe Tea @來杯自家专属的意大利咖啡

无时无刻都能享受到一杯香滑咖啡绝对是作为咖啡爱好者们最棒的人生乐趣之一,而由Pure Caffe Tea从意大利引进的单键触控全自动意式咖啡机正是实现这一人生乐趣的好伙伴,只需轻移指尖咖啡飘香从此只是一颗按钮的距离 ;) 

由意大利原装进口的咖啡机虽然操作简易但对于细节却毫不马虎,咖啡机从水温,水压到咖啡浓度皆可随个人口味调节,偏好espresso的朋友们可选择single或double shot espresso,当然若想来杯拿铁或卡普奇诺的话鲜奶的种类也可随意选择 ;)

Pure Caffe Tea意大利原装进口单键触控全自动意式咖啡机,
咖啡飘香从此只是一颗按钮的距离 ^^

#PureCaffeTea #premium #coffee #tea #bean #capsule #barista #coffee

搭配Pure Caffe Tea意大利入口单键触控全自动意式咖啡机的同样是由意大利烘焙入口的自家品牌Arabica咖啡豆,各种比列配方的咖啡豆果香原味及果酸程度各异各凭喜好任君挑选 :)

Pure Caffe Tea自家品牌的咖啡与茶胶囊
若您是茶叶爱好者各式英式茶胶囊也可冲泡 :)

Pure Caffe Tea的单键触控全自动意式咖啡机一共有四款机型供选择,提供了由简单的各种意式咖啡胶囊冲泡到现磨咖啡豆咖啡冲泡咖啡,即便是基本款的机器也可提供espresso, 黑咖啡, 卡普奇诺以及拿铁咖啡哦 ;) 如今他们家还提供为期三年的全免租金配套,只要每月固定购买价值RM 250的咖啡豆或咖啡/茶胶囊即可拥有自己的专属意式咖啡机(平均一天下来可以冲泡六杯的咖啡 ^^),而且还提供免费的上门安装服务哦。

想要享受更完美咖啡的朋友们也可以参加Pure Caffe Tea所举办的Latte Art Class由专人指导轻松掌握咖啡拉花技巧 ;)

Latte Art Class via Pure Caffe Tea

今年才成军的Pure Caffe Tea团队如今还正在扩充团队中,无论您是想无时无刻皆能享受自己专属咖啡的咖啡爱好者或有意参与共同创业的朋友都可以到他们家的脸书获取更多详情,Pure Caffe Tea官方脸书请>>点击这里<<

#PureCaffeTea #premium #coffee #tea #bean #capsule #barista #coffee

Pure Caffe Tea Sdn Bhd 
Block 8-3A-7, Queen’s Avenue, Jalan Bayam
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-9284 3228
FB Page : https://www.facebook.com/purecaffetea

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Thursday, 6 October 2016

HiBaby.TV——Malaysia’s New Live Streaming & Entertainment Platform

A new interactive, enriching and engaging online social entertainment platform is here! HiBaby.TV——the new online streaming platform in Malaysia offers a new and fun way to interact through social channels. Stream your favorite live entertainment shows curated by adorable, pretty and engaging hosts, get all the latest updates of your topics of interest from food, travel, culture, sport & fitness to Malaysia business and hot issues, win fabulous prizes through platform contests, and the coolest part - chat with your host ;) Feel like experience the FUN, LIVE, and definitely rewarding social entertainment at its best? Scroll down to find out more ^^

HiBaby.TV——The new online social entertainment platform in Malaysia ;)

Recently launched in the month of September, HiBaby.TV is an online interactive experience where users get to chat & interact with the hosts as well as take part & level up their online profile, meet new friends and reward hosts with virtual gifts that translate to real life earnings ;)

HiBaby.TVMalaysia’s new LIVE streaming & entertainment platform ;)

Available on Google Play Store for Android smartphones and laptops and iOS App Store (coming soon), the online video streaming platform featuring live content from hundreds of hosts all across Malaysia with popular and interesting content ranging from food, travel, sport & fitness, culture, as well as Malaysia current hot issues and business.

HiBaby.TV now Available on Google Play Store for Android (iOS App coming soon), explore popular and interesting content with your favorite hosts ;) 
some of HiBaby.TV adorable, pretty and engaging hosts :)

Founded by a group of passionate individuals from all over Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan & South East Asia, HiBaby.TV’s vision is simple – HiBaby.TV urged talented & beautiful personalities all over Malaysia to come forward to join the big team.

Speaking at the launch, Mr. Vijian Chan, CEO of HiBaby.TV said, “HiBaby.TV will grow and support passionate & talented individuals over time. Programs were arranged with a few hosts including Nadia Hasnan on Food, Music, Travel, Scuba Diving & etc. We provide a platform for those with talents & beauty to earn money from the comfort of their own home and be streamed live to viewers worldwide."

HiBaby.TV Official Launch @ FUZE Club, Kuala Lumpur.  

HiBaby.TV offers interactive live stream entertainment shows curated by adorable, pretty and engaging hosts, rewarding prizes through platform contests, and users could also make new friends, create topics, share common interest, support and reward each other for a good cause through the platform. Games are also available with just a few clicks to summon all your friends ;)

To join and interact live with your favorite host and artistes, a simple few steps quick registration or simply logging in via the Facebook button is all you need to get started.  

a simple quick registration or simply logging in via the FB button is all you need to get started ;)
and you're now live with your favorite host on HiBaby.TV ^^ 

HiBaby.TV is a new and fun way to interact live with your favorite hosts and artistes. Experience social entertainment at its best while you play games with your buddies on HiBaby.TV platform, It’s FUN, it’s LIVE, and it’s definitely rewarding! Check out their Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/myhibabytv or just log on to http://hibaby.tv/ for the full experience ^^

☝☝☝What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Tuesday, 4 October 2016

【澳门旅游攻略2016】澳门自助餐之MGM美高梅盛世波士顿龙虾雪场蟹脚吃到饱 #RossioMGMMacao #盛事餐厅海鲜飨宴

说到澳门美食则不得不提澳门各大奢华五星酒店五花八门澎湃诱人的自助餐飨宴啦,而其中个人觉得cp超高非常值得推荐的则要数MGM美高梅酒店盛世餐厅Rossio @ MGM Macao)的海鲜美食飨宴啦。在这里新鲜的生蠔、虾子、蛤蜊、螃蟹等海鲜是基本款,而大热主角便是红彤彤的波士顿龙虾啦 ,一些餐厅会以餐卷兑换的方式让食客们凭卷兑换龙虾,而在美高梅盛世提供的则是霸气的波士顿龙虾雪场蟹脚吃到饱啊,没错请相信你的眼睛就是吃到饱,波士顿龙虾雪场蟹脚all-you-can-eat~~ b^^d

除了美食到过奥门的驴友们应该知道这里的酒店在设计上堪称是金碧辉煌没有极限,这当然也包括了酒店里的餐厅啦 ;) 一踏入MGM Macao美高梅酒店很难不被其浓浓的浓厚艺术气息所感染,大堂上除了超现实主义大师达利的作品——《达利的舞者》优雅柔和的起舞,美國玻璃藝術大師Dale Chihuly特別为美高梅设计的天花吊饰《天堂花吊頂》(fiori di paradiso ceiling)亦同样吸睛 ^^

澳门美高梅酒店大堂的天花吊饰《天堂花吊頂》(fiori di paradiso ceiling)是美國玻璃藝術大師Dale Chihuly在亚洲的首件作品 ;)

穿越酒店大堂映入眼帘的是同样让人惊艳散发着欧洲风情的「光影・絢麗・水底世界」天幕广场,经过广场中央8米高的巨型圓柱形水族館,盛世餐厅Rossio @ MGM Macao)便坐落于广场一偶 ;)

澳门美高梅「光影・絢麗・水底世界」天幕广场 b^^d
盛世餐厅Rossio @ MGM Macao)便坐落于广场一偶
客人们可选择入座餐厅内,也可以在天幕下享用美食,很浪漫啊有木有 b^^d
盛世餐厅Rossio @ MGM Macao

盛世Rossio 的海鲜自助晚餐除了冰镇鲜美的時令海鲜,亦有寿司吧台提供各式日式刺身、沙拉及壽司,当然热腾腾的精选佳肴也是少不了的 b^^d

日式生鱼片沙拉 b^^d
雪场蟹脚 b^^d
当然还有重头戏霸气侧漏的波士顿龙虾们 b^^d
外脆内嫩的烧乳猪当然也是不容错过的 b^^d

话说个人之所以在芸芸自助餐中推荐MGM美高梅酒店盛世餐厅Rossio @ MGM Macao)除了因为用餐环境绝佳超有feel之外也因为餐厅大器的提供了波士顿龙虾雪场蟹脚吃到饱的海鲜美食飨宴所以cp值一整个飙高,同时其它熟食佳肴也相当用心口味一点也不马虎整体表现都棒棒哒 ;) 在这里唯一的遗憾可能便是个人胃容量太过有限只品尝了一半左右的美食啊 -________-

各种中西式美食,脆皮烧乳猪好好吃啊牛脸颊也不赖 b^^d
海鲜控最爱~~~ b^^d

当然甜点区也同样精彩,各种精致甜点从蛋糕到曲奇、雪糕等都通通有啦,而且光雪糕就有近十种的口味 ^^

MGM挂品质保证 ;)
金箔点缀得好漂亮啊 ;)
雪糕除了基本款特别口味譬如姜汁、开心果也有哦 ;)
饱餐一顿以后再到漂亮浪漫的天幕广场散步感觉超棒der~右下角巧遇couple在拍婚纱照 ;)

MGM美高梅酒店盛世餐厅Rossio @ MGM Macao)的自助海鲜美食飨宴每逢星期一至星期日晚餐时间(下午 6 時至晚上 11 時)提供,尊享價每位澳門幣428元(换算马币约RM 220左右),餐厅也会不定期推出特色主题自助餐(如藍鰭吞拿魚自助晚餐,繽FUN下午茶套餐等),详情请查看酒店官网咯 ;)

澳门很过瘾 4天3夜吃喝玩乐精彩不断片to be continued.. .. ;)

*感谢澳门旅游局Macao Tourism Malaysia的盛情邀约 ^^ 

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Friday, 30 September 2016

Passport International Beerfest Brings Global Experiences to You

October~~ It is that time of the year where we cheers with our friends and family. Where every pub, bar, tavern, and bistro in town will celebrate beer and cider’s glorious existence. This year, Heineken Malaysia Berhad has got something up its sleeves for beer lovers ;)

Taking the celebration to a whole new level with an international beer and cider experience, Heineken Malaysia Berhad——introduced its brand new initiative, Passport International Beerfest in an extravagant event at TREC KLThe event was filled with exciting activities such as percussionist band, dance performances, stilt walkers, jugglers, magicians and brand ambassadors dressed up in Japanese and German costumes. There were also Irish models who marched around the event grounds making the festival merrier ^^

Heineken Malaysia Berhad's Passport International Beerfest began with a bang on Sept 22, 2016 at Trec KL. Let the festivities begin!
Passport International Beerfest @ Trec KL
  Passport International Beerfest via Heineken Malaysia ft. stilt walker and mime for the launch ;)
the living statue :P

Passport International Beerfest is an all-out celebration of HEINEKEN Malaysia’s range of beers and ciders from The Netherlands, England, Germany, Ireland and Asia, and a chance to bring to life the experiences and cultures behind each of them.

4D virtual reality booth set up for Passport International Beerfest @ Trec KL
Let the festivities begin! #passportbeerfest

Aspire to bring all beer lovers a bigger, better and improved experience through a virtual reality globe simulator, the digital experience will give discerning drinkers an opportunity to explore another country and its culture while enjoying the brews of their choice at the same time. On top of that, consumers will not only be enjoying attractive promotions but will also be able to own a set of six limited edition Passport International Beerfest collectible mugs as memorabilia throughout the celebration across selected outlets during this campaign period ;)

virtual reality simulation created by Heineken Malaysia Berhad for Passport International Beerfest ;)
six limited edition Passport International Beerfest collectible mugs up for grabs ^^

Passport International Beerfest @ TREC KL marks the start of the month-long campaign, for more information on Passport International Beerfest and to know more on how to be a part of the celebration, log on to www.facebook.com/PassportInternationalBeerfest ;)

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