Friday, 16 October 2015

Genji Japanese Restaurant @ Hilton PJ

Form a traditional Japanese village setting to an elegant contemporary décor, GENJI Japanese Restaurant @ Hilton PJ, one of the earlier establishment in the PJ dining scene known to serves good quality Japanese cuisine has recently undergone a wonderful revamp, and safe to say, the new restaurant looks fabulous ^^

GENJI Japanese Restaurant @ Hilton PJ
wonderful revamp into an elegant contemporary setting :)

though 2 out of three of the restaurant's tatami seating were replaced with a more convenient chairs and tables,
tatami seating room is still available for those whom prefer to dine in a traditional way ;)

And of course what really caught my attention other than the fabulous restaurant décor is no other but the sprees of fine Japanese delights nicely crafted by the experienced head chef of GENJI Japanese Restaurant—— Chef Richard Teoh. Rolling out alongside with contemporary dining setting to the guests, the new GENJI menu not only offers an exquisite taste of premium Japanese delights ranges from appetizers, sashimi, sushi to buffet spree, but also a variety of à la carte dishes with a touch of chef's creativity ^^ 

Having the pleasure to try out some of the tasty dishes on the new GENJI menu, my personal favorite goes to the appetizing Seafood Salad which comes with an array of salmon and maguro cubes, surf clams, octopus, prawns and garden greens, paired perfectly with a fine all-star house-made goma dressing b^^d

colorful appetizer comprises of Shirao Wasabi (Wasabi-marinated White Baits), crispy Kaki Tempura (Deep-fried Oyster)
and my personal favourite Unagi Tama (Deep-fried Eel in Japanese Omelette) ^^
appetizing Seafood Salad consists of salmon and maguro cubes, surf clams, octopus, prawns and garden greens,
paired with house-made goma dressing b^^d
tasty all-star house-made goma dressing ;)
Dobin Mushi, a traditional Japanese seafood broth.
an interesting soup drinking experience with broth served in a dobin tea pot and drinking it from the teacup ;)
House signature: Jumbo Ebi Ura Maki, a reversed roll with crispy tender tiger prawn tempura, 
caviar, salad and cucumber ^^
Jumbo Ebi Ura Maki

The Trio Combo, another favorite dish not to be missed is indeed a wonderful display of the chef's creativity. Served with fresh chill sashimi of Salmon, Maguro and Tai (Sea Bream), salt-grilled cod on fried rice & grilled tiger prawn on potato salad, this appealing and flavorful dish is no for sure a perfect 10 for both its presentation and taste b^^d 

Trio Combo, fresh chill sashimi of Salmon, Maguro and Tai (Sea Bream), salt-grilled cod on fried rice &
grilled tiger prawn on potato salad b^^d
fresh chill sashimi of Salmon, Maguro and Tai (Sea Bream), tasty and good looking too yeah ;)

And last but not least, the never fail to impress Premium Sashimi Moriawase Set comprises of premium grade sashimi air flown from japan twice weekly, with the exception of salmon which is imported from Norway.

Premium Sashimi Moriawase Set, a Japanese delicacy consisting of freshest served in a
lovely sashimi boat b^^d
Scallop Fried Rice ^^
Genji Combo, a delicious-by-itself Green Tea Ice Cream Cake served with Hot Red Bean Soup and fresh fruits :)

Genji Japanese Restaurant 
Petaling Jaya Hilton, 2, Jalan Barat,
Seksyen 52, 46200 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Phone: +60 3 7955 9122
Business hours: 
Lunch: 12:00 - 2:30 pm (Mon-Sat)
Dinner: 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm (Mon-Sun)
Buffet: 6:00 pm - 10:30 pm (Sat)
           11:30 am - 2:30 pm (Sun)

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Friday, 9 October 2015

AirAsia Kaohsiung Travel Guide— Accommodation @ Pingtung & Kaohsiung l 亚航高雄首航部落客踩线之旅:屏东 高雄住宿推荐

旅行总要有个落脚处,在旅途中住宿可绝对是至关重要的一环,所谓好的住宿带你上天堂坏的住宿让你泪两行,那么继八月亚航高雄首航部落客踩线之旅重磅出击为大家介绍了南台湾高雄市与屏东县海量必游景点行程规划以及无数让人口水直流的诱人美食以后,本篇亚航高雄首航部落客踩线之旅完结篇po文在这里为大家添上本次65夜旅程的住宿推荐,风格各异的特色高雄屏东旅行落脚处排名不分先后诚意满满献上 ;) 在超方便的亚航吉隆坡—高雄直飞航线开通以后计划想到热情国境之南一游的驴友们欢迎取用啦 ^^

1星光. 牧草. 原民风. 小垦丁度假村KenTingTon @ 屏东满洲

位于国境之南屏东县恒春半岛满洲乡的小垦丁度假村占地40公顷,度假村里除了别致的304栋小木屋住宿,亦拥有丰富的自然生态资源,距离度假村不远处便是保育圣地南任山以及冲浪者的天堂佳乐水,无论是想趁着暑假期间到度假天堂垦丁嬉水消暑或是遁入翠绿山林间享受远离尘嚣亲近大自然的悠闲乐活之旅,这一温馨庄园的田野风情与浓浓人情味将为旅行添上一笔美好的回忆 ;)

小垦丁度假村 KenTingTon @ 屏东满洲
仿佛世外桃源的感覺 :)
山林間温馨舒适的小木屋 :)

独栋挑高的楼中楼设计 :)

除了坐落在山林间的室外游泳池,这里还有spa水疗池哦 ^^
主打的是以本地新鲜食材烹调的中式创意料理 ;)
生態導覽 :)

羊舍喂食是这里众多有趣活动之一 ^^

No. 205, Zhongshan Rd.,
Manzhou Township,
Pingtung County 946,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: 08 8802880
Fax: 08 8802609

2) 国境之南里的异域风情.垦丁亚曼逹会馆 @ 屏东恒春

在富有热带气息的垦丁南湾,一袭砖红砂岩城堡外观的亚曼逹会馆无疑是一道亮眼的风景,这一以摩洛哥风情为主轴的特色旅馆以充满回教建筑风格的拱门贯穿所有走道,搭配上精致手工打造遍布全馆的家具与雕花铜灯,所呈现出的是让人惊艳风情万种的异域情调,绝对是追寻与众不同奢华旅行体验的驴友们不容错过的选择 ;) 

一袭砖红砂岩城堡外貌的亚曼逹会馆,外观相当抢眼 ;)


摩洛哥皇室混搭风的附属餐厅索维拉,提供的是浓浓的异国风味餐点 :)
索维拉 @ 亚曼逹会馆

私人露天泳池哦 ^^

No. 330, Nanwan Rd.,
Hengchun Township,
Pingtung County 946,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +88688856852

3百年御选历史名泉.清泉日式温泉旅馆 @ 屏东车城

建馆于台湾日治时代的清泉日式温泉旅馆,是至今已逾百年的历史名汤,曾为日军军官将领泡湯休憩之地,亦是日本皇太子严选的泡汤之所。这里拥有台湾少见保存完好的日式庭院与格局,室内汤屋与露天风吕拥有的是四重溪泉质透明洁净,触感滑溜滋润的碱性碳酸泉水,旅途中来个让疲惫全消的日式御汤搭绝对舒适感满分啦 ^^

清泉日式温泉旅馆 @ 屏东车城

超棒的露天风吕 ^^




Tel: 08 8824120
Fax: 08 8824126

4) 台湾第一座生态农场.恒春生态农场 @ 屏东恒春

位于垦丁著名景观区赤牛岭半山腰上的恒春生态农场,除了可饱览恒春景致三谭耀日、抱日揽月,亦拥可边享受美食边欣赏夜景的景观土鸡城,除此之外这里亦是全台湾首座野外复育萤火虫成功的场域,是少有全年365天皆看得到萤火虫踪迹的生态农场,是生态旅游与教育的好所在 :)

恒春生态农场 @ 屏东恒春

和房間同樣寬敞的浴室,居然还有私人桑拿房 ;)

房間里的私人桑拿房 ;)

No. 28-5, Shanjiao Rd.,
Hengchun Township, Pingtung County 946,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +88688892633
Fax: +88688898683

5滨海度假胜地国际级观光旅馆. 东方度假酒店 @ 屏东大鹏湾

坐落于屏东东港大鹏湾国际休闲特区内的东方度假酒店,以日军时期房舍主结构改建而成,设计风格以简约低调时尚为主,是南台湾为数不多的国际级观光旅馆。游览大鹏湾之余想找个舒适且服务专业周到的旅馆则非这里莫属啦 ;)

东方度假酒店 @ 屏东大鹏湾
由于临近大鹏湾国际赛车场,一部分房间亦融合了国际赛车元素设计,房间还可直通附属车位,自驾入住也相当方便 ;)

N0.1, Sec.2, Pengwan Rd.,
Donggang, Pingtung 928,
Tel: +88688338933
Fax: +88688338955

*特别鸣谢本次亚航高雄首航部落客踩线之旅2015主办与协办单位亚洲航空高雄市政府观光局以及屏东观光传播处 :) 

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