Saturday, 7 July 2018

低调の和风美味:『君の家』Kimi-Ya Japanese Restaurant @ Avantas Residences, Old Klang Road

对于大多数熟悉旧巴生路的人来说位于Old Klang Road边上的Avantas Residences可谓绝不陌生,位于黄金地段的高档服务式公寓虽然低调但外观设计还是相当吸睛,然而对于爱好日式美食的吃货而言这里可不只仅仅是高档公寓,外观吸睛的同时位于建筑底楼的『君の家』日式料理餐厅才是吃货们的焦点所在 ;)

位于Old Klang Road边上Avantas Residences底楼G-2『君の家』日式料理餐厅Kimi-Ya Japanese Restaurant走的是木质和风,融合现代与木质的设计营造出自然与温馨的风味,蓝底金字的招牌则在低调中透出质感,这里除了每月提供高cp值的优质日式美食特选优惠之外丰富的menu上从生鱼片、寿司、乌冬、冷面、丼饭等都一应俱全绝对是个满足日式味蕾的好所在啦 ^^ 

『君の家』Kimi-Ya Japanese Restaurant @ G-2 Avantas Residences, Old Klang Road

餐厅的包厢可以让大家在不被打扰的环境中静享美食 ;)

除了丰富的menu日式料理厨师出生的餐厅老板还会远从日本选取当季食材特制成高cp值的优质日式美食特选优惠菜单限时提供,目前六&七月提供的可是鲜甜细滑的北海道鲜海胆刺身啊想看本尊请往下滚动滑鼠啦 ;)

菜单一览ft.本月特选北海道鲜海胆 ;)

软壳蟹沙拉是这里的招牌沙拉,鲜脆凉爽的蔬菜沙拉搭配酥炸软壳蟹、炸鱼皮和虾卵口感挺棒,附的三种特调酱汁颇具风味建议把沙拉分成三份搭配食用,至于非人的喜好则要数芝麻酱啦 ;)

KIMI-YA Soft Shell Crab Salad,君の家软壳蟹沙拉
Kaisen Salad

鳗鱼什锦刺身丼用料挺实在的鲔鱼鲑鱼个头挺大口感挺好,而且丼饭的米延续了餐厅重品质的路线用的可上好的日本米啊,若提个意见的话身为一枚枚鳗鱼控个人表示想要再来点鳗鱼啊 :P

Unagi Bara Chirashi Don,鳗鱼什锦刺身丼

日本和牛大名鼎鼎个人就不多做介绍啦那香嫩滑润的口感绝对是肉食爱好者至死不渝的爱,五分熟带着鲜红粉嫩渐层的和牛片无论视觉嗅觉味觉都是一种无上享受,至于不想单吃牛扒的朋友们这里的牛肉日式石锅拌饭也是不错的选择哦 ^^

Pan Grilled Premium Wagyu Beef Steak (120g),带着鲜红粉嫩渐层的和牛片无论视觉味觉都是一种无上享受 ^^

Gyu Garlic Rice Ishiyaki,香喷喷的牛肉日式石锅拌饭
Assorted Sashimi with Vegetables,透鲜的厚切生鱼片拼盘 ^^
厚切的生鱼片及干贝晶莹的光泽为自己的新鲜度代言 ^^

除了透鲜的生鱼片拼盘六&七月限时提供的鲜甜细滑北海道鲜海胆刺身当然也不能错过啦,虽然本人一直以来提到日式美味都首推鲔鱼腹与和牛但是北海道海胆细致绵密的口感偶尔尝尝感觉还是超棒的 ^^

Hokkaido Uni (Sea Urchin),只需RM 38便可享用日本空运到港的北海道海胆哦  ^^
Taraba Gani (150g),日本三大蟹里最霸气的帝皇蟹 ;)

Hamaguri Sake Mushi,清甜海鲜味的贝类鰹魚汤,注入的清酒味道完美融合有种画龙点睛的感觉 ^^
Asari Hoiru Butter Yaki

除了优质的日本米以外这里的面食无论乌冬面或冷面也是不可错过的朴实美味,生乌冬面现点现煮冰镇上桌面条口感Q弹中带着恰到好处的嚼劲搭配以鰹魚为基底鲜咸不腻的蘸水凉爽吸入,完美~ ^^

Zaru Inaniwa Udon,生乌冬面现点现煮后冰镇上桌,搭配的是鲜咸不腻的蘸水
先单吃面+蘸水随后再加入青葱山葵与生鹌鹑蛋,两种风味一样美味,推! ^^

美食句点当需甜点,日式美食甜点当然少不了软糯的麻薯和浓郁的抹茶冰淇淋啦 ;)

Matcha Shiratama Zenzai,浓郁的日式抹茶冰淇凌&白玉麻薯 ^^
Mizu Shingen Mochi,属于少女的日式水信玄餅
Abekawa Mochi,软糯Q弹的日式麻薯 ^^

想看更多『君の家』日式料理餐厅的美食与期间限定的优质日式美食特选优惠请戳下边他们家的脸书专页链接 ;)

『君の家』Kimi-Ya Japanese Restaurant
Avantas Residence, G-2, 162, Jalan Klang Lama,
Taman Shanghai, 58100 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +6013- 239 3406

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Sunday, 27 May 2018

举一杯盛世浮华:Mandala Café and Bar @ Publika, Solaris Dutamas, KL

会来到这里,一开始还真是纯粹被餐厅名字所吸引觉得Mandala这名字挺有意思的,在完全没有预设想搜美食美酒的情况下上酒馆还真不是以往的吃货风格走向 >______< 或许有些人不知道,Mandala其实在梵文里是特别有意思的一个词,中文一般把它翻译成曼陀羅,意指神圣的圆轮或軸轴的意思,而西藏曼陀罗沙画繁华不过一捧沙的意境更是让接触过的人门印象深刻,于是开始好奇一间叫做曼陀羅的咖啡x小酒館会是什么模样,于是来到了这里亲身一转 ;) 于是一场小确幸的邂逅,从好奇心开始..

位于Publika, Solaris DutamasMandala Café and Bar招牌白底橘字外观简约,一颗颗暖黄的玻璃圆弧吊灯还挺舒适微暖,踏入酒馆tiffany蓝的长皮沙发、巨幅的酒柜以及墙上菱角分明的方行玻璃装饰还真有点浮华盛世的奢华感 ;)

Mandala Café and Bar @ Block D3-G3-8, Publika, KL
盛世浮华,来人啊 拿酒来 :P 

喜欢这里的皮椅坐着聊天超舒服的~ ^^

巨幅酒柜后居然有个隐蔽的VIP room, 想要试试当贵宾的滋味请洽询店家T&C :)

来到这里是晚餐时间,试了他们家的三道菜套餐 3 course set menu,前菜主菜和甜点都有三四种选择包含一杯House Pouring Wine感觉刚刚好,套餐价值RM 70在Publika来说还算尚可。个人推荐前菜牛尾汤Oxtail Soup与卖相亮丽的软壳蟹汉堡Jumbo Soft Shell Crab with Charcoal Bun,甜点千层蛋糕挺好吃的巧克力布朗尼也不错 ;)

Dinner Tonight: Mandala Café and Bar 3 course set menu @ RM 70 

套餐的House Pouring Wine可选择红酒或白酒,主菜从烤鸡排、意大利面、炸鱼薯条、汉堡到三文鱼都有大家就根据个人喜好自行mix and match啦 ;)

主菜选择-烤鸡排、意大利面、炸鱼薯条、汉堡到三文鱼都有,house pouring wine可以选红酒或白酒 
暖暖的牛尾汤Oxtail Soup秾纤合度最适合微凉的夜晚啦 ^^

微凉的夜晚来碗秾纤合度暖暖的牛尾汤当前菜最棒啦 ^^不爱带starchy浓汤的话份量超大的健康芝麻酱沙拉是您的最佳选择,同行友人表示这芝麻酱和某知名日本品牌芝麻酱可说是一模一样啊,个人只试过韩国牌子的,如果属实的话那么和风芝麻酱还真完胜韩国牌子的啊 XD

Mandala's Green分量十足的沙拉

软壳蟹似乎是店家的favorite除了搭汉堡还有意大利面的搭配,微辣buttermilk sauce的面条和酥软的软壳蟹挺搭的,但个人还是喜欢竹炭汉堡面包夹酥炸软壳蟹大口大口咬下的fu~ ^^

Golden Soft Shell Crab Spaghetti   
卖相亮丽的软壳蟹汉堡Jumbo Soft Shell Crab with Charcoal Bun ^^
Grilled Chicken with Buttermilk/Black Pepper
Grilled Salmon with Mashed Potato,橄榄油的烹调对个人来说口味略欠层次,感觉来个白酱或浓浓的意大利青酱会更棒 ;) 
Fish & Chips 
海鲜披萨软壳蟹汉堡都是他们家的新menu哦 ;)
软壳蟹属于海鲜所以就搭配白酒啦 ;)
话说这里的酒选项还真的挺多的还有特别版的琴酒和香槟哦不吃晚餐单纯把酒言欢也不赖啊 ;)
mille crepe一般我是配咖啡啦不过Saturday night vibe就来个高脚杯吧 ;)
Brownies with ice cream
#Mandala #WineNot? 

舒适的咖啡x小酒館让人无论是简单的三五好友把酒言欢或来个轻松晚餐都有种品味生活小确幸的微幸福感,虽然在这里呆久了盛世浮华感渐淡却也无妨 ;) 更多关于Mandala Café and Bar @ Publika, KL的各种menu促销及美酒请戳下边他们家脸书链接查看啦 👇👇 

Mandala Café and Bar
D3-G3-8, Solaris Dutamas, No. 1, 
Jalan Dutamas 1, 
50480 Kuala Lumpur, 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.

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Tuesday, 3 April 2018


There's nothing quite like being outdoors, basking under the sun to celebrate life’s little pleasure with family and friends, complete with a refreshing Somersby cider in hand. This April, Somersby invites cider lovers to make the most of Malaysia’s all-round ‘summer’ by extending experiencing a fun and jolly campaign named Somertime, Anytime featuring Somersby Apple cider, Somersby Blackberry cider and Somersby Sparkling Rosé on the wheel. 

Refreshing Somersby that comes in three variants - Somersby Apple cider, Somersby Blackberry cider and Somersby Sparkling Rosé ;)
At the campaign launch preview held at Glasshouse @ Seputeh recently, three iconic Somertime Volkswagen Kombi vans with open hatch roofs and fold-out countertops, doubling up as Somersby bars, were unveiled to over 300 guests, trade partners and members of the press. The vehicles, decked with flamboyant Somersby branding are deployed to meet cider lovers through nationwide sampling activations celebrating life’s little pleasure when one enjoys a Somersby; as a happy hour drink or during gatherings with good friends; Anytime really!

Catch the iconic Somertime VW Kombi vans this April to celebrate life’s little pleasure with Somersby ^^
During the launch gambit, Carlsberg Malaysia’s management team made a special appearance and served guests their favourite Somersby variants from the makeshift Somertime VW kombi van bars. As guests sipped on their cider, many were seen trying out UV body marbling art with neon and ultraviolet paint as well as the Somersby tree ring toss game. For the social media lovers, lounge pockets such as garden swings, seesaws and ‘hang-out beds’ were the perfect chill out spot to get those Insta-worthy moments! 

Joining in the fun! It's Somertime, Anytime with Somersby~
The Somertime, Anytime consumer engagement allows consumers to mix and match their favourite Somersby Apple, Blackberry & Sparkling Rosé variants. Not only that, buy-1-free-1 vouchers for one (1) 330ml bottle of any Somersby cider variants will be given out through the month of April at respective Somertime, Anytime roving locations. 

Celebrating life’s little pleasures with friends and Somersby at the launch held in
The Glasshouse @ Seputeh ;)
Snap and share your photos when you catch the iconic Somertime VW Kombi vans on Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #SomertimeAnytime and #SomersbyMY to be in the running to win attractive prizes. Ten (10) Somersby cartons (24 X 330ml) and 30 Somersby 4-can pack (4 x 320ml) are up for grabs! Do check Somersby’s official social media platforms to find out more on the Somertime, Anytime roving schedules and locations near you. 

At selected hypermarkets and supermarkets, Somersby lovers are entitled to one (1) free can (320ml) of Somersby Blackberry with the purchase of a 6-can pack (6x 320ml) of Carlsberg or Carlsberg Smooth Draught. From March 30 to April 1, 4-can pack (4 x 320ml) of Somersby will be going for only RM19.90! 

Purchase a can (320ml) of Somersby at convenient stores such as 7-Eleven, KK Mart and on April 14 and 15 to enjoy the 2 nd can for half the price! Selected dining outlets and bars will also be featuring weekday and weekend promotions. Happy hour goers will be able to enjoy a bottle of Somersby (330ml) for RM10 before 8pm daily. Somersby will also feature weekend brunch set menus pairing options with a bottle of Somersby (330ml) going for only RM10. 

For more info on #SomertimeAnytime, follow Somersby Malaysia on Facebook at ;)

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