Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Tiger Translate 2015 @ APW, Bangsar

Tiger Translate 2015, where Art seen & Music heard~

As promised, Tiger Translate 2015 pushed the envelope of creativity to bring fans an artistic showcase of talented musicians and artists, with a wide array of unconventional art and amazing line-up of indie musicians gathered up at Art Printing Works (APW), Bangsar just last weekend, putting up  a bolder and edgier ensemble of avant-garde collaborations in art and music ^^

Doors opened at APW, Bangsar on June 13 to showcase a collection of specially commissioned art like a 2.5m tall tiger head sculpture that ‘greeted’ fans at the main entrance created by Thailand’s Rukkit Kuanhawate, or the funky geometrically designed main bar by Hong Kong’s Parent’s Parents. 

Tiger Translate 2015 @ APW, Bangsar 
Thailand's Rukkit Kuanhawate's Tiger head artwork.
Set up for Tiger Translate - a platform that champions art and music - @ APW, Bangsar

Malaysia’s Louise Low also presented a glass art installation of a tiger, while Malaysia-based Andrew T-Crum featured his contemporary canvas artwork. Artistic fans also got to throw paint-filled balloons on a huge acrylic glass made up of 80 20cm x 20cm pieces, which could be detached and taken home as a keepsake. Limited edition Tiger Translate T-shirts, with specially commissioned designs by homeboy Nicholas Choong, were also given out to the first 300 guests.

A shattered-glass and mirror tiger designed by local artist Louise Low
Malaysia-based Andrew T-Crum featured his contemporary canvas artwork
Andrew T-Crum
About 3,500 art and music lovers gathered at APW, Bangsar for
Tiger Translate 2015 held on June 13

On the music front, fans immersed themselves in the diverse line-up of indie rock, electro, funk and groove by homegrown and international acts. Local band Love Me Butch appeased their fans with their popular hits, while fellow Malaysian club maestros Twilight Actiongirl got the crowd going with their no-holds-barred set list before Hong Kong’s My Little Airport took to the stage with their whacky titled songs like Victor, Fly Me to Stafford, Tim, Do You Really Want To Make A Film?, Because I Was Too Nervous At The Time and Gigi Leung is Dead. The atypical evening continued with more eccentricities when Wonfu, a band that is a hodgepodge of rustic indie rock, and 60's vocal pop, took to the stage, kept the energy pumping as fans sang along to their every song.

Love Me Butch in action
Taiwanese folk-rock band-Wonfu on stage
My Little Airport

And if there was ever a time for one to see music, UK’s DJ Tim Exile and local artists, Lightforge, made that possible with their stunning amalgamation of music and art. The talented classically trained violinist & producer, known for developing impromptu tunes with live sounds he gathers, wowed the audience with sounds of Kuala Lumpur he recorded the day before. His spontaneous set was further enhanced by Malaysia’ Lightforge, who live paints with audio-reactive generative graphics. Together, this act unleashed an immersive experience blending tightly synchronised 3D-generated visuals to Exile's recorded sounds!

Tim Exile

Finally, British duo Laura-Mary Carter and Steven Ansell, who make up Blood Red Shoes definitely knew how to keep the spectators on their feet throughout their performance. Powerful and explosive, the pair from Brighton, England banged out a rocking set, delivering fan favourites like Cold, An Animal, and Light It Up. Blood Red Shoes most certainly left a lasting impression on the crowd.

Steven Ansell of Blood Red Shoes
energistic performance by Laura-Mary Carter of Blood Red Shoes
Blood Red Shoes on stage

Globally, Tiger Translate has travelled through cities such as Bangkok, Dubai, Sydney, Mongolia, Cambodia, Beijing, New York, Berlin, Dublin and Auckland, where it all started a few years ago. For more on Tiger Translate and its past events, swing by to www.tigertranslate.com.my.

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Sunday, 7 June 2015

Marhaba Restaurant – Signature Yemeni Cuisine @ Publika KL

对于一枚吃货而言,没有什么比发现好吃的东西更为快乐的事情了,尤其是在一个熟悉的地方偶然发现新的美食,酱的惊喜感觉还真是棒棒哒说 :P 由于各种的关系个人还蛮常往Publika跑的,因此对这里也还算熟悉,但就如许多常来这里的民众一般,经常都是在主要商家及餐厅聚集的Block AB之间游走.. 万万没想到的是,就在在位于这座商场闹区不远处,在相对安静的Block D远角里居然隐藏了一间低调经营了近三年,堪称美食遗珠等级的也门风味特色餐厅——Marhaba Restaurant。虽然美食雷达小凸锤发现得迟了点,但也没关系,有吃到就可以啦 ^^

 Marhaba Restaurant – Signature Yemeni Cuisine @ Publika KL
 Marhaba Restaurant – Signature Yemeni Cuisine @ Publika KL

位于Publika Block D一楼角落间的Marhaba Restaurant设计带有浓浓的中东奢华感,除了有室内室外用餐区,也有以地毯席地而坐的位子以及超豪华的私人包厢,据说这里的包厢可是曾经接待过苏丹级的人物哦。据餐厅东主说刚开业的时候由于设计太高大上以至于顾客都因担心价格太高而望而却步,直到在入口处设了个放大版menu大家发现这里的价格其实还ok才解决了高端装潢吓走客人的问题 :)

超豪华的VIP包厢,采取先到先得制,无附加收费哦 b^^d

Marhaba Restaurant的中东色彩体现可不仅止于装潢,主厨及料理团队皆由也门特特聘,而烹调料理的方式亦采用了中东特色泥爐炭火烹飪法,秉持的就是要把也门料理原汁原味完美呈现 b^^d

最先献上的薄荷口味餐前茶,连杯具亦非常讲究,第一次使用小巧的中东茶杯,感觉很有feel ;P 
Shahee Na’ Na’ Tea (Adeni tea with mint, RM 18) 

开胃菜主要是各式阿拉伯式沙拉,相对于大部分偏酸的中东沙拉,个人更喜欢另一带有浓厚中东色彩的开胃前菜Hummus(鹰嘴豆泥),以鹰嘴豆及芝麻调打成泥再搭配橄榄油呈现的小菜看似油腻,但入口后却只感受到浓稠与绵密的口感,一点都不会腻还有点顺口,而且鹰嘴豆和橄榄油营养价值都超高的说,感觉有补到哦 ;)

Tabbouleh (Traditional Arabic salad, RM 16)
Fatoush (Levantine bread salad, RM 16)
Arabic Salad (RM 16)
Hummus (RM 16)

主菜除了大推Marhaba拿手的招牌泥爐炭烤小羔羊(Lamb Hanith),也不能错过了超抢眼的碳烤也门面包.. 没错就是下图超巨型圆状物啦.. 虽说是面包但个人感觉却更像放大版的印度煎饼有木有?口感方面也门面包不似印度煎饼般带油而有点像馕(naan),搭配上香醇的也门國菜Saltah一种用辣椒、西红柿、大蒜、草药磨成的酱和肉一起炖的食物)可是让人一口接一口的根本停不下来啊 b^^d

Mulauwah (fresh Yemeni Bread, RM 7 small, RM 12 Large)
我们搭配的是Saltah Fahsah,也就是羊肉Saltah(也有鸡肉/鱼肉Saltah,但个人绝对推荐羊肉啦),
虽然看起来红彤彤的但一点都不辣哦,也没有太重的羊骚味,只有满满的香料味 (RM 40)

贵为招牌料理Lamb Hanith绝对有其过人之处,除了碳烤、厚切、超大份的吸睛卖点,据东主表示他们都只选用四至六个星期小羔羊肩及叻骨肉部分来料理,肉的柔嫩度绝对让人惊艳,大口大口的碳烤嫩羊肉搭配香喷喷的香料饭,点赞 点赞 b^^d

Lamb Hanith (RM78) b^^d
看看那厚度与份量,心中莫名的开始澎湃 :P *流口水-ing 

不爱羊肉的吃货们则可试试其它以鸡肉、鱼肉、老虎虾为主的料理,但个人真心推荐羊肉就是了,嫩香大份美味卖相佳,那舍我其谁的概念你懂的 ;)

Chicken Mandi (RM 30)
Chicken Mazbi (RM 33)
 Grilled Fish (grilled seasoned maceral, RM 65)
Grilled Prawns (Grilled Jumbo tiger prawns in tandoor, market price)
澎湃的异国风情大餐,人生偶尔就该这么enjoy对吧 ;)
将也门精神进行到底,饭后的甜点走的也是中东风,采用枣子制成的Honey Dates (RM 22)
相较于比较清淡的薄荷茶,个人更喜欢这款中东式奶茶,添加了香料的独特口味蛮特别的 ^^ 
Shahee Mula Ban (Adeni tea with milk, RM 18)

Marhaba目前只有两家分店,分别在 Sunway Pyramid 以及 Publika,更多资料可点击以下他们的官网链接查询。

Marhaba Publika
D1- G4 -1, Publika Solaris Dutamas,
No 1 Jalan Dutamas, 50480
Kuala Lumpur.
Phone: +603 6207 8222/9222
business hours: 11 am-11pm (Mon-Sun)

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Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Star Cafe @ Taman Desa

Taman Desa,虽然不是常去的地方,但个人对这里的印象相当不错,其中隐身于这里的特色餐馆功劳不小 ;) 而继上回在这里发现超正点德国猪脚,本次在友人的邀请下再次来到Taman Desa造访一间颇具年资的餐厅—已入驻Taman Desa 5年之久的Star Café虽然名字里带着café字样,但这里可不是一般的咖啡馆,仿佛永远活跃的气氛、现场音乐表演、吧台、各式啤酒红酒西打等饮料、西式及亚洲料理让这里成为了最适合下班后小酌放松聊天喝酒的地方 ;)

Star Café @ Taman Desa
室内部分则是小酒馆设计,吧台live band一应俱全
这里的live band表演可是每周七日天天上演哦,每日不同类型的音乐表演9 pm准时开show ^^

当然除了小酌放松聊天喝酒听音乐,Star Café多元的西式及亚洲料理menu亦相当可观,各式開胃前菜、湯、海鮮、肉類及家禽類主菜、甜点等一应俱全,其中主厨秘制的霸气炸猪脚份量十足卖相开胃,看了让人不由自主的食指大动,而带有淡淡中药味的海南式炖小羊腿肉据说是主厨独创哦,只此一家别无分号 ^^

Chicken Deminoff
Slow-Cooked Lamb Shank
Beef  Wellington
Spring Chicken
虽然走的是邻家小酒馆概念,但这里的食物从烹调到摆盘却一点也不马虎,主厨的用心在漂亮呈现的一道道食物里随处可见,而其中最吸睛同时也是个人偏好的则要数香喷喷的诱人烤鸡及霸气澎湃的招牌炸猪脚啦。有别于德国猪脚偏厚一咬即喀拉喀拉作响的外皮,Star Café招牌炸猪脚带有的是更多的亚洲风味,较薄的外皮酥酥脆的,配上略带嚼劲的肉及焦黄油亮的卖相,一上桌绝对让人禁不住猛咽唾液啊 ;)

Star Pork Knuckle 
Star Pork Knuckle 

若想要来些本土风味的话这里的快炒类面食及乌达乌达则是不错的选择,其中炒粿条及炒冬粉带有锅气的风味感觉不错,但个人觉得再把味道稍微加强就更完美啦 :)

Otak-otak Snapper Fillet 
Hainanese Lamb Shank
Oyster Fried Kway Teow
Bittergourd Fried Glass Noodles
Curry Mee
Fresh Salmon Ceviche
Giant Prawn Crispy Noodles
Tofu Salad
Sarawak Layer Cake

综合来说作为一间邻家小酒馆Star Café的活跃氛围绝对是不可多得的,造访当天是星期二晚上但这里超嗨的氛围却给人一种已经是星期五夜晚的感觉 ;) 食物价位方面则属中规中矩,用心的摆盘有加分哦,想在放工后聚一聚的人不妨来这试试呗 ;)

Star Café
63-65, Jalan 109E,
Taman Desa, Off Jalan Klang Lama
58100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
phone: +603-7971 3550

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