Saturday, 28 September 2013

Arthur’s Day 2013 Concert Party @ Sepang International Circuit~

To most people when speaking of Sepang International Circuit, some keywords that cross their mind would probably be F1, car racing, motor sport, speed etc.. Well not for me, I’ve my own set of words which is even better XD.. Party, Beats, Music, mind blowing Rave--- That’s my kinda Sepang International Circuit ^^.. Been here a couple of times and in case you miss out my previous party post at this super circuit, check it out >Here: We Love Asia 2.0< and >Here: Heineken Thirst 2012<, believe me, it was AWESOME!!~~ b^^d 

Anyway back to the story--- Arthur’s Day 2013. In conjunction with the 5th annual global celebration ‘To Arthur’ this year, GUINNESS® MY has succeeded in kicking the celebration up a notch by throwing not only a Bigger, Better but definitely Bolder celebration. 3 outstanding international acts, 2 brand new stage, 1 venue with liberal space, overwhelming crowd, flow of music & beer all night~ That’s pretty much how it was at the main Arthur’s Day concert party finale.  :)

Sepang International Circuit, this time.. "To Arthur!!"~
a shoot of the Bigger & Better stage.. That's Bold :)
Opening act by Once Upon A Time There Was A Sausage Named Bob 
*click on the pictures to enlarge
Being a music addict which literally can’t live without music, I’m slightly particular when it comes to concert.. So as usual, lets put aside the sensational atmosphere which crowd singing out loud, screamed, laughed, clapped, jumped (which was pleasurable & fun but I'm sure there will be tons of posts describing it via all those media peps ^^) and shift the focus to the technical aspect of the event. Performance wise the concert party was great, surprisingly The All-American Rejects turn out to be the group with best live vocal, up close in the second is my all-time favourite song ‘Superman’s singer-songwriter Five for Fighting, and The wanted doesn’t fall far behind either, a boy band which sing 100 % live, that’s pretty impressive, a big had to all the performers. *Clap Clap* ^^

Five for Fighting kick starting the 1st of three international acts. 
Five For Fighting (John Ondrasik) belting out his new song "What If"

DJ Joey G throwing down the beats & the crowd simply love it ^^ 
The overall concert party is great, and it would have been perfect if not for the setting which doesn’t quite lived up to my expectations.. Well don’t get me wrong, the air-conditioned Arthur’s lounge & open air Arthur’s bar are nice, the design of stage is great, unfortunately the lighting fixtures & sound came up short. A lack of program versatility would be the major drawn back for the lighting, and the idea of prolong sport light focusing on the same spot of crowd is unbearable.. As for the sound, not sure if it is because of the speakers positioning or inadequacy but somehow the audience area audio sounds way too soft with a surprisingly weak bass. Anyway running a live music event is a tough gig, so lets just hope that the FOH can be further improved for the next time. -______-

Arthur's Lounge & Bar serving your favourite black brew on demand, ice cool~  
fully air-conditioned Arthur's Lounge b^^d 
Jump-cut back to the concert scene: Extremely energetic The All-American Rejects rockin' the stage! And even that is still an understatement for the amount of energy these guys put up on the show.. Woo hooo~~

impressive vocal by Tyson Ritter (lead vocalist of The All-American Rejects) b^^d
It ends tonight ~♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ()~
Concert textbook 101: if you have a girl beside you, put them up your shoulder for a better view ^^ 

And even when your hope is gone Move along, move along just to make it through ~♪ ♫
Game time, Balloons has arrived Y^^Y
Final act of Arthur's Day 2013 by The Wanted

Have you seen that girl, have you seen her~
Crowd rising up for The Wanted. 
Ready or not, rehydrate potion coming right up :P  (by d way the splashes was awesome, perfect cooling agent XD)  
Glad You Came~ Perfect closing track for the final act ^^ 
 Arthur's Day 2013. Great show! 
*Thanks to Manoah Consulting for the tickets & photos credits to Anne's Samsung NX1000. Forgive me if the pictures presentation is a bit off as my DSLR was thoughtlessly discriminated and I've never use a digital camera in ages.. Bummer, hope I manage to get a media pass next year.. T__T

lovely gift & tics from Manoah, thanks V^^V

Thursday, 26 September 2013

arTHURSDAY @ Sid's Pub Bangsar South~

Hey guys are you ready for the epic finale of Arthur’s Day 2013? Well you better be because in just a few hour time the long awaited international artist Five For Fighting, The All-American Rejects & The Wanted will rock the stage of Arthur’s Day main celebration @ Sepang International Circuit~ 0oo0 0oo0

Before the remarkable night of rockin’ music and pleasing bold black brew pints set out, here’s a quick post featuring some of the arTHURSDAY pre-party shoots @ SID’s Pub Bangsar South. Enjoy the photos & cheers~ to the Bigger, Better & Bolder Arthur’s Day celebration ahead!

Giveaway by lovely host of the night, Serena C ^^
gorgeous Guinness girls at Sid's Pub arTHURSDAY party
Cheers!~To Arthur!
The Human Jukebox strutting their stuff at the celebration
Official Photo Opp (L to R): Guinness girl Serena C, the emcee for the night, Frank Murray, PR Consultant for Sid’s Pub, Thompson Chuah, Team Guinness Malaysia & Geoffrey Siddle, Owner of Sid’s Pub Malaysia.
 Gerard from GAB Professional Solution and a Guinness fan at the two-part pour station striking a pose.
Bloggers from Manoah Consulting at the party v^^v
(L to R) Thompson Chua, Team Guinness Malaysia, Bruce Dallas, Marketing Director of Guinness Anchor Berhad, Hans Essaadi, Managing Director of Guinness Anchor Berhad.
strumming the air-guitar! :P
For more details of Arthur’s Day 2013 @ Sepang International Circuit, check out my previous blog post on >Arthur's Day 2013 Launch Party here<  or GuinnessMY FB page  ^^ 

Thanx To Manoah Consulting for the lovely gift & Arthur's Day tickets :) 
*photo credit to G2 PR.

Monday, 23 September 2013

舌尖上的中国:吃货特选美食篇之杭帮菜@“外婆家” b^^d

有那么一个地方,装潢温馨高档不输一流餐馆,服务员态度专业有礼得让人受宠若惊,菜肴道地且色香味俱全,而且价钱亲民得让你在保护荷包免于血光之灾的当儿还能霸气的享受VIP级待遇,更过分的是他们居然还不收服务费,10 % service tax 6 %government tax 在这里只是一个传说.. XD

马来西亚有这样的餐馆,你相信么?!… … …

Ermm… …不相信的人,你们很聪明;至于相信的人们,我只能说你们天真烂漫而且很单纯..对不起我不是故意要欺骗你们的感情滴.. lol

不过话说回来,如果你和我一样是马来西亚人,这绝对是一篇让人纠结的po文,你将深深地感受到快乐与悲伤同源的超凡境界(那感觉就像你刚赢得了这一期的magnum jackpot头奖却又同时失恋一样,纠结啊~.. 原因很简单,皆因这样的餐馆它是确实存在的!兴奋吗?不必了,因为它在中国..人世间最遥远的距离,莫过于看似近在咫尺的美食实则远在天涯,太伤人了,你懂的~~ T_____T

话虽如此,本着好东西应该与人分享的大爱精神,我依然咬紧牙根强忍悲痛的用我那因心情激动而颤抖的手指敲打着键盘,含着泪水与口水坚决的继续为大家介绍这一间到中国绝对值得光顾的一家餐馆——“外婆家”(刚刚这一段纯属犯二,前边80字可以省略不看,只要记得餐馆名字叫“外婆家”即可,不过如果你不小心已经看完的话那也没关系啦  XD

外婆家(大悦城店): 闸北区西藏北路166号大悦城8(近曲阜路)
好啦一贯的犯二开场完毕,正式介绍开始,一贯的为大家深情献上——舌尖上的中国PartII之吃货特选美食篇之杭帮菜外婆家*掌声鼓励* :P
之前没看Part I的童鞋请点这里>舌尖上的对决——包子战之南翔小笼Vs小杨生煎<吧 :)

外婆家 为中国浙江外婆家餐饮有限公司所创立的中餐连锁品牌,以高性价比为核心竞争力,并附以名师一手打造的环境、微笑细致的星级服务、色香味俱全的丰盛菜肴,十几年来已在杭州及江浙沪区域开设分店50余家。除了稳占餐饮企业龙头宝座,其所掀起的排队吃饭“杭儿风”更已历时12年之久,至今仍不曾衰歇 :)

汹涌的人潮就是美食的最佳指标,别以为这样就叫做多人啦,大多数客人都是到柜台领了号码留下电话就逛商场去了,因为到“外婆家”用餐排队一般都要半小时或以上,反正快到号的时候店员都会致电提醒 ^^

不想到处逛的客人也可以选择在等候区玩玩电脑打发时间,一边享受外婆家贴心提供的小零嘴(小番茄,糖果,水等),一切免费,everything on the house~ b^^d

温馨且有点小清新感觉的设计美观大方,用餐环境非常舒适 :)

作为一枚吃货,听闻了这样一间餐馆,不见识见识的话那简直是天理难容,所以到中国背包行期间我们特意的把“外婆家”纳入了美食景点清单,如今回想起这绝对是一个非常明智的决定啊 :P

接下来就为大家送上我么当天的菜单吧,请大家准备好卫生纸以防口水泛滥成灾 XD

menu of the night
外婆烤肉  ¥28
超香可口的BBQ烤肉,稍微偏辣的调味配上爽脆的外皮,这东西一上桌子拍完照后即宣告秒杀 b^^d

Q的精选猪五花,味道浓郁且入口即化,肥而不腻口感一流~ b^^d

茶香鸡 ¥45
一开盖茶香便扑鼻而来,鸡肉肉质鲜嫩可口,浓缩的鸡油更是精华所在 b^^d

清爽解腻,口感滑顺,别有一番风味 ^^





基本上好吃的东西是不用怎么推荐的,总结就一句话:“去吃吧,否则您会后悔,如果您还活着。” XD

Rating: 8.6/10~ b^^d

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Nuffnang Premiere Screening: About Time movie review~

If you could relive any moment, could you make life perfect?

Having trouble answering? Well maybe the story of Tim, a man with the ability to travel in time could give you some hints..

"At the age of 21, Tim Lake (Domhnall Gleeson) discovers he can travel in time... The night after another unsatisfactory New Year party, Tim's father (Bill Nighy) tells his son that the men in his family have always had the ability to travel through time. Tim can't change history, but he can change what happens and has happened in his own life-so he decides to make his world a better getting a girlfriend. Sadly, that turns out not to be as easy as you might think. Moving from the Cornwall coast to London to train as a lawyer, Tim finally meets the beautiful but insecure Mary (Rachel McAdams). They fall in love, then an unfortunate time-travel incident means he's never met her at all. So they meet for the first time again-and again-but finally, after a lot of cunning time-travelling, he wins her heart. Tim then uses his power to create the perfect romantic proposal, to save his wedding from the worst best-man speeches, to save his best friend from professional disaster and to get his pregnant wife to the hospital in time for the birth of their daughter, despite a nasty traffic jam outside Abbey Road. But as his unusual life progresses, Tim finds out that his unique gift can't save him from the sorrows and ups and downs that affect all families, everywhere. There are great limits to what time travel can achieve, and it can be dangerous too. About Time is a comedy about love and time travel, which discovers that, in the end, making the most of life may not need time travel at all.."

Richard Curtis’s latest film About Time is a good-natured fantasy romance which is lovely and it kinda remind me of my first love, pure, sweet, lots of good & bad moments and that’s it, not gonna talk about my love story here XD Back to the movie I wouldn’t say it is great as it a bit lengthy and certain part of the movie seems pale, a lack of structural sharpness is perhaps the major drawn back of the movie. The lead role Tim played by Domhnall Gleeson isn’t quite impressive as there is a lack of work in building the character personality. Luckily Mary (Rachel McAdams) & Tim’s father (Bill Nighy) stood out, the first turn out to be quite charming, sweet smile, lovely face, simply nice & sharp while the second play the role convincingly with nice sense of humour, contributing well to some of the wonderful lines & laugh-out-loud moments throughout the film.   

Overall this is a movie with lots of potential, unfortunately there’s a lack of dramatic tension which make worse by the brutal cuts of Film Censorship Board of Malaysia =.=ll  Still About Time is a sentimental and warm film which succeed in delivering a valuable message of how people should treasure the days in our life, appreciate those little ordinary things around us as this are things that will eventually pile up into happiness.

It’s not About Time, It’s about Life, It’s about Love.. ^^

Thanx to NuffnangMY for the invitation :)

Rating: 6.6/10
