Monday 1 August 2016

【日式料理】Genji @ Hilton PJ #活締殺魚法 #石斑鱼刺身 #鲍鱼干贝铁板烧

吃了那么多年的日本料理,从刚开始的基本款鲑鱼及鲔鱼刺身一路吃到鰤魚、比目鱼、鲷鱼、海胆、牡丹虾、干贝、鲔鱼肚,原本以为日式刺身已经不能再有太大的惊喜,但近期在Hilton PJ日本料理餐厅Genji所尝到的石斑鱼刺身却像夜空中的流星般让人颇有眼前一亮惊喜之感 b^^d

Genji Japanese Restaurant @ Hilton Petaling Jaya

由酒店餐厅Genji与日本料理达人Chef Yanagida共同推介的除了美味可口包括鲍鱼、鲑鱼、鲔鱼刺身、铁板烧、寿喜烧等各种日式海鲜料理之外,最特别的要数采用IKEJIME (活締殺魚)手法所处理的石斑鱼以及红鲷鱼啦 ;) 据师傅表示IKEJIME手法是源于日本流传约350年的日本殺鱼技巧,在日文里意味着「还活着时终结生命」的技巧主要着重于让鱼儿在最放松的方式下死去,以确保鱼肉的肉质以及味道都得以呈现出最佳状态 b^^dIKEJIME手法具体操作包括了以特殊手法提取鱼儿,迅速切断主动脉以及延脑瘫痪鱼儿神经系统,最后再将鱼于冰水中放血等,虽然听起来略微血腥但其实这一专业手法因为一开始便瘫痪了鱼儿的神经系统所以鱼儿是在无痛的状态下死亡的所以反而较其它杀鱼方法来得人道哦)

本次主角:采用IKEJIME (活締殺魚)手法所处理的石斑鱼(前)以及刺身基本款鲑鱼(后) ^^
饱满的干贝 ^^

淡菜在日本料理名气虽然不甚响亮但料理得当也蛮不错的说 ;)
海鲜蒸し煮,活締殺魚手法所处理的石斑鱼以及红鲷鱼搭配鲍鱼、干贝、淡菜 b^^d

好了介绍完Ikejime这就言归正传来为大家解答,究竟这样的手法所处理的鱼儿味道如何呢? ;)

本次师傅采用Ikejime手法处理的主角除了日式料理里较常见的刺身常客红鲷鱼之外还有不多见的石斑鱼刺身哦,据师傅表示本土养殖的石斑鱼一般不会以刺身方式呈现,而这一次全赖活締殺魚手法在保存了鱼肉鲜美的同时亦放血确保了食用安全才有特别的生食石斑体验 ^^

鲔鱼、鲔鱼中腹、鲑鱼、鲷鱼&石斑鱼刺身~ 我都喜欢啊 b^^d
Assorted Sashimi-IKEJIME Grouper & Red Snapper
鲔鱼腹的粉红色泽很诱人啊有木有 ;)

初尝石斑鱼刺身鲜美带有海鲜独有甜味的鱼肉味道让人印象颇为深刻,鲜美的味道随着带嚼劲的肉质在口里缓缓释放感觉超棒的 b^^d 活締殺取的红鲷鱼刺身同样让人惊艳,相较于以往个人尝过的红鲷鱼刺身采活締殺取手法处理的红鲷鱼肉质更为绵密细致味道也更加鲜美,突然觉得Ikejime手法很厉害啊 ;)

Prime Ikejime Fish Roll with Spring Onion & Chinese Coriander l 活締殺取鱼寿司,没想到香菜青葱用来制作寿司还蛮搭的啊 b^^d

除了刺身以及寿司活締殺取手法处理的鱼肉同样也可以经由不同料理方式而呈现出不同的口感与滋味哦,采用类似天妇罗做法鱼肉外酥内嫩香气十足,海鲜蒸し煮(Mushini)则藉由寿喜烧或柚子酱料带出鱼肉的鲜甜以及更为丰富的味觉体验,铁板烧则是喜好烧烤香气的吃货们所不容错过的料理方式 ^^

Deep-fried Ikejime Grouper with Ginger Flavoured Tabasco Nazu l 酥炸活締殺取石斑鱼
Seafood Mushini Hot Pot Ikejime Grouper, Red Snapper, Abalone, Scallops, Mussels & Mushrooms l 海鲜蒸し煮,口味偏重的朋友们可以选择甜中带咸的寿喜烧酱汁,偏好清爽的吃货们则推荐大家选择酸甜的柚子酱汁 ;)
Ikejime Red Snapper, Abalone, Scallops & Mussels Teppanyaki
活締殺取红鲷鱼、鲍鱼、干贝、淡菜铁板烧,霸气美味啊 b^^d
全赖师傅精细的刀工鲍鱼虽然整颗料理口感却恰到好处带嚼劲却不会太老,搭配照烧酱感觉棒棒哒 ^^
ending 还是不能免俗要来点冰冰凉凉浓郁疗愈的红豆抹茶冰淇凌啦 ;)

想尝鲜的吃货朋友们请戳下边链接以获取更多关于Hilton PJ Genji日本料理餐厅的讯息 ;)

Genji Japanese Restaurant 
Petaling Jaya Hilton, 2, Jalan Barat,
Seksyen 52, 46200 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Phone: +60 3 7955 9122
Business hours: 
Lunch: 12:00 - 2:30 pm (Mon-Sat)
Dinner: 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm (Mon-Sun)

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Thursday 28 July 2016

WATSONS Move Your Body Zumba 2016 ft. International Zumba Instructors + Glow In The Night Zumba Beach Party

ATTENTION all Zumba Enthusiasts! Malaysia’s biggest ZUMBA event is back! Move Your Body Zumba, an exciting fitness campaign via Asia’s leading health and beauty retailer——WATSONS is slated to be held on 22 October 2016 at Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach, this time with the Biggest Zumba Beach Party + ‘Glow In The Night’ theme featuring international Zumba instructors from Colombia and Australia! Everybody get ready to Move Your Body~~~ ;)

WATSONS Move Your Body Zumba 2015 held in Penang was a record breaking success with more than 7,000 participants took part in the health and fitness event of the year. The 2016 edition is set to bring nothing less than spectacular, featuring international Zumba Instructors David Velez (from Colombia) and Michael Thomas (from Australia), the thematic Zumba beach party with ‘Glow In The Night’ theme will be an experience like non-other as Hitz FM radio announcers Ean and Arnold will be hyping up the night together with all Zumba participants while non-stop Zumba hits spin by top DJs line up including Jakeman & SkeletorLeng YeinChukiess & Whackboi and H3.

WATSONS Move Your Body Zumba 2016 Edition ft. International Zumba Instructors + Glow In The Night Zumba Beach Party
WATSONS Move Your Body Zumba 2016, 22 October 2016 @ Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach

In collaboration with international Zumba organization in the United States——Zumba Fitness, WATSONS Move Your Body Zumba 2016 composed of all Zumba routines is a workout for all. Packed with fun fusion of dance moves that provides a total body workout, burns huge calories, boosts metabolism and improves cardiovascular health, this exciting fitness campaign promise a sweat it all out de-stress moment for all Zumba enthusiasts.

WATSONS Move Your Body Zumba 2016, 22 October 2016 @ Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach

total body workout for maximum calories burns ;)
WATSONS Move Your Body Zumba 2016 #ZUMBAMYB2016 #GlowInNightZumbaBeachParty

WATSONS Move Your Body Zumba 2016 ☝click to view
#ZUMBAMYB2016 #GlowInNightZumbaBeachParty

WATSONS Move Your Body Zumba 2016 is set to take place at Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach on 22 October 2016, ticket to the Malaysia’s biggest Zumba beach party is now up for grabs at all Watsons store in Klang Valley and Seremban or purchase Online. Also Watsons VIP members and consumers can get 20% discount from ticket price when purchasing products from participating brands to Watsons Move Your Body Zumba 2016. For more information, visit ;)  

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Tuesday 26 July 2016

QUIVO @ Kate Spade, Pavilion KL l It’s The Little Things That Matters #Quivomoments

A night of delightful Mediterranean-inspired-cuisine, lovely wines, casual yet sophisticated ambiance with an inviting atmosphere, everything just feels so right and relaxing here at QUIVO @ Kate SpadePavilion KL ^^  

Started its business about two years back at Level 3 Connection Precinct, Pavilion KL, QUIVO, an al fresco restaurant and bar buzzing with flavor and life is surely one great place to be in if you’re looking for somewhere to unwind with good food and good vibe.

QUIVO @ Kate Spade, Pavilion KL —It’s The Little Things That Matters— ;) #Quivomoments #Quivo

Embodying an informal yet sophisticated ambiance, QUIVO offers a dining setting which speaks of a perfectly balanced environment for both work and leisure, paired with a refined interior of cozy yet elegant old-world inspired leather chairs, modern Greco Roman patterned tiles, and the glittering stage of an open kitchen and bar ;)  

glittering stage of an open kitchen and bar
QUIVO @ Kate Spade, Level 3, Connection PrecinctPavilion KL

Operating on a belief to serve with only the freshest ingredients, the Mediterranean-inspired all-encompassing menu offers delectable nibbles to share such as the Maze Platter or Mini Sliders. QUIVO's paddle pizzas cooked by wood-fired oven to create a wonderful symphony that bakes everything to perfection is a must try b^^d      

Margherita (front) and Qeema Pizza b^^d
crispy crust, light smoky taste, nicely infused with cheese & classic sauceMargherita pizza at its best indeed b^^d

The flavorful, tender Beef Picca is another personal favorite of mine, sear and cook to perfection this delicious browning succulent meat literally falls apart in the best way upon a gentle chew leaving a tantalizing taste in your mouth b^^d  

Mini Beef Picca (front) and Braised Beef Brisket Risotto Bite (back)
Mini Falafel Burger
Rock Star Popcorn Shrimp
Mini Beef Picca ;)

With a focus on creative drinks, QUIVO's house-blended cocktails and mocktails orchestrated by in-house mixologists offers interesting complement to the meals. Alternatively, lovely variation of wines, including the young & stylish new label of MadFish wines are available here at QUIVO ;)  

MadFish Muvignon Blanc Semillon

MadFish Shiraz
MadFish Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot
the new MadFish label
beautiful desserts to wrap up the night ;) #Quivomoments

Not only aimed at serving quality food, QUIVO's gastronomic expeditions is also about sharing a journey filled with discoveries, a sensory-rich experience through great service with a personal touch, it's the little things that matter ;)

QUIVO @ Kate SpadePavilion KL
168, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Bukit Bintang, 
55100 Kuala Lumpur, 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 
Phone: +60 3-2141 7711

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Thursday 21 July 2016

T.G.I.B.F. 丰盛美味BBQ烧烤晚餐 l Thank Goodness It’s Barbecue Fridays! @ Tuscany Italian-American Grill, Putrajaya Marriott Hotel

度过了周一至周五一连五天忙碌的工作,对于吃货而言开启美好周末的最佳方式莫过于好好的犒赏自己来顿美味丰盛的星期五晚餐啦 ;)

想像一下黄昏渐渐转凉的天气,在氛围正好的户外花园里烧烤架上滋滋作响的美味海鲜与牛扒香气随微风弥漫开来,一场挑逗味蕾的意式铁板与炭火烧烤正香喷喷的火热进行着.. 墨鱼、肥虾、牛扒、起司、火腿肉等丰盛的烧烤美食、红酒,还有现场的不插电乐队演奏,一个美丽的星期五夜晚即将在布城萬豪酒店托斯卡纳餐厅Tuscany Italian-American Grill, @ Putrajaya Marriott Hotel)展开 ^^

Tuscany Italian-American Grill, Putrajaya Marriott Hotel
氛围正好的户外花园里,T.G.I.B.F.(Thank Goodness It’s Barbecue Fridays!)美丽的星期五夜晚即将从美味的烧烤大餐展开 ^^
花园式烧烤感觉挺好 ;)
除了氛围正好的花园用餐区,托斯卡纳餐厅Tuscany Italian-American Grill, @ Putrajaya Marriott Hotel)内部装潢走的则是传统意大利风 :)

有别于一般以鸡肉及肉片为主的西式烧烤,托斯卡纳餐厅Tuscany)的意式烧烤除了大器澎湃的各式海鲜(墨鱼、大虾、鱼排)以及各式厚切澳洲牛扒(菲力、肋眼、沙朗等),还搭配了各种起司与火腿、蔬果及甜派,当然也少不了意式美食的代表意大利面啦 ;) 

意式烧烤——大器澎湃的各式澳洲牛扒(菲力、肋眼、沙朗等),还有各式海鲜(墨鱼、大虾、鱼排)哦 b^^d
基本款鸡翅香肠也挺肥美的 :P
料理好的牛肉搭配特色酱汁好好吃啊 b^^d

烧烤方式有铁板及炭火两种,自行挑选了钟意的海鲜/牛扒后直接交给大厨代为料理即可,而意大利面亦是现场烹调热腾腾送上哦 b^^d

现场可是滋滋声不断兼香气四溢啊 ^^
大虾与墨鱼,海鲜的个头可不输厚切牛扒啊 ;)

点后现场烹调的意大利面 ^^

料理好的烧烤超诱人的有木有 ;)
海鲜Vs牛扒,若要二选一我可没办法,全选全选啦 ^^

除了自助式烧烤大餐还附一杯house wine哦,红酒是牛扒的好搭档啊一定不能少 :P

甜点主打的是各种甜派,苹果派、巧克力榛果派等都有,为完美烧烤画上句点非这一味莫属啦,当然若觉得吃太多肉类再吃甜食有点heavy也可以选择健康的水果塔哦 ;)

光看卖相就挺诱人的各种甜派 ;)
个人偏好榛果派以及苹果派,虽然略甜让人吃了颇有罪恶感但T.G.I.B.F.嘛偶尔一次没关系啦 ;)

托斯卡纳餐厅Tuscany Italian-American Grill, @ Putrajaya Marriott Hotel)的T.G.I.B.F.(Thank Goodness It’s Barbecue Fridays!)意式烧烤大餐每逢周五傍晚6:30-10:00 pm香喷喷送上,更多详情请点击以下托斯卡纳餐厅官网或布城萬豪酒店Putrajaya Marriott Hotel脸书查看 :)

Tuscany Italian-American Grill
Putrajaya Marriott Hotel
IOI Resort City, 
62502 Sepang Utara, Malaysia. 
Phone:+60 3-8949 8888

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