Tuesday, 27 December 2016

台湾极品火锅「春秋戰鍋」霸气登陆大马!ft. 超吸睛烟云奔腾将军霜降牛@严选高级肉品 @寿喜烧鸳鸯锅 @无限续盘 @华丽气派中国风


低调奢华结合春秋战国元素及文创风格的餐厅外观,中国古式砖泥墙面,古色古香的古典窗栏式隔间,高挂的大红灯笼,兵马俑与战鼓的点缀,甫踏入春秋戰鍋迎面而来的便是一场精彩的视觉飨宴,而这一切还只是开始而已.. ;)

春秋戰鍋@ Lot 306, Batu 3, Jalan Klang Lama 
古色古香的古典窗栏式隔间,木质桌椅以及高挂的大红灯笼,中国风是这里的装潢主轴 ;)
低调奢华结合春秋战国元素及文创风格的餐厅外观保证绝对吸睛 ;)

作为台湾千叶连锁餐饮集团在马来西亚全新开创的寿喜烧吃到饱品牌,春秋戰鍋走的可不是一般的火锅店路线,除了华丽气派让人眼前一亮的中国风餐厅装潢,餐厅在食材方面也同样用心,各种严选高级肉品—烟云奔腾将军霜降牛 (Australian Striploin)、干将梅花猪 (Pork Belly)、莫邪烟熏猪前腿 (Pork Shoulder)、金陵樱桃鸭 (Duck Roll)—,台湾空运特色丸子、精选汤底、鸳鸯锅等等.. 一切一切只为了确保食客以及吃货朋友们能在火锅的感官享受和味蕾上皆收获最大的满足 ^^

各种严选高级肉品、丸子以及时蔬,搭配的是六种任君挑选的特色汤底 ^^
据老板表示这里的食材其中80 % 可是直接由台湾空运/海运过来的保证原汁原味哦 ;)

既然是火锅汤底当然也是不可忽略的主角,春秋戰鍋一共有六种包括了壽喜湯底 (Sukiyaki Soup),湖盐汤底 (Lakesalt Soup), 高级豚骨汤底 (Tonkatsu Soup), 蒙古麻辣汤底 (Spicy Soup), 台湾药膳汤底 (Herbal Soup)以及东炎汤底 (Tomyam Soup)供大家选择,因为是鸳鸯锅所以汤底上可以有至少两种口味的变化 ;)

个人超爱这里的春秋中国风 b^^d

除了华丽气派中国风餐厅装潢加上贴心台湾式待客和服务,重点是各种来自澳大利亚与纽西兰的顶级肉品全都无限续盘哦感觉实在是太棒啦~~~ b^^d

春秋戰鍋@ Lot 306, Batu 3, Jalan Klang Lama,截然不同的用餐氛围绝对颠覆大家对一般传统吃到饱火锅餐厅的刻板印象 ^^
酱料也是火锅的重要元素,除了个人喜欢的的沙茶酱、芝麻酱等酱料之外大家也可以自己DIY搭配出独家专属酱料哦 ^^

在这里为大家插播介绍一个餐厅独门酱汁——黄金蛋黄酱汁:芝麻酱适量+一颗蛋黄,撒上葱花及七味粉,使用前搅拌均匀再把涮过的肉片蘸着吃即可,话说这个酱汁和各种肉片都超搭的 ;)

餐厅独门酱汁——黄金蛋黄酱汁,蘸上酱汁的肉片更加香滑风味更佳 ^^
超级台湾味的卤肉饭,这个我喜欢! b^^d
清爽开胃的招牌珍馐三味:梅漬蕃茄、黄金泡菜、芒香藕片 b^^d
我们点的是壽喜(左)和湖盐汤底  ;)
在超中国风的氛围里享受暖呼呼的美味火锅感觉超棒der~~~ ^^

各种严选高级肉品包括干将梅花猪、莫邪烟熏猪前腿、金陵樱桃鸭、霜王雪花牛、诸葛嫩肩里肌羊等都各具风味 ^^
超吸睛的烟云奔腾将军霜降牛,简单的原味已经很鲜美 b^^d
还带点粉嫩粉嫩的肉片很诱人啊 ^^

除了食肉派朋友们喜爱的各种特选肉品之外另一在春秋戰鍋不容错过的便是这里的各种特色丸子啦,话说春秋戰鍋可是有着包括了芥未丸芝麻烧章鱼烧虾球王手打肉丸火腿肉丸猪筋丸精品墨鱼丸等多达近二十种的特色丸子啊,其中的芥未丸、芝麻烧、章鱼烧、虾球王、手打肉丸、火腿肉丸都是个人超爱的美味丸子们啊 b^^d

包括了芥未丸、芝麻烧、章鱼烧、虾球王、手打肉丸、火腿肉丸、猪筋丸、精品墨鱼丸等多达近二十种的特色丸子在春秋戰鍋恭候您的大驾 b^^d

各种丸子是各有各精彩啊 b^^d
春秋鸡柳条 (Chicken Fillet)
各种新鲜时蔬 :)

除了各种主食肉品丸子等美味春秋戰鍋的甜品也非常有特色,微甜不腻口的紫米红豆汤,带有红豆粒的红豆霜淇淋以及酸甜酸甜的柠檬砂糖片都是享用火锅后不错的饭后甜点,而咸甜咸甜跟汤圆长得很像的麻糬烧也是另一值得一试的特色甜点,相比其他一般般的普通吃到饱火锅店这里的用心与美味绝对是高cp值的超棒选择啊 ^^

类似汤圆的麻糬烧,口感却更Q更丰富 ;)
春秋戰鍋的位置就在Old Klang Road边上,装潢低调奢华的深灰色独栋建筑相当好认 ;)

更多关于Chunciou Hot Pot Malaysia 马来西亚「春秋戰鍋可点击他们家脸书 @ https://www.facebook.com/chunciouhotpotmalaysia/查看,目前春秋戰鍋soft launch期间各种美味严选高级肉品丸子时蔬寿喜烧鸳鸯锅等无限续盘成人每人只从RM 75+起 ;)

Chunciou Hot Pot Malaysia 马来西亚「春秋戰鍋
Lot 306, Batu 3, 
Jalan Klang Lama 
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 012-6882860
Business hours: 12:00 - 15:00, 17:00 - 23:00 (Mon-Sun)

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Friday, 23 December 2016

Tiger STREATS Gathered Foodies Under One Roof For an Intriguing Culinary Experience ft. Michelin-starred Street Food Chef Hawker Chan & Contemporary Chef Jeff Ramsey

Over 700 food lovers sat shoulder to shoulder around the street food table, sharing ice-cold Tiger beers at Tiger STREATS. Held at a vibrant street meets fine dining pop-up restaurant, MH Platinum Warehouse in Setapak, guests were in for a dramatic mash-up between two chefs who are worlds apart, but share the honour of a Michelin Star fame in the culinary world ;)

Tiger STREATS pop-up dining @ MH Platinum Warehouse in Setapak ^^
Tiger STREATS pop-up dining ^^
a toast to Tiger ;)

The world’s first ‘street food meets fine dining’ culinary collaboration featured Hawker Chan, of the first hawker stand to win a prestigious Michelin Star - Hong Kong Soya Sauce Chicken Rice and Noodle in Singapore and Jeff Ramsey, former Executive Chef at the Michelin-starred Mandarin Oriental Tokyo hotel, and current owner and chef of progressive modernist restaurant Babe KL.

Brand Ambassadors at Tiger STREATS ;)

Guests were treated to a menu of contrasts by both chefs starting with appetisers by Chef Ramsey called ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ an intriguing take on well-loved local favourites nasi lemak and roti banjir.  This was followed by ‘Laksa Injections’, tubes packed with the flavours of three types of laksa b^^d

Down the Rabbit Hole by Chef Jeff Ramsey ^^
Laksa Injections by Chef Jeff Ramsey ;)

Hawker Chan’s signature Chicken Rice was next on the menu, giving the crowd a chance to taste the dish which attracted the attention of the Michelin judges b^^d Those with a sweet tooth found delight in the dessert, a collaboration between Hawker Chan and Chef Ramsey called ‘Two Makes a Blossom’. This culinary masterpiece, created exclusively for Tiger STREATS, featured an aromatic combination of Asian pears with a rosewater and honey mousse that enhanced the homely taste of the classic flower jelly. Fermented Roselle and its syrup coupled with a mint garnishing topped off this breezy dessert.

Chef Jeff Ramsey and Hawker Chan Hon Meng preparing their dishes at Tiger STREATS b^^d
Chef Jeff Ramsey and Hawker Chan Hon Meng tossing the yee sang at Tiger STREATS ^^
Chef Jeff Ramsey and Hawker Chan Hon Meng with their dishes at Tiger STREATS b^^d
Michelin-Starred Soya Sauce Chicken by Hawker Chan b^^d

exceptional indeed!! b^^d

Guests were in for another surprise when the hawker stations were revealed, offering everyone more food to enjoy. Prepared by renowned food establishments in Malaysia - Tujo Bar-sserie & Grill, Chocha Foodstores, Hoppers, and Inside Scoop - the hawker stations carried contemporary interpretations of local street food where guests were able to have a bite of traditional food with a touch of modernity. 

Nasi Lemak Appam by Hoppers
Loh Mai Kai with a Twist by Tujo Bar-serrie & Grill
Fried Cempedak Ice Cream by Inside Scoop

Alongside the great food, there were also some amazing performances by Tiger Jams finalists, Rozella and Son of a Policeman, to keep the crowd entertained. 

Rozella @ Tiger STREATS
Son of a Policeman @ Tiger STREATS
DJ Ruud of Indiego spinning at Tiger STREATS 0oo0 0oo0
guests at the Headline Generator Wall at Tiger STREATS ;)

As the night went on, guests were presented with an unexpected Tiger STREATS inspired Yee Sang dish in conjunction with the commencement of Tiger Beer’s Chinese New Year 2017 campaign. Prepared with a new twist on tradition to kick off the new lunar year, the Yee Sang dish was filled with unexpected ingredients such as dried prawn crackers and satay sauce for added abundance and prosperity in the year ahead.

Tiger STREATS yee sang ;)
 an early yee sang  tossing @ Tiger STREATS ;)

It was indeed a night to be remembered as guests went home safely, leveraging on the special tie-up between Tiger STREATS and GRAB that offered a safe promo code ride. For more information on Tiger STREATS and to view photos from the event, please visit Tiger Beer’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/tigerbeermy.  

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Thursday, 8 December 2016

Honda Civic Blogger Touring Drive Experience 2016 #RidetheDreamCivic

Honda Civic Blogger Touring Drive Experience 2016—— #RidetheDreamCivic ^^ 

15 bloggers, 5 All-New 10th generation Civic equipped with first in its segment 1.5L VTEC Turbocharged engine/1.8L i-VTEC variant, and an open road of possibilities.. Yes guys, in case you don't already know, the 10th generation Honda Civic has arrived and thanks to the lovely folks from Honda Malaysia a few of us were invited for an exciting touring experience with this awesomely cool ride, and the 2D1N experience was nothing short of spectacular ^^ 

Honda Civic Blogger Touring Drive Experience 2016——15 bloggers, 5 All-New 10th generation Civic, and an open road of possibilities.. #RidetheDreamCivic ^^ 
flange off & ready to roll ^^
faces behind the wheels ;)

Set forth to represents the most comprehensive and ambitious new-model developments ever undertake by Honda, the All-New Civic has indeed take things up a notch not only by the incorporation of the much anticipated Earth Dream Technology developed turbocharged engine, but also in many other aspects such as the eye-catching stylish design, dynamic performance, fuel-efficiency (Energy Efficient Vehicle certified), spaciousness, class leading interior quality and safety features b^^d     

one of the two brand new colors of the All-New Civic——Lunar Silver Metallic, my color of choice ;)  
Trunk Spoiler Wing & C-shaped LED taillights b^^d

Our journey began with a city ride from KL to Selayang and later on to Setia City Convention Centre Carpark, where the All-New Civic were tested for its impeccable safety features b^^d All variants of the All-New Civic are equipped with Honda's top class safety features: VSA (Vehicle Stability Assistant), ABS (Anti-Lock Braking System), EBS (Electronic Brake Distribution), BA (Brake Assist), HSA (Hill Start Assist), ESS (Emergency Stop Signal), ISOFIX and 6 airbags.   

ESS (Emergency Stop Signal) that causes the hazard lights to flash during sudden brake at high speed
ESS (Emergency Stop Signal)
super comfy spacious interior at both front and rear seats :)
the All-New Civic
the Dark Ruby Red Pearl Civic

Completely redesigned to be the most convenient and connected Civic, the All-New Civic also comes with some super user friendly advance features, Remote Engine Starter, Walk Away Auto Lock, Electric Parking Brake and my personal favourite Auto Brake Hold (superbly useful in the congested KL traffic :P) are some of the features firstly introduced in Civic ^^   

Remote Engine Starter, you can start your Honda from up to 10 meters away before going outside in the cold or heat :)

As for the vehicle maintenance, no extra hassles required in maintaining the efficiency of the turbocharged engine, a standard service at 88 Honda dealers available nationwide will do the trick (5 years warranty with unlimited mileage with a service interval of 10,000 km) ;)

Car Service demo @ Honda Kah Motor Selayang Service Centre
Honda Kah Motor Selayang Service Centre
Honda is the first Japanese mass market automotive manufacturer to introduce a turbo engine in the C-segment ;)

The stops along the way for our Honda Civic Blogger Touring Drive Experience 2016 were equally pleasing as most of them comes with either tasty treats or exciting scenes ;) 

Closer Kitchen & Espresso Bar @ Mutiara Damansara. Petaling Jaya
Closer Kitchen & Espresso Bar
pure cold pressed Banana-Rama smoothie ;)
The Battle of Chicken Chop
a must try guilty pleasure, gula melaka, caramel brittle and banana in perfect harmony  b^^d

Congested traffic on our way back to Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral, Auto Brake Hold tested and certified excellent. Simply press on the brake hold button and the vehicle will retains brake pressure when it comes to a stop, no more tired leg from continually pressing the brake pedal during heavy traffic b^^d

Auto Brake Hold tested and certified excellent b^^d
Econ Button to help enhance your fuel efficiency while driving
Honda Civic Blogger Touring Drive Experience 2016 #RidetheDreamCivic ^^
cool Reversing Camera ;)

Putting a pause on our first day touring drive for a relaxing and pleasant stay at Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral before raise the bar a little tomorrow.. Up next: KL–Karak Expressway ;) 

SPG Keyless now available at select Starwood hotels, including Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral, simply download the Starwood's SPG app and you get to skip the check-in line, unlocking your hotel room with the wave of a smart phone ;)
rooftop pool @ Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral
spacious Loft Rooms at Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral with comfy king size bed, Ideal for urban travelers b^^d
33 m2 room with a wall mounted 42" LCD Flat Screen TV and a plug & play entertainment system :) 
Loft Rooms @ Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral
@ Aloft KL Sentral
nice chillax spot @ Mai Bar, Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral's Tiki themed rooftop bar ;)
Nook at @ Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral
tasty breakfast feels wonderful at the uniquely designed restaurant ambiance ;)

After an impressive urban drive performance, we decided to raise the bar a little by taking a ride down the KL–Karak Expressway, and both the variant 1.5L VTEC Turbocharged and 1.8L i-VTEC does not disappoint. If you're looking for a solid performer with smooth linear acceleration, the 1.8L unit definitely suits you well, as for those who're looking for something fun to drive with an extra 'kick' at acceleration, the 1.5L VTEC Turbocharged with a total output of 174 horsepower (say equivalent to 2.4L regular engine) will be your ideal choice ;) 

taking a ride down the KL–Karak Expressway #RidetheDreamCivic ^^
words can’t describe just how awesome the Civic's stability performance is, going 109 at cornering and it feels like we're at 80 km/hr b^^d

7" Advance Display Audio with the addition of Apple CarPlay™ (Android Auto equivalent), now you get to play you favourite playlist on your phone while driving and replying text/call via car's audio system ;)
Electrostatic Switch

most pleasant drive down the KL-Karak Expressway, cheers~ #RidetheDreamCivic ^^

Thanks to the wonderfully build All-New Civic the joyful ride from Karak (Bentong) Petronas to our lunch spot at The Garage KL took us only 20 minutes ;)

The Garage KL
Lunch @ The Garage KL :)
Barbecue Chicken Wings
Gaffe Club Sandwich
Seafood Marinara Pasta
Honda Civic Blogger Touring Drive Experience 2016, the White Orchid Pearl Civic @ The Garage KL #RidetheDreamCivic
Our 2 convoys each goes by lead 1 & 2 finally merge on our ride to the last destination——Putrajaya Marina Complex, time for some exciting splash down Sunday to tune down the heat ;)

C-shaped LED taillights in action ;) 
Honda Civic Blogger Touring Drive Experience 2016 #RidetheDreamCivic
Honda Civic Blogger Touring Drive Experience 2016 @ Putrajaya #RidetheDreamCivic

Extreme sport time! Getting ready to experience the Flyboarding for the very fist time in my life, one more item on my “Life's bucket list” checked thanks to Honda Malaysia b^^d

Flyboard Malaysia exclusive @ Marina Putrajaya :)
Flyboard Malaysia exclusive @ Marina Putrajaya :) #RidetheDreamCivic
Marina Putrajaya

instructor demo
the pro make it looks so easy ;)

Stand Up Paddling session for warm-up :P

#myFlyboardingtime  #RidetheDreamCivic
#myFlyboardingtime  #RidetheDreamCivic b^^d

And that's a wrap for our wonderful Honda Civic Blogger Touring Drive Experience 2016 with the All-New 10th generation Civic #RidetheDreamCivic

The All-New Civic is now available in five colours, Dark Ruby Red PearlModern Steel MetallicCrystal Black Pearl, and two brand new colours, my favourite Lunar Silver Metallic and White Orchid Pearl.  

Lunar Silver Metallic Honda Civic, my personal favourite b^^d
All-New Civic is now available in five colours ;)

Offering 'D-Segment Value' at 'C-Segment Pricing', the All-New 10th generation Civic pricing starts at RM 113,800 on-the-road with insurance. For more information on the All-New Civic simply visit your nearby Honda dealer; call Honda's Toll Free number at 1-800-88-2020 or log-in to https://www.honda.com.my/ or http://www.ridethedream.my/ to discover more about the exciting features of the All-New Civic ;) #RidetheDreamCivic

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