Thursday, 22 January 2015

「有米氣」顺德料理 l Youmiqi Cuisine @ Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, KL

位于吉隆坡叶观盛路(Jalan Yap Kwan Seng)有米氣餐厅(Youmiqi Cuisine)为雪隆区少数的特色中式料理餐厅,主打的是新派順德料理,菜肴由原籍广东的师傅亲自操刀设计,其烹调着重于各类食材间的原味与配合,以少量但多元的香料勾勒出鲜中有带浓烈味道的特色广东菜,在一众中式料理中独树一帜,是爱尝鲜的吃货朋友们不错的一选择 ;)

配合农历新年的到来,有米氣如今亦推出了2015新春團年套餐及新年盆菜套餐,以各式具有好意头的料理搭配捞生及盆菜,正在计划庆功宴、团圆饭或新年聚餐的公司家庭要留意啦 ^^

有米氣餐厅(Youmiqi Cuisine) @ Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, KL.
餐厅设计走的是以暗色系为主的低调奢华风,鲜红的梯子与金黄色的桌布非常抢眼 ;)
新年当然少不了好意头的捞生,有别于一般口味偏甜的捞生,有米氣Prosperous Lou Sang (salmon) 风生水起齐捞生
搭配的是偏咸的特调酱汁,还蛮特别的 ^^ (RM 68)
用料澎湃的改良版Poon Choy 盆菜,层层叠叠铺垫的食材让人是食指大动,七种款式任君选择 ^^ (RM 428)
Fried Noodle Fish with Salt & Pepper 椒盐白饭鱼 (RM 48)
各式菜肴搭配的亦是广东特色酱料劲霸芥末油,看似清淡透明的颜色但是芥末味儿可是劲道十足哦 ;)
Lap Mei Claypot Rice 腊味煲仔饭,上等香米QQ的口感搭配上香喷喷的腊味,
油亮油亮的卖相一上桌便已先得分啦 b^^d (RM 38)
Seafood Stew Wok 海鲜焖锅,食材可以个人喜好选择搭配的鲜美锅品,饱尝海鲜后记得来个海鲜粥或米饼,
可别浪费了饱含满满精华的汤汁  (RM 150)
结束以前再来道Shrimp sashimi 虎虾拼盘,炸得酥脆的虾头配上虎虾刺身、
爽口的苦瓜条及木耳,多重惊喜多重享受的一道美味 b^^d (RM 98)
冰镇的鲜甜虎虾肉佐以芥末油酱清,美味丝毫不输于日本刺身哦 b^^d
以饭后甜点Cheese Baked Yan Tat 芝士焗紫心薯为晚餐画上甜而不腻的句点 ^^(RM 29)

更多关于有米氣新春团年套餐请点击有米氣(Youmiqi Cuisine) 脸书@ :)

有米氣顺德料理 (Youmiqi Cuisine)
Exit Jalan Yap Kwan Seng 
50450 Kuala Lumpur 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Sunday, 18 January 2015

Valentines Menu l 浪漫情人节晚餐 @ Curvz Café, Silka Cheras Hotel Kuala Lumpur

虽然距离情人节还有约一个月的时间,但作为一位优质的贴心男友现在可是时候开始收集资料选择浪漫情人节晚餐的地点咯,要不订不到理想餐厅令女友失望那就不好啦 ;) 作为贴心情人的您若还在为情人节晚餐伤脑筋,不妨考虑Curvz Café @ Silka Cheras Hotel Kuala Lumpur为迎合2015年情人节而特意推出的优质情人节浪漫晚餐——西式风格的餐厅、雪白的餐巾与桌布、撒上浪漫的玫瑰花瓣、烛光、伴着玫瑰花的菜单、亲切的服务、当然还有主厨的美味料理,浪漫满分让爱情瞬间升温,棒棒哒有木有 :P

情人节浪漫晚餐 @Curvz Café, Silka Cheras Hotel Kuala Lumpur ^^
玫瑰花瓣 + 烛光 = 浪漫晚餐 ;)
虽然是主打浪漫的情人节晚餐,但美味的餐点还是很重要滴,Curvz CaféSilka Cheras Hotel Kuala Lumpur 所推出的双人份情人节浪漫晚餐包含了前菜、餐汤、主菜、甜点及饮品,只需RM 288 便可享受由主厨精心准备的超可口南瓜汤、鲜美的龙虾、美味的三文鱼与藏红花炖饭、手工巧克力等美食,哎哟 不错哦 b^^d

Curvz CaféSilka Cheras Hotel Kuala Lumpur情人节浪漫晚餐menu,只在2015年2月14日情人节供应哦,预定请早  ^^
前菜:Tuna Carpaccio with Crisp Garden Greens and Wasabi Dressing
餐汤:Cream of Passion Pumpkin and Orange,我不得不说这是我喝过最好喝的南瓜汤,浓郁的口感根本让人停不下来啊 b^^d
主菜选择1:Gratinated Half Lobster with garden Greens,鲜甜的龙虾肉配上起司焗烤,单看卖相已经超诱人的说 ;)
主菜选择2:Pan-Seared Salmon with Saffron Rissoto and Garden Greens,若龙虾体现的是霸气外露那么这一道主菜
煎得恰好的三文鱼搭配上加入名贵香料烹调的藏红花炖饭,赞一个 b^^d
餐后甜点除了巧克力,亦附上别致且赏心悦目的的Poached Granny Smith Apple in Cinnamon Essence
为一顿晚餐画上完美据点,主厨的用心足见一斑 :D
Chocolate Pralines

心动了吗?把口水擦一擦吧,还没完呢 ;) 除了以上美味的情人节浪漫晚餐,Curvz Café @ Silka Cheras Hotel Kuala Lumpur 平时的餐厅menu也有不少美味单品哦,以下加码送上三样美食 ;)

Silka Prawn Mee,口味非常道地的虾面,作为一名槟城人我在此认证这汤头口味和槟城福建面几乎没差哦 (顺道提一下,Silka Cheras的主厨可是友族同胞哦,居然能把福建面烹调得如此到位,厉害 厉害b^^d l RM 20
Beef Lasagne l RM 22
Chicken Schnitzel,炸得超酥脆的超大鸡腿肉,不但可口而且分量十足 l RM 28

Curvz Café @ Silka Cheras Hotel 
KM 10 Jalan Cheras, 
56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 
Tel: +60 3-9100 1133

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Saturday, 17 January 2015

Chinese New Year 2015 Celebration With GUINNESS® @ Grand Imperial, Bangsar Shopping Centre

With the Year of Goat right around the corner, GUINNESS®, an award-winning beer known across the world for quality and taste, together with the Grand Imperial Group of restaurants brings you a specially crafted GUINNESS® New Year banquet menu. The Eight sumptuous courses are paired with GUINNESS® stout served in different ways to complement and bring out the full flavours of each dish, providing a tantalising sensation for the taste buds befitting the spirit of prosperity and celebration of the New Year festivities ;)

Chinese New Year 2015 Celebration With GUINNESS® @ Grand Imperial, Bangsar Shopping Centre :) 
early CNY wish by Team Guinness Malaysia ^^
A toss of luck for the New Year :)

Be prepared to experience GUINNESS® in ways in which you may not have tried before, unlocking the complex flavour profiles of the bold beer. Surprisingly refreshing when served at sub-zero temperatures, moving to full and rich when served warm, the GUINNESS® Master Brewers and team of Grand Imperial chefs have painstakingly matched each course and serving style to create the perfect pairing ^^

GUINNESS® New Year banquet menuYee Sang with Silver Fish, Braised Bird's Nest with Fresh Crab Meat,
Roasted Whole Suckling Pig (L to R)
GUINNESS® New Year banquet menu: Braised Sliced Abalone with Black Moss and Dried Oyster, Claypot Rice with Chinese Sausage and Dried Meat Hong Kong Style, Fresh Water King Prawn in Casserole (L to R)
GUINNESS® New Year banquet menu: Chilled Fresh Mango Puree with Sago and Pomelo and Deep Fried Nian Gao
and Deep Fried Sweet Potato Pastries (top left)
Steamed Pomfret Traditional Style (bottom)

Priced at RM1888 nett, the special GUINNESS® New Year banquet menu is available from January 13th-March 5th at all 6 Grand Imperial restaurants across Malaysia. The menu also includes two quarts of GUINNESS® stout, as well as two sets of exclusive GUINNESS® ang pow. Each dish has been designed not only to match and enhance the accompanying GUINNESS®, but is imbued with meaning and tradition, symbolising longevity, harmony, peace, prosperity, and happiness in the coming year. For full details of the exclusive menu, log-on to

looks like CNY came early this year, Happy Chinese New Year ^^

Last but not least, between 5th January 2015 and 28th February 2015, consumers throughout Malaysia may be in the running to win one of the 100 pure gold bars with any big bottle of Guinness, Tiger, Heineken or Anchor via the GAB ‘Celebration of Golden Prosperity’ campaign, >CLICK HERE< to grab hold of the golden opportunity ;)

*Content source: Geometry Global 

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Monday, 12 January 2015

The Party Of The Century at Empire City: A Star-Studded Preview of the City of Lifestyle & Entertainment

What’s up peeps, in case you don't already know, The Party Of The Century, a star-studded preview of Empire City—the City of Lifestyle & Entertainment is coming your way on the 23rd of January 2015 featuring renowned Korean group, 2AM, international celebrities Paris Hilton, Taboo of the Black Eye Peas, and Australian tenor, Mark Vincent! b^^d

The Party Of The Century at Empire City: A Star-Studded Preview of the City of Lifestyle & Entertainment  

Located in in Damansara Perdana, Empire City by Mammoth Empire Group's is an integrated development in a vibrant, artfully stylised world aims to be the ultimate spot for meeting, dining, shopping and relaxing, all within a self-contained city that balances business with leisure.

The Party Of The Century  ‪#‎PartyOfTheCentury‬ ‪#‎EmpireCity‬

Built around the 5 core pillars of Empire City; Design, Art, Music, Performance and Culture, the 30 acre mixed use development project will comprise 2.5 million square feet of net lettable retail area, 8 corporate towers and office suites, 3 international 5+ star and 5 star hotels and a cinema themed hotel, also Included within Empire City will be a number of unique installation, such as the cinematic world’s first multi-projection theatre, an Olympic-specification ice rink and stylised boulevards, like Asian Food Street, that will bring the international luxury feel to life for residents and visitors alike.

Bringing these pillars to life will be an array of performers and artists, ranging from the renowned Korean group, 2AM, international celebrities Paris Hilton, Taboo of the Black Eye Peas, and Australian tenor, Mark Vincent.

The Party Of The Century ft. renowned Korean group 2AM
The Party Of The Century ft. Paris Hilton
The Party Of The Century ft. Taboo of the Black Eye Peas
The Party Of The Century ft. Australian tenor, Mark Vincent

On top of that expected to see the red carpet appearance of your favourite HK celebrities such as Sharon Chen 陳敏之, Him Law 羅仲謙 and Eliza Sam 岑麗香 ;)

special appearance at The Party Of The Century: HK celebrities Sharon Chen 陳敏之, Him Law 羅仲謙 and Eliza Sam 岑麗香
The Party Of The Century 23rd Jan 2015 @ Empire City, see you there ^^

Getting all excited with the ‘Glamourous 20’s’ theme Party Of The Century? Check out Empire City’s websites below for more updates on who will be showing up at the party and perhaps secure some exclusive invitation passes for yourself ;)

Empire City’s website:
Party Of The Century FB page: 
Party Of The Century Instagram: 

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Sunday, 11 January 2015

The Burger Factory @ SS 15, Subang Jaya

SS15 Subang Jaya,美味汉堡聚集区兼一级战区,这一区域可谓汉堡店林立,方圆数公里内便集合了好几家人气响亮的美味汉堡店,而其中的人气店家之一The Burger Factory @ SS 15, Subang Jaya近期又有新搞作推出新menu啦——新款上市让我们掌声欢迎独一无二加上Oreo, 花生酱&草莓酱的甜点版汉堡Candylicious、添加了四种起司带有桃子口味的Itchy Peachycross-over版的Pizza Burger以及100%无肉的纯素汉堡Jr Shroom Lover b^^d 无法想象这些汉堡的新口味?好奇它们究竟长什么样子?那么请往下滚动滑鼠 让我们继续看下去 :P

The Burger Factory SS 15Subang Jaya.
两层楼的店面底楼采用的是白色为基底的温馨设计,而二楼(下图)则较为宽敞,大面积玻璃窗户天然採光效果不错 ;)

二楼墙上非常有设计感的汉堡壁挂,里边的文字都是The Burger Factory菜单里的汉堡哦 ;)
改版重新印刷的菜单,加入了新的汉堡(上)、意大利面(下图)等新选择 ^^

看完了店面与menu,那么主角来咯,各式The Burger Factory全新口味汉堡请了~

CandyliciousOreo碎+ 花生酱+草莓酱+厚片烤鸡胸肉/牛肉内陷,这样的搭配所产生的便是一颗独一无二的甜点版汉堡,
甜甜咸咸的特殊口感绝对颠覆你的想象 (RM 12.9);)
Itchy Peachy:同样可选择搭配厚片烤鸡胸肉/牛肉内陷,加上酥脆的馬鈴薯煎餅,Cheddar、Mozzarella、Parmesan及汉堡配料里不常见的Peach Cream Cheese,扎实的汉堡带着一丝丝微甜的果香,味道还不赖 (RM 14.9)b^^d
Jr Shroom Lover香煎褐蘑菇、洋蘑菇、荷兰豆苗浇上照烧酱为陷料的100%纯素汉堡,没有肉类内陷却丝毫不失美味 
(RM 14.9)b^^d
Pizza Burger做工较为繁复的pizza与汉堡综合体,二合一的cross over让你同时体验吃pizza与汉堡的感觉 (RM 15.9);)
除了特别的汉堡,The Burger Factory 的新菜单上也加入了如Hong Kong Wok Fried Spaghetti般带有‘锅气的特色意大利面 
(RM 14.9)
Double Green
The Burger Factory SS 15Subang Jaya 座落于角落间的店面,巨型的招牌绝对很难被忽略 :P

The Burger Factory 
A13, Jalan SS15/4D,
47500 Subang Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
FB page:

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