Friday, 26 May 2017

Mother's Day Special——Häagen-Dazs™ Ice Cream Cake ll 母亲节馨爱献礼:「哈根达斯」给完美女人的冰淇淋蛋糕

2017-05-14,五月的第二个星期日是个伟大的日子~~~ 是的各位子女们随着五月母亲节的到来又是孝敬伟大母亲的温馨时光啦,觉得孝敬母亲大人千篇一律的吃大餐配蛋糕庆祝方式略显无聊么?2017年5月见证世上无数浪漫与幸福的全球知名雪糕品牌「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™温馨来袭为全天下劳苦功高的妈妈们推出了以浓郁可口雪糕为基底的特制美味冰淇淋蛋糕「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart),特别的爱给最特别你想要为母亲大人献上最真挚的祝福与感谢本次母亲节必备单品绝对非它莫属啦~ ^^

Mother's Day Ice Cream Cake Collection: Häagen-Dazs™ Blushing Heart ;)
「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart) ^^

以温馨粉嫩为主色调的「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart)冰淇淋蛋糕以清新的哈根达斯纯味草莓冰淇淋为基底,滑顺的雪糕还带有增添口感的草莓颗粒,包裹着心形草莓冰淇淋蛋糕的是同样滑顺香浓的粉嫩渐层鲜奶油以及一颗颗的鲜红草莓,层层堆砌出的爱心爱意满满绝对是献给妈咪们最幸福的味道 ;)

以温馨粉嫩为主色调的「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart)冰淇淋蛋糕,美味可口的母亲节献礼非它莫属 ;)

粉色渐层很温馨 ;)

滑顺的草莓雪糕蛋糕还带有增添口感的鲜红草莓颗粒美观又美味 ^^

除了为母亲节推出特制冰淇淋蛋糕本次母亲节「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™亦携手大马花卉公司Bloom This推出了母亲节特别活动,在特定Häagen-Dazs™门市除了会有特约photobooth照相亭让大家和妈妈合照之外还有康乃馨派送活动哦 ;)

「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™ One Utama ft. Bloom This photobooth ;)
「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™ One Utama

Häagen-Dazs™ ft. Bloom This 温馨母亲节合照 :)

想要在母亲节为心中的完美女人送上美味与祝福满满馨爱献礼的子女们注意啦「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™母亲节特备冰淇淋蛋糕如今在Häagen-Dazs™ One Utama, KLCC, Mid Valley, Sunway Pyramid等全马门市均有出售,5月母亲节期间珍爱之心(Blushing Heart)冰淇淋蛋糕在各个门市购买还都有额外20 %优惠哦,想要内用的朋友们Häagen-Dazs™门市舒适的环境还挺适合庆祝母亲节的,想要外带的话店员也会贴心的准备干冰包裹让雪糕蛋糕可以送到母亲大人的手中 ;)

稍微提醒一下,想要切冰淇淋蛋糕记得先把刀子在热水中泡后擦干,这样才能切出漂亮的雪糕蛋糕切面哦 ;)
漂亮的「哈根达斯」Häagen-Dazs™——珍爱之心Blushing Heart) b^^d 
Mother's Day Special—— Häagen-Dazs™ Blushing Heart ^^

这一母亲节就让大家一同向平时对我们呵护备至劳苦功高的母亲大人送上满满的祝福以及美味的「哈根达斯」母亲节特备冰淇淋蛋糕吧,更多关于Häagen-Dazs™母亲节活动及优惠请点击马来西亚Häagen-Dazs™官网@ 与脸书@ :)

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Friday, 12 May 2017

All Things Bright & Beautiful: Guinness Bright——A Brand New Guinness Stout Now Available Exclusively in Malaysia

Calling all stout lovers~ If you don't already know the future’s bright for Malaysian beer lovers ——Guinness, Malaysia’s favourite black brew, has launched a brand new stout especially for the Malaysian market: Guinness Bright! A smooth and fresh stout infused with invigorating coffee, ginger, and lemongrass extracts, Guinness Bright is stout as you’ve never seen it before ;)

Guinness Bright——A smooth and fresh stout infused with invigorating coffee, ginger, and lemongrass extracts ;)

Guinness Bright——A Brand New Guinness Stout Crafted exclusively for Malaysia ;)

Available all across the country from today, Guinness Bright is a brand new addition to Guinness’ lineup of award-winning stouts. Crafted exclusively for Malaysia, Guinness Bright was developed in partnership between brewers at Heineken Malaysia Berhad and Guinness’ Open Gate Brewery in Dublin, and is not available anywhere else in the world ^^

Guinness Bright——A Brand New Guinness Stout Now Available Exclusively in Malaysia b^^d

Guinness Bright is available in 325ml bottles and 320ml cans, and can be found at bars, pubs, restaurants, coffeeshops, and supermarkets across Peninsular and East Malaysia. Bottled at 4.5% for a smooth finish, Guinness Bright will complement the existing lineup of Guinness Draught and Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, and is intended as a permanent addition to the range of brews on offer in Malaysia.

All Things Bright & Beautiful: Guinness Bright launch @ The Quad, TREC KL

If you’d like your first taste of Guinness Bright ‘on the house’, the Guinness Bright Bar will be in place at The Quad, TREC, until 20th May. From 9 pm onwards on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, curious drinkers can brighten up their evening with a complimentary sample of the new brew. Samples are limited to one per customer, non-Muslim and aged 18 years and above, and are available while stocks last.

Guinness Bright Bar @ The Quad, TREC, get a sip of the brand new Guinness Bright ‘on the house’! ;)

For more information on Guinness Bright and the Guinness Bright Bar, log on to :)

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