Monday, 11 November 2013

A New World Calls For A New Style - GUINNESS® New Packaging Launch Party

Hey there beer lovers, if you don’t already know the world’s most iconic black brew GUINNESS® has recently revealed its signature new look for the brand’s Foreign Extra Stout (GFES) variant just last Thursday at an exclusive launch held at The Intermark Kuala Lumpur. Technically I wasn’t at the party but the new packaging is so cool & that’s why I decided to shared it with you guys anyway. :)

Being the first major package redesign for the brand in decades to reveal a contemporary look for the brand, reflective of its modern and young base of drinkers today, the excitement were all over the Guinness® New Packaging Launch Party so without further ado may I present to you- The new contemporary GUINNESS® Foreign Extra Stout (GFES)!  *clapclap*

The stunning venue at The Intermark when the sun went down.
Official Photo Opp: (From L to R) Bruce Dallas, Marketing Director of GAB & Hans Essaadi, Managing Director of GAB.
Official Photo Opp (From L to R): Fiona Huang, Julie Kuan, Lim Ju Lee, Team Guinness Malaysia; Hans Essaadi, Managing Director of GAB; Bruce Dallas, Marketing Director of GAB; Chew Lee Min, Thompson Chuah, Team Guinness Malaysia.
The unveiling of the new Guinness
® Foreign Extra Stout bottle~~~

Discover A World Of More! ^^
Words from the director: “From the beauty of the metallic gold finishes, the standout yellow racetracks of colour and the layering of contemporary typography, the new GFES invites the eye and draws the drinker in. The iconic “bull dog” remains on the neck label as the classic icon of Guinness in Malaysia complete with a sweep of Arthur Guinness’ signature which adds to its premium contemporary aestheti.”

"And, while the Guinness packaging may have an updated look, what's inside the bottles and cans is still the same authentic taste that comes from St. James's Gate in Dublin."

GUINNESS® Guests & Lovers with the whole new GFES. ^^

The new look of GFES will include both pint and quart bottles, as well as the 500ml and 320ml cans, which will be available in the Klang Valley and nationwide from 7th November 2013 onwards. So swing by to any of your favourite chill-out spot to check out the brand new contemporary GUINNESS Foreign Extra Stout today. 

Brand new GUINNESS® Foreign Extra Stout. ^^

*photo source G2 PR.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

传承80余载古早南洋风味:镒记茶餐馆 l Yut Kee @ Jln Dang Wangi KL

对于新世代来说咖啡店文化的联想大抵逃不过starbuckscoffee bean & tea leafold town等随处可见的西式连锁加盟店,咖啡时光总与舒适的沙发、优雅的空间、空调、蛋糕、西饼等划上等号..

作为许久才在我的部落格现身一次的中文食评,如果介绍的是以上那么普通的东西那就真的是逊毙了!但是’ is not my style,所以吃货们请放一百二十个心,且听我娓娓道来..今天为大家介绍咖啡店来头还真不小,若以年份为衡量标准的话starbucks和它一比简直有如刚出生的婴儿般稚嫩,皆因截至今年为止此店已有85的历史了。

镒记茶餐室 l Kedai Makan Yut Kee(1928
时光倒流85年回到1928年的马来亚,在还处于英殖民时代的吉隆坡,镒记茶餐室 Kedai Makan Yut KeeJalan Dang Wangi正式营业.. 秉持着海南人刻苦耐劳的精神以及对美食的坚持,历经岁月的洗礼,镒记在时代变迁下始终屹立不倒,成功的撰写出其独树一帜的老店传说..这里没有富丽堂皇的装潢,没有舒适清幽的环境,却始终人潮汹涌,慕名而来的游客、老主顾与吃货们让店内无论任何时候皆高朋满座。客源虽自四面八方,但大家的目的却绝对一致,为的不过是一尝镒记那传承了一甲子有余的古早味南洋美食与Kopitiam文化。b^^d

话不多说,接下来看图说故事时间请了~ :)

踏入镒记,泛黄的老照片,陈旧的电风扇与木椅,褪去光泽的云石桌,瞬间有种时光倒流的错觉 :)

Kopitiam style,桌上没有menu,想点什么抬头往墙上一望,餐点&价格一目了然。
海南咖啡冰(RM 2),纯纯的Kopi peng,就是小时候那熟悉的味道,
甜味稍淡,可能与最近糖价飙高有关呗~ XD
猪扒(Pork ChopRM 10),粘粉及蛋清后下锅油炸的猪扒,呈盘后淋上自制番茄酱汁,甫上桌便香气四溢,
香酥的口感配上略微湿润的酱汁,绝对让人食指大动,超大的分量更是满足感的最佳保证。 b^^d
肉包(Roti BabiRM 8),作为一间85年老店的镇店之宝,这绝对是必点美食,厚切海南面包加上蛋液微烤,
再塞入满满的猪肉末与洋葱,就是一道口感特别且美味的海南小吃啦。 ^^

就算是weekdays 下午3:30,人潮依然不减,若是想在假日到镒记饮早茶,
据第二代少东Uncle Lee表示,镒记预计将于明年离开这坚守了80余年的老店址,搬迁到一街之隔的全新店面,想在这充满浓浓古早南洋风味茶餐馆享受美食的朋友们可要好好珍惜这仅剩的时间了。 :)

镒记茶餐馆35, Jalan Dang Wangi, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, 
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
GPS: N3 09.371 E101 42.003 35
營業時間:8 am 5 pm(週一休息)

***update: 镒记茶餐室已搬迁至>> Restoran Yut Kee, 1 Jalan Kamunting, 50100 Kuala Lumpur***

镒记茶餐室Kedai Makan Yut Kee
Jalan Kamunting, Off Jln Dang Wangi,
50300 Kuala Lumpur, 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
营业时间:星期二至日 7:30 am -4:30 pm
电话:03-2698 8108

*到我们的脸书专页点个赞 >Like Jz.World FB page here< 不再错失任何美食与好康! 
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Friday, 8 November 2013

Kronenbourg 1664 L'Aperitif Fashion 2013 @The Majestic Hotel KL

The best-selling premium lager brand originating in France, KRONENBOURG returns with the glamorous event of the year - Kronenbourg 1664 L'Aperitif Fashion 2013, a stylish platform which offers the young emerging Malaysian designers a chance to showcase their talent & a perhaps win them self a once-in-a-lifetime internship with Nicholas Georgiou in London! ^^  

After months of intense competition, 8 out of the top 20 qualifiers succeeded in making their way to the grand finale, where a 5-pices collection of their unique design inspire by the masterpieces from French culture were showcased on the stage of The Majestic Ballroom @The Majestic Hotel KL.. So ladies & gentlemen, with French pleasure at heart, may I present to you the most spectacular event on the fashion calendar - Kronenbourg 1664 L'Aperitif Fashion 2013, a visual feast of food, music and fashion~ *clapclap* :)

Love the glamour colonial heritage design here. The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur is the only hotel in Kuala Lumpur to be included in the Leading Hotels of the World luxury hotel collection, cool huh. ^^
Welcome to Kronenbourg 1664 L'Aperitif Fashion 2013 :)         

Eiffel Tower, always lovely regardless of its size & setting ;)

Having some drinks & bites before the show starts. 
Check out the impressive designs below..^^

Kronenbourg 1664, a taste of the French way of life, with pleasure as the art of living.
Personal preference: ice cold Kronenbourg Blanc :D
The Majestic Ballroom, stage is set for the most glamorous fashion show of the year, santé~

Grand setting at the Majestic Ballroom, cheers~

*click to enlarge: for a better view of the fine design*

Ellie Lim Mei Li’s collection, congrats to the grand winner ;)

Surprise of the night, special appearance of Pink Tan 陳珂冰 @Kronenbourg 1664 L'Aperitif Fashion Show 2013 ^^

Pink Tan 陳珂冰 Live @Kronenbourg 1664 L'Aperitif Fashion Show 2013 
Oh did I forgot to mention, the food serves at The Majestic Hotel is exquisite, simply wonderful to have a bite or two between the show (ok I admit I ate more than that :P) 
After-party with divine EDM via live DJ, a perfect ending for the night.. Au Revoir~ b^^^d  

Au Revoir Kronenbourg~ ^^

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Heineken Thirst 2013: 3rd Wave Line-up ft.Returns of World Famous Rukes~

To all EDMers out there! If you don’t already know the ultimate Malaysia's Premier Electronic Music Festival is back! This 14th December, Heineken Thirst returns @ Sepang International Circuit with two massive stages ~Green Stage & Star Arena~ of electrifying and empowering electronic music! Featuring a stellar line up of international & local EDM artists! From David Guetta to Afrojack, Madeon to Example, W&W to R3HAB and Nervo, Heineken Thirst pledge to serves an uncompromising and unconventional music experiences at this leading electronic dance music festival. ^^

For those who’ve missed the 1st & 2nd wave of sparks revealed, check out the link below for a quick recap:

Other than the spectacular international top acts from around the world, Malaysia’s first EDM superstars Goldfish and Blink, along with other hard-core local heroes B.A.T.E., XU and Bunga will be rockin the stages at Heineken Thirst 2013, so be ready to expect the unexpected! ^^
Goldfish and Blink
AND there’s more! Following the success of his appearance at Heineken Thirst 2012 the world’s top dance music photographer Rukes will be returning to the event to capture the excitement and inspired craziness of this year’s festival via his website So be prepared to get involved iHeineken’s exciting calendar of events by tuning into Heineken Facebook page or Twitter@Heineken. :)

Heineken Thirst 2013 Line Up
Green Stage
•             David Guetta
•             Afrojack
•             Nervo
•             Goldfish & Blink
•             B.A.T.E.

Star Arena
•             Example + DJ Wire
•             W&W
•             Madeon
•             R3HAB
•             XU
•             BUNGA

Special Guest Photographer

Heineken #Thirst2013
Event Details
Date                      : Saturday 14 December 2013
Venue                    : Sepang International Circuit
Web                      : &
Twitter/Instagram : @Heineken_MY / @heinekenmy #thirst2013
Spotify                  :
Tickets                  : available online at & all Rock Corner outlets
*Age Restriction: Heineken Thirst is open to those above the age of 18 years only

Monday, 4 November 2013

[Soft Launch] The Roof @ 1First Avenue Bandar Utama~

Hey there party peeps, remember the exclusive hard hat preview of The Roof I posted at the end of October, well the ASIA FIRST & ONLY HELIPAD LOUNGE has finally had its grandiose launch few days ago after some extensive buzz & anticipation. For those who’re still new to The Roof, swing by to my previous post >HERE: [Exclusive Preview] TheRoof @1First Avenue Bandar Utama~< before you step into this fully renovated premium integrated gastro & entertainment hub with a chic and vibrant setting. ^^

The Roof soft launch, five unique F&B experiences @ sky level~
Thanks to Fish I get to spend a wonderful night at the 1st day of The Roof grand launch, chilling with a glass or two of their lovely cocktails & some delightful canapés while enjoying the eye-catching skyline of KL & Damansara. b^^d

LDP, it's so gorgeous when you don't have to stuck in it's congested traffic :P

don't know what it is but its good. ^^
cranberry vodka :)
AND here you go, some marvellous shoots at the elegant & highly contemporary integrated sky lounge - The Roof @ 1First Avenue Bandar Utama. ^^

Signature, the stylish, premiere gastro-lounge & bar @The Roof.

Signature Restaurant.Bar.Lounge. 
marvellous setting isn't it :)

nothing better than having some Live DJ music while chilling. ^^
Malt & Leaf @The Roof.
A glimpse of the exhilarating sports bar, Score @The Roof.
PLAY @ The Roof. Love the artistic setting here ^^
PLAY @The Roof, a designer super club. b^^d

*The Roof
1 First Avenue, Bandar Utama, 
47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
GPS Coordinate: 101° 37’ 1” E, 3°8’ 51” N
