Friday, 5 February 2016

太子軒 2016猴年新春团圆宴 l Tai Zi Heen CNY Menu 2016 @ Pullman KLCC

年二九小年夜正式进入倒数24小时,在大年初一即将来临之际2016农历新年年菜系列特辑在进行了近一个月洋洋洒洒数十篇新春年菜po文的热烈放送后也正式迈入完结篇啦(错过之前各式美味年菜佳肴的吃货们请使用关键字‘chinese new year menu 以及 CNY2016’在部落格右上方搜索栏自行找寻美食 ^^),美味年菜飘香不停本年度新春年菜系列收官之作在此为大家诚意献上吉隆坡市中心铂尔曼居所酒店(Pullman Kuala Lumpur City Centre Hotel & Residences)专属中餐厅太子軒(Tai Zi Heen)2016猴年新春团圆,各式年菜佳肴欢迎大家前来品尝啦 ;)

太子軒 (Tai Zi Heen) @ Pullman Kuala Lumpur City Centre Hotel & Residences
太子軒 (Tai Zi Heen) @ Level 2, Pullman KLCC
设计简洁带中国风的太子軒餐厅包厢 ^^

虽然不久前刚进行品牌重塑并且仍在持续升级中,但吉隆坡市中心铂尔曼居所酒店(Pullman Kuala Lumpur City Centre Hotel & Residences)中餐厅太子軒(Tai Zi Heen)厨房团队主力依然是由主厨Chef Michael Wong领军的老班底,因此这里除了保留美味且cp值超高的中式点心,应申火猴年所推出的猴年新春团圆亦是卖相味道俱佳的好味道,还没决定小年夜团圆饭/农历新年聚餐地点的吃货朋友们千万别错过啦;)

太子軒这一农历新年的猴年新春团圆一共推出了包括吉庆华堂宴大展宏图宴以及恭喜发财宴的三款新春团圆套餐,每款九道菜十人份的套餐售分别为 RM 1788, RM 2288 以及 RM 2788,除此之外想加码的吃货朋友们这里亦有六款各具特色的鸿运鱼生以及数十道主厨推荐年菜佳肴让大家选择 ^^

脆白饭鱼捞生 l Crispy Whitebait Yee Sang
加入香脆白饭鱼的捞生多了鱼香和更多层次的口感,是这里的招牌特色 :)
用料十足汤味清甜的花胶菜胆炖汤 l
Double-boiled Chicken and Vegetable Soup with Fish Maw and Sun-dried Scallops b^^d
海参羊肚菌蚝士青白仔,有别于一般餐厅以花菇搭配蚝士的做法主厨很用心地选用了口感及味道更棒也更珍稀的食药两用真菌羊肚菌入菜,软中带脆的羊肚菌带有囊菌独有的鲜美风味独特超好吃der,大加分啊~ l Braised Sea Cucumbers with Morels Mushroom, Sun-dried Oysters and Baby Pak Choy b^^d
金沙蒜味烤鸡 l Roasted Five Spice Chicken Sprinkle with Crispy Garlic and Spring Onions
鲜果鱼子虾球 l Crispy Prawn Coated with Lemon Dressing, Tropical Fruit Salsa and Tobiko Caviar ^^
除了Q弹大虾和水果搭配出超和谐的口感外,英式红茶放入干冰烟雾缭绕效果的摆盘也超酷的有木有 ;)
双菇蒸龙虎斑 l Steamed Dragon-tiger Grouper with Mushrooms in Soy Sauce, Spring Onions and Fresh Coriander b^^d
浓浓鸭香包裹着柔软糯米粒的港式腊鸭香饭 l Stir-fried Glutinous Rice with Chinese-style preserved Duck ;)
最后的摆盘超漂亮的甜点流沙芝麻枣拼冰皮甜薯,冰冰凉凉的冰皮甜薯搭配热乎乎包裹着蛋黄流沙的芝麻枣球让人吃出了冰火二重天的感觉,完美~ l Deep-fried Sesame Balls with Salted Egg Yolk Crustard and Sweet Potato b^^d
包裹着蛋黄流沙的芝麻枣球,一不小心就磕了三球,真心好吃 b^^d

吉隆坡市中心铂尔曼居所酒店(Pullman Kuala Lumpur City Centre Hotel & Residences)专属中餐厅太子軒(Tai Zi Heen)2016猴年新春团圆将由即日起至2月22日推出,更多关于太子軒2016猴年新春团圆套餐详情请参阅以下酒店官网及脸书链接 ;) 

太子軒 Tai Zi Heen
Level 2, Pullman Kuala Lumpur City Centre Hotel & Residences, 
4 Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: +60 3 2170 8888
Website: >Pullman KLCC<

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Thursday, 4 February 2016

Chinese New Year Prosperity Buffet 2016 @ Palace Of The Golden Horses

There's nothing more fun than to usher in the Year of the Monkey with some mouthwatering authentic Chinese cuisine ;) If you've yet to decide where to savour your lunar new year treat come check out the 'Prosperity' buffet spread at Carousel International Coffeehouse, Palace of the Golden Horses. Undergone a face-lift not to long ago the Carousel International Coffeehouse at Palace of the Golden Horses is set to welcome patrons with a wonderfully displayed 'Prosperity' buffet :)

Spearheaded by Executive Sous Chef, S. Mageswaran and his kitchen brigade, the 'Prosperity' buffet to welcome the Year of the Monkey include an array of Chinese, international and local delights from six rotating menus, alongside with a variety of lovely appetisers and desserts ;)

Palace of the Golden Horses
Carousel International Coffeehouse, Palace of the Golden Horses
Carousel International Coffeehouse, Palace of the Golden Horses

In line with the festive season, enjoy the ‘3+1 Deal’ throughout the Carousel International Coffeehouse promotion: For every three (3) paying guests, the fourth (4th) get to dine absolutely FREE! Children between ages of 5 – 12 years and senior citizens aged 60 and above enjoy a 50 % discount for the 'Prosperity' buffet ^^

sense of CNY in the house ;)
Candied Yam with Mixed Fruits
Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb with Black Pepper Sauce b^^d
Steamed Fish Fillet with Minced Ginger
Salt Baked Chicken with Herbs b^^d
Chinese Lo Han Mixed Vegetables 

Other than the mains which includes offerings of deep fried chicken with five spices, steamed sea bass with black bean sauce, deep fried spicy prawns in spicy tomato sauce, stir-fried kalian with crab meat sauce, Cantonese style salt baked whole chicken and Irish lamb stew with leek and potato amongst others; there will be other action stalls serving a variety of noodles, assorted steamed buns & dim sum and meat carvings that will surely tantalise your taste buds.

action stalls serving a variety of noodles, assorted steamed buns & dim sum ;)
dim sum~

Also serve alongside the mains on the buffet line is a variety of appetisers that will fascinate salad lovers, some of the dishes include baby octopus salad, prawn young mango salad, chicken liver terrine, mussels with mango chilli salsa, trio braised duck, Thai chicken salad with coriander, Hawaiian chicken salad with capsicum, vegetarian goose, kerabu mangga and rojak buah-buahan. 

On top of that a “yee sang” stall with mouthwatering smoked salmon is available for patrons to pile up on the condiments and ‘toss’ for good fortune in 2016 ;)

a variety of appetisers & desserts ^^
“yee sang” stall with condiments and mouthwatering smoked salmon ;)
smoked salmon ^^
“yee sang”
‘toss’ for good fortune in 2016 ^^
a variety of appetisers ;)

For dessert lovers be pleased with a spread of more than 30 choices to choose from including chocolate pudding with vanilla sauce, pengat keledek, lychee & apricot crumble, assorted ice-cream with condiments, chilled honey dew with tapioca pearls, assorted Nyonya kuih, deep fried sesame ball, Chinese lotus pancake and the list goes on… ;)

dessert lovers favourites ;)


The Carousel International Coffeehouse 'Prosperity' buffet is priced at RM 88 nett (Adult) and RM 43 nett (Child) for lunch and RM 115 nett (Adult) and RM 58 nett (Child) for dinner. For Chinese New Year Eve reunion dinner an extensive buffet priced at RM 138 nett (Adult) and RM 68 nett (Child) with a notable selection of sushi and maki rolls in addition to the feast for the evening will be ready to welcome patrons at Carousel International Coffeehouse, Palace of the Golden Horses :)

Carousel International Coffeehouse
 LG Level, Palace Of The Golden Horses
Jalan Kuda Emas, Mines Wellness City,
43300, Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia.
Phone:+60 3-8946 4888 (Ext. 3781)

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Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Edo Ichi Japanese Restaurant @ Nexus Bangsar South, KL

相较于其它雪隆区的大型购物商场来说距离马大及谷中城不远的Nexue Bangsar South是相对较新的一个休闲生活广场,虽然规模不大但是却有着不少的食肆,而其中个人最近造访位于Nexus Bangsar South广场底楼的江户一 Edo Ichi Japanese Restaurant更是让人有眼前一亮的感觉,这里除了有亮眼的装潢还藏着不少日式美食哦,喜爱日本料理的吃货们要注意啦前方新鲜美味厚切刺身以及各式日式美食来袭 :P

江户一 Edo Ichi Japanese RestaurantG-4 Ground FloorNexus Bangsar South, KL
江户一 Edo Ichi Japanese Restaurant @ Nexus Bangsar South

位于Nexue Bangsar South底楼G-4的江户一Edo Ichi日式餐厅装潢着重的是空间感与隐秘性,温暖的灯光搭配简洁却不失设计感的木质装饰与桌椅营造出一个舒适的用餐环境,除了一般长形桌椅餐厅也有寿司吧台以及四间以四季命名的包厢 :)

江户一日式餐厅,装潢空间与设计感兼具 ;)
包厢里也一样很有空间感,六个人舒适的用餐完全没问题 ;)

到访时因为快过年了所以应景的来个新年捞生,结果意外地发现了Edo Ichi的日式鸿运鱼生居然超赞的,除了用料实在色彩缤纷漂亮的摆盘很吸睛之外,份量诚意十足的厚切三文鱼绝对是加分的大亮点啊,感觉cp值很高哦,大推大推 b^^d

Edo Ichi春节限定日式鸿运鱼生
漂亮美味日式鸿运鱼生内用外带自家送礼皆宜哦 b^^d
搭配日式鸿运鱼生份量诚意十足的厚切三文鱼.. 流口水-ing b^^d
特调的捞生酱甜度适中搭配得也刚刚好哦 ;)

日式料理当然少不了新鲜美味的厚切sashimi啦,Edo Ichi 除了鲑鱼、鲔鱼、干贝、黄狮鱼等常见的新鲜刺身这里也有老饕最爱的海胆、鲔鱼肚等高级空运刺身哦 ;)

新鲜的今夜刺身 Konnya Sashimi b^^d (RM 65 fr 2-3px/ RM 95 fr 3-4px)
刺身就是要厚切啊有木有 ^^

除了一般日式料理菜单上常见的寿司、刺身、天妇罗、铁板烧、蒸物、定食丼物等,Edo Ichi也有颇具特色的单点料理哦,譬如以香煎鹅肝搭配日本山药的Foie Gras To Nagaimo Steak、加入清酒起司明太酱一同料理的焗烤生蚝Kaki Mentai Cheese Yaki以及以炸米饭替代一般披萨饼皮以鲑鱼及鳗鱼为佐料的Edo Ichi Pizza都是在這里可以点到创意且不失美味的特色日式料理 ;)

以香煎鹅肝搭配日本山药的Foie Gras To Nagaimo Steak b^^d (RM 52)
Hotate To kinoko Butter Yaki (RM 28)
加入清酒,起司,明太酱一同料理的焗烤生蚝Kaki Mentai Cheese Yaki
Kaki Mentai Cheese Yaki
份量超大的日式炒荞麦面Mentai Yaki Soba ^^ (RM 30)
Shoujin Tempura Moriawase ^^ (RM 55) 
以炸米饭替代披萨饼皮再以鲑鱼及鳗鱼为佐料的Edo Ichi Pizza
Edo Ichi Pizza

最后小提醒一下想到这里品尝日式美食及订购日式鱼生的吃货朋友们江户一 Edo Ichi Japanese Restaurant @ Nexus Bangsar South农历新年期间会在2月7及号休业两天哦,吃货朋友们要记得留意啦,更多餐厅详情可查看以下链接/致电洽询 ;)

 江户一 Edo Ichi Japanese Restaurant
Unit G-4, Ground Floor, Nexus, Bangsar South, 
No. 7, Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +603 2242 2022

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