Friday, 23 October 2015

富憬点心 Premium DimSum @ Bandar Mahkota Cheras l 美味点心焦赖开卖啦

一般上如果想吃点心的话个人名单上的首选地点不外乎Sri PetalingPuchong,然而随着富憬点心Premium Dim Sum Bandar Mahkota Cheras正式营业后,从此个人口袋点心名单上将随着焦赖的加入而形成三国鼎立之势,美味点心金三角正式完整啦 *吃货们请掌声鼓励鼓励 :P

富憬点心Premium Dim Sum @ Bandar Mahkota Cheras

位于Aeon Bandar Mahkota Cheras边上新兴商店区的富憬点心,店面装潢舒适用心,从设计到餐点皆透着年轻的气息,舍去了一般点心店的典型中国风与古意但却更为舒适,开放式的厨房由拥有30余年点心制作经验的耀师傅坐镇把关,所呈现出的是卖相味道兼具的美味点心,无论走传统路线沏上一壶中国茶或搭配店内的各式特色花茶都是不错的选择。

【新店报给你知】富憬点心Premium Dim Sum @ Bandar Mahkota Cheras
简洁明亮的店面,墙上的画貌似陆续有来 ;)
还有一间可以容纳10人左右的舒适VIP房供预定使用 :)

无论是否是Cheras在地老饕或雪隆一带的吃货们大家想必对富憬点心Premium Dim Sum基本上还不太熟悉是吧,皆因这可是一家超级无敌新的点心专卖店,在本po文发表隔日才正式营业哦(有木有超级无敌新啊 XD)。感谢友人的邀约个人得以抢个头香先行尝鲜,而经个人诚意验证这里的点心无论从蒸、净油煎/炸到烘烤类表现都可圈可点哦,其中的咸水角皮蛋蚬肉粥流沙包XO炒萝卜糕XO鲜虾韭菜饺等都是个人大推的美味必食点心,有着超过半甲子功力师出名门的点心师傅果然不一样哦 b^^d

开放式厨房,坐镇的是拥有30余年点心制作经验的耀师傅 b^^d
以确保温度味道与品质 :)

目前富憬点心Premium Dim Sum共提供蒸、净油煎/炸、烘烤类点心及甜品等约三十余种,据老板表示随后还会再追加各式特色点心以及面食类 ;) 除了热腾腾上桌的蒸物,个人相当推荐这里的炸角类点心,各式炸角无论从馅料到包裹的面衣皆由经验老道的师傅细心调配,呈现的是酥脆的口感与咸香恰到好处的内馅,重点是吃起来一点都不油腻,这一点相当加分 b^^d

各种诱人美味 *流口水-ing
XO炒萝卜糕,不会太油而且香气口感味道面面俱到,不错吃 b^^d
皮蛋蚬肉粥,绝对可以列入个人美味粥品名单Top 5的靓粥,绵密的粥底搭配皮蛋与蚬肉,温润却不会太清淡的味道超好吃的啦 b^^d

用料十足触感饱满保证爆浆的流沙包,光用看的都能感受到内馅的香浓,秒赞一个 b^^d
各式美味点心,每一样都想吃啊,略显不足的胃容量实在让人伤脑筋 XD

看了这么多是不是开始食指大动啊,美味点心抢先吃,记得不要错过富憬点心Premium Dim Sum 2015/10/23的美味开卖啦!更多关于富憬点心Premium Dim Sum请点击这里>Premium Dim SumFB<  ;)

富憬点心Premium Dim Sum
Jalan Temenggung 29/9, 
Bandar Mahkota Cheras, 
43200 Cheras, Selangor.
Tel: 012 390 8069
营业时间: 7 am-11 pm (周一至日)

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Thursday, 22 October 2015

Astro Go Shop大马首个全天候中文多平台时尚生活购物频道开卖啦 #GoShopAstro318

Astro的广大客户群有福啦,继2015年一月间Astro与全球首屈一指的电视家居购物频道运营商GS Home Shopping Inc.合作推出的马来西亚多平台时尚生活购物服务Go Shop国语频道在短短半年内便颇受好评取得超过50万件产品订购量及7500万令吉营业额的亮眼成绩后,Astro大马控股有限公司如今再接再厉继国语购物频道Channel 118的成功后推出全马首个全天24小时以高清格式播出的中文多平台时尚生活购物频道Channel 318,无论透过电视(AstroNJOI 318频道)、Astro On The GoGo  Shop网络或移动电子商务平台等播放,只需动动指尖想要的产品便会自动在家门前出现,感觉超方便der~ ^^ *

Astro Go Shop大马首个全天候中文多平台时尚生活购物频道正式开卖啦 #GoShopAstro318

Astro Go Shop大马首个全天候中文多平台时尚生活购物频道推介礼
Ruyi & Lyn, Bangsar Shopping Centre
LED祥狮献瑞 :)

20151019日正式开卖,Go Shop将为消费者提供包括美容、数码、健康和保健、家电及厨具、日常生活、运动休闲等优质产品,产品来源自备受信赖和品味独特的品牌,其中包括韩国顶级产品、国际市场畅销产品,以及Go Shop独家供应产品。除此之外Go Shop亦只出售每个类别里的最佳产品,并且提供创新产品搭售配套、10天退货政策、保修和西马半岛免费送货服务,以确保消费者享有最优价值和最极致的购物便利与安心 ;)

Astro Go Shop 318频道大使 MY FM DJ Jason賈森 &颜薇恩 :P
Go Shop健康和保健产品之一:韩国顶级品牌红参
来自韩国的HUROM 慢磨原汁机
妈妈们所爱的日常生活也有哦,这个熨衣器我需要耶 :P
Astro GS Shop专属中文平台,愉悦、方便简易的购物环境尽在你指尖,由Astro大马控股有限公司以及GS Home Shopping Inc.诚意推介 ;) #GoShopAstro318
来一张全体大合照 ;)
与韩国合作方共同推介,推介礼当然也少不了精彩的KPop舞蹈表演啦 ;)
Astro Go Shop 记者会
Go Shop 318频道大使 MY FM DJ Jason賈森 &颜薇恩以及频道主持人:电视节目主持人及制作人何海其、编舞家及《Astro新秀大赛2003》季军Ezen陈奕伸,前AEC新闻主播林晓青、《Astro 国际华裔小姐竞选2010》冠军Emily叶伊秀、 演员兼电视艺人及电台主持人Emely潘毖伶、MY FM电台主持人Catherine凯心,以及前撰稿人兼职业妈妈林映伶
Astro GS Shop专属中文平台,愉悦、方便简易的购物环境尽在你指尖 ;) #GoShopAstro318

即刻点击 Go Shop脸书 或透过电视AstroNJOI 318频道游览Astro Go Shop 吧,各式新奇产品随时让你发现 ;) 

*喜欢这篇po文吗?到我们的脸书专页点个赞 >Like Jz.World FB< 不再错失任何美食与好康! 
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Friday, 16 October 2015

Genji Japanese Restaurant @ Hilton PJ

Form a traditional Japanese village setting to an elegant contemporary décor, GENJI Japanese Restaurant @ Hilton PJ, one of the earlier establishment in the PJ dining scene known to serves good quality Japanese cuisine has recently undergone a wonderful revamp, and safe to say, the new restaurant looks fabulous ^^

GENJI Japanese Restaurant @ Hilton PJ
wonderful revamp into an elegant contemporary setting :)

though 2 out of three of the restaurant's tatami seating were replaced with a more convenient chairs and tables,
tatami seating room is still available for those whom prefer to dine in a traditional way ;)

And of course what really caught my attention other than the fabulous restaurant décor is no other but the sprees of fine Japanese delights nicely crafted by the experienced head chef of GENJI Japanese Restaurant—— Chef Richard Teoh. Rolling out alongside with contemporary dining setting to the guests, the new GENJI menu not only offers an exquisite taste of premium Japanese delights ranges from appetizers, sashimi, sushi to buffet spree, but also a variety of à la carte dishes with a touch of chef's creativity ^^ 

Having the pleasure to try out some of the tasty dishes on the new GENJI menu, my personal favorite goes to the appetizing Seafood Salad which comes with an array of salmon and maguro cubes, surf clams, octopus, prawns and garden greens, paired perfectly with a fine all-star house-made goma dressing b^^d

colorful appetizer comprises of Shirao Wasabi (Wasabi-marinated White Baits), crispy Kaki Tempura (Deep-fried Oyster)
and my personal favourite Unagi Tama (Deep-fried Eel in Japanese Omelette) ^^
appetizing Seafood Salad consists of salmon and maguro cubes, surf clams, octopus, prawns and garden greens,
paired with house-made goma dressing b^^d
tasty all-star house-made goma dressing ;)
Dobin Mushi, a traditional Japanese seafood broth.
an interesting soup drinking experience with broth served in a dobin tea pot and drinking it from the teacup ;)
House signature: Jumbo Ebi Ura Maki, a reversed roll with crispy tender tiger prawn tempura, 
caviar, salad and cucumber ^^
Jumbo Ebi Ura Maki

The Trio Combo, another favorite dish not to be missed is indeed a wonderful display of the chef's creativity. Served with fresh chill sashimi of Salmon, Maguro and Tai (Sea Bream), salt-grilled cod on fried rice & grilled tiger prawn on potato salad, this appealing and flavorful dish is no for sure a perfect 10 for both its presentation and taste b^^d 

Trio Combo, fresh chill sashimi of Salmon, Maguro and Tai (Sea Bream), salt-grilled cod on fried rice &
grilled tiger prawn on potato salad b^^d
fresh chill sashimi of Salmon, Maguro and Tai (Sea Bream), tasty and good looking too yeah ;)

And last but not least, the never fail to impress Premium Sashimi Moriawase Set comprises of premium grade sashimi air flown from japan twice weekly, with the exception of salmon which is imported from Norway.

Premium Sashimi Moriawase Set, a Japanese delicacy consisting of freshest served in a
lovely sashimi boat b^^d
Scallop Fried Rice ^^
Genji Combo, a delicious-by-itself Green Tea Ice Cream Cake served with Hot Red Bean Soup and fresh fruits :)

Genji Japanese Restaurant 
Petaling Jaya Hilton, 2, Jalan Barat,
Seksyen 52, 46200 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Phone: +60 3 7955 9122
Business hours: 
Lunch: 12:00 - 2:30 pm (Mon-Sat)
Dinner: 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm (Mon-Sun)
Buffet: 6:00 pm - 10:30 pm (Sat)
           11:30 am - 2:30 pm (Sun)

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