Saturday, 31 August 2013

RAKUZEN Japanese Restaurant/楽膳 @ Publika, Solaris Dutamas

Being one of the relatively high-end Japanese Restaurant hosted by Super Dining Sdn Bhd Malaysia, RAKUZEN is a Japanese Restaurant pledge to provide genuine Japanese cuisine at an affordable prices and cozy ambiance, such that everyone can enjoy an authentic Japanese dining in a warm, welcoming & homely environment.

 RAKUZEN Japanese Restaurant @ No.6, Level G2, Publika Solaris Dutamas,
Jalan Dutamas 1, 50480 Kuala Lumpur. (Opposite MPH) 
Cozy ambiance which is pretty nice for a hangout chit-chat session with a friend or two :)

A glimpse of the menu :)

& here's some dishes that we've tried. 

Tamagoyaki with pickled ginger: slightly chilled omelets with nice hint of sweetness.

Tamagoyaki with pickled ginger
Unagi Kabayaki Zen: Aromatic unagi with sweet sauce, too bad they’re only 4 thin slices in total.  -.-

Unagi Kabayaki Zen (RM 48)
Unagi close-up
Salmon Teriyaki: decent grilled salmon with sweet teriyaki sauce. 

Chicken Katsu Curry Zen: Delightful tender chicken katsu with crispy coating, and as you can see it does come with gigantic portion of rice & Japanese curry  b^^d

Chicken Katsu Curry Zen (RM 28)
Chicken Katsu Curry Zen close up b^^d
Most of the Rakuzen reviews available online claim that this is a restaurant which serves delightful Japanese cuisine with value-for-money proposition. After a try out, personally I do agree with those review to a certain extend.. Yes most of the food here are good if not decent, however there aren’t any outstanding dish to be remembered & personally I felt that most of the àla-carte items seems to be a bit inadequate in both quantity & quality when it comes to the content/price perspective.

However despite the slightly pricey menu the restaurant do have some wonderfully decorated dining area which is attractive & warm, and they do serves their customers well, lovely intimate service would be an appropriate description here. So a solid 10 for Rakuzen in providing a welcoming & homely dining environment. Another thoughtful thing at Rakuzen is that they provide bottomless green tea on the house, a big thumb up for such generous gesture b^^d      

In short, among the massive amount of Japanese restaurant available in KL, Rakuzen @ Publika with its consistency in food quality, impeccable presentation & excellent interior design will be a nice option for consideration if you are searching for some delightful Japanese cuisine around Solaris Dutamas.

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, 29 August 2013

单眼看中国-苏杭、上海背包行~ ^^

中国,一个美丽的country,这是一片蕴含着五千年文化的土地,噢such a beauty..怀着非常exciting的心情我踏上了这片向往的大地,感觉好像在dreaming.. 你问我why am I doing this?为什么要中文夹杂着EnglishWell原因很简单,I did it.. because I can~hehe .. 毕竟这就是这一次中国背包行的心情,五味杂成七彩缤纷,感觉很突然且震撼中又带点眷恋,反正就一句话,It’s complecated.. XD不好意思,我又犯二了,但是没办法,想到月前的中国背包行心情就像吸了纯氧般high,不由自主的就是想闹 XD Anyway还是回到主题吧,不然可能有人不耐烦得快砸电脑了(千万不要啊童鞋,电脑是无辜滴..砸坏了除了会有个泪流满面悔不当初的你之外可能也没什么其他意义 lol

这次不写详细得像行军般的旅游攻略了,毕竟背包行就是要随兴的到处游荡流浪,总跟着攻略走哪多没意思是吧,反正有问题想问的就留言呗,但不保证有问必答就是了(我又不是十万个为什么 :P

凡走过必留下痕迹,虽然不能留足迹,但我留下了笔迹 ^^

Opening完了,那么就开始咯..为大家诚意献上中国背包游的popart 2:单眼看中国-苏杭、上海背包行..*掌声鼓励*~ (没看过part 1的童鞋请点击这里吧>Part1舌尖上的对决——包子战之南翔小笼Vs小杨生煎< ^^


出发地- LCCT, Selangor, Malaysia>杭州(2D1N)>嘉兴(2D1N)>苏州(停留1D1N)>上海(5D4N)>返航KLIA, Selangor, Malaysia. (因为必须出席国际药理大会故在上海停留时间稍长,建议可把上海行程缩短至3D2N,而多出来的时间可添至苏州&嘉兴 ^^)
Day1: 杭州ft. 大井巷、中山中路、鼓楼、清河坊、南宋御街步行街、中山南路美食街

杭州中山南路美食街,这里夜晚可是吃货的天堂啊 XD


Day2: 杭州ft. 城隍庙、西湖十景-断桥残雪→平湖秋月→双峰插云→曲院风荷→苏堤春晓→三潭映月→花港观鱼→雷峰夕照→南屏晚钟→柳浪闻莺




Day3: 乌镇日游东栅老街景区、夜游西栅新景区

乌镇,一个六千二百年历史的水乡,它真正的美唯有置身其中才能深切体会得到 :) 无论如何,我想每个第一次看见乌镇夜景的游客反应都是一样的..都是用“哇~~(注意,要拉长音哦 :P)”来做开场 XD 这是有着中国水乡最美的夜景,口说无凭,有图为证,请看 :P

在这试了56%的酒,呛啊 >.<

一千六百年的时光流转下,随便按下快门就是一张很有feel的照片 :)



Day4: 苏州ft. 拙政园、观前街


夏天的中国走在街上的我感觉都快变火种了..蛤?你问我什么意思,就是热得快可以燃烧了咯..中国夏天36度的高温真不是盖的,绝对的热情如火啊~建议要到中国旅游的朋友记得选择春秋两季,气温十多二十度的,绝对惬意 :)

江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”,看了照片,这话你懂的 :)

Day5: 苏州ft. 虎丘
           上海 ft. 东方明珠塔、外滩观光隧道、外滩




上海外滩,单反白平衡日光(上)&自动(下) :)

只为了这片无敌夜景 ^^

Day6: 上海 ft. 老城隍庙+豫园、上海老街(方浜中路)、淮海中路商业街、新天地

上海城隍庙景区里别的什么都没有,就是一堆东西你可以买,伴手礼啦,小吃啦,大大小小的中国风小物啦,琳琅满目的沿着好几条街道蔓延开来,绝对是淘宝圣地 :)

Day7: 上海 ft. 南京路步行街、吴江路美食街、新世界城、外滩

Day8: 上海周边游ft. 七宝古镇

Day9: Free & Easy (逛街购物搜美食买手信任君选择)


那么中国背包行part 2之风景篇就到此结束,接下来将送上吃货特选美食篇,敬请期待 ^^
