Friday, 5 August 2016

Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre #美味巴厘岛烤猪吃到饱 #烏布美食驾到

作为印尼巴厘岛一级美食战区,乌布(Ubud)的三大必吃美食——烤乳猪(Bali Guling)、烤猪肋排(pork ribs)和脏鸭对吃货而言绝不陌生,外酥内嫩的肉质、丰富诱人的香料以及入味迷人的滋味对吃货而言绝对是难以抗拒教人欲罢不能 ;) 虽然说为了美食长途跋涉专程飞到印尼有种说走就走的酷感但在现实里毕竟很难.. 


源自巴厘岛乌布以超美味烤猪排著称的知名餐厅Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre日前刚推出了美味超值的周末限定烤猪大餐——Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet!各式以猪肉为主角的印尼巴厘岛美味料理包括Naughty Nuri's招烤豬肋排、烤里肌、烤猪五花、限量火焰伊比利亞黑毛猪等等每个星期日11 am-3 pm香喷喷送上啦 b^^d

Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre #美味巴厘岛烤猪吃到饱 #巴厘岛烏布美食驾到
Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre
餐厅设计挺用心的,木质顶棚维持了一贯的巴厘岛建筑风 ;)

温暖的灯光与木质为主的设计及桌椅营造出温馨的用餐环境 ;)

对于Naughty Nuri's 稍感陌生的吃货朋友们这里先向大家稍微介绍一下这家颇具特色的巴厘岛料理餐厅 ;) 拥有20年历史在1995年创立于印尼巴厘岛乌布区的餐厅可谓来头不小,除了本店曾荣获New York Times《纽约时报杂志》评为到访巴厘岛必吃餐厅之外,许多名人如朱莉亚·罗伯茨、李连杰等也都曾为了其美味独到的巴厘式料理而慕名而来哦 ;)

这一飘香巴厘岛的特色料理一直到两年前才登陆大马,而Naughty Nuri's 目前在雪隆区一共有三家分店,其中个人本次到访的Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre可是今年四月才开始营业的最新分店哦 ^^

Naughty Nuri's @KL Life Centre 周末限定烤猪大餐——Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet b^^d
各式美味的巴厘岛烤猪料理吃到饱啦 b^^d

本次主要为大家推荐美味兼cp值超高的Naughty Nuri's @KL Life Centre周末限定烤猪大餐——Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet,除了各种烤猪部位(猪五花里肌肋排、猪脚)等任君选择之外还有个人超爱的火焰伊比利亞黑毛猪,当然道地的BBQ Satay Lilit(猪肉包裹着柠檬草的巴厘岛沙爹)、牛尾汤咖喱猪肉等也都在菜单上啦 b^^d

先来点DIY清爽沙拉开开胃 ;)
再来点皮脆柔嫩的烤乳猪 ^^
想吃的只需告诉店员,切好的乳猪肉以及特制蘸酱随后送到桌上 ;)
大火现烤的猪肉就是赞啊 b^^d

个人大推的除了他们家卖相霸气而且超级入味的招牌烤猪肋排(Naughty Nuri’s 1995 Signature BBQ Spare Ribs)之外,限量供应激情四射的火焰伊比利亞黑毛猪(Flamed Glazed Iberico)也绝对不可错过哦,另外Q弹外皮包裹肥滋滋肉块的烤乳猪(Babi Guling)软Q软Q的口感与肉香浓郁的滋味也是是个不容小窥的狠角色啊 :P

Naughty Nuri’s招牌烤猪肋排Naughty Nuri’s 1995 Signature BBQ Spare Ribs),一共有原味(上)及辛辣(下)两种口味选择  b^^d
Naughty Nuri’s Spicy BBQ Pork Ribs
Naughty Nuri's BBQ Satay Lilit(猪肉包裹着柠檬草的巴厘岛沙爹) b^^d
浓浓的巴厘岛风味,感觉喜欢 ;)

据餐厅经理表示一些料理譬如如Signature Ribs,Flamed Glazed Iberico等都是周末限定烤猪大餐——Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet独家限定哦,平日menu里可是点不到滴,想吃的话要记得咯是星期日11 am-3 pm ok ;)

限量供应激情四射的火焰伊比利亞黑毛猪(Flamed Glazed Iberico
星星之火果然可以燎原啊有木有 :P
浇上燃烧威士忌的黑毛猪原本Q弹滑口的肉质散发着阵阵酒香感觉超棒der~ b^^d
Naughty Nuri's BBQ Pork Lion,记得要搭配特调蘸酱吃才够味 ;)

除了以烤猪为主角的主食之外Naughty Nuri's Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet menu上的tapas & sides部分也有惊喜哦,带点fusion风口感层次丰富的Ayam on Ow-some以炸鸡结合脆虾饼创意与美味兼具,夹在炸鸡肉以及虾饼之间的咖喱叶更是有画龙点睛之效感觉棒棒哒 b^^d

带点fusion风口感层次丰富的Ayam on Ow-some可谓名副其实,确实挺棒的 b^^d
Pork Ribs Curry
Roast Pork Rendang
用料丰富别有一番风味的Indonesia Style Mee Goreng,好吃 b^^d

另外值得一提的是这里许多菜色份量都超大方的,譬如霸气侧漏大塊豪邁的Naughty Nuri's招牌豬肋排(Naughty Nuri’s 1995 Signature BBQ Spare Ribs),超美味的印度尼西亚式炒面(Indonesia Style Mee Goreng)及炒饭(Indonesia Style Fried Goreng)等,基本上一份两人分食还有可能会吃不完哦.. 很好!为餐厅的大器点赞 b^^d 据餐厅经理表示自助餐里的餐点为了让客人能多尝试不同的菜色还稍微减了些许份量,看看前边提到的豬肋排与上图的炒面我只想说.. 经理您确定吗.. >______<

Balinese Spiced "Soup Buntut" ^^
Mashed Potato, 软绵浓郁又不会太腻 b^^d
Knuckle on Fire
Red Hot Chile Pepper Truffle Fries ;)
担心吃太多烧烤上火?没问题来碗现点刨冰让味蕾休息降温 ;)
Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre, ——Killer Ribs, Twisted Martinis—— #NaughtyNurisKL #NNBuffet

Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre周末限定烤猪大餐——Sunday's Snout to Tail Buffet由 31/7/2016起每逢周日 11 am-3 pm香喷喷献上,cp值超高的美味巴厘岛烤猪吃到饱每人只需 RM 65++哦(*加码RM 35++可获啤酒无限畅饮,RM 55++ 红酒无限提供),更多详情请戳下边链接查看啦 ;)

Naughty Nuri's @ KL Life Centre
Lot G-05, Ground Floor Life Centre 
No. 20 Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur.
hp: 019 300 7221

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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

ABS Y305 15000mAh Dual Fast Charge USB Outputs Powerbank Unboxing & Review

While we live in an era where smartphones, cameras and portable digital devices are growing ever more advanced, still these great tech gadgets often face one common problem——limited power supply.. In a recent survey conducted by a multinational electronics company, 90 % of phone user panic about losing power on their phones (that is 9 out of 10 people in case you hadn't notice), and 32 % of them will 'drop everything' to head home just to get their phones charge >__________<ll

If you're one of those people who susceptible to 'low battery anxiety', which that red icon on your smartphone will leave you feeling panicked, annoyed and desperately hunting for a spare charger, no worries as I've got just the right remedy for you ;) Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the stylish ABS Y305 15000mAh Dual Fast Charge USB Outputs Powerbank ;)

product arrived right on time, well packed and undamaged *free shipping yo ^^

Easily available online @ 11 Street Store official site (, ABS Powerbank comes with a wide variety of style and specifications, best still for all the powerbank purchased ABS Malaysia offers a 2 Years 1 to 1 Exchange Guarantee, a solid reassurance done first in the market for powerbank b^^d

love the stylish compact design, the materials are deemed to be fireproof yo, sounds kinda cool ;)
ABS Y305 15000mAh Dual Fast Charge USB Outputs Powerbank

Back to my ABS Y305 15000mAh Dual Fast Charge USB Outputs Powerbank, as the name itself suggest the nicely built powerbank possess a 5V - 2A Input right beside the 'on' button and two 5V - 2.1A fast charging Output on the top of the powerbank, which is quite come in handy for multi-device charging ;)

Dual Fast Charge USB Outputs: a 5V - 2A Input right beside the 'on' button & two 5V - 2.1A fast charging Output on the top of the powerbank
LED power capacity light which blinks while charging

Weight somewhere around 0.3 kg the high power capacity (up to 15000 mAh) and dual-port fast charging ABS Y305 is pretty travel convenience as I can easily slip it into my backpack without any extra burden, no more worry about running out of power on both my phone & dslr when I need to take action V^^v  

new travel companion has arrived! ^^

The ABS Powerbank is now available nationwide across peninsula Malaysia (scroll down to find an outlet closest to you), alternatively the powerbank is also available on the 11 street official store @, on top of free shipping enjoy an extra 20% - 30% Merdeka Sale discount when purchase online ;) *Merdeka Sale promotion ends 31 August 2016

*ABS Products in Malaysia:
(-by C Two Gadget, sole distributor of ABS Malaysia)

Kuala Lumpur
  • S & L Enterprise (Digi) = PN, Pudu Plaza Complex. Upper Ground Floor. Jalan Landak Off Jalan Pudu. 55100 KL. 010-7660029
  • Space Phone Services = 27 Jalan 11A-133 Taman Sri Sentosa. Jalan Kelang Lama. 58000 KL. 012-6613933
  • BDG Dot Com = LGB-1 Sungei Wang Plaza. Jalan Sultan Ismail. 50250 KL. 016-3333221
  • BBS Gadget SDN BHD (Sony Kiosk) = LGB 14, Lower Ground,  Sungei Wang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Bukit Bintang, 55100 KL. 019-2316688
  • DMC Gadget = Lot 1-TC 008, Plaza Lowyat. Off Jalan Bukit Bintang. 55100 KL. 019-2855959
  • Legend Mobile Supplies = Lot 4-007 & 4-007A, 4th Floor, Plaza Lowyat. Off Jalan Bukit Bintang. 55100 KL.
  • MRJ Phone Enterprise = 307, Groud Floor Off Jalan Pudu. 55100 KL. 017-6221822
  • GSTP Retail Wholesale SDN BHD = G-07 Dataran Jelatek. Jalan Jelatek. 54200 KL. 016-3399226/014-5884444
  • S & J = No 131-G. Main Street Kepong. 52100 KL. 017-3651758
  • BSY Enterprise = No 41-1-1 BLK D. Jalan 2/10 1C. Cheras Business Center, KM 8. Jalan Cheras. 55100 KL. 012-5283119
  • Goal Com Enterprise = Aeon Big, B-1-58. Jalan 12/144A, Taman Bukit Cheras. 56000 KL. 016-9090008
  • M.Mobile Enterprise = Lot 2942 & 2945, Jalan Seri Sentosa 8, Seri Sentosa. Off Jalan Klang Lama. 58000 KL. 03-77833943/019-3733943
  • One Smart Gadget = Lot 1 1.17 Level. Pearl Point Shopping Mall. Batu 5 Jalan Klang Lama. 58000 KL. 011-11270500
  • Kaki Gadget Sungai Besi =  55, Jalan Tasik Utama 3, Sungai Besi, 57000 KL
  • Sky World Top Enterprise = Lot 1-159 First Floor, Plaza Idaman. Jalan 6/21d, Medan Idaman, 53100 Gombak. KL. 018-2085837
  • Sky World Top Enterprise = Lot G-61 Ground Floor, Plaza Idaman. Jalan 6/21d, Medan Idaman, 53100 Gombak, KL. 018-2085637
  • AMAX Power Enterprise = Plaza Idaman 2-198, 70 Jalan 6/2/D, 53100 Gombak, KL. 010-5204545
  • Go Phone Mobile = KL Festival Mall, 2nd Floor. SK 6, 67, Jalan Taman Ibu Kota. 53000 KL. 016-3480202
  • Asianet Uni Trading = 3, Jalan 1/38c, Taman Sri Kepong, Kepong. 52100 KL. 012-3700800
  • Nices Telecommunication =  Lot 3-02, Viva Home Shopping Mall. 86 Jalan Loke Yew. 55200 KL.  03-27220998 
  • GSW Mobile Supplies =  Lot 1/TC 32, Floor Plaza Lowyat. Jalan Bukit Bintang. 55100 KL.

  • Trens World = No 40-1B, Jalan Diplomati, Presint 15. 62050 Putajaya. 019-9898178
  • C Two Gadget SDN BHD (U Mobile) = L2-064A, IOI City Mall. 62502 Putrajaya. 012-3145288
  • C Two Gadget SDN BHD (U Mobile) = K-13, Ground Floor. Alamanda Shopping Centre, Jalan Alamanda, Presint 1. 62000 Putrajaya. 012-3145288
  • Kaki Gadget Putrajaya=  Presint Diplomatik, 62050 Putrajaya

  • C Two Gadget SDN BHD (HQ) = Lot No. LG-W2-11, South City Plaza. Taman Serdang Perdana. 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. 017-2271010/011-111201311
  • Brand 26 Mobile SDN BHD = L4-K66, The Mines Shopping Mall. Jalan Dulang. 43300 Seri Kembangan. Selangor. 016-9068866/012-2804555
  • Empire Smart Phone SDN BHD = L4-K20, K26,K13, K63, K58. The Mines Shopping Mall. Jalan Dulang. 43300 Seri Kembangan. Selangor. 018-2228688
  • EC Concept Digitalmall = F 26, Giant Hypermarket. Jalan Putra Permai, Bandar Putra Permai. 43300 Seri Kembangan. Selangor. 013-3520186
  • Kaki Gadget Sri Serdang =  No 3274,, Jalan 18/36, Taman Sri Serdang, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. 012-3926019
  • Gemilang Telecommunication SDN BND = No 30, Jalan Putra Permai 1B, Taman Equine. 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. 018-3207727
  • One Smart Gadget = G.08, Groud Floor, Amcorp Mall. Persiaran Barat Off Jalan Timur. 46050 Petaling Jaya. Selangor. 016-2188208
  • LKB Telecommunication = No 10, Jalan 52/10. 46200 Petaling Jaya. Selangor. 012-9836688/03-79548676
  • C Two Gadget SDN BHD (U Mobile)= 53, Jalan SG 3/10. Taman Sri Gombak. 68100 Batu Caves. Selangor. 012-3145288
  • Nice One Mobile Shop = Aeon Big Ampang. Taman Dagang Permai. 68000 Ampang, Selangor. 012-3983232
  • VA Accessories = C2 - 3A Rose Vista Condominium, Jalan Cahaya 18, Taman Cahaya. 68000 Ampang, Selangor. 019-3344788
  • PBH Communication Enterprise = PT 1058, Tingkat Bawah, Jalan Besar. 45500 Tanjung Karang. Selangor. 017-2392653
  • September Mobile Gadget (Digi)= No 9, Cyber Jaya 12. D’Pulze Shopping Mall. 63200 Cyberjaya. Selangor. 012-6607903
  • William Phone (U Mobile)= P1-33A, Shaftbury Square. Persiaran Multimedia Cyber 6. 63000 Cyberjaya. Selangor. 018-6636068
  • YY Mobile = Lot No. P-08C, Level P1. Dpulze Shopping Centre. 63000 Cyberjaya. Selangor. 0173492208
  • CZ Station Trading = B-12-16 Impian Height Apartment Off Jalan Pipit. Bandar Puchong Jaya. 47100 Puchong. Selangor. 012-2832984
  • Extimobile Solutions SDN BHD = D-1-41 Kompleks Suria Kinrara. Persiaran Kinrara Seksyen 3, Taman Kinrara. 47100 Puchong. Selangor. 013-6190333
  • Calvinwee Solutions = G-1-2, Pangsapuri Enggang, Jalan Kinrara 6F. 47180 Bandar Kinrara, Selangor. 010-8089088/011-11889128
  • S & S Network Mobile = No. 43 Jalan Raja Haroun. 43000 Kajang. Selangor. 017-3096532
  • MP Brothers Enterprise = No18 & 18A Jalan Bersatu 8, Taman Bersatu. 48000 Rawang. Selangor. 014-3698023/017-2050828
  • CWK (U Mobile) = Groud Floor,  The Summit Subang USJ. Persiaran Kewajipan, 47630 Subang Jaya, Selangor. 012-3667923
  • Sixty Seven Telecomunication (Hotlink) = 100, SS15/4B. 47500 Subang Jaya. Selangor. 016-8701068
  • Asiatic Telecommunication = Ground Floor, Harbour Place Mall. Persiaran Raja Muda Musa. 41200 Klang. Selangor. 013-2166789
  • X & X = No5, Jalan Samarinda 31/ks 7, Taman Maznah. 41100 Klang, Selangor. 016-2189597/016-3389597
  • Care Two Store =  C-G-K05, Jalan PJU 8/9, Flora Damansara. Bandar Damansara Perdana. 47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
  • PBH Communication Enterprise =  PT 1058, Tingkat Bawah, Jalan Besar. 45500 Tanjung Karang, Selangor.  017-2392653/016-3553455

  • One Three Nine Telecommunication = 92-G-8 Jalan Tan Sri Teh Ewe Lim. 11600 Penang. 016-4442311
  • Mobile Star Communication SDN BHD = 3A-01-10 Bukit Jambul Complex. Jalan Rumbia. 11900 Bayan Lepas. Penang. 04-6115845/014-444455
  • CTH Network SDN BHD = No 2 Tingkat Teluk Kumbar 2. Bandar Baru Teluk Kumbar. 11920 Bayan Lepas. Penang. 012-4121425
  • KHY Mobile = Lot G-07 Plaza Bukit Mertajam. 566 Jalan Arumugam Pillai. 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Penang. 017-4710308
  • All Mobile Solution = Lot GOT8 2762, Persiaran Sembilang. 13700 Seberang Jaya. Penang. 012-7727645

  • CK-Chin = G 04 Ground Floor Plaza Sentosa. 05150 Alor Setar. Kedah. 012-5182233
  • B2 Buy =  Lot 15 3rd floor, Next Emporium, Aman central , 05150 alor setar , Kedah.  017-4038858/014-6126222 

  • Tristar Mobile = Lot No F-20, 1st Floor Mydin Mall. Jalan Meru Jaya Bestari 2. Bandar Meru Jaya. 30020 Ipoh. Perak. 05-5265212
  • PRET-A Porter Solution = No 4 Station Road Slim River. 35800 Slim River. Perak.
  • X Concept Computer Hub = 71,73,75 Jalan Intan 4 Bandar Baru. 36000 Teluk Intan. Perak. 015-5511515
  • Wei Da Telecommunication Enterprise = No 10 Jalan Datoh. 36100 Bagan Datoh. Perak. 016-5116242
  • M Zone Communication = No 5 Taman Seri Kanthal. 31200 Chemor. Perak. 016-5555798
  • Heaven Computer & Communication (U Mobile) = 20, Jalan Besar, 34900 Pantai Remis. Perak. 012-5126222
  • Lee Max Telecommunications = PT 3570 & PT 3576, Lorong 1 Taman Selasih, Jalan Bagan Datoh. 36400 Hutan Melintang. Perak. 012-4719442

  • High Speed Mobile SDN BHD = 2-1, Jalan 4 Taman kristal 2. 86400 Parit Raja Batu Pahat. Johor 012-7573383
  • Unlimited Communication Enterprise = No. 17, Jalan Seluang, Taman Banang. 83000 Batu Pahat. Johor. 07-4328163/010-5230123
  • JJ Shop = 210, Jalan Datuk Sulaiman, Taman Century. 80250 Johor Bahru. Johor. 010-5657996
  • Smart House Mobile Hub = LG 41 Holiday Plaza. Jalan Dato Sulaiman. 80250 Johor Bahru. Johor. 016-7703103
  • CHL Concepts =  73, Jalan Bakawali 48, Johor Jaya, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor. 012-7123759
  • Kim Mobile Enterprise = Lot S53A-B, Kipmart Segamat. Jalan Utama 3/2, Taman Utama, 85000 Segamat. Johor. 013-7122999/010-8323222
  • Hit Hot Two Trading = PC 01 & 16 First Floor One Segamat Shopping Complex, Jalan Kolam Air. 85000 Segamat. Johor. 017-7391200
  • MaxWell Digital Centre (Beside Mr.DIY)= No.k27, Kipmart Segamat. Jalan Utama 3/2, Taman Utama, 85000 Segamat. Johor. 07-9063536/018-7761314
  • Race Communication = No 36, Jalan Balai Raya, Bukit Bakri. 84200 Muar, Johor. 016-6196196/012-4036196

  • GF Smartphone Center = A-22 Taman Sri Semanta. 28000 Temerloh. Pahang. 016-9414444
  • H & L Cherry Enterprise = A 8 Pasaraya Komersil Emas, Pusat Komersil Emas Kerayong. 28200 Bera. Pahang. 017-9688853/019-9398853
  • Yes Mobile World = No.62, Jalan Besar, 26800 Kuala Rampin. Pahang. 09-4141510/013-2329292
  •  Neon Phone Accesorries = A-107, Lorong 6 Jalan Tun Ismail. 25000 Kuantan, Pahang. 011-21982237/016-9229567

Negeri Sembilan
  • MT Access = No 338-g Jalan Harwan 5/8 Oakland Commecial Center 2. 70300 Seremban. Negeri Sembilan. 012-2598000
  • MJ Mickey = LGK-07, Terminal One Shopping. 20 B, Jalan Lintang. 7000 Seremban. Negeri Sembilan. 012-2759212
  • AZKSW Trading = No 3837, Jalan RJ 6/8. Taman Rasah Jaya. 70300 Seremban. Negeri Sembilan. 012-9071311
  • KC Century Communication = 31, Jalan Besar. 71800 Nilai. Negeri Sembilan. 016-3331782
  • Gadget City = PT 20574, Ground Floor, Jalan TS 2/1F, Taman Semarak 2. 71800 Nilai. Negeri Sembilan. 016-3454088
  • Alpha Century Communication = A-1, Jalan Besar, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. 017-2798102/011-10981089
  • Smart Mobile Communication Enterprise = Lot S22, 2nd Floor, Seremban Prima, Jalan Dato Bandar Tunggal. 7000 Seremban. Negeri Sembilan. 018-2388353/016-6251212/017-2773563
  • Smart Mobile Communication Enterprise (OPPO)= Lot S05A, 2nd Floor, Seremban Prima, Jalan Dato Bandar Tunggal. 7000 Seremban. Negeri Sembilan. 018-2388353/016-6251212/017-2773563

  • Yen Telecommunication = K-71 Jalan Besar Paka. 23000 Sura. Terengganu. 0139153388
  • Howah Enterprise = Lot 9984(A) Pusat Perniagaan Sura Gate. 23000 Dungun. Terengganu. 016-9388590/010-9077877

  • One Line Tele Equipments SDN BHD = Giant Hypermarket Cheng Lot 12, Jalan TTC 9. Taman Teknologi Cheng. 75250 Melaka. 06-3344006

Kelantan, Perlis, Sabah, Sarawak
  • To be update soon

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Monday, 1 August 2016

【日式料理】Genji @ Hilton PJ #活締殺魚法 #石斑鱼刺身 #鲍鱼干贝铁板烧

吃了那么多年的日本料理,从刚开始的基本款鲑鱼及鲔鱼刺身一路吃到鰤魚、比目鱼、鲷鱼、海胆、牡丹虾、干贝、鲔鱼肚,原本以为日式刺身已经不能再有太大的惊喜,但近期在Hilton PJ日本料理餐厅Genji所尝到的石斑鱼刺身却像夜空中的流星般让人颇有眼前一亮惊喜之感 b^^d

Genji Japanese Restaurant @ Hilton Petaling Jaya

由酒店餐厅Genji与日本料理达人Chef Yanagida共同推介的除了美味可口包括鲍鱼、鲑鱼、鲔鱼刺身、铁板烧、寿喜烧等各种日式海鲜料理之外,最特别的要数采用IKEJIME (活締殺魚)手法所处理的石斑鱼以及红鲷鱼啦 ;) 据师傅表示IKEJIME手法是源于日本流传约350年的日本殺鱼技巧,在日文里意味着「还活着时终结生命」的技巧主要着重于让鱼儿在最放松的方式下死去,以确保鱼肉的肉质以及味道都得以呈现出最佳状态 b^^dIKEJIME手法具体操作包括了以特殊手法提取鱼儿,迅速切断主动脉以及延脑瘫痪鱼儿神经系统,最后再将鱼于冰水中放血等,虽然听起来略微血腥但其实这一专业手法因为一开始便瘫痪了鱼儿的神经系统所以鱼儿是在无痛的状态下死亡的所以反而较其它杀鱼方法来得人道哦)

本次主角:采用IKEJIME (活締殺魚)手法所处理的石斑鱼(前)以及刺身基本款鲑鱼(后) ^^
饱满的干贝 ^^

淡菜在日本料理名气虽然不甚响亮但料理得当也蛮不错的说 ;)
海鲜蒸し煮,活締殺魚手法所处理的石斑鱼以及红鲷鱼搭配鲍鱼、干贝、淡菜 b^^d

好了介绍完Ikejime这就言归正传来为大家解答,究竟这样的手法所处理的鱼儿味道如何呢? ;)

本次师傅采用Ikejime手法处理的主角除了日式料理里较常见的刺身常客红鲷鱼之外还有不多见的石斑鱼刺身哦,据师傅表示本土养殖的石斑鱼一般不会以刺身方式呈现,而这一次全赖活締殺魚手法在保存了鱼肉鲜美的同时亦放血确保了食用安全才有特别的生食石斑体验 ^^

鲔鱼、鲔鱼中腹、鲑鱼、鲷鱼&石斑鱼刺身~ 我都喜欢啊 b^^d
Assorted Sashimi-IKEJIME Grouper & Red Snapper
鲔鱼腹的粉红色泽很诱人啊有木有 ;)

初尝石斑鱼刺身鲜美带有海鲜独有甜味的鱼肉味道让人印象颇为深刻,鲜美的味道随着带嚼劲的肉质在口里缓缓释放感觉超棒的 b^^d 活締殺取的红鲷鱼刺身同样让人惊艳,相较于以往个人尝过的红鲷鱼刺身采活締殺取手法处理的红鲷鱼肉质更为绵密细致味道也更加鲜美,突然觉得Ikejime手法很厉害啊 ;)

Prime Ikejime Fish Roll with Spring Onion & Chinese Coriander l 活締殺取鱼寿司,没想到香菜青葱用来制作寿司还蛮搭的啊 b^^d

除了刺身以及寿司活締殺取手法处理的鱼肉同样也可以经由不同料理方式而呈现出不同的口感与滋味哦,采用类似天妇罗做法鱼肉外酥内嫩香气十足,海鲜蒸し煮(Mushini)则藉由寿喜烧或柚子酱料带出鱼肉的鲜甜以及更为丰富的味觉体验,铁板烧则是喜好烧烤香气的吃货们所不容错过的料理方式 ^^

Deep-fried Ikejime Grouper with Ginger Flavoured Tabasco Nazu l 酥炸活締殺取石斑鱼
Seafood Mushini Hot Pot Ikejime Grouper, Red Snapper, Abalone, Scallops, Mussels & Mushrooms l 海鲜蒸し煮,口味偏重的朋友们可以选择甜中带咸的寿喜烧酱汁,偏好清爽的吃货们则推荐大家选择酸甜的柚子酱汁 ;)
Ikejime Red Snapper, Abalone, Scallops & Mussels Teppanyaki
活締殺取红鲷鱼、鲍鱼、干贝、淡菜铁板烧,霸气美味啊 b^^d
全赖师傅精细的刀工鲍鱼虽然整颗料理口感却恰到好处带嚼劲却不会太老,搭配照烧酱感觉棒棒哒 ^^
ending 还是不能免俗要来点冰冰凉凉浓郁疗愈的红豆抹茶冰淇凌啦 ;)

想尝鲜的吃货朋友们请戳下边链接以获取更多关于Hilton PJ Genji日本料理餐厅的讯息 ;)

Genji Japanese Restaurant 
Petaling Jaya Hilton, 2, Jalan Barat,
Seksyen 52, 46200 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Phone: +60 3 7955 9122
Business hours: 
Lunch: 12:00 - 2:30 pm (Mon-Sat)
Dinner: 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm (Mon-Sun)

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